This is where CSes are moved to when they are marked as "Approved". If this accidentally locks your CS, don't worry, just PM a prophet and we'll unlock it straight away!
Slash like scar along the left side of Vega's neck, from a molten thorn slicing through and cauterizing the wound.Various small specks of burns upon Vega's body from the spray of lava upon her.
Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
PSF Approval: here
Gateway Plot Tracker: here
Gateway Approval: here
Fieldcraft Abilities
Gateway Ability:
Tribal Chief
Vega is all about clan - the people around her. This ability allows those who are resident in the place she is currently (her settlement, her boat, etc) and her focus is on helping them to survive. This ability allows those who are residing in the same place as her to utilise her Fieldcraft Capstones. There are restrictions on this, and these are:
It must be a place that Vega considers "home" - eg: it would work in Sweetsong, but not in an Inn or another Settlement.
It must be outside / in the wilderness. This does not work in buildings.
The people must be either part of the community / clan or have been welcomed in there specifically by Vega.
Clan members need not have Vega present or looking over their shoulder in order to establish and function as campers/Field Crafters at her GM capacity as long as they're all nominally part of the 'clan'.
Long term clan members (anyone who has been actively in the clan for over a year) gain a skill advantage. Faceless Settlement NPCs gain +5 to their Fieldcraft skill each cycle after the 1st year. Named Settlement NPCs, personal NPCs and PCs gain 10XP in Fieldcraft per cycle, after the first year..
Sword Links
PSF Approval: here
Gateway Plot Tracker: here
Gateway Approval: here and here
Sword Abilities
Gateway Ability:
Sword-Dancer (Defence):
Vega is so in tune with the sword in her hand, and the rhythm of combat that she blocks a blow before it begins. She is able to defend herself - and those around her - from up to four opponents (one for each element) effortlessly. They must be close enough to her that they can hit her, but if they could reach her, even if they are attacking someone right next to her, Vega can defend, flawlessly. This is effortless and her sword is in place seemingly before they move, be it with hand to hand or weapon.
Fiddle Links
PSF Approval: here
Plot Tracker: here
Achieved Tier 2: here
Fiddle Abilities
Gateway Ability:
Following on from her capstone, this ability allows Vega to effective 'buff' a group who hear her play. So inspiring is her music that, when she is attempting to instill any emotion linked with the Domains of Xiur or Qylios, she gives them the ability to fight together, as though they are bonded as per the Qylios mark. Whole groups can function together, fighting as one with each individual having full knowledge of what is going on in the battle. All of the people who are bonded in this way must have heard Vega play at the same time, and within the last trial. This applies to herself, as well.
Gateway Ability: WWVD
WWVD (What Would Vega Do?)
Vega's leadership of Sweetsong has been, thus far, very successful. Therefore, I propose that with this ability she extends that by being a leader so good that her presence is no longer needed.
Should a PC or NPC be working under Vega's leadership the benefits from any bonuses from her Leadership skill (Capstones and future Leadership Tier 2 stuff) still happen as though she was there, even if she isn't. PCs (and NPCs) can choose to accept this - and in order for it to work they will need to consider / think about how Vega would deal with the situation / what she would say if she was there. It needs to be either a task Vega has specifically given or a situation where they are operating under her leadership anyhow (so, the people in Sweetsong would - when she was in Storm's Edge, the people there would have, too).
Gateway Ability: Group Tactics:
Group Tactics:
Vega has a focus on clan, this shines through in her threads and her skills. Tactics is no different. From the Siege of Storm's Edge to the Pirate Lord attacks on Sweetsong, Vega has been able to work on tactics on a large scale and using the skills and resources of large groups of people. As she moves into Tier 2 of the skill, she becomes able to share her tactical knowledge and skill with those around her. With this ability, Vega is able to share the benefits from any bonuses from her Tactics skill (Capstones and future Tier 2 stuff, although always at 1 level below what she is - so at getting Tier 2, she can share her cappies, when she gets to competent, she can share the Gateway / Novice, etc) with anyone who is in the same situation as her - this can be shared remotely (during the pirate attacks, for example) but Vega MUST be in contact with those people. Therefore, in the pirate attacks, Hopetoun would have got the benefit as she was writing to them, but Haven wouldn't have as she wasn't writing to anyone there. This contact needs to be every post if it is remote, but covers only where she could reasonably communicate if not.
Last edited by Vega Dweeb on Tue Mar 08, 2022 7:08 pm, edited 112 times in total. word count: 880
Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
Vega's athletics has developed largely from the navigation of difficult and changing terrain. Balancing, jumping from one place to another, all those sorts of things have really built up Vega's flexibility. With this capstone, she effectively capstones her ability to jump. She doubles the distance she can jump - be that straight up, horizontally, or in whatever direction and she is able to land from these double-distance jumps without hurting herself.
Vega is a dancer and she has developed her athletic ability in conjunction with that. This, combined with the feats of climbing and acrobatic manoeuvres she has performed (such as jumping off dragonlings on to mountains, etc) means that she has learned to control her center of balance perfectly. She can maintain her balance, no matter how small a space she is balancing on. Examples include being able to stand "en pointe" (balancing on her toes) on top of a pole in the wind, hold perfectly still while balancing on the knuckle of one finger, or being able to jump on to a tiny or narrow foothold, or jumping across a river by jumping on to tiny exposed stones, just big enough for her to balance on. The length of time she can do this is dependent on her strength and endurance skills.
For Vega, dance is many things. It is worship, it is celebration and it is a means of expressing herself through music. With this capstone, Vega is able to dance while performing any other skill - within the boundaries of what is physically possible, she can dance. Neither skill is impacted, no matter how difficult it is for her to dance. As long as it is physically possible for her to move her body, she is able to use the full extent of her dance skill with any other.
Vega has developed the ability to not just instil hope in others by her actions, but to also get them to act as ambassadors of hope, too. This capstone allows her to imbue those who see her dance ~ or who join her in doing so ~ find themselves energized and enthused for a full trial. They will feel awake, refreshed and filled with hope as though they had just slept an excellent night's sleep. This doesn't, of course, heal wounds or anything, it simply gives the people who dance a burst of adrenaline which lasts for the rest of the trial.
Vega understands, all too well, that sometimes life is just hard. People have worries, concerns, issues and lots of things that might be stopping them from being able to enjoy life. With this capstone, she draws on her own recent experiences of her father's death and the attacks in Sweetsong etc, developing her dancing to be a sort of therapy. For this to work, she has to be both actively dancing and actively focusing on helping people feel better. When those two conditions are met then the mere act of watching Vega dance helps to calm troubled minds and help people work through issues. If someone was to join her in the dance, then after just a few moments they will find themselves feeling better.
