Info Faith Augustin

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Faith Augustin Champion
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Posts: 4827
Joined: Sat Jun 25, 2016 12:12 pm
Race: Human
Profession: Fanatical Philanthropist
Renown: 2285
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Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 10

Faith Augustin

Faith Augustin
Character Wiki
Immortal Marks

Champion of Famula
Zuuda - all abilities.
+3 Cooking.
+6 Surgery.
+9 Surgery.
Completed Champion Level Quests
Another One Bites the Dust: DONE
PSF Ticket and Approval
Everybody's Job ~ Faith begins to see the illness which is hitting the Dust Quarter.
Soul Reason ~ Faith investigates the cause and starts to come to some very uncomfortable conclusions.
What is dead, may never die ~ Faith sorts through the memories of 14 deaths to find the answers she needs
The Alchemist, The Necromancer & The (ex)Slave ~ the finale.
When The Dust Settles ~ the aftermath.
Taking Over The Order of the Adunih

~~ PSF ~~
Completed: Rebirth Cycle 719
► Show Spoiler
The War Of Death & Souls Done
~~ PSF
~~ Amended PSF
See Character Wiki - Notable Threads.
Champion of Vri
All favoured abilities.
All adored abilities.
All exalted abilities

Favored: +3 Detection
Adored +6 Detection
Exalted: +5 Investigation, +2 Caregiving, +2 Detection.
Champion of Moseke
All favoured abilities.
All adored abilities.
All exalted abilities:

+3 Medicine
+6 Medicine
+9 Medicine
Adored of Ymiden
All favored abilities:
Adored level granted here
-Morning Watch
-Sun Spot
+3 Psychology
+6 Gardening
Adored of Pier & Pre
All favored abilities:
Adored level granted here
- This is the Truth (Moderate)
- Justified Skills
- See No Evil
Final 6 abilities granted here

+3 Detection
+6 Investigation,
Tier 2 Skills

Medicine Gateway Ability: Keyhole Surgery
With the discovery of this, Faith is able to make a minute cut in order to perform a major surgery. She does this by mixing what she knows about surgery with ether-manipulation (which she is just at the beginning of) and thus her surgeries have wounds equivalent to modern key-hole surgery. (Approved: here )
Logistics Gateway Ability: Logistical Leaps
: Faith has developed her skill to the point where she can plan for the worst-case-scenario in the most efficient way possible and make logistical decisions which may seem to be unusual or extreme but which are, in fact, exactly what's needed. This leads to her having something on hand which could help against even the most obscure and difficult turn of events. So, to give an example, the gut instinct to bring a beautiful bird along for company on the voyage is directly helpful when a priest of Delroth seeks to impede their progress. I think it'll be interesting for story and will be something mods can use if they wish. ( Approved: here )
Investigation Gateway Ability: Hunch
: Any investigator develops an instinct but Faith has honed this to the point of super human. As in the All-Taverns Tournament, Faith is able to spot when something is not right no matter how busy or crowded the place may be. Where there is a plot to be investigated, or a crime to be solved, where there is a dodgy person or an unusual thing - Faith will have a hunch and go to it. This is not a passive ability, but it is one where she has to look around / investigate / consider and then, to her, her hunch kicks in. When looking at a crowd of 200 people, considering the city of Rharne or wondering about the whole of Idalos, Faith just knows where to start, and who (in priority order) she needs to speak to first.

In mechanical terms, I will use this ability in a thread and identify it. Should that be a modded thread, I will leave the results to the mod, of course. In a solo, I'll use it and then continue the actions and - in a collab, I'll work with my partner(s). ( Approved: here )
Custom Abilities
Aura of Freedom
This ability requires Faith, to spill a drop of her own blood (which is imbued with one of Famula's spirits) to activate it. When that is done it allows her to invoke an aura of "Sever The Impostor" for any thralls or undead within it. The Adored ability allows this at only one thrall per time and requires touch, but Famula has granted to Faith the ability to permanently release any and all thralls within the radius of this power. Based on her Medicine skill (since it is linked with blood) this ability frees any thrall from control, permanently severing their link and freeing their soul, which is usually still anchored to the body. Any undead within a 1,600 ft radius are affected and this works on any thralls not created by a Revealed Necromancer. It permanently makes the former thrall unable to be re-animated and lasts for one break. It may only be used once a season.

If the thrall was created by a Revealed Necromancer - or by a Master Necromancer using a Master+ Tier Well, then this becomes a battle of Discipline between Faith and the Necromancer in question and requires mod intervention to determine the outcome.Gained: here
Blood Bond (Moderate)

This ability may only be used on one other person as it has the power to connect both the character and the individual to each other. When the blood bond is made, an oath is taken between two people, an oath of service and alliance. Only one such Bond can be active for Faith. After the bond is made, both characters are linked mentally, able to telepathically communicate over any distance. In addition, both blood bonded can exchange the wounds they've taken with the other's permission. The blood bond must be honored. Whomever breaks the sanctity of this Oath on their blood will be denied the benefit of it. Until reparations and forgiveness is granted for the breach in the oath, the one who breaks it will find their blood will no longer clot. In addition, whomever did not break the oath can choose to injure themselves and transfer that wound to the violator, if desired. Non fatal wounds are the only ones that can be exchanged without permission. Gained: here
Broken Shackles (Moderate)

No longer can even the most complex locks restrain Faith's personal movement. Even magical binding will slip around them and dispel. Faith can choose to be bound or not as they desire. At this level, however, that freedom extends to their area as well. If Faith would ever be imprisoned in a pit, a cell, or a room that restricts their environment...they will find there is always a way to escape. The bars will rust, allowing them to break free, the well walls will sprout handholds allowing them to climb out. Faith cannot be bound or sealed. While this blessing does not apply to grappling or the tangle of organic beings, any non-sentient environment limiting or person limiting restraint can be escaped.Gained: here
Graft removal
With this ability the Zuuda is able to pull the graft spark from a grafter. This applies only to a grafter who is unconscious or in a passive / trance state and may only be performed once per Cycle. The act of doing this involves testing Faith’s constitution and the Zuuda pays a heavy price in the event of success. As the graft spark is taken from the mage, all of the corruptions the grafter has affected themselves or others with come home to roost in Faith. She is afflicted with a temporary loss of one of her five senses for each level of the grafter, which must then be treated medically. It will take a base of ten trials to cure each loss, before her sense may return. Should Faith fail to cure these sense losses before the season’s end, she will permanently lose one of her senses while the rest return.
Gained: here .
Savior's Rush
Savior's Rush is a skill that gives the user a sudden burst of speed, allowing them to either reach their destination more quickly or retreat from a situation that has grown beyond their control. Repeated use of this ability will drain the users energy as if they had spent the day undergoing strenuous exercise.
Gained: here
Necromancer's Bane
With this ability the Zuuda is able to pull the necromancy spark from a necromancer. This applies only to a necromancer who is unconscious or in a passive / trance state and may only be performed once per Cycle. The act of doing this involves engaging in a battle of wills with the necromancer and the Zuuda pays a heavy price. As the necromancy spark is taken from the mage, all those souls who have been entrapped or harmed by the necromancer are finally set free and the Zuuda will become an anchor for them all, until he or she is able to take the time to help each one to pass over. If the Zuuda should lose the battle of wills, then the necromancer repels their attack. Gained: here
Stone Herald

Stone Herald:
With this ability, when Faith finds a need she is able to awaken stone to the purpose it is being used for. So, the stone of a home will strive to serve that purposes to the fullest extent of their ability. Stones in a home will stay secured even through a disaster as it protects the people inside. In a hospital the stones themselves will stay clean and fight of germs to protect the lives of those there. A castle would be more difficult to destroy / breach, as the stone stands firm, a theatre or concert hall has exquisite acoustics, etc. The stones awoken in this way will not do anything to aid an attack, but will work to defend, or to heal, or to grow etc. This ability takes a full hour to use as Faith has to connect with the stone and dedicate it to Moseke. Once a season she can dedicate the stones of a contiguous stone structure. Gained here
Capstone Skills


Business Management
Name / Link Active/Passive Achieved Through
Efficient Delegation Active 60+ Knowledge


Name / Link Active/Passive Achieved Through
Safe in my care Passive 60+ Knowledge
Thrive Passive 85+ knowledge
Designated Caregiver Active 110+ knowledge
Name / Link Active/Passive Achieved Through
Stretching the Larder Active 60 Knowledge
Silk Purse Active 106/100 skill
Total Nutrition Active Legacy
The Healing Menu Active Legacy
Alchemical Gastonomy (Prev: Baking) Active Legacy
The Confectionier (Prev: Baking) Active Legacy
Gastronomique Active 85 + Knowledges


