[Approved by Pegasus] Crystal Forest Topic is solved

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Crystal Forest

Crystal Forest
A dense, dense forest, Crystal Forest gets it’s name from it’s most common tree, Gemmi’s- sought after for their gems and their bark. That said, the forest is largely unexplored- those who have gone usually come back traumatized, either speaking of a monster or with head/bad injuries if even alive. That said, it’s a point of interest- Hardened explorers are known to attempt to conquer both the forest and the Gambit’s Gate, and though none have succeeded, some have told tales that keep explores from going without preparation. It’s a rumored that to enter safely you must appease the Guardian but how exactly is unknown, and to-trial no one has ever gone further than the entrance line. Not much else is known about it.


Name: Resthi
Race: Ithecal (Paltharnum)
Birthday/Age: Arc 676, (45)
Title: Forest Guardian
Skills: Field Craft (Master), Strength (Expert), Hunting (Expert) Axe: War (Master), Athletics (Competent) Detection (Competent), Intimidation (Novice), Navigation (Expert)
Details:A largely solitary Ithecal, Resthi isn’t open with how he got to to Ishallr or what exactly he does and why he stays there. It’s clear he’s been there for a while- as he seems to know the place by hand. But he doesn’t usually appear to others unless its a necessity. He claims to be a loner, enjoying the open and freedom of being the sole caretaker of the forest. Because of his tough skin, Resthi has no problem with the falling gems- but he also doesn’t disturb them save for picking them up and occasionally planting them. While Resthi seems docile and calm, his temper is dangerous. He protects the forest as if it were his one and only home, and he doesn’t let anyone so much a touch a gem if he can stop it. Resthi usually sleeps in the trees and is partially to blame that the forest is largely unexplored.

Gemmi Trees


Short Description: Mostly known for giving the Crystal forest it’s name, Gemmi Trees are a winter tree that tends to bear gems instead of leaves. These gem trees can range, but mostly commonly they’re white opal sprouts. The seem to only grown in very cold temperatures and are known to be massive.

Found: In freezing temperature areas, though they tend to be rarer outside of Ishallr.

Toxicity/Hazard: Depends on the gem they produce, but usually its low to none. When they reach maturity the gems fall off and bloom again so those walking underfoot should be cautious.

Appearance: Gemmi Trees are very, very tall trees that produce gems instead of leaves. The gem they develop depends on the nutrients in their soil, but it’s more often it’s a common seni-precious gem (Opal, Quartz, Jade, Pearl). Rare gems are harder to find, but not impossible. The trunks come in various shades of black and gray, usually the darker ones produce lighter gemstone sand the darkers produce lights.

Properties: Depends on the gem (Opal Gemmis have a darker wood, and the branches tend to to be dark grey and sometimes black. The tree itself might take on characteristics of the gem: opacity, luminescence, etc), but the trunks are known for being very dense and strong- that said the wood is very special and can be used in a number of crafting projects. While the trees only grow to maturity in cold weather, younger sprouts can be harvested and planted elsewhere, though once the remaining gems fall they don’t regrow as the cold stimulates the trees growth. Fire resistant bark extends to the wood depending on the trees maturity- it takes a few arcs for the chemical makeup to be absorbed.

Rarity: Common-Rare

How To Use: Once the gems have fallen they can be picked up and used as any gem would be. The trunks are special wood, and require very good axes and strength to harvest.

Side Effects: Again if the gem has special properties the tree might inherit some but not enough to be worth any trouble. Labradorite Gemmis might be iridescent for example.

Status: Legal

Price: Tier 6


Fast Facts Skill Levels Required:
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: Master
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: 7
-- Idalos: 7
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: n/a
-- Scalvoris: Rare
-- Idalos: Rare
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: Expert
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Competent
Using It
-- Expert to use the lumber, as it requires more force and strength to work with.
Killing It
-- n/a
Capturing It
-- n/a
— n/a
Tending It
-- Competent

Gemmi Wood

Type of Material: Wood

Short Description A wood with a nice sheen, Gemmi wood comes from Gemmi trees.

Found See Gemmi trees.

Toxicity/Hazard Depends on the gem the tree produces.

Appearance Form blacks, grays, and whites, Gemmi would appears like normal lumber save their metallic sheen. Gemmi Wood is very sturdy though, and houses made out of them are supposedly element resistant.

Properties See Toxicity/Hazard.

Rarity Rare

How To Use As you would regular wood.

Side Effects See Toxicity/Hazard.

Status Legal

Price Tier 6

Notes n/a

Fast Facts Skill Levels Required
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: Expert
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: 7
-- Idalos: 7
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: n/a
-- Scalvoris: Rare
-- Idalos: Rare
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: Expert
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Competent
Using It
-- Competent to use the lumber, as it requires more force and strength to work with.
Killing It
-- n/a
Capturing It
-- n/a
— n/a
Tending It
-- n/a

Player Notes

 ! Message from: Pegasus
Please leave this for me to fill in


Credits to: Shl’drei
Submitted for Development: 2/4/2021
Developed by: Shl’drei
Last edited by Shl'Drei on Sat Feb 06, 2021 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 958
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Re: Crystal Forest

Lovely idea! I love this in principle, but want to clarify a few things before approving.

  1. None!
  • Could you "tidy up" the write up a bit - although I understand phrases such as "going all willy-nilly" English is not a first language for all ST users, so we should try and keep write ups as factual and clear as possible. Thank you!
  • The trees are interesting - could you clarify what gems (I presume it's semi-precious stones only) they drop? What are the side effects you talk of in there?
  • The tree fast facts - I think knowing about it would be Master outside of Scalv? But tending it is a possibility, since this is growing it / looking after it.
  • If the bark of the tree is fire resistant - is the wood the same?
  • If toxicity / hazard depends on the gem the tree produces - how? I'd suggest having a list of gems it can produce and what specifically the issues are (if any).
  • I think you'd need more than Competent to use the wood. Maybe Expert?

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Re: Crystal Forest

Boop for edtis~
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Re: Crystal Forest

 ! Message from: Pegasus
Thank you!! Approved!
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