This doesn't solve whatever issues the individual is facing, it doesn't produce answers for them. What it does is:
when watching Vega dance and use this ability, it allows the individual a sense of calmness.
when dancing with Vega, a single dance allows the individual to work through their issues as though they'd had an hour long therapy session with her - as though she was the best therapist for them (Psychology is GM).
Why's It Whiffy?
Vega spends by far and away the majority of her time in the wilderness / open air and spends a lot of her time hunting or exploring the wilderness. She is very aware of how different places smell - and with this capstone she demonstrates this. Vega is able to recognise the scents in a place and, from those scents she can differentiate who or what has been in this area. Of course, she needs to be able to recognise the smell - so if it's an animal she's hunted / knows well, then she can identify the specific creature. In terms of recognising people, Vega again needs to know and be aware of the specific individual - failing that she can only get a general sense. Scents will not linger for more than an hour, unless they're very pungent.
Depending on the weather conditions, etc, the range of this capstone is the effective range of her sense of smell. It will allow her to sense by smell whether there are animals nearby, what type of animal they are etc - but she might also smell if there's an unusual / out of place scent of a plant or something rotting, etc.
Don't Thump Dweebs
Approved: here
Vega is a bad-tempered and cantankerous woman who speaks her mind. Nine times out of ten, she does this purely by choice and because she doesn't care enough not to. However, with this capstone she has learned not to speak her mind. To keep her opinions and thoughts to herself. In addition, when pressed either through magical abilities, torture, or conventional persuasion, Vega cannot be forced or compelled to say anything if she doesn't want to. unless the source is equal to or higher tier ability/power/skill than her own Discipline
Approved: here
In her life and job, Vega has to deal with paperwork. Due to her dyslexia (not that she knows she has it), she struggles with reading very slowly and paperwork being very difficult for her. With this capstone, she is able to maintain her focus for longer and undertake tedious / boring / difficult mental tasks as though she does not have dyslexia. While previously tasks such as writing a report would take her twice or three times as long as anyone else, she is now able to do them at the same speed as others. In addition to ordinary paperwork, Vega can do any sort of clerical (think writing, logistical record-keeping, mathematics, cryptography, etc) or written work with great focus as long as she sticks to task, up to Grandmaster Difficulty. If she would have normally hit a setback on a task that is equal to or less than grandmaster difficulty, she'll instead find a way to power through it at a pace that she would've done for a novice-level task. Quality of results notwithstanding.
Vega has become so used to living and working without sleep that she now manages on the absolute bare minimum. Usually, in day-to-day living she sleeps for maybe four hours a night but in times of pressure or when under stress she can "power nap" - a 20 minute snooze counts as a night's sleep for her - and she can maintain this during pressure. However, when that pressure wears off (be it a ten-day-long siege or a month-long battle) - Vega will then "crash" and will need to sleep for 12 hours a night for half as long as she's just survived on power-naps (so 5 nights and 15 in the examples).
Speed Healing
Vega's endurance really came into it's own when she was shattered during the Scalvoris docks attack. Her focus on healing despite the odds and her stubborn determination throughout that means that she has pushed her body to an extreme of physical fitness. She heals faster than most people do, effectively cutting in half the time she would heal - without assistance or healing. This does not speed up, or make more efficient, any healing or medical interventions, nor does it make her less likely to get infections etc.
If You Can't Stand The Heat
Vega has experienced extremes of heat over the last few years. She was burned to death in the Scalvoris Docks collapse, she was overtaken by fire and her arms turned into lava in the Death-Forged Rose storyline and then, her Immortal father cursed her. She has been running a perpetual low fever and feeling like she's over-heating for well over a year now. Having endured heat for so long now, Vega has increased her ability to do so - she can endure heat which others would find unbearable. This does nothing to mitigate damage and it certainly doesn't make her immune to fire or smoke inhalation etc. However, it means that she could endure the heat of a burning building or the extreme heat of the desert at noon. Approval
Fine Means Fine.
Fine Means Fine
Vega has been in a lot of fights and very often against large numbers. From the Pumpernickels in Rharne to the Pirate Lords who attacked Sweetsong, she has always ignored damage and carried on in the face of it. She has developed this ability to a fine art and thus only damage to her organs, arteries of the breaking of her bones will slow her down. Anything less than major damage will not impede her performance. She can still bleed out, be poisoned, etc - but this makes her a formidable opponent.
Fine Means Fine
During the snow storms in Scalvoris and in many other situations she's been in, Vega was faced with a moment where food and drink were, potentially, an issue. This capstone allows her to go without - or with a very bare minimum of food and water in order to survive. The amount of time that she can go without fluid or food is tripled. This has no impact on her appetite and she will feel hungry and thirsty - it just negates the side effects of deprivation.
Vega has developed her ability to the point that she can use sound as a means of increasing the skills of those around her. Her devotion to Xiur and Qylios is such that she is determined to be hopeful, and to always do her best. She can play and, when she plays, it gives a boost to the skills of those who hear it. When Vega focuses on a group and actively uses this ability - she is able to inspire them to be the very best version of themselves. Any and all who are in the room / area where she plays (so not someone that hears it in passing, they have to be listening) have a +1 level bonus on a non-magic skill for the next trial (so, novice becomes competent, competent becomes expert etc). This skill will be directly linked to the focus Vega has so - if it is in a camp preparing for battle, for the soldiers it will be a combat skill - but the cook for that camp would gain a bonus to cooking for the troops. No more than one bonus per day can be given.
Vega has lived in the wilderness, or on the oceans, all her life. During that time she's seen a lot of extreme weather conditions. She has learned the art of building a camp which withstands the elements. Like the bamboo bends in the wind, rather than snaps, Vega has learned to set up a camp - large or small - which protects against the elements. Wind, rain, sleet, snow - they are all protected against. By putting a windbreak in just the right place, by having hot stones or warm sand around, things don't get broken, spoiled, etc. The upshot of this is that, subject to her having the resources she needs, Vega can make a comfortable and functioning camp in even the most extreme of weather - the inhabitants will suffer no ill effects from the weather in all its forms. They may not be warm in snow - but they won't be cold, won't be wet, will not stay awake hearing the wind howl, etc. One camp protects against all potential elements / weather conditions.