Name / Link Active/Passive Achieved Through
Tastebuds Active 60+ Knowledge
Discerning Olfaction Passive 255+/250
Insight Passive 260+/250
Truth Detector Passive 265+/250
Scopaesthesia Passive 85+ Knowledge
Pseudo-Sonar Passive 270+/250
Name / Link Active/Passive Achieved Through
Unwavering Determination Passive 60+ Knowledge
Safe Hands Active 85+ Knowledge


Name / Link Active/Passive Achieved Through
Perpetual Motion Passive 60+ Knowledge
Name / Link Active/Passive Achieved Through
Social Butterfly Passive 60+ Knowledge
Immortal Etiquette Passive 85+ knowledge


Name / Link Active/Passive Achieved Through
Whispers from Long Dead Friends Passive 60+ Knowledge
Name / Link Active/Passive Achieved Through
Meticulous Analysis Passive 60+ Knowledge
Steel Fist, Silk Glove Passive 255/250
Elementary Empiricism Active 85+ Knowledge
Time Detective Active 260/250


Name / Link Active/Passive Achieved Through
Global Efficiency Active 60+ Knowledge
Every Eventuality Active 85+ Knowledge
Name / Link Active/Passive Achieved Through
Inspiring Leadership Active 60+ Knowledge
Long Term Leadership Passive 85+ Knowledge


Name / Link Active/Passive Achieved Through
Fighting Infection Active 60+ Knowledge
Medical Instincts Active 85+ Knowledge
Healing Hands Active 110+ Knowledge
Pain Relief Active 255+ XP
Miracle Cure Active 260+ XP
The All Cure Active 265+ XP
Blood Types (Surgery) Active 135+ Knowledge
Unidentified Foreign Objects (Surgery) Active 270+ Skill
Perfect Cut (Surgery) Active 275+ Skill
Surgeon's Instinct(Surgery) Active 280+ Skill
Enhanced Immunity Passive 285+ Skill
Healing Poison Active 160+ Knowledge
Medicandy: Active 185+ Knowledge
Anasthetic Active 210+ Knowledge


Name / Link Active/Passive Achieved Through
Trick of the Light Active 60+ Knowledge
Careful Layering Active 255+ Skill
Make Do, Can't Mend Active 260+ Skills
Armour Pajama Active 265+ Skill


Name / Link Active/Passive Achieved Through
Apolitical Authority Passive 250 Skill
Name / Link Active/Passive Achieved Through
Perfect Cognition Passive 60+ Knowledge
Like A Book Passive 85+ Knowledge


Name / Link Active/Passive Achieved Through
Instinctual Index Active 60+ Knowledge
No Stone Unturned Passive 85+ Knowledge


Name / Link Active/Passive Achieved Through
In Good Faith Active 60+ Knowledge
Relentless Active 85+ Knowledge
Valuable Commodity ?? 110+ Knowledge
Unrelenting Force ?? 135+ Knowledge
Resolute By Nature ?? 150+ Knowledge
cappie 6 ?? 175+ Knowledge
cappie 7 ?? 200+ Knowledge
cappie 8 ?? 225+ Knowledge
cappie 9 ?? 250+ Knowledge


Name / Link Active/Passive Achieved Through
Unpredictable Strategem Active 60+ Knowledge
Name / Link Active/Passive Achieved Through
(Class) Size Doesn't Matter Active GM / 60 Knowledge
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Thu Jun 23, 2022 12:52 pm, edited 74 times in total. word count: 2445
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Posts: 4827
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Renown: 2285
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Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 10

Re: Faith Augustin

Out of Date, see UCP
Skill Point & Knowledge Ledger
Previous Threads & Spent Points
All Previous Threads
Thread Title XP Total DW Knowledge Gained
All Previous Threads Pre Knowledge Change NA 120 52 NA
With Your Thoughts Of Pain +15 135 " Psychology: 7 | Medicine: 3 | Caregiving: 7
Here We Go Again +30 165 " Caregiving: 10 | Medicine : 5 | Leadership: 5 | Logistics: 2
With just an ounce of faith +10 175 " Caregiving: 3 | Detection: 1 | Discipline: 1 | Psychology: 1
Heading off at the pass +20 195 " Leadership x 5| Tactics x 5| Resistance x 5 | Medicine x 5
Mind Over Master +15 210 " Leadership: 2 | Resistance: 2| Detection: 2| Tactics: 2 | Trap-Making: 2
The Long & Winding Road +15 225 " Politics: 3 |Persuasion: 2 |Tactics: 3 |Negotiation: 2
[Zuudaria] No Haven For The Guilty +15 240 " Leadership: 3 | Politics: 3
Welcome to the Circus +20 260 " 10 x Detection| 5 x Medicine | 5 x Caregiving
A Mountain Problem +15 275 " Leadership: 2 |Politics: 2 | Logistics: 4
Maybe I just wanna fly +15 290 " 3 x tactics
From a mile away +10 300 " 3 tactics | 3 x investigation
I took your cruel abuse +10 310 " 3 research | 3 x investigation
For all the good +15 325 " None.
I learned to bite the hand +10 335 " Tactics: 3 | Intelligence : 3
Unfashionably late +15 350 " None
From Beyond The Grave +15 365 " Intelligence x3| Discipline x2 | Investigation x3
When I'm All Alone +15 380 " Intelligence: 3| Tactics: 3 | Logistics: 2
The Doctor and the Inquisitor +15 395 " Tactics: 3
I Can Break on Through +15 410 " Etiquette: 5 | Politics: 5 | Tactics: 5
To My Dying Day +15 425 " Caregiving: 5 | Discipline: 5
The War Room +10 435 " Medicine: 2 | Logistics: 2 | Tactics: 2
Teaching ... +10 445 " NA
Writing -250 195 " NA
Rhetoric -195 Nil " NA
.... and learning +10 10 " NA
Of Notoriety & Infamy +15 25 " NA
Life, Death & the In-between +15 40 " 1 tactics | 1 socializing |2 deception| 1 intelligence |1 interrogation |1 investigation
Minutes, Meetings, Memories +15 55 " Alchemy x 2 | Research x 2
The Bottom Line +15 70 " Leadership 1 | Tactics 1
Licentiate +15 85 " Research 2 | Intelligence 2 | Negotiation 2
Merchant Arrival +15 100 " Rhetoric 1 | Medicine 1 | Negotiation 1 | Logistics 2
Ether Here or There +15 115 " None
101 Ships Biscuits +15 130 " None
A Brief Vacation +20 150 " Linguistics: 5 | Riding: 1 | Etiquette: 2 | Research: 3 |
Ties of Blood & Kinship +15 165 " Politics x 2 | Negotiation x 2
Skills Update: Baking +250 415 " Cooking was higher
Skills Update: Candlemaking +10 425 " Chemistry was higher
Skills Update: Chemistry -- 425 " Transferred to Science
Skills Update: Design +25 450 " Skills Dropped
Skills Update: Negotiation +240 690 " Persuasion was higher
Skills Update: Painting -- 690 " Transferred to Art
Skills Update: Persuasion -- 690 " Transferred to Socialisation
Skills Update: Poisons +10 700 " Medicine was higher
Skills Update: Rhetoric +195 895 " Both Socialisation & Writing are higher
Skills Update: Socialisation +55 950 " Has max points from Persuasion
Skills Update: Surgery +250 1,200 " Medicine was maxed out
Skills Update: Surgery II -- 1,200 " +15 from Zuuda transferred to Medicine
Skills Update: Sociology +27 1,227 " Persuasion was higher
Judged By Lightning +20 1,247 " Politics x 2| Etiquette x 2 | Discipline x 4 |
Stars Shining Bright Above Me +20 1,267 " Textile Production x 18 | Etiquette x 15
Who Thought This Creature Up!? +15 1,282 " Research x 4 | Medicine x4
The Heart of the Matter +15 1,297 " Logistics x3 | Research x3 |Tactics x2 |
Investigation x1
Yes, It Is Time +15 1,312 "
Finding Faith +15 1,327 "
Etiquette -96 1,231 "
A Pale Shadow +20 1,347 "
Dawn of a New Order +15 1,362 "
How To Recognise Different Types of Tree +15 1,377 "
The Feast: The Air Table +20 1,397 " 3x Etiquette, 2x Detection, 5x Investigation, 5x Socialisation, 5x Research
Science -50 1,347 " NA
Researching Dragons: Wingspan +10 1,357 " NA
Researching Dragons: Tales +10 1,367 " Science x 3, Research x 3
Returning to the Beginning +15 1,382 " Alchemy x 4, Research x 4
Researching Dragons: A Brief History of Everything +10 1,392 " Investigation x 2, Detection x 2, Research x 2
Revelations At Bath Time +15 1407 " None
Firm Foundations +10 1417 " None
It's All Just Academic +10 1427 " None
Researching Dragons III: Breathing Fire +10 1437 " None
Spooked +15 1452 " None
[Eureka] Well, we found it +15 1467 " Science x 3
Science -90 1,377 " NA
Breaking the Surface +15 1392 " None
When in Rharne +15 1, 407 " None
I feel pretty +15 1,432 " None
Shore as Shore Can Be +15 1,447 " None
Consolidation +10 1,457 " None
Who's Afraid of Ellasin? +15 1,472 " None
Gettin' Fancified +15 1,487 " None
Cable Cars & Soul Catchers +15 1,502 " None
[Eureka] Bringing In +15 1,517 " Linguistics 5, Science 3
Linguistics -75 1,302 " NA
Eureka: Catching Up +15 1,532 " Linguistics 2, Gardening 6
All Tavern Tournament: Rnd 1: Elisabeth vs Fat Ghastly +15 1,547 " Detection: x 2 | Intelligence: x4 | Tactics: x 2
Just a Scratch +15 1,562 " None
Meaningful Gestures +15 1,577 " None
Quarter Final 3 +15 1,592 " None
The Infirmary +15 1,607 " None
The Eternal Band +15 1,627 " None
What Makes The Candle Sputter +15 1,642 " None
Lost Souls Event +15 1,657 " None
Returning to the Beginning +15 1,672 " None
Delivering on a Promise +15 1,687 " None
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Wed May 25, 2022 11:19 am, edited 170 times in total. word count: 907
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Posts: 4827
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Wealth Tier: Tier 10

