Council Correspondence, Memos & Actions.

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Re: Council Correspondence, Memos & Actions.

Ashan 10, Arc 722

Delivered by Haven messenger to Kura's office

Madame Albrech,

On the matter of Induk relations, I reached out to an acquaintance of mine in Rharne, Commander Vivian Shiryu. She is a Warden of Lovalus in Rharne and I thought she might be able to share insight with us.

I've copied the entire transcript of the letter here for you to read.

"Miss Angelus,

I've heard that Scalvoris has been having their own Induk's show up, though the matters appear to be quite different. However, I'm not sure how much I can help you with cultivating relationships with your local Induks. Any arrangements between Rharne's government and Lovalus are almost certainly between Ilaren herself and the Lake Induk, rather than made by the day-to-day government of Rharne. Since Scalvoris is not ruled by an Immortal, it will be down your Council to make any necessary agreements. I will, however, share what knowledge I can of Spirits in general, since I've fought alongside and against them.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that Spirits are not mortal. They may speak in words we understand, and do things that make sense, but their thought processes are entirely different. During the battle with Rhaum at the end of the siege, I was merged with Lovalus itself, and it was a strange experience, in hindsight. It certainly wasn't my mind that had my armor form mouths to catch Rhaum's attacks, but Lovalus thought it was a good idea, and I can't really disagree given that it seemed to work. But another Spirit I encountered, a frog named Pearl Hopper, thought it was an Immortal and ruled like a tyrant, at least until he got arrested and took up thus-far permanent residence in a magic rock. However, the relevant part is the reason it believed it was an Immortal. It was a Diri of Divinity, and that connection made it think that it was, in and of itself, divine. Likewise, Lovalus is a Lake Induk, and the mouths it formed when we merged were lake creatures.

So the important thing you need to identify is what your Induks are Induks of. You'll need to approach them based on that. If one's a mountain, I can pretty much guarantee that it will not care one bit about whether or not the current political climate is favorable to foreign merchants, for instance. This is especially true if your four Induks are connected in some way, as you'll need to decide if you want to deal with them separately or as a group. If it's as a group, you'll need to address them on terms that they all actually care about it. Oh, and whatever you do, be careful how you word any deals you make. Lovalus once empowered an angry ghost for arcs because of a deal and couldn't do anything about it until Vega, Arlo, and I came along and loosed the ghosts's corpse. It seems that Induk deals tend to be pretty binding, for both parties.

Sorry I couldn't be more help, but hopefully what I've said can be of at least some use.

Vivian Shiryu"

I hope this information helps you. As always, please reach out to me if there is any further assistance I can offer.


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Re: Council Correspondence, Memos & Actions.

Individual Copies sent to all council members.

To: All Council Members.
From: Zana Delroth, Newly Appointed Council Member for Foreign Affairs.
Dated: 10th Ashan. Delivered by hand from Faldrass.

In our last meeting, Council Member Doran, Devout of Scalvoris, suggested that we should consider our job roles. While those of you who are more experienced will be bringing your consideration to the next meeting, I felt it prudent to send this to you now, in the hope that you can look at it and come to the meeting with two things. Firstly, your thoughts on the accuracy of my summary and, secondly, your answer to the questions / issues raised specifically for your area.

Many thanks for your time.

Foreign Affairs: Job Description
Foreign Affairs exclusively deals with:
- Diplomatic relationships between Scalvoris and other cities and nations.
- Intelligence gathering on other cities and nations.

This means that the role encompasses:
- Working with relevant council members to make sure Scalvoris has sufficient basic resources to meet our people's needs (food, medicine, etc), where we can not solely supply our own.
- Working with relevant council members to make sure Scalvoris has sufficient exotic resources to meet our people's wishes, where we can not solely supply our own.
- Working with relevant council members to ensure that our borders and waters are protected
- Working with relevant council members to ensure that our exports and imports are fair and functioning.
- Working with relevant council members to maximise our relationships with global factions.

Questions For Specific Council Roles Only ~ Devout, Trainer, Academic, Chief Ranger, Welfare, etc.
What specialist equipment do you need which may be sourced from outside Scalvoris?
What specific needs might you have above and beyond the usual which may be sourced from outside Scalvoris?
How can we raise money from what you do? (Can anything be sold / exported)
What exotics would be good to buy in for you?

Questions for Representatives of Places Only ~ Egg, Gunvortonian, Proper, etc.
What specific needs does your area have which may be assisted by Foreign Affairs?
How can we raise money (exports) from your area?
Are there any cultural specifics which would be of interest to foreign representatives
What makes your area of representation particularly attractive to non-Scalvoris visitors?
What does your place of representation need in order to thrive (not just survive) which may be sourced from outside Scalvoris?
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To Councilor Bao Bao

20 Ashan, Arc 722

Balthazar Black
Elisabeth Angelus

Invite you to share in the joy of their wedding.

100th of Ashan, Arc 722

Haven, Faldrass Island, Scalvoris.

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Re: Council Correspondence, Memos & Actions.

Sent: 10th Ashan, 722.
Via Eclipse Portal: Arriving 11th Ashan 722
For the attention of: All Council Members.

