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Scalvoris Calendar: Rebirth 720

Rebirth 720
Rebirth Cycle 720
~~Cylus (30 Trials) & Ashan (123 Trials)~~

These are festivals which occur on this date every arc (year) on Scalvoris.Please note: I will update this table as events are responded to. Therefore, if you are going to be writing about a particular event, reply here to claim the event, with the link and an indication of if it's open / closed to other pcs and I will update this table so that other players can see and join in where appropriate!

~~30 Trials~~
ImageTradition Those who celebrate in Cylus are the recipients of an age-old Scalvorian tradition. For a couple who wed during these freezing trials, a woman who has a baby or any family or individual who celebrates, gifts are brought from around their region. Much more so than they would be should they experience what they are during any other cycle. Often, these gifts are sent before Cylus starts and there is one member of the community who has a "stockpile" ready. Every now and then someone suggests that they just stop sending them to each other and give to their own people, but the answer is always no, it's nice to receive things from all over the island.
Image Cylus Dusk The first dusk on the 1st Cylus sees the people of Scalvoris lighting a huge bonfire on the nearest beach and celebrating the night away. Each region does this differently, but celebrations are held everywhere. There might be a number of bonfires in different areas of Scalvoris Town or Almund, depending on what sort of party you want to go to. There's likely to be one that's child-friendly and at least one that's very adult. The only place where this doesn't take place is Immortals' Tongue and Ishallr, even the resort on Faldrass holds a very well organised celebration which is run by very beautiful people.
ImageSea of LightThe 10th Cylus sees the people of Scalvoris releasing floating lanterns on to the water. The light from these as they float out can be seen for the whole of the next trial and they create a beautiful scene. The residents of the area gather together and release their floating lanterns at the same time and that creates a golden light which inevitably mixes well with the coloured sands. Rather than a party, this is a time of quiet and calm and a lot of people will reflect in isolation. Except in Almund, really, where it's much more usual to go and get drunk. PM to JoinNat and Devin
ImageFlowerlight Festival The 20th Cylus sees parks and gardens throughout Scalvoris lit up with lanterns which have been shaped like flowers and which represent the growth which is promised when the light returns to the island. Again, the focus is on bringing light and creating light on the island itself. Those areas which are most bare and barren during this time are transformed, for just one trial, into places of multicoloured, flickering beauty. People flock there to look at them and marvel at the craftsmanship.Nat and Max
ImageLight Sky The 30th Cylus sees people all over the island releasing lanterns into the sky throughout the trial. From the 'dawn' to when the sun finally reappears, there are lanterns in the sky above Scalvoris. The people are very clear that they get the light one trial before anyone else on Idalos. They make it for themselves and, of course they do. They are Scalvorians, after all.
~~123 Trials~~
ImageAshan's Dawn1st Ashan marks the end of the long darkness of Cylus and all over Scalvoris there are celebrations. In preparation for the season of light and life, Scalvorians go and find a blossom or bloom from an early spring flower or a Cylus-blooming one. They then take this to the house of someone they don't know and give it as a gift in the hope of new friendships being born. In return, they are given a small candle so that they will never know darkness.
ImageGifting Trial 5th Ashan has the ritual of giving a hand made gift to someone. This can be someone you know well or a stranger. The gift is given with good feeling, or bad luck will befall you all arc. It must be a gift you have made, rather than a handmade item you purchase. Yeva and Nat
ImageTreid's Luck 30th Ashan, as the temperatures begin to rise the superstition is that those who will start to sew crops must go and swim in the waters off Treid's teeth to cleanse them of any bad luck from the arc before. This is done every arc, people from all over the island joining in, so that the harvest might be bountiful.
Image World's End 45th Ashan: The people of Scalvoris hold a festival. Traditionally this takes place past Almund on the Northernmost tip of the island, a place called "World's End". There is dancing and celebration this night and it is said that those who wed in the World's End Festival will have a life filled with luck. If a storm happens during the World's End Festival it is a sign that the Immortals are watching and party goers dance in the rain.
ImageAshan's Walk The 61st Ashan marks the middle of the season and the people of Scalvoris undertake a pilgrimage of sorts. From a set point in their town / village to the main place of worship, people lay petals on the ground in honour of the Immortal Ashan. All shops and businesses are closed on this trial, so that everyone can experience freedom ~ it is said that the only people who toil on Ashan's Walk are healers and undertakers.
ImageNaming TrialOn the 80th Ashan parents across Idalos celebrate the births from the arc before and formalise the name(s) for each child. This is a trial which is personal to each family but often extended families will get together to have a large party, thereby making sure that all children are celebrated and that family members don't need to choose which household to go to.
ImageIllaren's Trial100th Ashan is a trial for drinking and celebrations. On this trial it is usual for drinking to begin at dawn and to continue throughout the trial until dawn the next trial. Anyone that manages to drink for the entire period is said to be smiled upon by Ilaren herself. In true respect to the Immortal, there tend to be a lot of fights during this period, also.
ImageRalaith's Trial 120th Ashan is dedicated to Ralaith and is also called the "Trial of Forgiveness". It is considered very bad luck to go into Ymiden holding a grudge or anger against another, so in Ralaith's name this is the trial where grudges are put to one side and wisdom, hopefully, takes over. Unfortunately, bitterness has been known to overcome forgiveness and so a large number of duels happen on this trial, also. Traditionally, if you wish to spend the arc without arguing or growing bitter with someone, on this trial you give a confection, usually chocolate.

To Claim One of These Festivals
Players are more than welcome to create threads about any of these events. If you are going to do so in individual / closed threads, that's fine. However, if you're going to make an open thread or others are invited to your thread, please post in this thread in order for me to update this list. Once updated, your post will be deleted so that it stays neat for the next person! If you want to do that - , use the code below:

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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Re: Scalvoris Calendar: Rebirth 720

Rebirth 720
Rebirth Cycle 720
~~Cylus (30 Trials) & Ashan (123 Trials)~~

Please note: I will update this table as events are responded to. Therefore, if you are going to be writing about a particular event, reply here to claim the event, with the link and an indication of if it's open / closed to other pcs and I will update this table so that other players can see and join in where appropriate!

Key To Event Types:
  • Reward ~ this thread offers some kind of reward for pcs. This might be training or items.
  • Open ~ this is a plot point which is open for anyone to use.
  • Moderated ~ a thread run by a Scalv mod!
  • Moderated: Impact ~ a thread run by a Scalv mod which will have a larger impact on the island itself.
  • Next Season Impact Thread ~ this event will feed in to an event or moderated thread next season / cycle. Where that plot starts will be determined by player action this cycle.
Rebirth Cycle Events ~ All Cycle
ImageThe ElementsThe Scalvoris military, have achieved a significant boost to their reputation. Just two arcs ago they were almost universally disliked, but now the word begins to spread of their involvement in the War of Death & Souls where they were pivotal in the final battle. Everywhere, they are very visible. Some people are quick to forgive, some will not listen to anything good about the Elements no matter what. Please PM Peg before undertaking any major plot with the Elements this season.

~~30 Trials~~
Image The Elements1stFor the Cylus Dusk Festival on the 1st, the Elements draft in temporary staff to add to their numbers, thereby ensuring that they are able to better keep the peace throughout the island. For those who volunteer, free training is offered. Reward--If you do a thread where you are working as a volunteer security / helper on 1st Cylus, you will receive two free training sessions from the Elements - weapons, detection, combat-related skills etc. Darius & Oram, Kal, Balthazar
ImageScalvoris Council: Elections 1st On the 1st Cylus, the Council hold open nominations and elections for roles within their number. Only the council votes, but in a break with tradition, anyone may put themselves forward for a role. Existing Council members are not automatically re-elected, either and must make a case. Moderated Open to all. Council members are required to attend. Peg will start the thread and put details in there of the requirements
Image Desnind Relations 2nd 2nd - A new agreement between Desnind and Scalvoris sees the flutterbus leaving all arc round and the exchange of goods and knowledge begin - tentatively - between these two locations. The first Flutterbus appears on this day, from Desnind, bearing all manner of supplies including unusual wood and medical supplies. A number ofmedics have also arrived from Desnind, to work with the University here on Scalvoris.
ImageNotice: Plot Overthrown!5thOn the 5th Cylus, notices go up informing citizens that a plot to sabotage the forthcoming Sea of Light Festival has been discovered. A number of warehouse throughout the island with floating lanterns ready to sell to people were raided last night. It seems that many of these were rigged with traps and poisons. Anyone who wishes to help this investigation should report for duty - and anyone who's already bought a floating lantern from a Scalvoris market should bring it to the Elements for checking. Open to anyone. Across all areas. You are welcome to self mod a thread where you were part of a raid, or are bringing in a bought lantern. If you wish to "solve" this, then you will need to PM Peg for plotnotes.
ImageEverdark Casino!14thOn the 14th Cylus, the beaches of Scalvoris town play host to a travelling casino. With brightly-coloured tents, games of chance, beautiful people and plenty of alcohol, the place attracts quite a crowd. Open. Scalvoris Town. Please see event below. - Yeva and Darius, Nat & Max
ImageSeasonal Investigation15thOn the 15th it becomes apparent that a few children have disappeared the night before. Aged between 4 and 15, the children were stolen from their beds with no sign of foul play or breaking in. By the 17th it is known that at least 20 children are missing. The Elements are investigating, but welcome anyone's help. Moderated: Impact Thread
ImageSeasonal Investigation II22ndOn the 22nd Cylus the body of an apparently ten arc old child is found in Almund and another body is found on the 28th, roughly the same age. They are eventually identified as two of the children who have recently disappeared, but they appear to have aged by a few arcs (they were four and six at the time they disappeared) - investigations are ongoing, but authorities are baffled.Next Season Impact Event - the fall out from this event will be a moderated thread next Cycle. The event start-point will be amended by PC actions in this cycle.
~~123 Trials~~
ImageThe Fairy Fair!!1stOn the 1st Ashan, "The Fairy Fair" comes to Scalvoris. All over the island, open areas of land get taken over by brightly coloured tents. With performers, fortune tellers, acts, markets, and many exotic people and goods, they stay throughout Ashan.Open ~ Nat and Eliza
ImageAshan's Dawn1st With children still missing and none yet returned alive, the festival this arc is a sombre affair. Spontaneously, the families of the missing children become the recipients of blooms from all over the island, almost everyone seems to take their bloom there. After all, everyone knows one or more of the families and it seems like the whole island is holding its breath Open
ImageVigil8thParents, family, friends and neighbours join together to stand vigil after news of a body being found comes to light. However, it transpires that this is a false alarmOpen ~ Balth
ImageDog Ears (and feet)20thAcross the island, canines get unwell. There seems to be a very strong ear infection which sweeps across the canine population, but it soon spreads to paws and tails. It is fatal within about 7 trials and, if not treated, will significantly impact Scalvoris' canine populationOpen: Impact
ImageLights in the Sky31st - 36thOver the course of 6 nights, strange swirling lights appear in the skies over Immortals Tongue. At first, they are relatively easy to ignore, but soon the ghostly sounds and strange wailing can not be ignored. Will anyone investigate?Open: Impact Please PM Peg before beginning this. Mod intervention is very likely. Tio, Balth & Nat
ImageIshallr54thZach, the expedition leader who is overseeing the investigation of Ishallr, disappeared some seasons ago. On the 54th Ashan 720, he returns with no memory of his time away. Open: Impact Please PM Peg before beginning this. Mod intervention is very likely.
ImageAmnesiac Appearances!62nd From the moment of dusk on the 62nd, until dawn on the 63rd, people from all over Idalos randomly appear (literally) over Scalvoris. Like some strange broken Rupturing, whatever this bizarre phenomena is, each person arrives, huddled on the floor and with a case of total amnesia. Their memories return over the next 1 - 30 trials, and they are literally from all over the world Open: Reward+10 Renown to anyone who helps. Recurring NPCs to be submitted to city dev thread. Pygmalion
ImageFaldrass Stirs!75th From the 75th to the end of the season, Faldrass is grumbling much more than usual. Sudden deep rumbles underground are felt and, every now and then, it spurts out smoke. People are anxious. Open: Impact PM Peg for plotnotes (and see phenomena below).
ImageFood Fayrel83rd A Food Fayre is held in Scalvoris Town, with smaller events popping up all over the island. There are skill contests for pretty much everything relating to cooking - from hunting to butchery to .. well ... cooking. This is a good opportunity for hunters to sell their wares, chefs to show off their prowess and, of course, for the general populace to have a good meal. Open: Reward Those who take part generally (as hunter or chef etc) get +1 WP (normal rules about wealth threads apply) - if you want to be involved in the actual contest, there are larger rewards available.
ImageJungle Jinglesl98th Rumours begin to spread among those who travel Scalvoris' wilderness and soon are being spoken of in the towns and villages. There is a rumour that a tribe in the jungle is seeking the help of outsiders to help them with a situation - their wise-man has said that this help must come from beyond the jungle and there are wild rumours of treasure and glory. Open: Reward PM Peg - mod intervention likely
ImageSeasonal Event!!123rd The seasonal moderated event for this Cycle. Sign ups give more detail. Moderated: Impact