Re: Faith Augustin

Out of Date: See UCP
Skill Name Points Total (x/250) Skill Level
Alchemy 160/250 Master
Animal Husbandry 75/250 Competent
Appraisal 1 Novice
Business Management 250 GrandMaster
Caregiving (87) 252 (+2 Bellinos) GrandMaster
Combat: Unarmed 157/250 Master
Combat: Blades 155/250 Master
Combat: Ranged 85/251 Expert
Cooking 106 (FT) + 3 (Zuuda)+3 (Renown) Grandmaster
Cosmetology 250/250 Master
Detection (80) 270/250 + 11 Bellinos +6 (Renown) +3 Gwelliph GrandMaster
Disguise 14 Novice
Discipline (78) 250/250 Master
Dreamwalking 81/250 NA
Endurance 250/250 Master
Etiquette (88) 250/250 Grandmaster
Gardening 256/250 (+6 Vinyza) Master
Intelligence (45) 250/250 Master
Investigation 261/250 - (+5 Bellinos +6 Gwelliph) Grandmaster
Leadership 253/250 3(Renown) Grandmaster
Linguistics 75 Competent
Logistics 250/250 Tier 2: Novice
Mathematics 75 Competent
Medicine 289/250 =18 (Sevrath) +6 (Renown) +15 (zuuda) Tier 2: Novice
Meditation 15/250 Novice
Mount (Winged) 75 /250 Competent
Needlecraft 265/250) +6 (Renown) Grandmaster
Politics 250/250 Master
Psychology ) 253/250 (+3 Vinyza) Grandmaster
Research 250/250 Grandmaster
Resistance 75 Competent
Science 250 /250 Master
Sculpting 5 Novice
Seduction 15 Novice
Singing 150/250 Expert
Socialization 250/250 Competent
Stealth 1 Novice
Strength 150/250 Expert
Tactics 250/250 Grandmaster
Teaching 250/250 Master
Textile Production 25/250 Novice
Woodworking 159 Master
Writing 250 /250 Master
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Tue May 24, 2022 11:13 pm, edited 63 times in total. word count: 221
Life, Death and the In-Between .
User avatar
Faith Augustin Champion
Approved Character
Posts: 4827
Joined: Sat Jun 25, 2016 12:12 pm
Race: Human
Profession: Fanatical Philanthropist
Renown: 2285
Character Sheet
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Personal Journal
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 10

Re: Faith Augustin


A- C

► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

Animal Husbandry
► Show Spoiler

Animal Training
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

Business Management
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

Combat: Axe/ Bludgeon
► Show Spoiler

Combat: Bladed Weapons
► Show Spoiler
Combat: Unarmed
► Show Spoiler

Combat: Ranged
► Show Spoiler
Combat: Siege Weapons
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

D- F

► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

G - I

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

J - L

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

M - O

► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
Navigation (6)
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

P - R

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

S - U

► Show Spoiler
Sculpting (8)
► Show Spoiler
Seafaring (1)
► Show Spoiler
Seduction (14)
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
Textile Production
► Show Spoiler

V - X

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

Y, Z

► Show Spoiler
Y = none
Z = none
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Sat Jun 11, 2022 3:48 pm, edited 96 times in total. word count: 20169
Life, Death and the In-Between .
User avatar
Faith Augustin Champion
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Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 10

Re: Faith Augustin

Wealth, Items & Housing
Wealth Ledger
Legacy Ledger. All Wealth Now Tracked In UCP
Link Adjustment Outcome
Initial Approval Tier 10 (Wage 23 WP x Season) 344WP
Cylus 719 Approval +27 WP 371 WP
Ashan 719 Approval +28 WP 399 WP
Viden Resources +1 WP 400 WP
Ymiden 719 Approval +29 WP 429 WP
Vhalar 719 Approval +31 WP 460 WP
Resources for Rharne -30 WP 430 WP
Resources for Scalvoris -50 WP 380 WP
Setting Up Command Central -37WP 343 WP
Zi'da 719 33 WP 376 WP
Cylus 720 35 WP 411 WP
Ashan 720 36 447 WP
Ymiden 720 43 497 WP
Saun 720 49 546 WP
Free a slave, buy a house -46 500 WP
Ymiden 721 +50 550 WP
Saun 721 + 52 602 WP
Settlement Costs: (217 WP with a 25% Discount ) -163 WP 439 WP
Gettin' Fancified +2 441 WP
Rharne Bank Deposit : Vhalar 721 -190 251 WP

Point Bank Items

Echo Scroll Pad
Echo Scroll Kura
Echo Scroll Rafael Warrick
Echo Scroll Tristan
Echo Scroll Linika

29 x Echo scrolls
  1. Kura
  2. Genna
  3. Order: Scalv
  4. Order: Rharne
  5. Order: EE
  6. Praetorum here
10 x Echo Boxes
  1. Praetorum
10 x Kindred Bracelets
  1. Pad
  2. Prae
5 x Cloaks of Hiding


  • Fernstone Brooch ~ gift from Padraig
  • Seashell Necklace~bequeathed to her from Zvezdana
  • Silver tiara with 12 x danubrites, 12 x garnets and 1 x large mystic topaz. Given to her for her birthday by Padraig here

Emotional Significance

Bought on return from the capaign, Zi'da 716
Bonsai Tree ~ gift from Padraig
Windmall made from coloured glass which creates a prism rainbow in the garden
Music BoxA little music box, painted to look like the ocean. When opened a small ship inside rocks gently in time to a beautiful soft song - The Sonnet (when played the music box conjures up sounds of the ocean, soothing the listener and giving calm.)


From U'frek's Ship
► Show Spoiler
From Famula 2nd Mark Quest:
► Show Spoiler
From The War of Death & Souls: here
► Show Spoiler


  • A gift from U'frek: Seashell Necklace that makes you invisible to Dangerous Spirits, Wisps, Shadow Creatures, and Familiars when worn.
  • Echo scroll ~ bought from points bank ~ other one given to Padraig
  • Domain bag ~ bought from points bank
  • Echo scroll ~ bought from points bank ~ other one given to Aeon here
  • 2 x crystal snowflakes here
  • 1 x sample of Moseke's Moss here
2 x Gardening Books
Advanced Medical Texts x 10 (Encyclopedia)
Seven Books a birthday gift. 2 x wine making, 3 x books on Immortal History, 2 x Agriculture
20 x books searching for Pad. These consist of:
~ 5 x books on Immortals - including information on marks
~ 5 x books on Magic ~ specifically items and what might negate / block magic
~ 5 x books on Geography / Oceanography
~ 5 x books on Legends of Unusual Incidents, especially on oceans.
20 x books also while searching for Pad. These consist of:
~ 5 x books on the Originals
~ 5 x books on the Great Shattering
~ 10 x books on stories and folklore to do with uncharted oceans and the Eastern seas.
Collection of Books
Collection of books on necromancy and Famula, detailing experiments on twins and other vile-ness including Two Halves of the Same Soul, Famula, Defier or Savior from Death, Putting the Man in Necromancy, Journal 1: My Failures, Journal 2: My Successes
Collection of Books
3 x books on Necromancy
3 x books on Alchemy


Gathered on Faldrass
► Show Spoiler
For her 1st & 7th birthday
► Show Spoiler
Birthdays from 8 - 19!
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
Approved here from here
Rose's Rose:
► Show Spoiler
Feast Rewards: ( here
► Show Spoiler
Ruins Dawn Rewards here
► Show Spoiler

Hopes Statue: Gained here
► Show Spoiler
The General's Lantern here
► Show Spoiler
All Tavern's Tourney
► Show Spoiler
Eureka, Rharne.
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:51 pm, edited 34 times in total. word count: 2413
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 10