I am writing to you in order to inform you of a project I am undertaking in my role as Head of the Order of the Adunih. I have sent this proposal to Lady Saoire and have received, in return, an agreement in principle for the setting up of the gateways. I am due to meet with Lady Saoire next Cycle.

The Proposal: As Sent To Saoire
I am setting up a large hospital outside Rharne, near to the town of Volta. My aim is to build the largest hospital currently on Idalos and - most importantly - which serves all of Idalos. This will be one complex which will have five distinct areas.

Four wings (each the size of a large hospital) with a central hub is what I envision. These will be:

- a hospital where currently incurable diseases and illnesses are treated and studied.
- a hospital where chronic and long term patients with complex and often terminal diagnosis and prognosis are cared for
- a children's hospital for the most complex and difficult children's cases
- a military and / or magic injury hospital for all those who have been injured in war or battle, those who have been harmed by magic or incapacitated by it

The hub will have research facilities and labs. There will be accommodation for the families of those who stay in the hospitals and therapy rooms for them. I have arranged for these buildings to be built and I will be donating them to the Order, so that they will not belong to me or any one person, but will be Order property.

My idea, Lady Saoire, is that I would ask you to provide a gateway between all Order buildings and this complex. It is my aim to ensure that no one is denied treatment because of their location and this is a first step towards that goal. If I can secure your assurance of the gateways, then I will contact the government and Immortal patrons of the relevant cities.

Current Actions
I have commissioned the buildings. I will be funding these myself and they will be immediately donated to the Order of the Adunih. These buildings are being created to a very high standard from an organisation in Rharne. Snodgrass, Pendleton & Snoot have provided a substantial discount and will be the official builders for the Order of the Adunih, going forward.

I have met with a mercenary company to discuss arranging security at the hospital site - and in each of the Order outposts, as and when this is agreed.

I have arranged to meet with Woe Morandi, council member for Egilrun, to discuss the provision of specialised glassware to the hospitals.

I have arranged to meet Council Member Bao Bao with regards to the potential benefit to the welfare of Scalvoris.

I am in the process of writing to the councils for Scalvoris, Desnind, Rharne, Viden and the Eternal Empire. These will be the "phase one" contacts.

I would like to ask that the Council discuss this proposal at the next meeting. The ability to be able to offer healing to those most in need should not be limited by geography. However, I am aware that the use of gateways poses a risk. I have the following mitigations either in place, or in process.

1. Members of a well-respected and morally appropriate mercenary company to be stationed in each Order outpost with the specific remit of protecting the gateway.

2. I am able to designate an area a "safe hearth" - while so designated, no violence can be undertaken there and I will be aware of any who enter with violent intent. I am able to designate three such areas and I will designate the hospital as one.

3. Restrictions on who may use the gateway and - if it is Lady Saoire's pleasure that this is the case - a requirement that the person coming through must be "accepted" by the hospital. I will provide an Echo Scroll to each Order outpost and only when stringent security measures are met will the gateway be opened. Note that this requires discussion / confirmation from Lady Saoire.

I genuinely believe that this proposal will save lives. We will be able to provide care to those who most need it, no matter where they are. I would very much appreciate you discussing this at your next meeting, if that was possible. If you need to meet in person, I will be happy to attend - I am going to be teaching at Saoire's school from now on and so will be available.

I thank you for your time in reading this.

With best regards,

Faith Augustin
 ! Message from: Avalon
Faith receives letters back from Francis, Shania and Rand. These letters are largely positive and state that whatever concerns they might have had, they are addressed in the proposal. Each states that they will make sure the proposal is raised in the Council meeting.
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Re: Council Correspondence, Memos & Actions.

Date: 52nd of Ashan 722

Welfare Councilor Bao Bao:

It's been some time since we have spoken directly, Councilor Bao Bao. I'd like to offer my heartfelt apologies for the way I behaved during the Council Meeting last time. Your reaction and response was measured and a credit to Ziell and your mother Saoire. At any rate, I had hoped to bring something to your attention before the next Council Meeting.

I've had a thought about projects I might embark upon on behalf of Egilrun and one of them might concern your office. Egilrun is a large and growing township, with an industrious and efficient people. Yet, as practical as they may be, they have spiritual needs that must be met. I had hoped to contribute my own funds toward the establishment of a place of devotion, much in the vein of the Glass Temple in Scalvoristown, or the Glass Tree in Almund. I was considering what form this place of devotion might take, and my thoughts turned toward a task U'frek had given me after the events of the Forging. He wished for me to reignite the respect people of Scalvoris used to have for the water, and aquatics. So let me get to the point.

A Glass Harbour. Where people may devote their journeys or arrivals to the entity of their devotion, whether Immortal, Dragon, Induk, or even Mortalborn. I could see a tradition forming around the embarking of such spiritual journeys, of taking a glass figurine crafted by our Glassmaker's Union, and keeping it intact during the journey to prove devotion. But whatever customs arrive from the establishment of the Glass Harbour are for the people to decide, of course. This is only an idea.

