Immortal Marks
Champion of Famula Zuuda - all abilities. Skills: +3 Cooking. +6 Surgery. +9 Surgery. Completed Champion Level Quests Another One Bites the Dust: DONE
PSF Ticket and Approval Everybody's Job ~ Faith begins to see the illness which is hitting the Dust Quarter. Soul Reason ~ Faith investigates the cause and starts to come to some very uncomfortable conclusions. What is dead, may never die ~ Faith sorts through the memories of 14 deaths to find the answers she needs The Alchemist, The Necromancer & The (ex)Slave ~ the finale. When The Dust Settles ~ the aftermath. Taking Over The Order of the Adunih The War Of Death & Souls Done | Champion of Vri
Bellinos All favoured abilities. All adored abilities. All exalted abilities Skills: Favored: +3 Detection Adored +6 Detection Exalted: +5 Investigation, +2 Caregiving, +2 Detection. | Champion of Moseke
Sevrath All favoured abilities. All adored abilities. All exalted abilities: Skills: +3 Medicine +6 Medicine +9 Medicine |
Tier 2 Skills
Medicine Gateway Ability: Keyhole Surgery
With the discovery of this, Faith is able to make a minute cut in order to perform a major surgery. She does this by mixing what she knows about surgery with ether-manipulation (which she is just at the beginning of) and thus her surgeries have wounds equivalent to modern key-hole surgery. (Approved: here )
Logistics Gateway Ability: Logistical Leaps
: Faith has developed her skill to the point where she can plan for the worst-case-scenario in the most efficient way possible and make logistical decisions which may seem to be unusual or extreme but which are, in fact, exactly what's needed. This leads to her having something on hand which could help against even the most obscure and difficult turn of events. So, to give an example, the gut instinct to bring a beautiful bird along for company on the voyage is directly helpful when a priest of Delroth seeks to impede their progress. I think it'll be interesting for story and will be something mods can use if they wish. ( Approved: here )
Investigation Gateway Ability: Hunch
: Any investigator develops an instinct but Faith has honed this to the point of super human. As in the All-Taverns Tournament, Faith is able to spot when something is not right no matter how busy or crowded the place may be. Where there is a plot to be investigated, or a crime to be solved, where there is a dodgy person or an unusual thing - Faith will have a hunch and go to it. This is not a passive ability, but it is one where she has to look around / investigate / consider and then, to her, her hunch kicks in. When looking at a crowd of 200 people, considering the city of Rharne or wondering about the whole of Idalos, Faith just knows where to start, and who (in priority order) she needs to speak to first.
In mechanical terms, I will use this ability in a thread and identify it. Should that be a modded thread, I will leave the results to the mod, of course. In a solo, I'll use it and then continue the actions and - in a collab, I'll work with my partner(s). ( Approved: here )
In mechanical terms, I will use this ability in a thread and identify it. Should that be a modded thread, I will leave the results to the mod, of course. In a solo, I'll use it and then continue the actions and - in a collab, I'll work with my partner(s). ( Approved: here )
Custom Abilities
Aura of Freedom
This ability requires Faith, to spill a drop of her own blood (which is imbued with one of Famula's spirits) to activate it. When that is done it allows her to invoke an aura of "Sever The Impostor" for any thralls or undead within it. The Adored ability allows this at only one thrall per time and requires touch, but Famula has granted to Faith the ability to permanently release any and all thralls within the radius of this power. Based on her Medicine skill (since it is linked with blood) this ability frees any thrall from control, permanently severing their link and freeing their soul, which is usually still anchored to the body. Any undead within a 1,600 ft radius are affected and this works on any thralls not created by a Revealed Necromancer. It permanently makes the former thrall unable to be re-animated and lasts for one break. It may only be used once a season. If the thrall was created by a Revealed Necromancer - or by a Master Necromancer using a Master+ Tier Well, then this becomes a battle of Discipline between Faith and the Necromancer in question and requires mod intervention to determine the outcome.Gained: here |
Blood Bond (Moderate) This ability may only be used on one other person as it has the power to connect both the character and the individual to each other. When the blood bond is made, an oath is taken between two people, an oath of service and alliance. Only one such Bond can be active for Faith. After the bond is made, both characters are linked mentally, able to telepathically communicate over any distance. In addition, both blood bonded can exchange the wounds they've taken with the other's permission. The blood bond must be honored. Whomever breaks the sanctity of this Oath on their blood will be denied the benefit of it. Until reparations and forgiveness is granted for the breach in the oath, the one who breaks it will find their blood will no longer clot. In addition, whomever did not break the oath can choose to injure themselves and transfer that wound to the violator, if desired. Non fatal wounds are the only ones that can be exchanged without permission. Gained: here |
Broken Shackles (Moderate) No longer can even the most complex locks restrain Faith's personal movement. Even magical binding will slip around them and dispel. Faith can choose to be bound or not as they desire. At this level, however, that freedom extends to their area as well. If Faith would ever be imprisoned in a pit, a cell, or a room that restricts their environment...they will find there is always a way to escape. The bars will rust, allowing them to break free, the well walls will sprout handholds allowing them to climb out. Faith cannot be bound or sealed. While this blessing does not apply to grappling or the tangle of organic beings, any non-sentient environment limiting or person limiting restraint can be escaped.Gained: here |
Graft removal
With this ability the Zuuda is able to pull the graft spark from a grafter. This applies only to a grafter who is unconscious or in a passive / trance state and may only be performed once per Cycle. The act of doing this involves testing Faith’s constitution and the Zuuda pays a heavy price in the event of success. As the graft spark is taken from the mage, all of the corruptions the grafter has affected themselves or others with come home to roost in Faith. She is afflicted with a temporary loss of one of her five senses for each level of the grafter, which must then be treated medically. It will take a base of ten trials to cure each loss, before her sense may return. Should Faith fail to cure these sense losses before the season’s end, she will permanently lose one of her senses while the rest return. Gained: here . |
Savior's Rush
Savior's Rush is a skill that gives the user a sudden burst of speed, allowing them to either reach their destination more quickly or retreat from a situation that has grown beyond their control. Repeated use of this ability will drain the users energy as if they had spent the day undergoing strenuous exercise. Gained: here |
Necromancer's Bane
With this ability the Zuuda is able to pull the necromancy spark from a necromancer. This applies only to a necromancer who is unconscious or in a passive / trance state and may only be performed once per Cycle. The act of doing this involves engaging in a battle of wills with the necromancer and the Zuuda pays a heavy price. As the necromancy spark is taken from the mage, all those souls who have been entrapped or harmed by the necromancer are finally set free and the Zuuda will become an anchor for them all, until he or she is able to take the time to help each one to pass over. If the Zuuda should lose the battle of wills, then the necromancer repels their attack. Gained: here |
Stone Herald Stone Herald: With this ability, when Faith finds a need she is able to awaken stone to the purpose it is being used for. So, the stone of a home will strive to serve that purposes to the fullest extent of their ability. Stones in a home will stay secured even through a disaster as it protects the people inside. In a hospital the stones themselves will stay clean and fight of germs to protect the lives of those there. A castle would be more difficult to destroy / breach, as the stone stands firm, a theatre or concert hall has exquisite acoustics, etc. The stones awoken in this way will not do anything to aid an attack, but will work to defend, or to heal, or to grow etc. This ability takes a full hour to use as Faith has to connect with the stone and dedicate it to Moseke. Once a season she can dedicate the stones of a contiguous stone structure. Gained here |
Capstone Skills