Re: Faith Augustin

Non-Player Characters
Personal & Faction


Approval: here
Name:Alex StJames
Date of Birth: 20th Vhalar 689
  • Logistics: 60
  • Business Management: 60
  • Appraisal: 60 +10 =70
  • Leadership: 60
  • Discipline: 60
  • Endurance: 60
  • Psychology: 30
  • Persuasion: 30
  • Intelligence: 30
Appearance: Tall, brown messy-looking hair, blue eyes.
Personality: Intense, charming and charismatic, Alex is a friendly soul who people tend to like. He's efficient and focused and ambitious.
Relationship to PC: Personal assistant

Skill Ledger:


[exerpt=NPC Alissa]
Approval: here
Name: Alissa
Race: Biqaj
Date of Birth: 12th Ashan 694
Renown: 350 Renown
Blade (Long Sword): 90,
Strength: 50,
Endurance: 50,
Discipline: 25,
Acrobatics: 25,
Ranged Weapon (Bow): 50,
Tactics 25,
Textile Production: 25,
Leatherworking: 25,
Seafaring: 25

Languages: Fluent Common, Broken Common Sign.
Appearance: A tall and angular face, Alissa has a number of scars over her. She stands at six foot tall and is very muscular in her build. She has long dark blonde hair.
Personality: No discernible sense of humour, Alissa is a serious and quiet woman who has a fanatical devotion to the abolition of slavery. Alissa was once one of the "trainees" at Cally's, not there because she was needing to learn a trade, but she had been caught and captured by slavers. When she escaped, she had nothing and she was taken in to Cally's. Due to the mistreatment she had received at the hands of her owners. Having been saved by Faith, Alissa has now joined the Faction and has designated herself as Faith's unofficial bodyguard. She is well known throughout Scalvoris for having escaped slavery and yet, no one can prove how her former owners died.
Relationship to PC: Faction member / body guard.
Anything: Nurp. :)
Skill Ledger:
+40 Longsword - approved ( here ) - total now = 90


Gained in this thread.
Approved in this one
Name: Jai'den
DOB: 4th Saun 682
Race: Human
Business Management = 51 - Expert
Discipline= 26 Competent
Endurance = 51 - Expert
Glass Blowing - 76 - Master
Jewel Crafting = 51 - Expert
Sculpting = 51 - Expert
Smithing 76 - Master
Strength - 51 - Expert
Woodworking = 17 Novice

Appearance: Tall and muscular, Jai'dan is not an intellectual or a great thinker. He is a very physical man and he has a physical presence and air of confidence.

Personality: Jai'den needs to work with his hands, he always has. He's never happier than when he's making weapons. He has no interest in the book-learning or deep thinking which he finds himself surrounded by in Eureka but, as he crafts things with his hands, he finds a kind of solace which is difficult to beat. As he's found himself a place of acceptance and as he's discovering his new religion, Jai'den has an air of serenity about him which, if commented on, is explained by him as knowing that he's come home. He's a quiet and unassuming man with a soft sense of humour.


Personal NPC: Morana "Leech" Nardovino
Signed over from PC to NPC here (Prophet Support Forum)
CS: here


[exerpt=NPC Katherine]
Personal NPC: Katherine
► Show Spoiler
Arc Season Link 1 Link 2 Experience To
717YmidenFamily MattersBest Laid PlansSword
717 Saun The One on the Right Pt iiPolitics & WeddingsSword
717Vhalar Not in two threadsXXXX
717 Zi'daSilenceChest PainsSword


[exerpt=NPC Tina]
Personal NPC: Tina
► Show Spoiler
Arc Season Link 1 Link 2 Experience To
7171YmidenTeaching & LearningBy Design (The Dress pt 2)
717 Zi'daScrunched up and Funny Looking


Born here, Approved here
Names: Noah (eldest) and Madison Augustin
DOB: 80th Zi'da, 717.
Skills: Currently, none. Not likely to have any for a few seasons ;)
- has dark hair and pale silver eyes.
- is the determined, scrappy one of the two. Lots of fight and feisty.
- has dark hair and deep golden amber eyes.
- is the curious one of the two. She'll grow into someone who asks lots of questions, constantly looking around.
Starr is the black female wolf with silver eyes who is attached to Noah.
Nova is the white male wolf with deep golden amber eyes and is attached to Madison.


Cassie was a happy little girl in life, but when she and her family were taken by the necromancer, her soul lingered in torment. An Echo, Cassie has become a wilful and spoiled version of herself. She will lie, cheat, flutter her eyelashes, bully and cajole without hesitation or remorse and she refuses to cross over.

Currently, Faith is her only anchor.

Cassie was born in arc 700, and died in 706.

Dancing: 30
Singing: 30
Baking: 10
Needlecraft: 15
Acrobatics: 15.

Ghost Skills:
Materialization: 30
Possession: 20

Approval: here
Pets & Familiars


Cosmo is a NightPup. He is a very large dog who is shades of blue and white and he glows in the dark. In terms of temperament, Cosmo is a friendly, loyal companion who has become very attached to the Augustin family. He is as daft as a brush, unless one of his people is threatened, in which case he will defend them.


► Show Spoiler


The pony that Padraig bought Faith for her seventh birthday, Snowball is a source of delight to the young woman and Faith is deeply excited about the trial that Snowball will be ridden by their children.


This beautiful creature has attached to Faith for reasons which she does not fully understand. It was following the murder of her friend, Aeon, and she believes that it is a gift from him. She is learning how to care for him and still struggling for a name. The creature is a glowing, winged horse which seems to be intelligent.

Wolf Pups

These puppies appeared in the carriage where Faith gave birth in Zi'da 717. The black one, with pale silver eyes, was in the carriage with her and the white one, with deep amber gold eyes, was on the roof with Padraig as he fought off those who were trying to kidnap Faith. They are Velduris wolves. Starr is the black female wolf with silver eyes who is attached to Noah, whereas Nova is the white male wolf with deep golden amber eyes and is attached to Madison.
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Wed Feb 08, 2023 1:04 am, edited 9 times in total. word count: 1580
Life, Death and the In-Between .
User avatar
Faith Augustin Champion
Approved Character
Posts: 4827
Joined: Sat Jun 25, 2016 12:12 pm
Race: Human
Profession: Fanatical Philanthropist
Renown: 2285
Character Sheet
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Plot Notes
Personal Journal
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 10