To Claim One of These Events!
Players are more than welcome to create threads about any of these events. If you are going to do so, please post in this thread in order for me to update this list. Once updated, your post will be deleted so that it stays neat for the next person! To claim one of these events, use the code below:

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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Re: Scalvoris Calendar: Rebirth 720

Rebirth 720 Weather
Rebirth Cycle 720
Weather, Nature & Trends : Rebirth 720

Cylus: 30 Trials

Natural Phenomena

  • Throughout Cylus, the whole of Scalvoris is in dusk-like darkness, which is constant throughout the trial. People tend to stay indoors / avoid parks and public spaces etc.
  • This Cylus is particularly cold, but for some reason The Glass Tree is completely frozen and resembles an ice-tree, rather than a live one. Will anyone investigate this? PM Peg for plot notes.
  • The team investigating the ice-caves of Ishallr report unusual activity there this season - the Eclipse Portals behave oddly, too. Open
  • Sheep, goats, and other animals with wool and fur have a strange occurrence - on the 1st Cylus roughly 1 in every 10 are ... rainbow. Like the strange Rainbow Sand the colours shift and change. Excited knitters and crochet enthusiasts are quick to collect this wool, leaving a lot of very cold livestock. Also, a small team of croquet players arrive on the island and are quickly informed of their misunderstanding. They vandalise a small park in disgust.
  • In Ol' Tucks Run becomes very active this Cylus. While it would normally be quiet during this very cold season, the wildlife there is much more sprightly than normal. What's that all about? Open - Oram


Long cold days leave Scalvoris in a constant state of near darkness.
Living outdoors during this season is close to impossible without being very prepared due to the icy temperatures and flora and fauna suffer during this time. Throughout this season everywhere is covered in a blanket of snow and some areas are completely cut off from the rest of the island. While the days slowly tick on, the sun begins to sink to the horizon before finally being blocked by one of Idalos's slow orbiting moons.

Scalvoris plunges into almost-night for the season, until the light of Ashan touches it once more. By the end of this season, drifts of snow several feet deep are a common sight.

Specific Weather

5th Cylus: There are freak lightning storms all over the island, mingled with heavy snow. Five people die, all of whom have names beginning with "O". Coincidence? Open

16th Cylus: The roof of the Library is straining under the weight of the snow. Will anyone help? Open: Reward: PM Peg when done.

23rd Cylus: A sudden drop in temperature freezes all the snow further, which makes travel nearly impossible. Leaving your town / area is nigh on impossible and travel comes to a complete standstill. Also, it's very cold. People die, animals die, ponds freeze over.


  • It is worth remembering that during this season there are scientists scampering all over Scalvoris. The clear night sky is a wonder to them. They don't get out much, and so they're very happy.
  • Between the 3rd - 7th there are shooting stars in the night sky. They make for wonderful scenes and are visible with the naked eye.
  • On the 19th there is a sudden single break (hour) of bright daylight over Immortals Tongue. Scientists are at a loss to explain it.
  • In the darkness of Cylus there is spotted a faint red glow in the sky. The reason for it is not found. Open: PM Peg with plotnotes / ideas - or for a plot.


The following trends occur on Scalvoris throughout this season:
  • Bright Colours: Maybe it's the fact that it's dark and almost fantastically freezing. Maybe it's because there's been some very odd sheep-colouring or ...maybe it's just because. Garish garments are all the go!
  • Multiple Metals: It's so dull having all gold, or all silver. Now's the time to mix it up! Be it a belt buckle or bracelet, a tiara or trinket - mixed metal marvels are here to stay!
  • Visible Security: If you're rich enough to afford a bodyguard, then great. If not, have your sword showing and yes, the bigger the better.

Ashan: 123 Trials

Natural Phenomena

  • With Ashan's first dawn, light returns to the island. This brings with it an enormous sense of relief.
  • On the 1st Ashan there are reports of a number of rockfalls in the Scalvoris mountains. They seem to be centred on The Vault and last throughout the season. Will anyone investigate this? PM Peg - please note the Vault is a moderated environment.
  • The seas around Watch behave unusually throughout this season. For the first 40 Trials they are boiling. The next 40 Trials (41 - 80) they turn a vivid pink, trials 81 - 120 they become so teeming with fish that it starts to look like Watch is in a bed of undulating fishes and then - on the last three trials of the season, it rains frogs. Literally. Open to investigate / go see. Note the moderation status of Watch, though, if you want to find out more.
  • The sheep, goats, and other animals with wool and fur maintain their rainbow coats. Those with these coats, this season, find that if the coat is shorn, then it is back in full growth in 3 trials. After initial excitement by the knitters and crochet enthusiasts, some fights break out in attempt sheep-stealing.
  • In Beacon crops are abundant! It's like Moseke herself came and every plant, tree, and bush is giving three or four times the usual yield Open


The beginning of Ashan is rigidly cold on Scalvoris, starting with a cold period which lasts for a quarter of the season before the temperature finally heats up enough to begin sowing crops for the arc. The remainder of Ashan is spring weather. Barren trees slowly sprout buds of leaves and flowers and those who work the land plant in preparation once again. The 123 trials of Ashan are cold but moderate weather. As the season progresses, rain clouds become a common thing and Scalvoris experiences Ashan Storms, a common occurrence especially at the height of the season. Eventually, the storms pass and the temperature begins to heat up. As the season closes, the temperature rises, ushering in stronger storms and much hotter weather.

Specific Weather

  • 5th Ashan: Gifting Trial is celebrated under a snowfall roughly 3ft deep in one trial. The weather is treacherous and only the very brave dare to go out. Open
  • 28th Ashan: A sudden increase in temperatures on the 28th
  • 29th Ashan: The temperature increase of the trial before causes lots of flooding and generally making a mess of the place. Everywhere is wet. Lots of aid needed Open
  • 38th - 48th Ashan: Ten trials of intense storms batter Scalvoris. Lots of places require help! Open
  • 60th Ashan: Real spring weather starts
  • 84th Ashan: Lightning storms light up the waters around Scalvoris Open
  • 85th Ashan: There are massive storms all of which are focused over the Scaltoth Jungles. Will anyone investigate? Open
  • 104 - 107th Ashan: A three-trial heatwaves catches Scalvoris unawares! Animals need tending to - people faint! Open


  • 10th Ashan: A meteor shower lands in the waters around Scalvoris - out to sea quite a way. But still. Could be investigated? Open
  • 33rd Ashan: A second meteor shower lands in the Sweetwine Woods - maybe there are strange resources to be found there? Open
  • 55th Ashan: There are reported sightings of what seem to be boats in the skies above Sweetwine. Like. Flying boats. But, the people who report them were biqaj, so they're probably lying, right?
  • 65th Ashan: There are second reported sightings of what seem to be boats in the Sweetwine skies. More flying boats!! A group seeking to investigate (the Flying Boat Investigators, or FBI) set out. Open
  • 100th Ashan: In the middle of the trial there is what scientists call a "Triple Eclipse" - this is where all three moon are in front of the sun. It causes total darkness for exactly seven bits (minutes) and then, when it ends, Scalvoris skies are aglow for the rest of the season in the most beautiful Aurora Borealis which is day and night across the whole sky. Open


  • Get Ahead! Get A Hat! Hats are all the rage on Scalvoris throughout Ashan. The bolder, wider, more decorated the better.
  • Floaty Fabrics - oh yes, the fashion is for floaty. Move over crumpled chic, the newest trend is elegant wafting as you exude elegance.
  • Poodles. May all the Immortals save us. Those rainbow animals include Poodle. Rainbow poodles become all the rage.