If the camp is of the usual size (eg: Vega, Arlo + NPCs) - then it takes half the time it usually would to set the camp up.
Due to the nature of Vega's hunting skill, she can get twice the usual amount of quarry from any single hunt. This might be from felling a very fat example of a deer, or a particularly feathered bird, or coming across a whole bunch of animals together.
Due to the nature of Vega's hunting skill, the prey she hunts are always the best example of the creature / resource. They have the tenderest and most abundant meat, the shiniest and most perfectly-marked coats, the sharpest and most well-shaped teeth, etc. In mechanical terms, this means that the product of Vega's hunt will be of the highest quality possible for the resource and to the maximum amount possible.
Vega has learned the arts of hunting and has perfected it to the point where she can hunt and not deplete the numbers of prey. As long as she has time to plan and work together, this extends to those she is hunting with, also - even if they hunt in a single area for an extended length of time, Vega can do so in such a way that animal numbers maintain. If she has the time to work with others who are doing the same and they co-ordinate their efforts, this will impact those who work with her, too, and will mean that hunting around where she is currently living is sustainable indefinitely.
Irritatin' an' Chipper
Vega is aggressively optimistic. Her time in Rharne during the Siege of Storm's Edge taught her that, no matter what, she had to keep up her own sense of optimism. This has allowed her to lead others by example, but specifically by making people happy in whatever task she is leading them in. If Vega is part of a group working to a common goal, then her enthusiasm and optimism mean that people are able to keep going just that bit longer, or perform just that bit better. This has an impact on the outcome of a task - when working together on a task which has a physical product (like rebuilding the walls in Storms Edge) then that outcome will be better than it would otherwise be, while the outcome of more abstract tasks (like exploring) will simply be more efficient.
Mechanically, this means that a physical outcome (like rebuilding the walls) will result in the job will either be finished in half the time, or at one quality level above what would be expected (eg: average will become good. If these criteria aren't in place, it'll need to be story-specific but will follow this format). Which of these outcomes it is will be dependent on whether Vega's pushing people to hurry, or to do their best. For more abstract tasks (eg: exploring) the task will simply be performed to the best capability in half the time.
During the Siege of Storm's Edge, Vega found herself in a number of positions where she had to make snap decisions and act on them. There were things which needed doing, jobs which had to be done. She has learned that one way to get things done is by the simple expedient of starting them. Rather than tell people what to do, Vega is very much an "in there and doing it" kind of leader. That means that, when she's working in a team - whether she's in an active leadership role or not - her very nature of leading by example, of getting right in there and getting her hands dirty makes people more inclined to do the same. This specifically means that teams work better when Vega is in them. Whether she's crew on a ship or a member of a military unit, they work smarter and harder and get things done. The outcome of this is that the group functions at peak efficiency - resources are used the best they can be, communication is at its best. The longer Vega is part of this team, the more they work like a well-oiled machine and the more efficient they become.
After working in a team once, this capstone starts to take effect. Thereafter, the multitude of tasks which need doing in any group situation get done more quickly and to a higher standard. Mechanically it means that they need less people to do a job than they might otherwise, freeing people up to do other tasks. If building a wall would take five people five days - if Vega is in the team then it'll take less people (maybe 3) to build it in 5 days. All five people would build it in 3 days.
During her time at Storm's Edge, Vega gave help to anyone she could. The upshot of this is that she learned the importance of asking for - and giving - help. When she is part of a group, Vega's way of being in the group makes it more and more acceptable to ask for help. After working together once, this capstone will begin to take affect - and the more she works with people, the more comfortable they are with asking for, receiving, or offering, help. This means that they work together better, of course, but this capstone is about increasing efficiency. Mechanically it means that, after she's been part of a group and been bossing people about for that time (eg: The Lightning Knights of Storms Edge) for a full season, tasks will be performed at full efficiency in half the time in any task Vega is involved in. If this is combined with another capstone, the quickest it can be is one quarter of the time.
Dweeb Stupid Moment I: I know me.
Vega has grown up believing that she does not fit in. It is in this feeling of "disconnect" that she has built her identity. It has given her an indepth understanding and knowledge of herself and her own process. She knows what makes her tick, she knows what she likes and dislikes - namely, she knows herself better than most people ever do. This level of self-awareness means that Vega recognises when something is impacting her emotions in some way which is not natural. If she should be being externally manipulated to feel something (by marks, magic or other abilities) Vega will know that she is. This does not infer any ability to do anything about it, nor does it tell her the source it comes from. It simply means that she knows herself well enough to recognise what is her emotion - and what is not.
"Bottom Line Up Front" is an expression which more or less sums up Vega's way of being. She is not a trained therapist, nor is she a learned academic - far from it. However, time and again Vega has simply broken through to the heart of the matter and spoken the truth. She would hate - truly hate - to be a therapist, but she doesn't need to be one. With her innate understanding of people - and her unique means of talking - if Vega is presented with a problem, then she cuts straight to the chase and says it how it is. Somehow, she manages to give advice in such an obstreperous manner that it works. The mechanical impact of this is that a PC or NPC who is experiencing a trauma or a situation where they would usually seek a therapist can, after a chat with Vega, somehow feel like their problem has been worked through with to the point of having a much greater insight. Fundamentally, one "BLUF" conversation with Vega is equivalent to intensive therapy or soul-searching.
PumpernickelsVega is a fundamentally hopeful person and, by virtue of that, she allows, expects, and demands, that others are hopeful too. Psychological theory is clear - people feel hopeful (or not) about themselves, the world, the future. The more of these one can feel hopeful and positive about - the better one feels. Vega understands that tiny shreds of hope are vital to people and she can find and exploit them even in the darkest situations. From ridiculous names for terrifying creatures, to being able to make things comfortable when previously they had been hopeless, people feel better when Vega is there. Her presence means that people feel hopeful about the world, about the future - and about themselves and therefore work harder and more cohesively. This promotes a sense of common purpose and a shared identity - akin to a biqaj clan. Mechanically, this means that any "clan-like" situation Vega is in (examples from play include the Lightning Knights, the Wardens of Lovalus, the Settlement of Hopetoun) simply functions in a more orderly and communal manner. People are cohesive and friendly, and they function as a group.
The impact of this capstone is situational and, as such, I'll include it in review requests etc.