Re: Faith Augustin

Renown Ledgers
Existing Character: (SF) +30 30
A gift to Malcolm +2 32
Cleaning & Painting +1 33
Risking Health for the sake of humanity +1 34
Loyalty & sticking to morals +1 35
Making a fool of myself for Alistair +136
A kind act: Cooking for Ali +2 38
Scaring A Boy -1 37
Met the King! +5 42
Helping Lady Burhan +5 47
Offered to Help Lady Burhan +2 49
Served Well +2 51
Fought Zombies! +2 53
Helped Lady Elyna +1 54
Cooking for Tristan +1 55
Feeding Tristan +1 56
Assissting in death of a shadow beast +2 58
A gift for teacher! +1 59
Repairing a carriage +1 60
Loyalty to Lady Elyna +1 61
Aiding & Healing Trapped Workers +2 63
Bravery in the face of chaos +1 64
Wearing the Marilyn skirt +2 66
Wearing Marilyn skirt (again) +2 68
Making clothes for baby Elsie +1 69
Bathing the cat!+1 70
On U'frek's Ship! +10 80
Kindness to a stranger +2 82
Helping Around the House +1 83
Clothes for baby Elsie +2 85
Cooking a Meal +1 86
Healing Malcolm / Chasing Avari +2 88
Teaching +2 90
Teaching a class +1 91
Marked by Famula +10 101
General good deeds +2 103
General Good Deed +1 104
Helping Tristan +1 105
Helping Padraig +1 106
Supporting a Popular Cause +2 108
Bringing a Gift +1 109
Event Participation: Global Event 716 +10 119
Helping the Wouded +1 120
Speaking to Moseke +5 125
Saving Lives +6 131
Giving A Gift +2 133
Making Clothes for Padraig +2 135
Tracking Down A Killer +1 136
Returning a loved one's ring +2 138
Rescuing Ivy +2 140
Murder Investigation Ongoing! +1 141
Surgery +3 144
Gift giving! +2 147
Teaching, Donating +9 156
Supporting a Popular Cause +2 158
Tracking Down the Strangler! +13171
Professor Faith! +2 173
Finding out about the Etzos Treatment +3 176
Helping out a freeborn +1177
Entrance Exam Success! +2 179
Midwife! +4 183
Helping a Ghost +3 186
Service to the Temple +2 188
Promises to a friend +3191
Gifts for Pad +2 193
A New Dish!+2195
Helping a confused fella on Faldrass +2 197
Helping a stranger +2199
Standing up to Xenophobia +5204
Tomb of Treid+20224
Preparing Lunch for a Hungry Soldier +1225
A gift to a friend +2227
Academic recognition +3 230
Blue Cloak!+5 235
Determined to Heal Lightbane+2 237
Found a Cure for Lightbane +8 245
Tristan's Play +33 278
Helping Nir'wei +2280
Helping Amaris +4 284
Nerd Gifts! +2286
Outfitting Professor Augustin! +36322
Babysitting Baby Alzorn! +1323
Healing a patient+2325
Cookery Contest Host!+8333
Enormowl Shenanigans!+15348
Helping the Dead+3351
Solving Break Ins +10361
Working with Dr Til'niva+2363
New Food+3366
Associate Professor!+3369
Romantic Swashbuckling!+8 377
Meeting Vince +1378
Business Owner +11389
Good deed with Kali +1390
Medical Procedures+2392
Burning Stomach +5 397
Good boss!+2399
Strychnine poisoning +4 403
Bobbie & Burns +6409
Hero of the Ellune! +15424
Helping Leon +4428
Helping Luna +1429
Researching Blood +2431
Curing The Rot! +40471
Helping out in a crisis! +3474
Birthday Gifts for Pad+1475
Helping at the Order+3478
Exalted of Famula+10488
A gift to a stranger +2490
New Medical Process! +3493
Gift to Nir'wei! +5498
Helping Anos+2500
Helping Kali'rial +2502
Offering to help Baya +1503
Bringing back from the dead+10513
Helping a Spirit Move Over+1514
Giving a Gift+2516
Helping Out In The Name of Science!+6522
Helping in a Storm!+6528
Assisting Mero+6534
Investing in the Future+5539
Bank Robberies Foiled!+6545
Giving a Gift!+2547
Making Cally corporeal!+1548
Gifts for Ayla!+6554
Viden Shenanigans!+3557
Gold Cloak!+100!657
Murder Mystery!+20677
Charter in Medicine!+10687
Donating 3,300gn Zi'da 717+150837
Got Married+30867
Holiday Gifts!+12879
Healed Nir'wei+2881
Tried to Save Aeon+20901
Helping the baby Aeon saved+40941
Aeon's Funeral +25966
Helping Kura +1967
Stopping a fight +6 973
Replacing a telescope+2975
Meeting an Immortal+10985
Public Birth!+151000
Saving the Dust from Plague +20 1020
Good Deed to a stranger +51025
Took over the Order of the Adunih +25 1050
Public Meeting re: Order +10 1060
Licentiate study +10 1070
Curing the Ember Plague +15 1085
Visiting The Spire +10 1095
War General +10 1105
Ghost Fight +5 1110
Autopsy +5 1115
That's a lot of people! +20 1135
Corresponding with the University +20 1155
Thundermaw Stampede! +15 1170
Major Discovery! +15 1185
Being Analysed by Carter +5 1190
Plague Work +15 1205
Order of the Adunih Reorganising +10 1215
Blood Magic - Magic Blood! +5 1220
Tactics and Allies +5 1225
Blessed By Pier & Pre +10 1235
Curing Pad of some well-weird weirdness +5 1240
Experiments +5 1245
Curing the Rynmere Plague +10 1255
War Plots +5 1260
Lady Mercy +10 1270
Liberating Those With Chains +10 1280
Family Gatherings, Augustin Style +30 1310
Order from Chaos: Foundations +5 1315
Black Trim I (Order of the Adunih +20 1335
Yellow Trim I (Order of the Adunih +20 1355
All or Nothing +5 1360
Council Meeting +20 1380
Finding a Baddie with Pad and Lineka! +10 1390
Resurrecting Treid +30 1420
Diri of Divinity +30 1450
Aunty Karem Babysits +15 1465
Heading Off At the Pass +30 1495
The Long & Winding Road +10 1505
No Haven For The Guilty +10 1515
Welcome to the Circus +20 1535
A Mountain Problem +15 1550
From a mile away +5 1555
I can break on through +10 1565
To My Dying Day +10 1575
The War Room +5 1580
A Brief Vacation +15 1595
Stars Shining Bright Above Me +25 1620
Who Thought This Creature Up? +20 1640
Command Central The Heart of the Matter +15 1655
Dawn of a new Order +10 1665
The Feast +30 1695
Ruins Dawn +60 1755
Researching Dragons: History of Everything +15 1770
Revelations At Bath Time +5 1775
Firm Foundations +10 1785
Well, We Found It! +10 1795
I feel pretty +5 1800
Shore as Shore Can be +10 1810
Consolidation +5 1815
Bringing In +15 1830
Catching Up +5 1835
Just a Scratch +10 1845
Meaningful Gestures +5 1850
All Tavern Tourney: Infirmary +5 1855
The Eternal Band +25 1880
What Makes The Candle Splutter +5 1885
Lost Souls Event +10 1895
Delivering on a Promise +10 1905
Renown Rewards
All Records
  • Pre-1000 Small Rewards
    • 300gn x 8 = 2,400gn.
  • Pre-1000 Medium rewards:
    • 1 x +3 on cooking
    • 1 x +3 on detection
    • 2 x +3 on medicine
    • 2 x +3 on needlecraft
    • 2gn x day on wages.
  • Pre-1000 Tier Rewards:
    • Tier 1: A small sphere which has sunlight "captured" in it - would provide light in an area as though there was a single window to a bright, sunny day.Approved here from here
    • Tier 2: A ring with 4 charges per season - each use negates 1 "level" of spell. So, to negate an expert level casting, she has to use three charges, novice uses 1 charge, etc. So in one season she can negate 4 x novice spells, 1 x master spell Approved here from here
    • Tier 3: A necklace which can, once a trial, create an "air armour" around Faith. I see it as kind of like being "compressed air" and provides whole body armour. It lasts for half a break and is equivalent to wearing plate mail but has no weight etc. Approved here from here
    • Tier 4: A large cooking pot which appears to provide almost endless sustenance. In fact, if Faith makes a soup or stew in that pot, once per trial it replenishes itself up to 20 x the amount she made. She must make one pot full first, it is only ever a replication of what was originally made. The pot would normally have enough soup in it to feed 30, so with this, it will take the ingredients etc for feeding 30 and will feed 600.
  • 1,100: 1 x +3 on leadership
  • 1,200: +1WP on wage here
  • 1,300: 450 pt NPC Alex here
  • 1,400: Heart-Ring
    This is a simple gold ring which fits around and matches her wedding ring. Faith may designate up to three areas as "Safe Hearths". The area is roughly the size of a large estate (eg: it would cover her home, which is set in 5 acres) and it has two properties. First, if anyone enters that area with violent intention / intention to harm then Faith will know about this - and will have an idea of how many people and in which general direction. The main power, however, is that anyone who actively seeks to enact violence, be it against Faith or anyone else, will become the centre of a dreadful storm, with ice shards and violent winds buffering them. The temperature around them drops to way below zero, freezing them in their tracks and encasing them. This is targeted at those who are attempting to act violently - including using damaging or controlling marks or magics. It is enough that, should the person be unprepared and they continue to fight, it would kill within a few moments. If the Storm power is "tripped" then it needs to be re-activated. Only three areas may be active at any time.
  • 1,500:Famula's TearA diamond in the shape of a perfect tear-drop, this gem is one of enormous power. Once per Season (so twice in any given Cycle, but must be separate seasons) it sends out a wave of which alters the reality of Idalos and pulls all Domain ether to it. Within its radius of 1,000ft, it absorbs ether from items and mages. Any magical item created with Domain magic, Domain Well or any kind of Domain magic currently in effect is neutralized, and mages find themselves unable to cast. It does not discern between friend or foe, but pulls all Domain ether into it. After a full break, it stops and the diamond turns black. It returns to it's original brilliance only when ready to be used again. Approval
  • 1,600: +3 on Detection here
  • 1,700 - +1 to Wage here
  • 1,800 - NecklaceA plain-looking gold necklace - the gold has been sprinkled with Euvomine (Euvomine is another metal only given from the Immortals. Euvomine, by nature, is very brittle and easily broken. It is not meant to be hammered into armor but rather sprinkled upon it. This metal is able to fuse on contact with other metals without staining or discoloring them in any way. Each gift of Euvomine has special properties only known by the Immortal who gifted it.), an ancient gift from Ralaith to an unknown follower. It has in it the Pause ability from Ralaith's mark, with a few specific differences.

    When activated, this necklace freezes time for all except the wearer. Time is frozen for exactly one break when time resumes, everything must be in the exact same position they were in at the moment time froze. Should this not happen, the item is used but has no effect and the user will have no memory of what they saw / did during the break. If the wearer interferes with an object or person, they must return them to the state they were before in order for time to resume. This ability can be used twice in any given season.
  • 1,900 - +2 to Wage here
  • 2,000 - a piece of chalk PB's Palace
    A simple piece of chalk. Twice a day Faith can use this chalk to draw a door. When she does, it becomes a door to a "room of requirement" (which PB insists is his palace) of varying size, depending on what it contains.