To Claim One of These Events!
Players are more than welcome to create threads about any of these events. If you are going to do so, please post in this thread in order for me to update this list. Once updated, your post will be deleted so that it stays neat for the next person! To claim one of these events, use the code below:

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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Re: Scalvoris Calendar: Rebirth 720

Rebirth 720 Location Specifics
Rebirth Cycle 720
Location Specifics: Rebirth 720

Towns & Villages



This Cycle, Almund has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • There are more Elements around than usual.
  • The Almund Bazaar sees an increase in trade. They say you can buy slaves here, if you know who to ask and what to say. Plot Point
  • Dukahern's Medical Facility is looking for a buyer. Want a business? Plot Point
  • There are rumours that, in the Graveyard there is a particular plant which blossoms only at midnight. This has magical properties but requires someone of great courage to find it. Plot Point
Almund Information
Council Representative: Jo'ne Tide
Elements Presence: Rand Bronson (Militant)
Bank Available: Yes
Sand: Red
Religious Presence: High (The Glass Tree)
Most known for: dodgy dealings, nefarious folks



This Cycle, Beacon has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The weather hits hard and the small village struggles a lot. They need help! Plot Point
  • The fact that they're cut off also means that they have trouble getting their supplies out - but since they are largely self sufficient, this isn't a major impact on the rest of the island. Plot Point
  • On the 47th Ashan, Beacon experiences what seems to be an ether storm. Weird things happen all day and the storm rages. Plot Point
  • When Beacon finally gets free of the snows and floods - it becomes obvious that they need more medics and medical care there. Plot Point
Beacon Information
Beacon Subforum
Council Representative: None
Elements Presence: Yes. Earth & Water
Bank Available: No
Sand: None
Religious Presence: High
Most known for: Being a village where ex slaves are taught a trade.



This Cycle, Darbyton has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • Elliot begins looking for a successor to train. He's not leaving, but he's starting to think about it.
  • The Ranger Headquarters Gets busy - they'd like some more Rangers. Plot Point
  • An Order of the Adunih Oupost gets set up on the 1st Ashan. Plot Point
  • There are rumours that, in the Sawbones Shack is undertaking shady dealings and that illegal things can be bought here. But no one finds out one way or another - unless someone investigates. Plot Point
Darbyton Information
Darbyton Sub-Forum
Council Representative: Elliot
Elements Presence: None. Darbyton Rangers
Bank Available: No
Sand: Purple & Pink
Religious Presence: Moderate (for Scalvoris)
Most known for: Rangers, logging, self sufficiency.



This Cycle, Egilrun has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • There are no mages in the village now, that anyone is aware of
  • The Mill is working overtime this season. They need help! Plot Point
  • A large order of boats comes in on the 1st Cylus - that's going to take a long time (at least 4 seasons) to fulfil. Jobs! Plot Point
  • There are rumours that, the Crafters are growing in strength and numbers in Egilrun. Plot Point
  • Rumours in the mess-hall suggest that one of the glassblowers has discovered a new type of glass. Could it be true? Plot Point
Egilrun Information
Egilrun Subforum
Council Representative: Liz
Elements Presence: Yes. Mostly Earth Troops
Bank Available: No
Sand: Blue
Religious Presence: High
Most known for: All crafts, esp. glassblowing.



This Cycle, Faldrass has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The cold doesn't bother them, and things are pretty situation normal here. Tourism takes an upturn as people try to get warm.
  • Forbik's Forge is hiring - training given!
  • An Order of the Adunih Oupost gets refused by the "Island Representative" - no one really knows who they are. Plot Point
  • There are rumours that, in the Marketplace illegal things can be bought. But no one finds out one way or another - unless someone investigates. Plot Point
Faldrass Information
Darbyton Sub-Forum
Faldrass Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: None specifc. Mostly Merchant
Elements Presence: Yes. All four branches
Bank Available: Yes
Sand: Orange
Religious Presence: Low
Most known for: Faldrass Luxury Resort



This Cycle, Gunvorton has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • Shania continues to be the Matriarch of Gunvorton, as voted unanimously by all who live there.
  • The Consortium send a formal letter of welcome to the new Alberach, Kura, offering her free accommodation should she ever wish to visit Plot Point
  • The Home & Hearth opens its doors for free to anyone caught in the snow or bad weather Plot Point
  • The Docks are very busy all Cycle. No one really knows why. No one asks, it's all good. Shania said so. Plot Point
  • There's a fire in the Warehouse District on the 6th Cylus. It's dealt with quickly, of course. Plot Point
Gunvorton Information
The Village of Gunvorton Subforum
Council Representative: Shania
Elements Presence: Yes. Mostly Earth Troops
Bank Available: No
Sand: Green
Religious Presence: High
Most known for: Boats, Trade, Whispered Nefarious Deeds.



This Cycle, Havardr has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The weather really hits them hard and they village is completely snowed in / cut off for the whole of Cylus and most of Ashan. They need help! Plot Point
  • The fact that they're cut off also means that they have trouble getting their catch out Plot Point
  • During the last three trials of Ashan, it also rains frogs here.
  • When Havardr finally gets free of the snows and floods - they get a large representation by The Guild - trying to get them to be more forceful in their trading, to set up stronger links. Plot Point
Havardr Information
Havardr Facts
Havardr Subforum
Council Representative: Linca
Elements Presence: Yes. Earth & Water
Bank Available: No
Sand: Red & Yellow
Religious Presence: High
Most known for: Fishing, Whaling

Immortals Tongue

Immortals Tongue

This Cycle, Immortals Tongue has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • On the 4th Cylus, and every 5th Trial thereafter, there are strange noises heard echoing across the ocean from Immortals Tongue. Like... wailing. Plot Point ~ Tio
  • The island should be cut off for the majority of the cycle. Yet, people get on and off it, somehow.
  • During Cylus, there are lights visible from Immortals Tongue Plot Point
  • There are rumours that there is a conclave of Immortals on the 1st trial of Ashan Plot Point
  • With the resurrection of Treid, there is a new life to his shrine - it has been fully revamped. A new shrine also appears. Plot Point
Immortals Tongue Information
Immortals' Tongue Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: The Devout
Elements Presence: None
Bank Available: No
Sand: None
Religious Presence: Total
Most known for: Shrines to the Immortals.



This Cycle, Ishallr has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The plummeting temperatures and bad weather don't impact them at all. They should - but they just don't happen on Ishallr
  • The Base Camp report a lot of ghost sightings. They aren't sure why. Plot Point
  • There are guided tours of the caves for those willing to brave them Plot Point
  • The Eclipse Portals are visited and studied by the University all Cycle. Plot Point
  • There are rumours that there is great treasure in "Death Valley" on Ishallr. But no one goes...... Plot Point
Ishallr Information
Ishallr Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: The Academic
Elements Presence: Small, but all four branches
Bank Available: No
Sand: None
Religious Presence: None
Most known for: Ice Caves, Scientific Expeditions

Scaltoth Jungle

Scaltoth Jungle
This Cycle, the Scaltoth Jungles has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The weather really hits them hard although no one knows exactly how hard. Unless, of course, someone investigates. Plot Point
  • Those who watch such things report an unusual number of lightning strikes hitting the Jungle Plot Point
  • During the last three trials of Ashan, a dark mist hangs over the jungle.
  • Rumour has it that there are a tribe of Cannibals in the Jungle. Can't be true, can it?! Plot Point
Scaltoth Jungle Information
Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: None
Elements Presence: No
Bank Available: No
Sand: None
Religious Presence:Not known
Most known for: Not being known about!

Scalvoris Mountains

Scalvoris Mountains

This Cycle, the Scalvoris Mountains have the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The weather really hits them hard and the mountains are impassible / cut off for the whole of Cylus and most of Ashan. Plot Point
  • Sightings of Enormowls increase through AshanPlot Point
  • Rumour has it that The Vault has some strange noises coming from it. Plot Point
  • They say that there are tribes living in these mountains and that, if they accept you, the tribes have currently unknown magics. Plot Point
Scalvoris Mountains Information
Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: None
Elements Presence: Air Troops Visit
Bank Available: No
Sand: Rainbow
Religious Presence: Not known
Most known for: Enormowls

Scalvoris Town

Scalvoris Town

This Cycle, Scalvoris Town has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The Menagerie reports a significant loss of staff - they're not coping with demand and need helpPlot Point
  • The Spirit of Adventure advertises that they are looking for an assistant to Friel. Why? He won't say, but it must be the "right person" Plot Point - pm Peg.
  • There are rumours that the owners of Little Korlasir are being heavily 'leaned on' to sell up shop. Why? Plot Point
Scalvoris Town Information
Scalvoris Town Fast Facts
The Town of Scalvoris Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: Leigh Birch
Elements Presence: Yes. All four branches
Bank Available: Yes
Sand: Green
Religious Presence: High
Most known for: Academia, Viden Academy

OOC Info

Please note: All of the aspects of this calendar are as much plot points as the festivals and the events. Feel free to claim one.

To Claim One of These Events!
Players are more than welcome to create threads about any of these events. If you are going to do so, please post in this thread in order for me to update this list. Once updated, your post will be deleted so that it stays neat for the next person! To claim one of these events, use the code below:

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[b]Event:[/b] Date and location
[b]PC(s) involved[/b]
[b]Link to thread[/b]
[b]Open to other pcs? If so, how many?[/b]
b]Anything else?[/b]
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Re: [Scalvoris] Seasonal Events Archive

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[Scalvoris] Calendar Hot Cycle 721

