Alyssia never had a normal childhood growing up. She was taken from her home town after venturing over to a food stall. At the age of seven the child had began to learn from the men that took her away. There were many hard "lessons" for the girl to learn. Most ended up with her being bruised or left with scars. The worst one had left a large scar on the right side of her body under her arm. It had been her "trainer's" way of teaching her not to talk back. While her teacher was harsh, the worst punishment was dealt out by Bacohl leader of the Saccharine Knights. The child had tried to make friends only for them to be sold away. In the short two years, Alyssia became very good at whatever the Knights needed her to do. She excelled in disguising herself as someone else. Of course, anything she wore was "loaned" to her by the order and required to be returned at the end of the mission. As the group moves into the city of Yaralon, Alyssia is curious if she will be the next sold off.