Shurrup an' Get On
Vega has absolutely no interest in sitting down and talking things through. For her, the best therapy is time working on something. Intensely practical, Vega has found her therapy in helping out in Hopetoun, for example, as it allows her time and headspace to work things through. She is able to help people do the same and, as such, working with someone on a "project" (defined here as something which has a physical outcome, be it needlework, hunting, woodwork, or even building a wall - something physical, though not necessarily demanding) she is able to work with them psychologically. Thus, building a wall together (as an example) acts as therapy for the individual and helps them as much as a series of sessions of therapy would normally. It should be noted that this is not taking therapy outdoors - it's Vega's ability to get to the heart of the matter, say it how it is, and promote a sense of achievement at the end.
In moments of pressure or concern - Vega's nature kicks in and she becomes impassioned. This adds to her strength, effectively doubling it for the duration of her panic or fury. However, during this time she is very focused on the task she is doing / whatever is causing her to feel that way. Her ability to focus on anything else is lost to her, and effectively she works tirelessly until the situation is resolved. If this lasts for more than one hour in any 24-hour period, when the second hour wears off, Vega will get exhausted and need to rest for at least 12 hours.
Approved: here.
When using her longsword, Vega is able to move it so effectively that it produces a high pitched resonating sound, something akin to the sound made when moving a damp finger over cut crystal. In order to produce this sound she must focus on keeping the sword moving in a specific manner - and this means that, whilst she is able to attack, she is unable to defend. However, the sound increases the effectiveness of the sword in shattering solid (not complex), dense non-living material such as metal, stone or wood. It does not make it more effective against a mortal body, but does make it more likely that Vega will be able to shatter a piece of armour. It does not work against Yludih as, although made of crystal, they are alive. A non-living, usual crystal would be shattered, but Yludih would not. Furthermore, if she were to slice a wooden chest filled with books, for example, this capstone would only work against the wood of the chest since the sword is vibrating at the correct pitch for that, not the books inside.
In a PvP situation, against armour especially (or other things, I guess - weapons, possibly, items etc) this capstone would require moderator oversight / input in order to ensure fairness, but the following factors would make it more or less likely to succeed.
The defender's skill in whatever means of defence they utilise vs Vega's longsword skill
The quality of the item - masterwork is far less likely to be shattered with a glancing blow etc
Akin to the previous capstone, Vega has learned to utilise the air moved by the swinging of her sword in such a way that it is a bonus. By concentrating on her movements, Vega can use the sword to "push" air in front of her blade and therefore extend the reach of her sword by 2 inches. This effectively means that, when facing an opponent they might feel that she is about to miss them or that they are about to hit her as her parry is just short, when in fact the "pushed" air does the job. If Vega uses this for a strike, however, it does not cut but hits with blunt force, akin to a wooden sword. Because of the concentration required to perform this and to move the sword in this manner she can either focus on attack or defence, not both, when using this ability.
Approved: here
Scavenger Tactics
Vega has been in many situations where she does not have the resources to carry out the tactical manoeuvres she would like to and she has worked to find a way around that. From the Siege of Storm's Edge, where she was literally rebuilding walls into the night, to the Mummer's Ball where she had a ballgown and a pair of high heels to fight an Immortal, she has had to learn to think on her feet and use what she can. This tactics capstone takes this ability and hones it to the point where she can create tactical advantage seemingly out of nothing. Should she be in a situation where she needs a wall built, or a pallisade constructed, she can scavenge what is needed from the environment and make it work. These "scavenged" constructions are - by virtue of this capstone - as effective as if she had all the resources needed. Of course, being able to get the resources doesn't mean that Vega can build thing - that requires the engineering skill but, with this capstone, she provides the resources even when none, seemingly, exist. The quality of the construction is partly dependent on the skill of the person actually building it but, due to the flimsy and sometimes downright odd nature of the parts, can not be at a quality level higher than average.
Approved here
Maximising Context
From the siege at Storm's Edge to every camp she has ever set up, Vega is used to working with the environment she is in to maximise her tactical chances and / or to weaken her opponents. In any given situation she is able to use the environment to give her maximum tactical advantage and to disrupt the enemy. Obviously, this will be dependent on the context and the time Vega has. When she has time to plan and prepare, she is able to prepare defences / sentries which provide absolute coverage of an area and also identify the most efficient places to put traps and alarms so that a surprise attack is near to impossible to achieve. In the heat of the moment, she can find the single most useful spot to stage an attack, or how the environment can be used to weaken an enemy's defences. The environmental context becomes a fundamental part of Vega's tactical arsenal here, and she uses it like a resource which both strengthens her position and weakens that of her enemy. She can, in the moment, make such changes and adjustments as necessary to make the landscape as favourable to her side as it can be. Examples might include things like: if she's leading a group of missile troops and archers, she can find a high ground with cover. Or if she's leading a group from danger, she can find an escape with plenty of cover. Equally, it might be that she picks an escape route which seems obvious but, as she does so, it draws the enemy into a tactical disadvantage because of some aspect of the environment which she had spotted.
Approved: here
Expansive Tactics
Vega has a focus on clan, this shines through in her threads and her skills. Tactics is no different. From the Siege of Storm's Edge to the Pirate Lord attacks on Sweetsong, Vega has been able to work on tactics on a large scale and using the skills and resources of large groups of people. With this capstone, she becomes even more efficient at that. Vega can plan out defences / offences/ attacks / traps / etc to cover twice the usual reasonable distance with the same amount of resources (including people). Mechanically, this means that Vega is able to cover 1 mile radius using the time and resources needed for a Master Tactitian to cover 2 miles.
Approved: here
Built to Last
: Vega has lived all her life outdoors and she has used her woodcrafting as an integral part of that life. The items Vega makes have had to withstand the elements and extremes of weather, and she has always planned for that and made them to be as resiliant and hard-wearing as possible. This capstone shows the logical continuation of this and leads to the items she crafts - be it a box or wooden house, a fence pole or a short bow - being durable and strong and - most importantly - resistant to the elements and weather. Wind, rain, snow or even extreme heat of Saun will not warp, rot, or in any way impact the items she makes - even a flood would find the items Vega crafted undamaged in the water. It does not make the wood (or the item) more resistant to direct damage than it otherwise would be (depending on the type of wood.). It prevents warping, weathering, rot and degradation from exposure to the elements.
So if a wood happens to be resistant to damage (like some kind of iron wood or whatever) it has its natural hardness/durability, but also is immune to warping and the elements.
Vega has become very imaginative and creative with her woodworking and she combines the practical with the aesthetic and unique. With this capstone, she has learned how to carve wood in such a way that it takes on "special effects" - done by clever use of tricks of the light or carving wood in a particular way, she can make it seem to sparkle, or to be all the colours of the rainbow or even to shift through colour spectrums. If she carves reliefs or images into or with wood, she can make it look like the thing she creates is moving.