State of Play Hot Cycle 721
Hot Cycle 721
~~Scalvoris: State of Play~~

Please note: These are informed by the repercussions of previous actions and represent the situation at the start of the Cycle. PC actions (or inaction) will impact this throughout the season.
  • People ~ these are people who are known on Scalvoris. This tells you who is the talk of the town, what they are known for - and who they are known by!
  • Settlements & Locations ~ these are Settlements, Baronies, Locations, Shops, etc - anything which is PC owned.
  • Groups & Factions ~ reputation will / should impact your play in terms of Reputation and how well known they are. Also - the longer a Faction is unexplored / unknown, the harder it will be to find / build up IC.
  • Places ~ this will tell you what's generally happened in that place up to this point, and will inform what the "state" of the place is at the beginning of the Cycle.
  • Immortals ~ how each Immortal is considered on Scalvoris.
  • Magic ~ how each magic type is viewed on Scalvoris.
Image Alyssia
  • Common Knowledge ~ Was in Cylus Dusk // Got made a Baroness by Saoire! //
  • Reputation Neutral +
  • Known For ~ Being a Lady von Smooglenuff
Image Arlo
  • Common Knowledge ~ A Cook in Hopetoun // Met Cassion! // Is married to Vega // Was in the Glass Temple - active in the war//
  • Reputation Good
  • Known For ~ Being a Cassion follower // Being a cook //
Image Balthazar
  • Common Knowledge ~ Founded the settlement of Haven // Got arrested when trying to buy slaves // Is with Elisabeth // Solved a robbery on Haven // Was visited by Saoire! //Has links with Haven Farm (Beacon) // Put out a fire on Haven // Has links with the University / science-focus // Was in Cylus Dusk
  • Reputation Mixed ~ the trial hangs heavily over Balthazar's reputation, but will fade with time.
  • Known For ~ Being a mage // Being Haven's leader // Getting arrested / links to slavery // Being an Element // Knowing Saoire
Image Bao Bao
  • Common Knowledge ~Council Member for Welfare // Met Immortals in the Glass Temple! // Had his prophecy told// Offered himself as a sacrifice // Was in the Glass Temple - active in the war//
  • Reputation Good
  • Known For ~ Being a council member. // Being peaceful// Putting others over himself
Image Darius
  • Common Knowledge ~Founded the settlement of Hopetoun // Discovered new flora and fauna // Shared resources when there were issues with food. // Knows Cassion! // Was in Cylus Dusk // Got made a Baron by Saoire! //Had his prophecy told// // Was in the Glass Temple - active in the war//
  • Reputation Very Good
  • Known For ~ Being helpful in times of crisis. // Being a community leader // Problem Solver! // Thinking of others and donating where needed. // Baron McSmooglebaer!
Image Devin
  • Common Knowledge ~Provided medical care in a hailstorm // Helped people in a crisis // Made a large donation of medical supplies to the War Effort // Likes Becomers! //Has a winged goat! //Was in Cylus Dusk // Got made a Baron by Saoire! //Had his prophecy told//
  • Reputation Very Good
  • Known For ~Being helpful in times of crisis. // Being a skilled doctor // Being a philanthropist // A priest of Delroth // He's a bit odd ! // Baron von Smooglethorne!
Image Doran
  • Common Knowledge ~ An ally of Scalvoris // Involved in the War of Slags Deep // Helped in Hopetoun // Gave a major donation to the war // Knows Xiur! // Donated alchemical stuff too!// Research focus on Scalvoris // Strong links with Xiur // Taught people in Hopetoun // Knowledgeable about the Originals // An excellent swordsman // Makes magic pots!// Was in the Glass Temple - active in the war//
  • Reputation Very Good
  • Known For ~Being helpful in times of crisis. // Being a skilled doctor // Being a researcher // Being a philanthropist // Linked to Xiur// An alchemist
Image Elisabeth
  • Common Knowledge ~ Was with Balthazar when he was arrested // Some taint / question re: involvement with slavery. // Involved in the War of Slag's Deep // Lives on Haven // Discovered Scientifically Interesting Clams! // Saved a child's life when Element Hall got firebombed // Met Moseke// Community leader in Haven - helps with investigations and discovers new things! //Was in Cylus Dusk // Knows U'frek! // Was in the Glass Temple - active in the war// Helped researching
  • Reputation Very Good
  • Known For ~ Being with Balthazar // Being helpful in a time of crisis // Being a key member of the settlement of Haven //Aiding scientific discoveries // Clams! // Problem Solver
Image Hart
Image Kalortah
  • Common Knowledge ~A teacher at Saoire's School// Was in Cylus Dusk // Gave Saoire a gift!
  • Reputation Neutral +
  • Known For ~ Beautiful singing
Image Kisaik
  • Common Knowledge ~A community member of Hopetoun// Works miracles with plants //A magic tunawa! // Knows Saoire! // Is Saoire's Storyteller // Grew a huge tree. Huge! // The Naficula-Àdánù in Saoire's School was his gift to her // A tunawa Knight
  • Reputation Very Good
  • Known For ~ Being a community member in Hopetoun. // Working miracles with gardens and plants// Solving problems // Gave a gift to Saoire! // Saoire's Storyteller.
Image Kura
Image Nir'wei
  • Common Knowledge ~Council Member for Natural Affairs// Was in Cylus Dusk // Got made a Baron by Saoire! // Was in the Glass Temple - active in the war//
  • Reputation ~ Good
  • Known For ~ Being a council member. // Taking no nonsense// Being Baron Nir'nuff von Smooglewei.
Image Oram
  • Common Knowledge ~Helped out people, delivering food in the cold. //Ingenious use of equipment (Snacks on Skids) //Well-respected by the Rangers // Well-respected by the Elements // Friend to Elliot // Member of the Rangers// Knows Vhalar! // Said no to Vhalar and Vhalar was ok with it! // An excellent investigator of weirdness! //Was in Cylus Dusk // Was in the Glass Temple - active in the war//
  • Reputation Very Good
  • Known For ~ Being helpful in times of crisis. //Being someone to call for clever solutions! // Whispered rumours that Oram may be Elliot's choice for replacing him as Head of the Rangers // Developing a reputation for attracting weird animals.
Image Praetorum
Image Shl'drei
  • Common Knowledge ~Helped out in Darbyton // Found out about the bugs infecting wood //Had his prophecy told//
  • Reputation Neutral +
  • Known For ~ Discovering and helping with the Sucklesoid. //Good team worker
Image Vega
  • Common Knowledge ~ An ally of Scalvoris // Involved in the Rise of Hopetoun as a burgeoning settlement on Faldrass // Being a miracle worker.// Helped researching
  • Reputation Very good
  • Known For ~Performing miracles// Being a go-getter and a generally useful person// Saving several Cadouri from certain danger, and training them in the ways of survival Orchestrating the building of a Beacon at Hope's Point
Image Woe
  • Common Knowledge ~Paid half of the costs in setting up the Order of the Adunih outpost in Egilrun, and affirmed his ongoing patronage // Patron of healers // Active in preparations for the War. // Met Immortals in the Glass Temple // Knows Chamadarst // Helped when the Element Hall got firebombed // Joined the Elements //Son of Sintra // Had his prophecy told// Saved Kura's life when Element Hall got firebombed // Was in the Glass Temple - active in the war//
  • Reputation Very Good
  • Known For ~ Patron to the Order of the Adunih // Philanthropist! //Protector of Egilrun // Rumours abound that Woe should be the next Representative for Egilrun.
Image Xander
Image Yeva
  • Common Knowledge ~Saved Linca in Harvardr. // Braved the cold and snow to help //Was in Cylus Dusk // Was in the Glass Temple - active in the war// Met Moseke!
  • Reputation Good
  • Known For ~ Order of the Adunih member // Being helpful in times of crisis! // Helping Linca!
Image Zoro
Settlements & Locations
Image Haven
  • A settlement on Faldrass which was set up by Balthazar Black.
  • Known for clams!
  • Has a science station!
  • Known for the Ashwoods nearby Reputation Good
Image Hopetoun
  • A settlement on Faldrass which was set up by Darius Baer.
  • Known for fire resistant wood
  • Has glowing worms
  • Hopetoun Hole is a place where you can visit. Reputation Good.
Groups & Factions
ImageThe ElementsThe Scalvoris military start the Cycle with a good reputation - they were seen and helpful in the Faldrass Relief Effort and their part in the sudden freeze was very efficient!. Reputation Good+
ImageScalvoris Council The Council was active in the war against Slag's Deep - this has improved their reputation Reputation Neutral +
ImageFire Forged The faction remains largely unknown at this point.
ImageOrder of the Adunih Healers and medics are well respected throughout Scalvoris - a new outpost in Egilrun is welcomed this season and Woe Morendi is hailed as a new patron of the Order! Reputation Excellent.
ImageChurch of Eternal Mercies Has not been heard about for some arcs on Scalvoris. Have they disappeared? Reputation Unknown. ( information )
ImageThe Crafters Has not been heard about for some arcs on Scalvoris. Have they disappeared? Reputation Unknown. ( information )
ImageThe Guild Has not been heard about for some arcs on Scalvoris. Have they disappeared? Reputation Unknown. ( information )
ImageThe Intelligensia Meets each season Reputation Good . ( information )