    In there, neatly organised and clearly labelled, is whatever Faith needs for her current project. She can identify one project per season and this item will allow her to resource it. The room itself won't provide raw materials such as building supplies, but it will provide sheets and blankets. Strangely, though, it won't provide prepared food, but will provide the ingredients needed to make that food. Medical supplies, clothing, etc, all of these will be provided. Specialist medical equipment or scientific supplies, however, will not.
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Fri Jun 03, 2022 12:25 pm, edited 84 times in total. word count: 2064
Life, Death and the In-Between .
User avatar
Faith Augustin Champion
Approved Character
Posts: 4827
Joined: Sat Jun 25, 2016 12:12 pm
Race: Human
Profession: Fanatical Philanthropist
Renown: 2285
Character Sheet
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Plot Notes
Personal Journal
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 10

Re: Faith Augustin

Progress Ledger
Order of the Adunih

Information on the Order of the Adunih: here
Cloak: White
Role: Head of the Order
Adunih Points
Link Adjustment Total Outcome
Rebirth Cycle 719 +32 32 Blue Cloak equiv.
Hot Cycle 719 +20 52 Blue Hood equiv
Trim Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 4 Thread 5 Outcome
Medical Innovator I (black) Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Black Trim I: +20 renown
Medical Innovator II Approval Approval Thread 3 Thread 4 Thread 5 Outcome
Surgeon Approval Approval Thread 3 Thread 4 Thread 5 Outcome
Midwife Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 4 Thread 5 Outcome
Field Medic Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 4 Thread 5 Outcome
General Practice Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 4 Thread 5 Outcome
Paediatric Practice Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 4 Thread 5 Outcome
Palliative Care (silver) Approval Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 4 Thread 5 Outcome
Research Medic (yellow) Approval Approval Approval Approval Approval Yellow Trim I +20 renown
Research Medic (yellow) II Approval Approval
Apothecary Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 4 Thread 5 Outcome
Mental Health Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 4 Thread 5 Outcome
Sigil Approval/ Awarded Description
Sigil of Rharne: Ember Plague Link "For helping heal the Ember Plague" The badge is made of hammered copper and is stamped with the image of a flaming lightning bolt.
Warden of the Lake

Information on the Wardens: here
Initiation into the Wardens: here
Diri Name: Shule

Shule is a tiny creature - much like Faith. She is roughly two inches in length, from head to the tip of her tail although this is hard to measure since she is never still. Shule undulates as she moves, mirroring the waves from which she seems to be made. Intricately structured gossamer wings seem to propel her and her vivid blue eyes sparkle with interest and delight.

Shule is a friendly, chatty little creature who is truly kind. She is happy, often laughing in a high tinker-bell giggle; like the water from which she comes Shule has hidden depths and she is as determined and feisty as they come - the one thing that she cannot bear is inaction in the face of wrongdoing. She has a mischievous sense of humour and adores playing games. She is something of a show-off and makes herself visible to mortals more often than not.
Title: Initiate: At this level the Warden is newly bonded to their Diri and are just learning how to fight and combat their opponents such as the Flameborn. At this level the Wardens possess Flameborn’s Bane.

Abilities:0 Points: Flameborn’s Bane: You are all now fairly resistant to the fire of a Flameborn and you are capable of injuring them with your weapons. The power within you will grant you a burst of endurance and strength when in the presence of one of these creatures. This ability will also apply somewhat to any servant of Faldrun, you will be some more resistant to their flames and will be given a cool burst of endurance when combating them.
20 points - Neophytes: The Neophytes of the Wardens are still considered apprentices but they are now trusted members of the order. These individuals have proven themselves as warriors and guardians who have experience fighting the forces of destruction. It is at this rank that the Warden and their Diri will unlock Brightgleam Oasis.

20 Points: Brightgleam Oasis: It is in the purview of the Induk of Lake Lovalus to call water and life into existence anywhere. Once per trial a Warden may summon forth a magically infused spring that will eventually form a small pool over the next five bits. The water that is summoned has healing abilities and will slowly heal anyone touched with it’s water while in a fifty foot proximity to the spring. The water will have a faint turquoise glow and will rapidly heal flesh wounds that are soaked or doused in the water within five bits. This water can also be weaponized as weapons dipped in it will be highly effective against Flameborn and any other servants of Faldrun. Arrows will sink deeper, and blades or bludgeons touched by the Brightgleam waters will burn and scald opponents that are cut or hammered by them. The Oasis can also be planted and used like a trap to lure enemies of Faldrun into, this will cause intense scalding pain and will weaken them.
40 Points - Sages: The Sages of the Wardens are held in very high esteem. These are individuals who have done a great deal of good in the world. They have spent a great deal of time defending the world from the forces of destruction and now they are given the power to restore life to landscapes with the Font of Life ability.

40 Points: Font of Life: Brightgleam Oasis may now be enhanced by the Warden by placing a drop of their own blood within it. When this is done the Oasis will expand over the next trial into a pool that is a couple feet deep and that will begin growing plants and trees around it. The healing effect of the waters will vanish once the blood is added and instead will cause the growth of plant-life nearby allowing a Warden to slowly transform a dry and lifeless area into a beautiful oasis over the course of the next thirty trials. This ability is used to restore land that has been harmed by the forces of destruction. Font of Life may be used once a trial.
60 Points - Vanquishers : Becoming a Vanquisher means that you have evolved your relationship with your Diri to the point that the spirit can shapeshift. The Warden may now use Spiritborn Armor. Vanquishers are deadly warriors and brilliant tacticians who’s experience is vast in dealing with the likes of the Flameborn. They are considered some the most deadly warriors of the order and are treated essentially like generals.

60 Points: Spiritborn Armor: Due to the bonding between the Warden and their Diri via the Heart of Lovalus, the Diri now gains useful ability of growing and shape-shifting into a suit of armor for their bonded. The Warden can still hear and speak with their Diri but they will become a suit of armor that is almost a second skin across the Warden’s entire body. The Armor will appear like plate mail that is crafted from raw spiritual ephemera often possessing icy embellishes around the helm and shoulders depending on the tastes of the Warden. It will possess the strength to dull physical strikes and reduce the effect of magical attacks by half, making the Warden far more resilient in combat. After five bits the Spiritborn Armor will begin to crack if continually attacked. The Warden may take cover for another five bits in order to give the Diri time to regenerate its strength. This will allow the armor to continue functioning for another five bits before requiring time to recharge. If continually attacked for over five bits the armor will begin to fracture before shattering. If this happens the Diri will go silent, unable to be contacted for at least three trials. During this time the Warden will have a great deal of difficulty using their abilities, some may even be impossible to use. During these three trials the Diri is healing and recouping its strength. The Spiritborn Armor may be dismissed at any time prior to it breaking and the Diri will take their original form. It takes one bit for the Diri to transform into the Armor.
80 Points - Keepers: The Keepers of the Wardens are considered the highest in the command structure save for the Grand Warden(s). These individuals are master Wardens with a full command over their Diri and its powers through their bond. These individuals have accomplished truly great deeds and are an example to all of their brethren as to what a Warden should be. Keepers have the ability to summon their Diri as a Spiritborn Weapon.

80 Points: Spiritborn Weapon: The bond with between the Warden and the Diri have now become seamless. The Diri can now physically shift into any weapon that the Warden needs or desires. This weapon will behave as if it is made of masterwork material, blades will seem as if made of adamantite as they will cut cleaner and sharper than steel. Bows, arrows, and the like will be equipped with an endless supply of equally sharp arrows that appear out of thin air. These projectiles seem to be made of spiritual energy. Bludgeoning weapons will also feel light as feathers but hit opponents like they are made of solid metal. One weapon may be summoned at any given time and any of these weapons will seem to cause an additional searing pain to those struck by them that are enemies of the Warden. If dropped the weapon will vanish into thin air and the Diri will reappear in their normal form. They can transform into a new weapon once ten trills have passed. The Warden must hold out their open hand in order to summon the weapon. You may use Spiritborn Armor and Spiritborn Weapon at the same time as the Diri is still connected to the body of the Warden the entire time.
Grand Warden
100 Points - Grand Wardens : The Grand Warden(s) are considered the leaders of the order. These individuals are powerful, accomplished guardians who are regarded as almost holy and are the only Wardens capable of channeling the power of the Lake Induk through themselves. Every order of the Grand Wardens are heeded by the rest of the faction as if it were law. Grand Wardens can use the Avatar of Lovalus ability.