These are all purely visual tricks, but they allow for some stunning effects.
Approved here
Last edited by Vega Dweeb on Fri Mar 11, 2022 1:00 am, edited 372 times in total. word count: 5293
Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
Optimism: ~~ Add an extra three skill points to one of the following skills: Etiquette, Navigation, Psychology or Teaching. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 100 point cap on skills.Navigation
Flow of Morale: ~~ The Blessed is able to bring a brief surge of hopeful resolve to those around him. Within 10 feet, this lasts for eight bits; to 20 feet, it lasts for five bits; to 30 feet it lasts for two bits. At "Adored", double either the range or duration. At "Exalted", double both
Calming Overcast: ~~ A tense situation suddenly undergoes a dusky graying light, and the attitudes of everyone within 50 feet are affected as if the current hostility instead happened the day before, and everyone has had the time to cool off.
Night Torch ~~ The Blessed can touch any item and cause it to glow with a bright, starry light. This light can be directed away from the holder, so as not to dazzle night vision. If no other Nalos abilities are used, this can be maintained as long as the item is held by the Blessed. Gained here
Fog Bank ~~ The Blessed can generate a concealing fog to aid an innocent or threatened person to escape harm. If the target is instead genuinely guilty of some wrong, for which he was being pursued, the fog will instead leave trail behind him; as well as a revealing nimbus around him for a number of breaks equal to the Blessed's Etiquette skill. The target will have to run through the fog bank to activate this trail. During this time, placing this fog a second time will immediately dispel the current one. Gained here
Shooting Star ~~ A Bow can be blessed to emit a ray of star light in a path that displays the trajectory of the arrow nocked upon it. This does not affect the shooter's ability to maintain this aim, and if the light moves from the target upon release of the arrow, the shot will still miss the mark. This effect can be called upon three times a trial. Gained here
Cooling/Warming Trend ~~ The Blessed can impart an actual rise or drop in local temperature, to bring relief and encourage good moods. This can be up to a 15-degree effect in a single building; a 10-degree effect over a city block, or a 5-degree effect over a small village. At "Adored", raise the effect by an additional 5 degrees, and make the new 5-degree area be the size of a large town. At "Exalted", add another 5-degrees, and have the new 5-degree area be the size of an entire city. This effect will remain for an entire trial, but can not be generated again for another three. Gained here
Eyes of Dusk ~~ The Blessed can impose the stark contrasts of lighting that are typical of dusk on one target. Shadows are much darker and lights much brighter by comparison than at any other time of trial. The effect this has is to render an adversary stricken by visual impairment, as if their eyes are never truly able to get used to the light. In game terms, appropriate skills are reduced by a tier equivalent when used. For instance, if a PC in a fist fight has 10 points into Master Level Unarmed Combat, this will reduce his skill to being Expert instead. This lasts for as many bits as the Blessed's Psychology skill. Gained here
Dry Ice Cloud ~~ The cold of the void between the stars infuses this ground-level cloud with a near paralyzing cold. Joints grow stiff, hands grow numb on weapons, movements and communications are hindered by shivering, weapons and armor may become brittle. This has essentially the same game impact as "Eyes of Dusk", but is an Area-of-Effect power that covers 100 sq.ft. At Adored, it covers 200 sq.ft. At Exalted, it covers 300 sq.ft. The Blessed is unaffected by this cloud. Gained here
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Bolstered Optimism: ~~ Add an extra six skill points to any two of the following skills (max of 3 points per skill): Etiquette, Navigation, Psychology, or Teaching. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 100 point cap on skills. Navigation & Psychology
Starry Eyes: ~~The Blessed can always see perfectly well in all darkness. What's more, he can detect Shadow-form Naerikks, and can see through the shadow-based blessings of Audrae, if his blessing level is superior to theirs. This does not, however, cure blindness.
Cloud Nine ~~ The Blessed can put one adversary to sleep. The amount of divine force needed to complete this act depends on the level of Resistance or Discipline the target possesses, whichever is higher. The targets will be marked so their superiors will know that they were targeted by an Immortal power, to spare them serious repercussions.
Fulcrum of Fervor~~ The Blessed can select a single word to empower with the ability to spread optimism. When he cries it, those nearby may take up the cry, compounding the power and range of it's uplifting effect. The fervor generated by this collective outcry will last until dawn of the next trial. This can only be cast once per cycle. At "Exalted", it can be cast three times per cycle. here
Starlight Key ~~Once a season, the Blessed can bring down starlight to form a key that will unlock any key-type lock. This hardened starlight will stay this way, for use on this same lock, for the remainder of the night in which it was formed. It is bright however, and could give away stealthy movements. In the alternative, this key can be left in the lock to ensure it remains unlocked, but is easily seen by any hostiles. Covering it will help greatly, but the presence of something covering the lock will be suspicious in and of itself. This key can not be used on combination locks, nor will it remove a simple bar from a door or unlatch mechanisms. here
Shadow of Doubt ~~The Blessed brings clouds overhead to create a dusk-like atmosphere that strips the morale from enemies over a broad area. Those of only Novice Discipline or Resistance throw down their weapons and run or surrender. Competent level enemies back away, promising no aggression. Expert level enemies stand their ground, but do nothing unless attacked. Master or higher are unaffected, but will probably reconsider any aggressive act if many of their support troops are demoralized. here
Cloud Armour ~~The Blessed is covered in a cloudy blanket that cushions or misdirects melee strokes and ranged missiles so they afflict only light wounds. A very skilled fighter or marksman can accomplish higher levels of damage against this armor. In game terms, this armor reduces the attacker's pertinent skill by one tier, so that the Blessed's counter skill is more effective. here
Guiding Stars ~~The Blessed is guided by the stars at night. When the stars begin to appear it is as if they speak to him, giving intangible hints as to where things are, the best way to go to reach them, and what hazards may lie in whichever path he takes. The glares of starlight seem to take on brief shapes that warn and direct. There must be either direct, or directly reflected, starlight present to receive this benefit. Night clouds lit with starlight will also bestow this benefit. Those that lack Xiur's mark will not perceive this effect. here
Spread the Word ~~ The Blessed can make additional individuals the central focus of "Flow of Morale", "Calming Overcast", "Cooling/Warming Trend", "Night Torch" or "Dry Ice Cloud" without it costing him his charge of its use. This second person must be willing, but can only be given one of these boons at a time. The Blessed can bestow several of the same boon, or one each of several if he chooses. here