ImageThe Mer The Mer Tribe have been quiet for a few seasons. What's happening? Reputation Unknown. ( information )
ImageThe Merchants' Guild Has been getting information that not everyone is paying their dues. Things are going to start getting difficult!! Reputation Neutral. ( information )
ImageThe Phoenix Has not been heard about for some arcs on Scalvoris. Have they disappeared? Reputation Unknown. ( information )
ImagePilgrims Promise Has not been heard about for some arcs on Scalvoris. Have they disappeared? Reputation Unknown. ( information )
Image Scalvoris Town Situation: Positive. Scalvoris Town is doing well, economically and is busy. The University is thriving and economically, things are good!
Image Scalvoris University Situation: Scalvoris University continues to be busy and on the cutting edge of research. Reputation is good and relationships with both Viden and Rharne are excellent. The University is also building relationships with Desnind.
Image Almund Situation: Economic down-turn following the Faldrass situation - and the arrival of Saoire has made the darker side of Scalvoris rather cautious.
Image Beacon Situation: Many of the refugees from Faldrass are here. A new Community Centre has been opened by Council Member Nir'wei. The place is thriving.
Image Darbyton Situation: Darbyton have helped a lot with the Faldrass relief effort, many of the people who left Faldrass early on have moved into Darbyton. Population has increased significantly and the removal of the strangle-hold of the Logging Consortium is a very positive thing.
Image Egilrun Situation: Prospering - a lot of the crafters are looking at Faldrass and the new opportunities there. Concerns re: Slag's Deep still cause some issues, however, but the new Ranger Hall and the Order of the Adunih outpost really help.
Image Gunvorton Gunvorton has taken in a lot of refugees. Shania is a leading force in this, the population has increased a lot.
Image Harvardr Situation: With Linca's return, there is celebration and people are generally happy.!
Image Faldrass Situation: The Cycle starts with Saorie having quickly become very much part of Scalvoris. While the Badlands are still there, Saoire's School is what Faldrass is most known for. There's also three new Barons, a Lady Smooglenuff and two small settlements.
Image Immortals TongueSituation: The old Devout, Rez'na, remains on Immortals' Tongue, there are increased visitors there following the situation in Faldrass for the last few cycles. The most popular shrines are Saoire's, Xiur's and Cassion's. There are rumours that Syroa is at her shrine and kills people who disturb her
Image Ishallr Situation: All is normal on the icy island.
Image Scaltoth Jungles Situation: All is normal in the jungles
Image Scalvoris Mountains Situation: All is normal on the mountains
Image Sweetwine Woods Situation: All is normal in the Sweetwine Woods.
Image The TowerNo one has visited the tower for some time. Is there anything strange going on? No one knows......
Image Treid's Mouth The eruption of Faldrass has caused some of the icebergs here to melt a little. What will that mean? .
Image Watch No one has heard from the Watch keeper since before Faldrass erupted - maybe someone should check!?
Image Aelig The Immortal of Illusion, Mimicry, Chaos is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Slightly negative.
ImageAeva The Immortal of Technology, Metal Working, Ambition, Pride is generally respected on Scalvoris, especially in Egilrun. Reputation: positive
ImageAshan The Immortal of Spring, Spirituality, Freedom is generally liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: positive
ImageAudrae The Immortal of Deception, Secrecy, Shadows, Fear is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Slightly negative
ImageBelaera The Immortal of Duality, Imprisonment, Sacrifice is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Slightly negative
ImageCassion The Immortal of Travel, Adventure, Stories, Hunger is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive
ImageChamadarst The Immortal of Neutrality, Commerce, Isolation, Glass is generally well-liked on Scalvoris, with particular ties to the Merchants Guild and Egilrun. Reputation: Positive
Image Chrien The Immortal of Storms, Luck, Spite is generally well-respected / feared on Scalvoris, but there are rumours that she tried to kill the Albarech. Reputation: Slightly negative
Image Daia The Immortal of Companionship, Prosperity, Tailoring, Dance is generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral
  • The Immortal of Birds, Wind, Vanity, Greed is very well-liked on Scalvoris.
  • "Did you hear? A priest of Delroth gave all this money and things to the relief effort!? Praise Delroth!"
  • Reputation: Very positive
Image Edasha The Immortal of Beauty, Jealousy, Sight, Adultery is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Slightly negative
ImageEthelynda The Immortal of Nobility, Honor, Protection, Serpents is generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral
ImageFaldrun The Immortal of Fire, Sun, Turmoil is actively disliked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very negative
Image Famula The Immortal of Souls, Servitude, Resurrection, Blood is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Slightly negative
Image Ilaren The Immortal of Lightning, Sound, Brawling, Alcohol is generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral
Image Karem The Immortal of The Hunt, Survival, Wolvesis well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive
Image Kata The Immortal of Insanity, Injustice, Ruin is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Slightly negative
Image Lisirra The Immortal of Pestilence, Toxin, Decay, Insects is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Also, it is rumoured that it was her who cursed Linca. Reputation: Negative
ImageMastes The Immortal of Compulsion, Trickery, Vices is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Slightly negative
Image Moseke The Immortal of Earth, Stone, Nature, Lifeis well-liked on Scalvoris. She helped when Element Hall was firebombed. Reputation: Very positive
Image Pier & Pre The Immortals of Judgement, Equality, Justice, Truth, Lies are generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral
ImageQylios The Immortal of Bonds, Leadership, Light, Courage is generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral
Image Raskalarn The Immortal of Conquest, Dominion, Discipline, Devastation is generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral
Image Ralaith The Immortal of Wisdom, Bitterness, Time, Bears is generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral
ImageSaoire The Immortal of Gifts, Gateways, Mentorship, Turtles is new to Scalvoris. As such, she is building her reputation. Currently, however, very positive.
Image Sintra The Immortal of Manipulation, Entrapment, Arachnids is seen more positively because of Woe's open acknowledgement that he is her son. Reputation: Neutral +
Image Syroa The Immortal of Transformation, Lust, Acting, Fury is distrusted on Scalvoris - she's trying to kill people when they visit her shrine on Immortals Tongue!. Reputation: Very negative
Image Thetros The Immortal of Reincarnation, Passion, Sanctuary is generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral
Image Tio The Immortal of Curses is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive
Image Treid The Immortal of Ice, Moon, Knowledge, Longing is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive
Image U'frek The Immortal of Navigation, Water, Auroras is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive
Image Unity The Immortal of Dreams, Nightmares, Oblivion, Imagination is generally distrusted on Scalvoris. Reputation: Slightly negative
Image Vhalar The Immortal of Fall, Festivals, Guardian of Oaths, Art is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive
Image Vri The Immortal of Death, Sadness, Remembrance, Love is generally not discussed on Scalvoris. Reputation: Neutral
Image Xiur The Immortal of Clouds, Dusk, Stars, Hope is well-liked on Scalvoris and is linked with Hopetoun Settlement. Reputation: Very positive
Image Ymiden The Immortal of Summer, Dawn, Rebirth, Forgiveness is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive
Image Yvithia The Immortal of Communication, Language, Intelligence is considered more positively due to links with Viden. Reputation: Good
Image:ZanikThe Immortal of Strength, Seduction, Music is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive
Image Ziell The Immortal of Winter, Peace, Prophecies is well-liked on Scalvoris. Reputation: Very positive
ImageAbrogation : Generally positive attitude.
ImageAttunement Generally positive attitude
ImageBecoming Improved reputation - generally more positive. If you're not sure why it's ok, though, ask Professor Baron Devin!
ImageDefiance Largely positive - helped by the use of Defiance to protect in Faldrass
ImageEmpathy Large amount of suspicion
ImageGraft Neutral attitude
ImageHone Neutral attitude
ImageNecromancy Very negative attitude following the War of Death & Souls especially.
ImageRupturing Largely positive
ImageTransmutation Largely positive
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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Re: [Scalvoris] Calendar Hot Cycle 721