100 Points: Avatar of Lovalus: When inducted as a Warden a special bond is formed between the Warden and the Heart of Lovalus. This bond not only binds the mortal to a Diri but it also forms a silent but residual bond with the Induk of Lake Lovalus. It is only the most powerful of Wardens that can call upon this hidden bond and summon forth the power of the Lovalus Induk. This ability can be used anywhere due to the power of the Heart of Lovalus, linking the Induk to all of her Wardens. Capable of being used once a season the Grand Warden may beseech Lovalus to come to their aid. If this call is accepted, the Induk will reach out and infuse the Grand Warden with it’s will and it’s power. The Warden for a time will find that their consciousness melds with the strange and wild mind of the Induk. For that one moment they will no longer be wholly mortal. The Wardens eyes will turn a bright icy blue and their skin will be radiant with power.

The Grand Warden may then control and manipulate any water within a mile of their position. They will also be capable of summoning a Brightgleam Oasis that is a mile wide and roughly two feet deep. The water summoned will heal the wounds of allies and additionally the Grand Warden can manipulate the water within it to entrap and drown enemies.

This ability can last for twenty bits before the Induk will withdraw, otherwise the Grand Warden’s body will begin to fail due to the power flowing through it. The Oasis left behind can remain or be dismissed by the Grand Warden before the ability ends. If dismissed, no more water will continue to flow from the spring feeding the Oasis and it will eventually dry up.
Point Tracking
Dreamwalking Brands

Brands Placed
Link Brand Placed (15 available)
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Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Thu Oct 01, 2020 12:13 pm, edited 20 times in total. word count: 2011
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Re: Faith Augustin

Thread List: Previous Seasons
Dream Threads
Arc 716


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Zi'da: 716

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Cylus: 716

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Arc 717


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Thread Archive:
Arc 716


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Arc 717


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Arc 718


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Arc 719

Plot Arcs Ongoing

To Do!

Finding Fei

~~ PSF~~
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The First Shard
1. Raiders of the Lost Arc Done, last season
Having gone into research mode, Pad and Faith find, the journal of a crazy scientist in the university who lost an entire year (arc... do you see what I did there? ).... of his life when he was kidnapped by the tribe and saw the glowing stone. They go talk to him, get a whole load of tall tales. He tells them about the "Ruins of Fei" in the Jungle, where there is a skull-shaped stone.

2. Professor Augustin & the Temple of Doom Last season
They follow crazy science guy's directions, find themselves unutterably lost (very well equipped, but no idea how to actually survive - this will be a major challenge for them - and might be the end of the last thread, as well as the beginning of this one). They neither of them have any field craft and are, in fact, both notoriously bad at it. This thread will see them find (fall into, who knows) the ruins of an old temple which they think is where they're going - it's not, but it's full of traps and stuff. Lots of tests of field craft, ingenuity etc.

3. The Last Crusade
In the Temple Ruins, they find a "map room" - Pad works out where they actually are (Faith'll never manage it) - having solved a puzzle about the height of a staff and the headpiece and the sunlight thing. They find the tribe and they go there - Tribe recognises Faith as Famula-marked and Vri marked, she's got a death diri and they worship those, so the tribe explain their sacred stone is lost - Pad and Faith get sent on a "crusade" to find the stone.

4. The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
In "Cursed Woods" location in the Scaltoth Jungle (we'll write these up as we go, etc) - they go into the woods and fight their way through a whole bunch of very gnarly monsters who, in numbers and strength will be a real challenge to the pair. They'll have to fight their way to a sacred well where they find the Sacred Stone and, huzzah... the shard.
Order of the Adunih

~~ PSF ~~
Thread 1: - Order from Chaos 1 Faith (as head of Isonomia and head of the Order in Rharne) approaches the head of the Order of the Adunih suggesting an alliance. She would also suggest that the Order needs to adopt a much more "global" viewpoint - more joined up etc etc. Sharing resources, skills etc. An Order in every town. She discovers that the Order is in a shambles, basically and is what it seems to be - each Order outpost is on it's own. Faith isn't the type to stand by and accept that, she'll step forward. In places like Rhakros, Rynmere (when everything's done), the sight of a Cloak needs to be synonymous globally with healing etc.

Thread 2: - Order from Chaos 2: Defining the Problem Faith finds the extent of what she's taken on here. There are incomplete / non-existent records, no supply lines etc etc. She and Gennadiya work together.

Thread 3: - Order from Chaos 3: A Single Step Once she's got a clear idea of what needs doing, Faith gets started. First, she sends out a letter to all existing Outposts. This includes the mission statement for the faction / what they do etc. It also includes clear guidelines on when to promote. This will be an IC "backbone" for the OOC write up of the cloaks etc.

Thread 4: - Set up of Rharne Order as the HQ for the order globally. This will involve setting it up more firmly - I'll write up some more NPCs etc. The Order will also need to look at supply lines etc. Which Rharne having a Portal Stone will help with. So, she'll try and negotiate the use of that.

Thread 5: - Setting up the Teaching School. That's going to be tricky, but between the Order and Isonomia - and Faith and Pad both still are professors of Scalvoris University, tasked with spreading knowledge and technology. The aim will be to build this place up as a teaching and research center. She'll go to Scalv and try and get them on board, provide funding, steal some staff etc.

Thread 6: - She'll send letters to all cities (I'll write them only to places with mods, in fairness) who don't have an Order and work out a schedule for getting one there. She'll travel if needs be. That will also allow me to get a clear idea of who is where etc. I'll also update and keep the central record thread more clear. Obviously, I'll also keep finances etc, too.
Hammer to Fall version 1
~~ PSF
1. Here we stand, here we fall: Faith and Pad have a conversation about what's happened with Qit, how they're going to have to deal with it. They go into research mode etc.
2. History won't care at all: Solo where Faith researches necromancy in more detail.
3. Make the bed, light the light. We do a dream thread where Famula (or PB, if that's easier but since it's a dream, can I dream her?) walks them through moments in history, showing them Ellasin (flashbacks to threads where she's appeared etc etc)
4. Lady Mercy won't be home tonight: They wake up in the middle of the night and start the plotting / tactical considerations. They set up defenses in the house and etc etc.
5. You don't waste no time at all: Solo where Faith shores up the defences of Isonomia and the Order of the Adunih.
6. Don't hear the bell, but you answer the call: Solo where she does the same for Augustin's boutique - bit of a challenge with a shop!
7. It comes to you as to us all: An attack by a concerted force is beaten back by Pad and Faith - Faith uses her Famula / Vri marks and experiences the death of one of the thralls, which shows her where Ellasin is.
8. Hammer to Fall: we go, we kick her skanky far-too-pretty-to-be-a-necromancer ass.
Hammer to Fall v 2
~~ PSF
~~ Amended PSF
1. Here we stand, here we fall: Faith and Pad have a conversation about what's happened with Qit, how they're going to have to deal with it. They go into research mode etc.
2. History won't care at all: Solo where Faith studies the bodies and experiences the death of the thralls. Why? Because she insisted.
3. Make the bed, light the light. they prepare the house with the defenses etc they have
4. Lady Mercy won't be home tonight: With the friends and companions they have called together, they begin to plan and research.
5. You dont waste no time at all - Faith and Pad talk to the ghosts of the custom thralls.

6. Don't hear the bell, but you answer the call: Solo where she protects both the Order of the Adunih, Isonomia HQ and Augustin's boutique - bit of a challenge with a shop!
7. It comes to you as to us all: An attack by a concerted force is beaten back by Pad and Faith - Faith uses her Famula / Vri marks and experiences the death of one of the thralls, which shows her where Ellasin is.
8. Hammer to Fall: we go, we kick her skanky far-too-pretty-to-be-a-necromancer ass.
~~ Done ~~ Minimum of 50* pieces of Knowledge in the relevant topic.
Minimum of 3 seasons of further study in Rynmere/Scalvoris/Viden.
Cylus - here
Ashan - Waits and measures - ongoing - where she will be carrying out an autopsy while talking to the person - and looking at their memories etc.
Ymiden - All for the want of a horse shoe nail - next season - where she will be doing the same thing, but this time reflecting how a lack of knowledge on the impact of a particular disease on the heart meant that this person died.

3 x teaching threads.
One where she teaches people how to do an autopsy. This will be very Vri / Fam / Moseke / respect focused. Baseline
One where she teaches a class on information gathering post death - and will be challenged by different attitudes here here
One where she presents her findings to students - but in an unusual way, by introducing them to (not literally, telling them about) the people who died in order for them all to have this new knowledge - their loves and losses, etc. The cost of medical innovation, basically.

Moderated thread with a Prophet.
Need one.

Outline of a Thesis on topic.
all threads will be around the same thing.