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Optimum Optimism The character is granted an extra nine skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Etiquette, Navigation, Psychology, or Teaching. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses. here
Unshakable Resolve The Blessed is immune to any demoralizing effects; magic, chemical, divine or otherwise. What's more, he knows when such an effect has been attempted against him; as well as the source and specific ability
Empowered Sunset With the arrival of dusk, the Blessed can infuse one thing with the energy of the encroaching stars. This can be used to permanently heal a person of serious wounds, reduce fatal wounds to serious, or grant a temporary boon of superhuman level to one physical or mental attribute. In the alternative, this can be used to permanently repair a broken item, or to bestow a temporary enhancement to it. here
Cloud Form Once per trial, the Blessed can alter the physical structure of his body to an equal mass of cloudy mist. This can enable escapes from bonds as well as cells or other tight spots. It does not enable controlled flight, but like any waft of mist, air currents can lift and carry him. A fast moving air current can allow him to travel quite swiftly. He can slowly thicken his form to bring him down safely from heights obtained by these currents. This form can last up to thirty bits, depending on the Blessed's concentration. Switching in and out of this form does not heal wounds. here
Nova Flare The Blessed can do one of two things: He can glow at an unbearably bright level, giving off an aura of heat that makes anyone getting close enough to touch him believe they will take burning damage if they do. This lasts for one bit for every Nalos ability earned. Or they can flash a single burst of light that blinds everyone within 100 yards for 1 bit, 80 yards for 2 bits, 60 yards for 3 bits, 40 yards for 4 bits, and 20 yards for 5 bits. here
Dusk to Dawn The Blessed can now gain the benefit of "Guiding Light" even when starlight is not naturally present. This includes being indoors and underground. The Blessed still sees visions of starlight hints in his eyes that no other sees. But this benefit is only during nighttime breaks. here
Cloud Wall Once a day, the Blessed can call up a fog that hardens into an impenetrable wall. It lasts for as many bits as the Blessed has Nalos abilities, minus those already "spent" that day. Climbing it requires a Climb skill of 50+, with a Resistance of less than 50 resulting in weakness that halves appropriate skills for the remainder of that same trial. Digging beneath its impenetrable roots takes longer and has the same possible "Resistance"-based backlash. Flying characters are not affected. here
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Meteor Shower This ability is granted only to those who become Xiur's Champion, as it requires the ancient tongue to activate. The Blessed takes a full break to call down starlight from the heavens in either a devastating barrage of anti-personnel missiles, or a single massive meteor intended to smash structures. As this requires actual starlight, it is no faster during the day or night. If the ritual is interrupted, it must be started anew with loss of previous time spent.
Constellation This ability is granted only to those who become Xiur's Champion, as it requires the ancient tongue to activate. The night sky of Idalos has many glittering constellations. As the Blessed grows in devotion, his mark takes on the shape of one of the four most well-known of them. His boon depends entirely on which constellation forms during his growth as a devotee. The Blessed can use no other Nalos abilities while a constellation is in effect.
The Dragon - A Great flying reptile, formed of starlight, lands before the Blessed and flies himself and one passenger to any destination. Neither rider can be knocked from its saddle, though disorientation from quick aerial maneuvers can render them unconscious. Damage does not "kill" the beast, but like "The Galleon", enough damage will cause the entity to shrink until it will no longer be able to support its riders. This entity can only be summoned once per season.
Granting to Vega, a Champion Ability: Deliver To a Star: Once a Cycle, Vega can send up a thought/hope/request to the night sky. Around the thought that she sends, a star will form, and act as a beacon and announcement to all who see it, the thought she's sending. It will be visible for several nights, no more than five trials, before it winks out and falls from the sky. Where it falls, it arrives at Vega's position in the form of a small clear gem, which returns the reactions/thoughts/information that anyone willingly sent up in response to her thought, hope, or request. .
This is not coercive, and if a person doesn't want to respond in anyway they don't have to. It's mostly a useful plot device that helps Vega cooperate in a broader area. Approved: here
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Nalos Ability: Night Torch: Can keep going indefinitely as long as it's the only one.
Nalos Ability: Shooting Star: Provides a means of aiming
Nalos Ability: Shooting Star: Works well at a distance
Nalos Ability: Fog Bank: Can cover your escape
Nalos Ability: Flow of Morale: Can restore hope to the hopeless
Nalos: Cloudy Armour: Can be used while performing acrobatics
Nalos: Ice Cloud: Very useful against Pumpernickels
Bond (Minor) ~~ The Favored can Bond with 1 other person. In doing so the Bonded individual gains a single glowing band around their left forearm. The Bond remains as long as both the Favored and the Bonded allow it. The Bond only functions within 300 feet of the Favored, and dissipates shortly beyond that distance.
Illustrious Skills I ~~Add an extra three skill points to one of the following skills: Blades, Leadership, Discipline, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 100 point cap on skills.[
Bound in Battle ~~The Favored and those Bonded with them are better able to fight together. Their tactics and movements flow almost seamlessly with little-to-no spoken communication. The Bond passes insights and slight thoughts between those Bonded while in combat together.
Brilliant Weapons: ~~ The Favored is able to create weapons out of solid light. The Favored can only generate one melee weapon at a time. To produce a weapon, the Favored must be in an area of substantial illumination (ie. Outside during the day, in a well-lit room, or at night during a full moon).
Bonded Tongue: ~~ The Favored is able to understand one Fluent Language of those they have Bonded. The selected language can be changed once per trial.
Hold The Line! ~~ The Favored is able to bolster the morale of any who stand with them. The call rings out and dispels fear in the defenders, whether mundane or magical. Those affected by the shout gain a small boost in stamina and the use of a shield. The effects of this ability last for ten bits, and can only overcome magical fear effects from other Marks of the same tier or lower. Any fear effects caused by Domain Magic can be overcome as follows: Favored can overcome Magic at a Competent level or lower, Adored can overcome Expert level or lower, and Exalted can overcome Master level or lower.