Ymiden 721
Image Borders
Image ImageImage
a festival or other recurring events. a specific event for this season a weather or natural phenomena event
Event Types
Reward Moderated Open
this thread offers some kind of reward for pcs. This might be training or items. a thread run by a Scalv mod! this is a plot point which is open for anyone to use.
Guest Storytelling
We really want to encourage Guest Storytelling on Scalvoris. Any of the "Open" or "Reward" plots can be used as a story prompt by a GST - please simply PM Peg and be assured that I'll be VERY happy to help! Each season, I'll also pick one plot point which I'd be happy to Co-Mod with a GST!
Specific Events

Ymiden: 83 Trials
Image SuperstitionAll season It is believed hat wearing anything green will be detrimental to the harvest ~ this has led to stonings and killings in more violent times. Even after the harvest has taken place it is believed that anything green calls Lisirra's attention and so much be avoided for the entire 83 trials.
ImageUniversity OpportunitiesAll SeasonThere are a number of opportunities with the Univesity throughout the season
ImageSaoire!All SeasonThe Immortal remains in residence this Cycle, and her school is functioning excellently. An enormous Oak Tree grows in the middle of the central courtyard of the school - known as the Naficula-Àdánù it becomes well known that it is the tree gifted to her by Kisaik, the tunawa Knight
Image Desnind! All Season The ongoing agreement between Desnind and Scalvoris sees the flutterbus leaving all arc round and the exchange of goods and knowledge continue between these two locations. Specific Expeditions are maintained
ImageBounties and Odd JobsAll SeasonThe Odd Job, Bounty, Rumour & Expedition board is up to date!
ImageYmiden's Dawn 1st Ymiden This trial marks the beginning of the summer season on Scalvoris. At dawn on the first trial, Scalvorians go and stand by a body of water and pour a cupful over their heads, symbolising rebirth and the dawn of a new time. It is considered a time for making big decisions, perhaps affecting change in one's life. Doran's thread
ImageNew Order Outpost! 1st Ymiden On 1st Ymiden a new Order of the Adunih outpost opens in Egilrun. There is a small ceremony and thanks is given to Woe, a new Patron of the Order who paid half of the funds for its construction. Open ~ thread is here!
Image Unrest in Beacon 3rd Ymiden On 3rd Ymiden, a scuffle breaks out in Beacon. Namely in Haven Farm. Ria, the owner, gets into a verbal altercation because of her helping Balthazar Black - the man who Ria is fighting with has heard rumours that Balthazar is linked with the slave trade, and he is very vocal about it. Ria urges calm and is clear - no one should be judged without evidence. The situation degenerates Open - PM Peg for details
ImageBeer Crisis! 5th Ymiden On 5th Ymiden, Inns and Taverns across Scalvoris report that all their beer and ale has gone stale overnight. This had happened previously to a few Inns but - as of this trial there is no beer / ale / brewed drinks on the whole of Scalvoris and this situation will remain until dealt with by PCs. This may genuinely cause civil unrest if not dealt with Reward
ImageMarket! 10th Ymiden On 10th Ymiden, a travelling market arrives in Scalvoris - it pops up overnight and is based in Scalvoris Town. Anyone shopping there finds that it sells unusual and exotic gifts from around Idalos! Open
Image Xiur's Dusk 12th YmidenThis is Xiur's night, also known as "Star Night". There is a ritual amongst families that the youngest and oldest member of the family must exit the house at dusk by one door, stand together until they see, and wish a blessing and dedication to Xiur upon, different stars and then must get back into the house by different means, climbing through the window if necessary. Over the course of many arcs, it has become something of a sport in Almund to try and get back in the house by the most obscure means possible. This has led to a few accidents and the odd case of people being stuck in chimneys.
ImageUniversity Challenge! 15th Ymiden On 15th Ymiden, the university announces a collaboration with Saorie's School. The two institutions will be working together. The two institutions together announce their first project: the setting up of a number of "Knowledge Hubs" throughout Scalvoris. They invite Scalvoris citizens to submit written proposals for where these hubs will be. These must be submitted by the 35th Ymiden. Reward - post here
ImageCassion's Feast24th YmidenThis is a trial given over to Cassion. During the day, people congregate to predetermined locations in their town or village and they each bring a story. If they can write, they bring it in written form, but there are scribes there to write the stories down. That night there is feasting up and down the island with large groups coming together to sit around and share tales, always leaving a space for the Immortal and a meal in offering. It is believed that Cassion visits Scalvoris at this time each Ymiden, to sample the food and to read through the thousands of stories which are left out for him, then later stored in the library.
ImageCasino!32nd YmidenA travelling casino arrives on Scalvoris with tents popping up across the main island - there are a number of tournaments over the next 5 trials.Mod Input If you're taking part in a tournament. Open if not!
ImageMemories Return39th YmidenAt midnight on the 38th Ymiden, the events of the Egilrun War become apparent - all those involved regain their memory. By dawn on the 39th Ymiden it becomes apparent that this will not be a secret of any kind - rumours of what happened fly across Scalvoris ranging from the aburd to the wildly inaccurate - but they know who was there, and they all agree that these people saved the island. The University sends out researchers to talk to each individual involved, trying to make sure that they fully record this momentous occassion.
Image Hunters Moon 40th YmidenThis is a strange night on Scalvoris. It always has a "Hunters' Moon, where the moon is enormous in the sky and a deep blood red. Legend has it that animals hunted and killed that day and night in Karem's name earn her favour. On the night of the 39th, and often before, hunters go out and the night of the 40th there is a feast. It is traditional that only that which has been hunted or grown in the 3 trials before is eaten in that feast, which is usually a large affair in the middle of the town / village. This year, the feasts are all abuzz with the talk of what has happened
ImageHarvest 41st Ymiden On this trial the first harvest is collected and there is a strange tradition. The first of each type of produce is collected in a basket and offered to the Immortal Lisirra, that she might keep pestilence away from their island for another arc. Until this is finished, no one eats, in case Lisirra sees and takes offence that her offering is not the first of the trial.
ImageIshallr 42nd Ymiden Preliminary reports from Ishallr come in: the cave system seems to be no long "moving", the Eclipse Portals have stopped flickering. It has returned to its normal level of cold.
ImageOl'Tuck Spotted! 45th Ymiden Ol'Tuck, the infamous enormous turtle of Ol'Tucks run, in Sweetwine, is spotted! The Office for Natural Affairs investigates!! Open (but see findings on 52nd Ymiden below)
ImageFairies!? 52nd Ymiden The Office for Natural Affairs reports that the sightings of Ol'Tuck have been verified and, it appears, the legends of him being linked with fairies was correct. There are many fairies now in Sweetwine Woods - they are friendly enough although prone to mischief and pranks. There comes a warning - and a very heartfelt one - fairy food is not like regular food - it has strange (though never permanent) side effects!! Open
ImageHarvest 54th Ymiden In the Scaltoth Jungle, University and Office for Natural Affairs representatives are welcomed. Tentative relations are forged. Open
ImageHarvest 58th Ymiden Having disappeared in Ashan, the body of Philip Carey (the guardian of Watch) is found. There are suspicious circumstances! Open: Mod Input Needed
ImageGratitude Festival 62nd Ymiden This festival shows gratitude to the hunters and workers in the fields who have been tirelessly working to put food on everyone's plates. Therefore, one person in each street, or block of houses if the street is particularly long, opens their house so that everyone might welcome the rest for the field workers and have company during the almost inevitable downpour by this part of the season. If it isn't raining, it can be a garden party ~ but it always rains
ImageHarvest 65th Ymiden Saoire announces that, in five trials, there will be a night of celebration across Scalvoris - she invites people to celebrate the heroes who have worked to save the island. She declares that, from now on, the 70th Ymiden will be knows as the Heroes Trial and there will be thanks given and memories shared of the great deeds done. Open
ImageHeroes Trial 70th Ymiden Across the island feasts and celebrations are held to give thanks for those who saved the island. The skies above Scalvoris are lit up with shooting stars and the star-turtle is seen by each and every one - it visits each of those who stood before the Scalv-Flame and Scalvoris delights in the sight. Open
ImageSlags Deep 71st Ymiden It becomes known that, while people celebrated on the night of the 70th, something happened in Slags Deep. It has been locked and inaccessible all this time but now the place is open again. There are no prisoners, but there is a mine which could prove very lucrative for Scalvoris. The deeds for this mine, and retraction of Slags Deep as being its own sovereign territory, are delivered to Kura by a Cadouri called Tony. It's a ginger cat who insists that he's, actually, a tiger. Open
ImageThe Vault 73rd Ymiden The Vault collapses overnight, falling in on itself. It leaves behind ruins to be explored Open
ImageBadlands 76th Ymiden On Faldrass, the Badlands is beginning to show signs of "usual" growth. On the outskirts, patches of green are reappering. Air-Troops report that the center is still bad, however. Open
ImageGhosts 78th Ymiden Across Scalvoris there are ghostly sightings today - people report seeing loved ones, long since dead, standing and watching them. That's all the ghosts do. Stand and watch. Open
ImageFlora Trial 80th Ymiden This is a day where Scalvorians celebrate flowers. Females wear flowers in their hair, men wear flowers on their lapels. Each town and village decks itself out with floral displays and there is a carnival where wagons parade through the town or village, decked with flowers depicting stories or songs. It is a day of celebration for young and old alike.
Weather, Nature & Trends

Ymiden: 83 Trials

Natural Phenomena

  • Ymiden sees a lot of spring flower growth - much more than in other years - it's like Mother Nature has gone in to overdriveOpen
  • There continues to be a significant increase in the nocturnal animals spotted throughout the season. Open
  • Throughout this season, Rainbow Sand remains unseen. This is unusual in the extreme. Open
  • The animals in Ol' Tucks Run remain very active. There are a lot of animals, population has grown enormously. Open
  • Harvests this season are smaller than normal, because of the crops crisis in the last cycle. Hunger will become an issue if not dealt with! Open


Ymiden on Scalvoris known for its hot weather and strong hurricanes.
Astronomers cherish this season, especially the beginning of it, for its clear skies, giving way to cool nights full of stars and moonlight.
Crops planted during Ashan will be harvested before the middle of Ymiden ~ but many of them have been ruined due to last Cycle's events. .


  • The night skies in the first 38 trials of Ymiden are abundant with stars -many new ones are discovered and it's believed that Xiur is showing Scalvoris his support.
  • There are shooting stars in the sky every night of the first 38 trials of Ymiden. They make for wonderful scenes and are visible with the naked eye.
  • During the day for the first 38 trials, the skies are clear and bright
  • From the 39th onwards, the skies remain bright and return to normal (with the exceptions noted in the calendar dates).


The following trends occur on Scalvoris throughout this season:
  • Scarves / Shawls: Anything from a light pashmina to a flamboyant shoulder - wrap. Scarves and shawls are the spring must-have
  • Floral hair accessories: There's so many flowers out there! Put them in your hair
  • Blue!: Anything blue is the rage this season!
  • Al fresco dining: Be outside and be seen! It's time to show your friends that you make the best picnics.

Location Specific

Ymiden: 83 Trials


This season, Almund has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The increased Element presence continues.
  • The Almund Bazaar has a new overseer. It is said that Jacien - the old overseer of the Bazaar - was the one who arrested Balthazar Black!? How can that be?
  • Berlewin's Brews continues to thrive in the first 38 trials of this season. What are people buying there, and why? Plot Point
  • There are rumours that, in the Graveyard there is an increase of undead activity. No one knows why!? Plot Point
  • There is a general feeling of distrust of the Council and the Elements.
  • The streets, despite the increased Elements presence, are not safe. Attacks happen often.
Almund Information
Council Representative: Jo'ne Tide
Elements Presence: Rand Bronson (Militant)
Bank Available: Yes
Sand: Red
Religious Presence: High (The Glass Tree)
Most known for: dodgy dealings, nefarious folks



This season, Beacon has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • Beacon is growing and they suffer the least shortages of food from good planning last season Plot Point
  • The fact that they have a lot of new people means that their size is growing! They should have a council member!!. This continues to build Plot Point
  • One of the farmers in Beacon is developing a reputation for excellent quality livestock. There's a definite business opportunity, should anyone feel so inclined Plot Point
  • Beacon is more or less a village in its own right now - and they're seeking to make links and build relationships Plot Point
Beacon Information
Beacon Subforum
Council Representative: None
Elements Presence: Yes. Earth & Water
Bank Available: As of this Cycle, yes.
Sand: None
Religious Presence: High
Most known for: Being a village where ex slaves are taught a trade.



This season, Darbyton has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • Elliot declares that he will be stepping down on the 1st of next cycle Plot Point
  • The Ranger Headquarters is advertising. Plot Point
  • The Logging Consortium has suffered some losses last season. Now in the control of the Rangers, they really need more people! Plot Point
  • The Order of the Adunih Outpost was busy last season - and is even more so this one. Plot Point
  • Following the rumours that, in the Sawbones Shack illegal things can be bought there now begin to be rumours that there are experiments on people going on there. Plot Point
Darbyton Information
Darbyton Sub-Forum
Council Representative: Elliot
Elements Presence: None. Darbyton Rangers
Bank Available: No
Sand: Purple & Pink
Religious Presence: Moderate (for Scalvoris)
Most known for: Rangers, logging, self sufficiency.



This season, Egilrun has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The Order of the Adunih open its doors here. Plot Point
  • There are no mages in the village still, as far as anyone is aware - and anti-mage sentiment continues to grow. They begin to be known, collectively, as "Centipede" - a group seeking to cleanse Scalvoris of it's mages
  • The Slag's Deep Prison is closed. No one knows why Plot Point
  • The large order of boats which came in on the 1st Cylus is falling behind - can anyone help?. Jobs! Plot Point
  • Liza is just no where to be seen - there are calls for Woe Morendi to be made Council Representative. Plot Point
Egilrun Information
Egilrun Subforum
Council Representative: Liz
Elements Presence: Yes. Mostly Earth Troops
Bank Available: No
Sand: Blue
Religious Presence: High
Most known for: All crafts, esp. glassblowing.



This season, Faldrass has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • Saoire's school is up and running - lots going on there.
  • The badlands remain largely unexplored Plot Point
  • The two new settlements are more firmly established.
  • Saoire's Dream works with the Univeristy.
  • The Spirits Rest Oasis is very busy and wishes to work with the new Barony
  • The new Smooglenuff Manor opens its doors.
Faldrass Information
Faldrass Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: None specifc. Suggestions that there should be one
Elements Presence: Yes. All four branches
Bank Available: Usually yes, destroyed.
Sand: Orange
Religious Presence: Suddenly rather High
Most known for: Faldrass Eruption - now, Saoire is here



This season, Gunvorton has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • Shania continues to be very involved in Gunvorton, even though she is now the accountant.
  • The Consortium are more noticeable, more openly in charge. They continue to grow in power Plot Point
  • The Home & Hearth is seeking a buyer Plot Point
  • The Docks continue to be very very busy. No one really knows why. No one asks, it's all good. Shania said so. Plot Point
  • The rumour of strange goings-on the Warehouse District get worse! Weirdness and night-time movements, etcPlot Point
Gunvorton Information
The Village of Gunvorton Subforum
Council Representative: Vacancy
Elements Presence: Yes. Mostly Earth Troops
Bank Available: No
Sand: Green
Religious Presence: High
Most known for: Boats, Trade, Whispered Nefarious Deeds.