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(E) Ellasin. ~~ (OA) Order of the Adunih ~~ (IA) Isonomia ~~ (WL) Warden of the Lake ~~ (IF) Immortal: Fam ~~ (IV) Immortal: Vri ~~ (IM} Immortal Moseke ~~ (IY} Immortal Ymiden ~~ (LT) Licentiate Thread ~~ (WT) Wealth Thread ~~ (DT) Dream Thread
Throughout: The War Room
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Cold Cycle


1st: And they all lived.... ~ with Varlum.
4th: Teaching ~ solo teaching ~ Licentiate Thread + Wealth Thread
6th: ...and Learning ~ solo learning ~ Licentiate Thread
9th: Faith's Licentiate ~ modded with Tempest. ~ Licentiate Thread
10th: Life, Death, and the In-between ~ moderated, with Ellasin.
10th: Blossoming ~ with Padraig. Rose returns
11th: Ties of Blood & Kinship ~ with Kura
22nd: Of Notoriety and Infamy ~ with Sybil.
23rd: Meetings, minutes, memories ~ with Doran.
24th: Its ether here or there ~ with Llyr.
26th: Back to Rharne
27th: Consolidation ~ solo. Order of the Adunih


20th: A brief vacation ~ Faith, Padraig and Varlum make their way to the barriers.
Arc 720
Thread List: Current Cycle
Order of the Adunih ~~ (IA) Isonomia ~~ (WL) Warden of the Lake ~~Wealth Thread ~~ (DT) Dream Thread


1st: - 15th: The barriers.
10th: Stars Shining Bright Above Me..... ~~ (DT) Dream Thread
25th: - -30th: Viden


1st - 20th: Viden

To Do!

placeholders Rharne
Finding Fei

~~ PSF~~
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The First Shard
1. Raiders of the Lost Arc Done, last season
Having gone into research mode, Pad and Faith find, the journal of a crazy scientist in the university who lost an entire year (arc... do you see what I did there? ).... of his life when he was kidnapped by the tribe and saw the glowing stone. They go talk to him, get a whole load of tall tales. He tells them about the "Ruins of Fei" in the Jungle, where there is a skull-shaped stone.

2. Professor Augustin & the Temple of Doom Last season
They follow crazy science guy's directions, find themselves unutterably lost (very well equipped, but no idea how to actually survive - this will be a major challenge for them - and might be the end of the last thread, as well as the beginning of this one). They neither of them have any field craft and are, in fact, both notoriously bad at it. This thread will see them find (fall into, who knows) the ruins of an old temple which they think is where they're going - it's not, but it's full of traps and stuff. Lots of tests of field craft, ingenuity etc.

3. The Last Crusade
In the Temple Ruins, they find a "map room" - Pad works out where they actually are (Faith'll never manage it) - having solved a puzzle about the height of a staff and the headpiece and the sunlight thing. They find the tribe and they go there - Tribe recognises Faith as Famula-marked and Vri marked, she's got a death diri and they worship those, so the tribe explain their sacred stone is lost - Pad and Faith get sent on a "crusade" to find the stone.

4. The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
In "Cursed Woods" location in the Scaltoth Jungle (we'll write these up as we go, etc) - they go into the woods and fight their way through a whole bunch of very gnarly monsters who, in numbers and strength will be a real challenge to the pair. They'll have to fight their way to a sacred well where they find the Sacred Stone and, huzzah... the shard.
~~ Done ~~ Minimum of 50* pieces of Knowledge in the relevant topic.
Minimum of 3 seasons of further study in Rynmere/Scalvoris/Viden.
Cylus - here
Ashan - Waits and measures - ongoing - where she will be carrying out an autopsy while talking to the person - and looking at their memories etc.
Ymiden - All for the want of a horse shoe nail - next season - where she will be doing the same thing, but this time reflecting how a lack of knowledge on the impact of a particular disease on the heart meant that this person died.

3 x teaching threads.
One where she teaches people how to do an autopsy. This will be very Vri / Fam / Moseke / respect focused. Baseline
One where she teaches a class on information gathering post death - and will be challenged by different attitudes here here
One where she presents her findings to students - but in an unusual way, by introducing them to (not literally, telling them about) the people who died in order for them all to have this new knowledge - their loves and losses, etc. The cost of medical innovation, basically.

Moderated thread with a Prophet.
Need one.

Outline of a Thesis on topic.
all threads will be around the same thing.

RHARNE: 7th ~ Gettin' Fancified with Vivian and Seira
SCALVORIS: 12th ~ Sure as Shore Can Be with Rorom
RHARNE: 15th ~ Clothing for a dance with Hinata
RHARNE: 15th ~ Yes, It Is Time with Genna
RHARNE: 16th ~ When in Rharne with Elisa
RHARNE: 17th ~ The HEart of the Matter with Pad, Genna, Elisa
RHARNE: 56th ~ I feel pretty with Balth
Arc 721
Vhalar 721

5th: Fast Food I: Catch a pigeon ~ solo ~ Lethe invasion.
34th: What makes the candle splutter? ~ with Padraig & Doran ~ planning for the barriers.
40th: A Theoretical Impossibility: Again ~ with Padraig, Doran & Varlum ~ Beyond the barriers again!
Arc 722
Thread List: Current Cycle
Order of the Adunih ~~ (IA) Isonomia ~~ (WL) Warden of the Lake ~~Wealth Thread ~~ (DT) Dream Thread

Cylus 722

Ashan 722

1st - with a flower with a flame - meets Pendleton
1st - writes to Saoire
5th - The times they are a-changings - meeting of Eureka
5th - Meeting Pendleton again - pm - here.

6th - Meet Prae
10th - Saoire's reply - writes to: Scalvoris Council , the EE , Desnind and Ilaren & Yvithia / Treid .

12th - Institute for Innovation here
13th - LK - here
14th - TP - here
15th - Merchants Guild. here
16th - Write to all Order Heads here
17th - Meeting with Ilaren and the Council. here

18th - 24th / 25th - Faith goes to Scalv.
19th - meet Elisa - scalvtown: here
22nd - meet Woe - here
23rd - meet Bao - here
24th - meet Chancellor Manyon here
Placeholder - Cally's here
Placeholder: Beacon here
Placeholder: Beacon here

83rd - Meet Woe here and here

84th Travel to EE
91st - Arrive - have meeting.

Placeholder: Education here
Placeholder: Meeting here
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Sun Aug 21, 2022 5:12 pm, edited 15 times in total. word count: 8008
Life, Death and the In-Between .
User avatar
Faith Augustin Champion
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Posts: 4827
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Race: Human
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Renown: 2285
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Wealth Tier: Tier 10

Re: Faith Augustin

Well Well!
Approved here Granted: here
Wells given to Winston here TOTALS NOT UPDATED YET BELOW

Class 1 Wells: All Raw

55 Glowstone (Lumite) [5%]
165 Firestone (Imedyte) [15%]
110 Froststone (Glacite) [10%]
110 Miragestone (Ezymite) [10%]
110 Mountainstone (Territe) [10%]
275 Darkgem (Midnyte) [25%]
110 Saltenrock (Tritonyte) [10%]
165 Etherstone (Purite) [15%]

Class 2 Wells: All Raw

90 Beast Eye (Lycanyte) [10%]
90 Teslyte [10%]
135 Eddilyte [15%]
90 Chii (Unityte) [10%]
225 Windstar (Aeronyte) [25%]
45 Ruby of Love (Harthyte) [5%]
45 Sapstone (Umbyte) [5%]
90 Strengthstone (Lucyte) [10%]
90 Toxic Star (Intoxyte) [10%]
Class 3 wells:

37 Ruby of Revenge (Dark Harthyte) Refined
45 Splinterstone (Splinterthyte) All Raw
38 Skeever Stone (Morlakyte) All Raw
30 Nightmare Stone (Umberdyte) All Raw
75 Class 3 Glowstones (Lumite) [5%] Refined
225 Class 3 Firestones (Imedyte) [15%] Refined
150 Class 3 Froststones (Glacite) [10%] Refined
150 Class 3 Miragestones (Ezymite) [10%] Refined
150 Class 3 Mountainstones (Territe) [10%] Refined
375 Class 3 Darkgems (Midnyte) [25%] Refined
150 Class 3 Saltenrocks (Tritonyte) [10%] Refined
75 Class 3 Etherstones (Purite) [5%] Refined

Class 4 Wells:
50 Moonglass (Selenenyte) All Raw
5 Obstimite (Dark Star) All Raw
90 Class 4 Beast Eye (Lycanyte) [10%] Refined
90 Class 4 Teslyte [10%] Refined
135 Class 4 Eddilyte [15%] Refined
90 Class 4 Chii (Unityte) [10%] Refined
225 Class 4 Windstar (Aeronyte) [25%] Refined
45 Class 4 Ruby of Love (Harthyte) [5%] Refined
45 Class 4 Sapstone (Umbyte) [5%] Refined
90 Class 4 Strengthstone (Lucyte) [10%] Refined

Class 0 Wells:

9 Prayer stones, Raw, not imbued with an Immortal ability (that requires actual action and threading) All Raw
2 Spiritcaines. Both Raw

Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Sun May 28, 2023 11:06 am, edited 27 times in total. word count: 276
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