Guiding Light ~~ The Favored is able to summon a free floating orb of light to brighten their surroundings. The color and intensity of the light can be controlled, though it doesn't get any brighter than daylight. The orb has no physical form and can't be touched. The light generated by the orb cannot be used by the Brilliant Weapon ability. here
Radiant Mantel (Minor) ~~ Once per trial, the Blessed can call upon their inner light and shroud themselves in an aura of light. The aura draws those around the Blessed to them and holds them in awe. Those bathed in its light are more willing to listen to what the Blessed says and are willing to follow the Blessed in actions that are only slightly against their nature. here
"Fall Back!" ~~ The Blessed calls for a tactical retreat. Those within earshot of the call, or if a signal is given via horn or other means, are filled with renewed vigor as they retreat. Those bonded to the Blessed move quicker and only need to be within functioning range of their Bond to take effect of this ability upon activation. here
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Bond (Moderate) The Adored can Bond with up to 3 other people. In doing so all Bonded individuals gain the single glowing band around their left forearm. The Bond remains as long as both the Adored and those Bonded allow it. The Bond only functions within 1000 feet of the Adored, and dissipates shortly beyond that distance. Images and feeling can be willed across the Bond. The higher the sender’s Discipline, the more details can be relayed. here
llustrious Skills II The character is granted an extra six skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Blades, Leadership, Discipline, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses. /viewtopic.php?p=164796#p164796
Bound Beyond Blood The Adored can share in the Racial Bonus' of those whom they have Bonded, and share their own Racial Bonus with the Bonded. 10 points of the Adored's Racial Bonus are shared with those they have Bonded, and 10 points of each Bonded’s Racial Bonus is shared with the Adored.
Brilliant Weapons (Moderate) The Adored is able to create weapons out of solid light. The Adored can generate one melee weapon and one shield, or one ranged weapon at a time. To produce a weapon, the Adored must be in an area of decent illumination (ie. Outside during sunrise or sunset, near a campfire or other light source during the night, or in a dimly lit room).here
Bound Tongues (Moderate) The Adored is able to understand and speak one Fluent Language of those they have Bonded. The selected language can be changed once per trial. here
Lead the Charge The Adored is able to empower and bolster the morale of those who follow them. If the Adored is at the head of any group of individuals, they and any mounts they ride are less likely to flinch during a charge. The number of targets affected by the aura is equal to the Adored's Leadership skill. here
Flash The Adored is able to detonate any orb created with Guiding Light, and blind anyone who is actively looking at the orb. The blindness lasts for 10 trills. The Adored can only detonate one orb per break. here
Bathed in Light The Adored's wounds heal faster while in a bright area. This ability requires the Adored to meditate in an area of bright light, and focus on their body and wounds to function. The Adored's healing is dependent on their Meditation skill. here
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Bond (Major) ~The Exalted can Bond with up to 5 other people. In doing so, all Bonded individuals gain the single glowing band around their left forearm. The Bond remains as long as both the Exalted and those Bonded allow it. The Bond only functions within 3000 feet of the Exalted. The Bond no longer dissipates beyond this distance. Images, feeling, and words can be willed across the Bond. The higher the sender’s Discipline skill, the more detailed the messages that can be relayed. here
Illustrious Skills III The character is granted an extra nine skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Blades, Leadership, Discipline, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses. here
Blessed Bonds The Exalted is able to share abilities with those they have Bonded. The Exalted choose one ability to pass on to an individual who has been Bonded. The unique abilities can only come from the Adored or Favored tiers, but modular abilities use the highest earned rank. If the Bonded individual also possesses a Blessing, they too may share an ability with the Exalted, following the rules stated above. here
Brilliant Weapons (Major) The Exalted is able to create weapons out of solid light. The Exalted can now generate any combination of weapons at a time, but must wield the weapon as intended (ie. Greatswords require two hands). To produce a weapon, the Exalted needs only the smallest measure of light - that given off by the stars or the dying embers of a fire is enough. here
Bound Tongues (Major) The Exalted is able to understand, speak, and write one Fluent Language from each of those he has Bonded. The selected language can be changed once per trial. here
Illuminate the Dark The Exalted is able to detonate any orb created with Guiding Light and purge any illusions in a twenty foot radius. This also deals burning damage to any creature made of shadows. The Exalted can only detonate two orb a break. This ability can only purge illusions created by other marks of lower tiers, or Domain Magic lower than Master. here
Exalted of Daia
Daia Marked
Daianaya here
Gained Favored Mark: Here
Gained Adored Mark: here
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Sentiment : The Favored has the unique ability of being able to pluck a shimmering, silvery hair from their head, regardless of whether or not they have actual hair. This hair may be tailored into anything that the Favored might make from Needlecraft. While the tailoring, as a whole, is being done, the Favored may focus on a memory or strong emotion, and weave it into the object. Once it is finished, the silvery hair will change color and appearance to fit the object made. Following that, anyone who makes contact with the object will either be able to see the memory as a vision or feel the emotions as strongly as the Favored imparted into the object. These things can be resisted easily if so desired by those who touch it.
Invigorate : The Favored has the ability to generate more Lifeforce than they need while dancing. Passively, this keeps the Favored young and vigorous, staving off the effects of aging. However, when used in the presence of decay, decrepit, or anything past the prime of its life (as this only applies to living things), this ability will turn back the biological clock, returning them to their peak, and never younger. This is strictly physical, and does not affect the mind, memories, etc. For simple things such as plants and small animals, this affect kicks in over the span of a few minutes. For more complex beings, such as older animals and people, it requires roughly one hour of dance per year of invigoration. This ability does not affect time, so it does not remove scars, injuries, etc.
Trusted Gaze : The Favored must lock eyes with a person and activate this ability. The Favored's own eyes will change to look like the eyes of someone that person trusts or believes in. This change includes eye color, shape, and other such details of the eyes. This is only visible to that person, and it can be done with multiple people in order to overlap the effect. This effect lasts for up to one hour. It cannot be used on the same people twice in one day.
The Beat of Your Own Drumhere
The Favored will find themselves able to improve in all aspects of their life simply by dancing. No matter what it is the Favored is doing, if they do it while dancing, they will find themselves better at it. This reflects itself in the Skills they use. If the Favored's dancing skill is of higher tier than the target skill they are improving, that target skill may be utilized at one tier higher than it currently is. If the dancing skill is of equal or lower tier than the target skill, the Favored will find smaller improvements to the skill that makes what they are doing easier and more efficient.
Daianya Skillshere
The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Dancing, Needlecraft, Leadership, Caregiving, and Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.
The Snitching Stitch here: The Favored may pluck a golden, shimmering hair from the tip of a finger, regardless of whether or not they have actual hair. This hair may be tailored into anything that the Favored might make from Needlecraft. During the process of creating the item, the Favored may focus on their emotions or memories, though it is important to pick one, as failure to do so renders the ability moot. The created item must be given to a person in order to activate the next part of the ability.