This season, Havardr has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • Linca was saved, last Cycle, by Yeva of Rharne - she has earned the respect of the villagers - they hold a celebration on the 30th Ymiden, celebrating both Linca and Yeva. Plot Point
  • The fishing off the shores is abundant. Incredibly so! Plot Point
  • Linca is rumored to be thinking about retiring. This whole coma - thing really hit him. Plot Point
Havardr Information
Havardr Facts
Havardr Subforum
Council Representative: Linca
Elements Presence: Yes. Earth & Water
Bank Available: No
Sand: Red & Yellow
Religious Presence: High
Most known for: Fishing, Whaling

Immortals Tongue

Immortals Tongue

This season, Immortals Tongue has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • In contrast to last Cycle - there are no birds on Immortals Tongue this cycle Plot Point
  • There are rumours that some of the shrines have been destroyed Plot Point
  • There are rumours that Tio Silver now lives on Immortals Tongue Plot Point
  • Rez'na lives there but is increasingly withdrawn. Plot Point
Immortals Tongue Information
Immortals' Tongue Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: None
Elements Presence: None
Bank Available: No
Sand: None
Religious Presence: Total
Most known for: Shrines to the Immortals.



This season, Ishallr has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The Base Camp continues to report a lot of things going missing - items, food, people. They aren't sure why, but it's getting serious. Plot Point
  • There are guided tours of the caves for those willing to brave them Plot Point
  • The Eclipse Portals continue to flicker on and off Plot Point
  • There are rumours that there is great treasure in "Death Valley" on Ishallr. But no one goes...... Plot Point
  • Increased Ghost activity this Cycle.
Ishallr Information
Ishallr Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: The Academic
Elements Presence: Small, but all four branches
Bank Available: No
Sand: None
Religious Presence: None
Most known for: Ice Caves, Scientific Expeditions

Scaltoth Jungle

Scaltoth Jungle
This season, the Scaltoth Jungles has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The weather in Scaltoth is the same - every trial of the first 38- warm and clear. This is very - very unusual Plot Point
  • Those who watch such things report a continuation and increase in an unusual number of lightning strikes hitting the Jungle Plot Point
  • The swarm of bats seen last cycle has disappeared. Plot Point
  • Rumour has it that there are a tribe of Cannibals in the Jungle. Can't be true, can it?! Plot Point
Scaltoth Jungle Information
Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: None
Elements Presence: No
Bank Available: No
Sand: None
Religious Presence:Not known
Most known for: Not being known about!

Scalvoris Mountains

Scalvoris Mountains

This Cycle, the Scalvoris Mountains have the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The snows of last Cycle remain here. Plot Point
  • There are many and varied reports of animals around and on the mountains which should not be there - no one knows whyPlot Point
  • The rumour from last season grows stronger. The Vault has some strange noises coming from it. Plot Point
  • They say that there are tribes living in these mountains and that, if they accept you, the tribes have currently unknown magics. Plot Point
Scalvoris Mountains Information
Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: None
Elements Presence: Air Troops Visit
Bank Available: No
Sand: Rainbow
Religious Presence: Not known
Most known for: Enormowls

Scalvoris Town

Scalvoris Town

This Cycle, Scalvoris Town has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The Menagerie reports a continued significant increase in abandoned animals. Plot Point
  • The Knight's Rest is working with Saoire's School to provide a Culinary School Plot Point
  • There is a continued and growing level of dissatisfaction with Leigh Birch - and calls for more representation from the University.
Scalvoris Town Information
Scalvoris Town Fast Facts
The Town of Scalvoris Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: Leigh Birch
Elements Presence: Yes. All four branches
Bank Available: Yes
Sand: Green
Religious Presence: High
Most known for: Academia, Viden Academy


Sweetwine Woods

This Cycle, Sweetwine Woods has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • An increase in the sightings of turtles in Ol'Tucks Run. Plot Point
  • An increase in the sightings of Grizzly Bees and Bumble Bears Plot Point
  • -Spring really hits here - the flowers are blooming enormously quickly and abundantly. It's beautiful - but it's very unusual! Plot Point.

OOC Info

Please note: All of the aspects of this calendar are plot points for players to enjoy. Feel free to claim one.
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Re: [Scalvoris] Calendar Hot Cycle 721

Saun 721
Image Borders
Image ImageImage
a festival or other recurring events. a specific event for this season a weather or natural phenomena event
Event Types
Reward Moderated Open
this thread offers some kind of reward for pcs. This might be training or items. a thread run by a Scalv mod! this is a plot point which is open for anyone to use.
Guest Storytelling
We really want to encourage Guest Storytelling on Scalvoris. Any of the "Open" or "Reward" plots can be used as a story prompt by a GST - please simply PM Peg or Pig and be assured that we'll be VERY happy to help!
Specific Events

Ymiden: 83 Trials
ImageGlass Trial 1st Saun This is an important one to Scalvoris. To greet the new sun, all Scalvorians leave an offering of glass for the Immortals. This ritual is carried out for protection and good luck. In an unsurprising Almund-like manner, the Scalvorians of that particular region do this by gathering together in an inn or other public space, drinking themselves senseless and smashing the glasses.
ImageSaun Sun 1st Saun On the 1st Saun, as the second sun appears in the sky, there is amazement from those who observe such things - astonomers, astrophysicists, scientists across Scalvoris are astonished to see that it has a "ring" around it of very bright stars. Impossibly bright stars. Open
Image Rainbow Sky 5th Saun This trial sees a very strange phenomena across the skies of Scalvoris. The alignment of the suns is such that the sky, for the entirety of the trial, is covered in rainbow clouds. In all of Scalvoris' recorded history, it has never rained on this trial. The residents of Scalvoris celebrate by holding dances on the beach from dawn until dawn the next trial.
ImageLinca Steps Down 6th Saun On the 6th Saun, after many years of serving the community of Harvardr faithfully, Linca steps down as it's lead. This opens up a place on the Council and means that the community needs someone to lead it. Will anyone help? Open
ImageElliot Retires 9th Saun Elliot declares that he is retiring from the Rangers, effective 2nd Vhalar (as long as nothing really weird happens on the 1st which means he has to stay - he's only half joking). Existing members of the Rangers are asked to step forward if they'd be interested in helping / taking over. Open
Image Chrien's Night10th Saun This is a night dedicated to Chrien. People go and swim in the waters, the Mer and Biqaj especially tend to go all out on this evening. During the night, it is acceptable and even expected to play tricks on each other, although the severity and malice of these tricks is usually tempered. Offerings are places on small boats, just larger than the palm of a hand and put to the water in the hope that no spite befalls the residents of Scalvoris this arc. Open
ImageTourists! 11th Saun Since the events of last season, there have been increasing visitors to Scalvoris - especially those of a religious persuasion. From the 11th onwards, though (after Chrien's Night!) there is an influx. Inns are stretched to capacity and there are tourists everywhere. This means that streets are packed out and people get a little tense - the heat is incredible, the beaches are full, and those bloody Rharnians always steal the towels first thing in the morning. Open
ImageRainbow Glowing Eggs!? 16th Saun We've had rainbow eggs, we've had glowing eggs - on the 16th Saun, a tourist asks one of the locals about the multi-coloured glowing chicken they saw. It spreads like wildfire - random chickens (and other birds) have become rainbow-coloured and glowing. They lay rainbow-coloured glowing eggs, they shed rainbow-coloured glowing feathers! Open
ImageBluewater Dip 20th Saun On this trial there is a festival where, once again, natives of the island dive into the waters around Treid's teeth. This time, though, it is all of the residents and there is a swimming and boating gala, races and other frivolity. Over the past 100 arcs, the Pirate Lords have held this festival, now that they are gone, who knows what will happen? Open
ImageFood Shortage 22nd Saun With the crops crisis of last season, and the storm+freeze which did a lot of damage, food is becoming an issue for the most poor of Scalvoris. There is still plenty to buy for those with money, but those in poverty are struggling Open
ImageBeacon Relief Effort 23rd Saun Beacon opens a soup kitchen which is free to all who come. Many of the poorest in Scalvoris go there, in order to feed themselves - and their children. Open
ImageSoul's Meal 25th ~ 30th Saun There is a common Scalvoris superstition throughout this season that lost souls are commonplace over Scalvoris, moreso even than usual, and so it is considered appropriate to set an empty place setting on the 25th Saun ~ 30th Saun for the dead to sit. Not doing so might cause them to stay all arc, in the hope that someone notices they are there. Each meal is begun with a dedication to Vri during this time. Open
ImageBunnies, Flunnies & Chicks 28th Saun On the morning of the 28th, farmers and smallholders all over Scalvoris wake up to find that their livestock has doubled. From those who keep a small group of chickens, to dairy farms. Cows, sheeps, chickens, rabbits - all of them double. This causes great relief among those who have been worried about food as meat is on the menu. Thanks is given to Moseke. Open
ImageSoul Light Night 30th Saun This trial marks the end of the Soul's Meal period and on the night of the 30th Saun, the people of Scalvoris light lanterns, even though it is Saun and they take the lanterns to the local graveyard at 8pm. There, they sit together, young and old, in large groups and they have a picnic. In between each living person there is a place for one of the souls who have not yet passed over. They stay until the last lantern, which symbolises Famula's lantern, burns out. When the last candle flickers out, the living leave the graveyard, leaving the lanterns behind which are collected the next trial. The belief is that the souls then go to Famula and are given peace. Open
ImageMerchants Needed! 31st Saun Scalvoris Merchant Guild has teamed up with Scalvoris Housing Offices - and they are promoting business ownership - individuals who start up businesses in Scalv during this season or Vhalar will be given a boost in their membership benefits. Open
ImageSafety's Sake 39th Saun A further, unspoken ritual is that those who have lived on the island a long time tend to stock up on supplies towards the end of this season. All of the really weird stuff starts 1st Vhalar, after all. Open
Weather, Nature & Trends

Saun: 40 Trials

Natural Phenomena

  • This Saun there is an abundance of flowers, insects and bees - much more than in other years - mostly, that's nice, but the Scalvfuffy's are a pain. Open
  • Previously nocturnal animals are seen wandering around, quite happily. Any hour of the day or night, they're there. Open
  • Throughout this season, Rainbow Sand suddenly reappears. It's all over the place, too - and is especially likely to appear in one of the four areas with Induks (Faldrass, Sweetwine, Scaltoth, Ishallr) - it appears apparently randomly.Open
  • The animals in Ol' Tucks Run remain very active. With Ol'Tuck being sighted and the fairy population now a regular occurance. There are a lot of animals, population has grown enormously. When animal life doubles, Sweetwine becomes very full indeed. Open
  • Harvests this season are significantly smaller than normal, because of the crops crisis in the last cycle. Open


As the monsoons of Ymiden become a thing of memory, Saun begins, bringing with it another sun. There is no night time in Saun, the second sun is always in the sky. The first one still does the dawn - dusk thing, but that's largely unnecessary.
Saun is the hottest season in Idalos with high temperatures that can become unbearable to work in.
Somehow, even in Saun, Treid's Teeth do not melt, nor does the ice-island Ishallr, although those are the only two places on Scalvoris where snow and ice can be seen.
During this season, night time provides a small relief to the heat and though the temperatures aren't so excruciatingly hot in the evening (since there's only one sun), exposure to the sun without proper water and shade as well as rest can be fatal.
Unlike other years, there are no storms this Saun. Some say, Chrien is granting Scalvoris a little peace, in payment. Others, however, don't believe that for a minute.