As for where your office comes in, the establishment and support of the welfare of the people is within your remit is it not? Perhaps resources could be marshalled toward this end. I'm willing to put as much of my wealth behind this project as I'm allowed to, yet there are still resources even beyond my ability to acquire and gather. Resources and permissions that the government can provide with your office's consent. I think the spiritual welfare of the people could be directly and beneficially impacted by the establishment of a place of devotion in Egilrun. One that matches its particular values.

In any case, whether you approve or not, I look forward to a spirited discussion at the next Council Meeting.

Councilor, Egg Woe Morandi

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To: Devout Thetys

Ymiden 1, Arc 722

Delivered by Haven messenger to the Devout's office

Devout Thetys,

I hope this message finds you well and prospering in your role on the Scalvoris Council. It is within the vein of that role that prompts me to reach out to you.

As you may or may not have heard by now, some interesting things happened during Balthazar and my wedding on Ashan 100. Interesting in an ‘Immortals’ kind of way.

The venue changed a few times, but what is now here in Haven is a canopy of everblooming flowers and trees surrounding a wood platform. Hanging from the arches of trees overhead are glass ornaments with Immortal symbols. It is very obviously a holy place.

As with all holy places in Scalvoris, this new site belongs to everyone. I am, however, sensitive to its nature and wish to protect and honor it to the best of my abilities. As such, I seek your counsel on the name of such a place.

I considered the nature of ‘glass’ in the names of most holy places in Scalvoris, but that didn’t seem right in this case. The naming convention of Immortal’s Tongue then came to mind, and the first thing I thought of, looking at the beauty created here, is how intimate it is. You step inside, and it feels like the Immortals are all around you – Immortal’s Embrace. I believe this name suits the site and honors the traditions of Scalvoris, established at other holy sites.

If you have time in your schedule, we would be honored to host you in Haven for a visit so that you can see for yourself. I, however, understand that your time is precious and am happy to make that offer open-ended.

Please take care of yourself, and may peace be with you. I look forward to hearing from you.

With warmest regards,

Elisabeth Black
Settlement Leader

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Re: Council Correspondence, Memos & Actions.

Arc 722, 49th of Ymiden

To: Militant Councillor Rand
From: Darius Baer, Baron of House von Smooglenuff and founder of Hopetoun.

Dear Councillor Rand,

As you may recall, I have been vocal about my concerns regarding piracy on the Hollow Sea.

However, there is another safety issue that has compelled me to write to you.

The lack of anyone being stationed on Watch is cause for concern. This would be the case at any time of arc, but it is even more dangerous now, given how frequent and powerful storms can be during Ymiden and Saun.

Just three trials ago, my crew and I rescued the crew of the Valiant when they got caught in a storm near Watch. They were fortunate we caught sight of them and rushed to their aid, for their ship was eventually struck by lightning and the burning wreck slipped beneath the waves.

I am worried that if nobody is stationed on Watch - or some other means of providing light to passing ships is not provided - it is only a matter of time before another ship sinks or is dashed against the rocks, and I fear that we may not be there to pluck the sailors from the water.

I hope you and the rest of the council are able to give this the attention it needs, and find some kind of solution. If there is anything I cam do to assist with this matter - or if you wish to hear from me in person - I would be happy to oblige.

Yours respectfully,
Darius Baer, Baron of House von Smooglenuff and founder of Hopetoun.
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Re: Council Correspondence, Memos & Actions.

Ymiden 1, Arc 722

To: Kura Mareth, Albarech of Scalvoris
From: Doctor Devin Thorn, Baron von Smooglenuff and High Priest of Delroth

Esteemed Madame Albarech,

Last Vhalar, a supposed prince from Nashaki called Flavius who was accompanied by a dragonling came to the Temple of Delroth and gifted me a magnificent mirror. He told me that he served the Voice of Calamity who I believed to be a high-ranking Blessed of Delroth. He told me that the mirror would enable me to converse with said Voice of Calamity who had a mirror of his own.

I did of course accept the gift.

Not so long ago, I was finally contacted. The Voice of Calamity didn’t turn out to be just any Blessed of Delroth though, but a wanted criminal who you probably know very well. He had changed the color of his hair and his eyes, and even his skin tone, but it was obviously him.

Kalortah Satravial.

He insulted me and called me a garden-variety chicken, among other things, before he tried to chat with me - or pretended to do so. He also called Zana Delroth, our Councilor of Foreign Affairs, a base whore. I tried to subtly question Mister Satravial, in the hope that I would learn something that would help the government of our wonderful island capture him.

He refused to reveal his location, only calling it a “place of great importance” before he entered a fit of rage and threatened to return at the head of a mighty armada. Before he threw his own mirror away, I was able to notice a lonely mountainside outside his window though. It had many buildings on it. Perhaps, that description will tell you something.

I can also send you the mirror that was gifted to me, although I doubt that examining it will reveal anything useful, especially since Mister Satravial apparently destroyed his own mirror.

That being said, I hope that you will find the information useful, and please let me know if there is anything else I can do. I wish to help our island and keep its citizens safe from harm.


Doctor Devin Thorn
Baron von Smooglenuff
High Priest of Delroth
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  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


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