  • There is no night sky - but the sun has a ring of stars around it!
  • Skies are bright and clear and largely cloudless


The following trends occur on Scalvoris throughout this season:
  • Floaty Fashion!: Who wants tight clothing when floaty is so on-trend?! Loose garments are the way to go!
  • Flowers!: There's so many flowers out there! Put them in your hair, wear a necklace of them, hang them from your belt - the more flowers, the better.
  • White!: Anything white is the rage this season!
  • Dog walking: Show off your prize pooch and walk your dog - accessorise your dog, too!
Location Specific

Saun: 40 Trials


This season, Almund has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The increased Element presence continues.
  • There are increases in the number of brawls and more and more genuine try-to-kill-each-other fights.
  • Saun brings with it heat and the Skullgulls start to circle. There is a smell hanging in the air of rotten fish.
  • There is a general feeling of distrust of the Council and the Elements.
  • The streets, despite the increased Elements presence, are not safe. Attacks happen often.
  • A rumour starts that, rather than saving the island - the group of "heroes" actually killed Chrien.
  • The tourists bring with them a lot of opportunities for those who have such a mind. Muggings, robberies, etc skyrocket.
Almund Information
Council Representative: Jo'ne Tide
Elements Presence: Rand Bronson (Militant)
Bank Available: Yes
Sand: Red
Religious Presence: High (The Glass Tree)
Most known for: dodgy dealings, nefarious folks



This season, Beacon has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • Beacon helping out the poor is heralded as a way they can give opportunities such as they had. They begin to build a large barracks-style building where anyone who needs shelter can go. Plot Point
  • The fact that they have a lot of new people means that their size is growing! They should have a council member!!. This continues to build Plot Point
  • The increase in livestock really helps them - they weren't short of food and so the livestock is a real bonus. Plot Point
  • Beacon is more or less a village in its own right now - and they're seeking to make links and build relationships Plot Point
Beacon Information
Beacon Subforum
Council Representative: None
Elements Presence: Yes. Earth & Water
Bank Available: As of this Cycle, yes.
Sand: None
Religious Presence: High
Most known for: Being a village where ex slaves are taught a trade.



This season, Darbyton has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • Elliot declares that he will be stepping down on the 1st of next cycle. He really wants to find a replacement Plot Point
  • The Ranger Headquarters is advertising. Plot Point
  • The Logging Consortium has suffered some losses last season. Now in the control of the Rangers, they really need more people! Plot Point
  • The Order of the Adunih Outpost was busy last season - and is even more so this one. Plot Point
  • The Sawbones Shack has been fully investigated and they say that they have been give the all-clear by the authorities. Is that true? Plot Point
Darbyton Information
Darbyton Sub-Forum
Council Representative: Elliot
Elements Presence: None. Darbyton Rangers
Bank Available: No
Sand: Purple & Pink
Religious Presence: Moderate (for Scalvoris)
Most known for: Rangers, logging, self sufficiency.



This season, Egilrun has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The Order of the Adunih is thriving here. Plot Point
  • There are no mages in the village still, as far as anyone is aware - and anti-mage sentiment continues to grow.
  • The large order of boats which came in on the 1st Cylus is falling behind - can anyone help?. Jobs! Plot Point
  • Liza continues to be conspicuous by her absence. Plot Point
Egilrun Information
Egilrun Subforum
Council Representative: Liz
Elements Presence: Yes. Mostly Earth Troops
Bank Available: No
Sand: Blue
Religious Presence: High
Most known for: All crafts, esp. glassblowing.



This season, Faldrass has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • Saoire's school is up and running - lots going on there.
  • The badlands remain largely unexplored Plot Point
  • The two new settlements are more firmly established.
  • Saoire's Dream works with the University.
  • The Spirits Rest Oasis is very busy and wishes to work with the new Barony
  • The new Smooglenuff Manor is open and the Barons are living there.
Faldrass Information
Faldrass Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: None specific. Suggestions that there should be one
Elements Presence: Yes. All four branches
Bank Available: Usually yes, destroyed.
Sand: Orange
Religious Presence: Suddenly rather High
Most known for: Faldrass Eruption - now, Saoire is here



This season, Gunvorton has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • Shania continues to be very involved in Gunvorton, even though she is now the accountant.
  • The Consortium are more noticeable, more openly in charge. They continue to grow in power Plot Point
  • The Home & Hearth is seeking a buyer Plot Point
  • The Docks continue to be very very busy. No one really knows why. No one asks, it's all good. Shania said so. Plot Point
  • The rumour of strange goings-on the Warehouse District get worse! Weirdness and night-time movements, etcPlot Point
Gunvorton Information
The Village of Gunvorton Subforum
Council Representative: Vacancy
Elements Presence: Yes. Mostly Earth Troops
Bank Available: No
Sand: Green
Religious Presence: High
Most known for: Boats, Trade, Whispered Nefarious Deeds.



This season, Havardr has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • Linca stepping down causes some unrest. What will happen now? Plot Point
  • The fishing off the shores is abundant.Twice as much as before! Plot Point
Havardr Information
Havardr Facts
Havardr Subforum
Council Representative: Linca
Elements Presence: Yes. Earth & Water
Bank Available: No
Sand: Red & Yellow
Religious Presence: High
Most known for: Fishing, Whaling

Immortals Tongue

Immortals Tongue

This season, Immortals Tongue has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • In contrast to last Cycle - there are no birds on Immortals Tongue this cycle Plot Point
  • There continue to be rumours that some of the shrines have been destroyed Plot Point
  • There continue to be rumours that Tio Silver now lives on Immortals Tongue Plot Point
  • Rez'na lives there but is increasingly withdrawn. Plot Point
Immortals Tongue Information
Immortals' Tongue Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: None
Elements Presence: None
Bank Available: No
Sand: None
Religious Presence: Total
Most known for: Shrines to the Immortals.



This season, Ishallr has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The Base Camp continues to report a lot of things going missing - items, food, people. They aren't sure why, but it's getting serious. Plot Point
  • There are guided tours of the caves for those willing to brave them Plot Point
  • The Eclipse Portals are fully functioning! Plot Point
  • There are rumours that there is great treasure in "Death Valley" on Ishallr. But no one goes...... Plot Point
Ishallr Information
Ishallr Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: The Academic
Elements Presence: Small, but all four branches
Bank Available: No
Sand: None
Religious Presence: None
Most known for: Ice Caves, Scientific Expeditions

Scaltoth Jungle

Scaltoth Jungle
This season, the Scaltoth Jungles has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The weather in Scaltoth is more temperate than usual Plot Point
  • The ring of stars around the sun is seen as evidence of the well-being of the Death Spirit Plot Point
  • Rumour has it that there are a tribe of Cannibals in the Jungle. Can't be true, can it?! Plot Point
Scaltoth Jungle Information
Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: None
Elements Presence: No
Bank Available: No
Sand: None
Religious Presence:Not known
Most known for: Not being known about!

Scalvoris Mountains

Scalvoris Mountains

This Cycle, the Scalvoris Mountains have the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • This is the only season where there's almost no snow on the mountains Plot Point
  • The animal population are growing. Plot Point
  • The Vault has collapsed, leaving ruins in its wake Plot Point
  • They say that there are tribes living in these mountains and that, if they accept you, the tribes have currently unknown magics. Plot Point
Scalvoris Mountains Information
Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: None
Elements Presence: Air Troops Visit
Bank Available: No
Sand: Rainbow
Religious Presence: Not known
Most known for: Enormowls

Scalvoris Town

Scalvoris Town

This Cycle, Scalvoris Town has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • The Menagerie has a lot of excess stock to deal with! Animals galore! Plot Point
  • The Knight's Rest announces that the Culinary School will open 1st Vhalar. Recruiting now! Plot Point
  • There is a continued and growing level of dissatisfaction with Leigh Birch - and calls for more representation from the University.
Scalvoris Town Information
Scalvoris Town Fast Facts
The Town of Scalvoris Overview & Link Map
Council Representative: Leigh Birch
Elements Presence: Yes. All four branches
Bank Available: Yes
Sand: Green
Religious Presence: High
Most known for: Academia, Viden Academy


Sweetwine Woods

This Cycle, Sweetwine Woods has the following specific things for PCs to note:
  • An increase in the sightings of turtles in Ol'Tucks Run. Plot Point
  • An increase in the sightings of Grizzly Bees and Bumble Bears Plot Point
  • Fairies! Plot Point.

OOC Info

Please note: All of the aspects of this calendar are plot points for players to enjoy. Feel free to claim one.
word count: 3066
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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Re: [Scalvoris] Calendar Hot Cycle 721

Event: 10th of Ymiden, Scalvoris Town (Market!)
PC(s) involced Devin
Link to thread Stale Beer and Travelling Merchants
Open to other pcs? If so, how many? This is a solo.
Anything else? This is also Part 2 of my series about the beer crisis.
word count: 45


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: [Scalvoris] Calendar Hot Cycle 721

Event: 5th of Saun, Scalvoris Town (Rainbow Sky)
PC(s) involced Doran
Link to thread Rainbow Sky
Open to other pcs? If so, how many? This is a solo.
Anything else? This will be a solo about Doran looking at the sky and dancing on the beach.
word count: 47





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Ring of Reversal
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