If the item was created with emphasis on emotions, and is held or worn by the person it was gifted to, the ability activates. If the person's emotions are being manipulated, either by mundane, magical, or divine means, it will alert the Favored that created the item. This alert is a different sensation for each Favored, but it will always indicate who the alert is coming from. It does not indicate what the source of the manipulation is nor the protected person's location.
Creating the same item with an emphasis on memory, and is held or worn by the person it was gifted to, the ability activates. If the person's memory or intelligence are being manipulated, either by mundane, magical, or divine means, it will alert the Favored that created the item. This alert is a different sensation for each Favored, but it will always indicate who the alert is coming from. It does not indicate what the source of the manipulation is nor the protected person's location.
The Favored cannot gift these items to themselves. They can maintain 3 of these gifts at Favored, 6 at Adored, 9 at Exalted, and 12 at Champion.
The Gift of Life here: Once per season, the Favored can help two people establish a bond together. This bond requires completely willing consent on the part of both parties, and will not activate if there's any form of coercion or force in play. The Favored can only be the third party in this ritual, they cannot apply this to themselves.
The ability requires the Favored to touch the skin of both people who wish to utilize it. Over the course of an hour, the Favored will cycle and mingle the Lifeforce from both people. While tiring and draining for the Favored, this is refreshing and invigorating for the other two people. Once it is completed, one of the two people will experience their stomach glowing briefly for a couple of days.
That individual has become pregnant, with a child born of the two participants in this ritual. The individual that has become pregnant does not need to be female. If the individual is a male, the mark will temporarily alter their body to allow for the child to grow within them, changing back to normal after the child is born.
The parents do not need to be of compatible genders or races to form a child through this method. However, if the races are not compatible under normal circumstances, the child will be born as completely one or the other of the two parents' races, not a mixed breed. The pregnancy will always take roughly 270 days, regardless of the races involved.
The child is always born through the stomach if created through this ability. The stomach and womb will glow when it is time to give birth. It will split open, to allow the child to be pulled out. It will then reseal and heal, completely, over the course of two to three days, returning the parent's body back to how it was prior to being impregnated.
Inner Voice here:
Once activated, the Favored has the ability to make themselves heard clearly by any and all in a radius around the Favored, without having to yell or scream. If they do yell or scream, the radius doubles. This ability is active for up to one hour a day. The radius on this is roughly the size of a tavern at Favored, a village at Adored, a castle at Exalted, and a city at Champion.
A Dancer's Call here: While dancing, the Favored can close their eyes. This lets them astral project themselves into the Grand Ballroom of Daia's Emean Domain. To onlookers, this changes nothing, nor will they notice anything beyond the closing of the eyes. The Grand Ballroom is filled with other dancing projections, and is always as large as it needs to be to accommodate.
All the projections are of people that are currently dancing, anywhere in Idalos. They don't know their projections are there, and the projections are simply dancing just as they are dancing. Should the person stop dancing, the projection leaves The Grand Ballroom.
The Favored is able to dance among these people, and can see them as they appear, albeit a bit transparent. Should the favored begin dancing with one of these people, the pair will begin sharing a sympathetic and telepathic connection. This can be severed by either party, at any time by stopping the dance.
During this connection, all thoughts and emotions are shared, but only that which is given. Thoughts and emotions not explicitly withheld will be shared. Nothing can be forced from either party. However, during this connection the Favored can establish the person as a Dancing Partner. If so established, anytime either of the Dancing Partners begin to dance, the other will know, often described as their legs yearning to boogie. This is a bond that lasts until the Favored wishes to break it. But in order to break it, there must be a dance off, with rules established by both dancers. Whoever wins gets to determine the fate of the bond. In the event that both dancers are marked by Daia, either can initiate a dance off
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Daianya Skills II
The character is granted an extra six skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Dancing, Needlecraft, Leadership, Caregiving, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if Fast Track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.
Companion's Honesty
Honesty is a rare commodity. Honest words can cut to the heart of a matter, and bring about resolution. When words are both true and kind, they change the world. And there is no better companion than one who is willing to share the truth with their fellows. When the Daianya speaks honestly to another, they will without failure be believed. A person may deny the Daianya's honesty all they like, but they will feel deep down that what they heard is true. This power can be mitigated or overpowered by an Empath of Expert if the Daianya is only adored, or else by a marked individual with an opposing power, of adored level or better. At Exalted, it would take a master Empath or Exalted opposing Immortal Mark to mitigate the effects. At Champion, Revealed Empaths and Champions of other Immortals are able to mitigate this effect.
This power cannot be used to deceive someone. Intent to speak honestly is required in order for this power to have any weight.
Golden Child
The Daianya is granted a small familiar, in the form of one of her Lion Cubs. This Lion Cub is about the size of a small dog. It's mostly non-combative, providing companionship and a dancing partner for the Adored. So long as the Daianya dances in the company of their Lion Cub, the Daianya and the Lion Cub can walk over treacherous and hazardous terrain. Moving over lava, deep water, etc.
The Lion cub remains a cub and grows with the mark. At Exalted it becomes an adult lion, capable of providing hunting and combat support, although it's not inclined to violence. At Champion, it becomes one of Daia's Collosal Lions
From Whole Cloth - The Daianya has a special connection to the domain of Tailoring. By calling upon Daia's aid, they can materialize an entire outfit twice a season. By taking a small cut of cloth of that piece of fabric or their own outfit, they are able to apply an outfit from the same fabric to another individual. The outfit is of quality consistent with their skill in Needlework. They must be either clothed themselves or else holding a source of fabric in order to produce this effect.
Companionship Bracelet -
The Daianya can stitch a bracelet of any fabric, imbuing it with the thoughts and kindness they feel toward a specific individual. With an act of concentration, they can then create a perfect duplicate of this bracelet, for themselves. As long as both their companion as well as their self wears the bracelet, no matter where they are, they can pull the Companion to their location once a cycle. The Companion can refuse the summons, but if they do their bracelets will break, and it will take a cycle before the Daianya can stitch another bracelet for that person. If for any reason the other person isn't wearing the bracelet when they are called upon, the bracelet will break.
Wild Dance -
When Daia was resurrected, she was infused with a portion of Moseke's boundless life force and reverence for things that grow from the earth. This has spilled over into Daia's domain of dance, in that the Daianya is able to help plant life around them grow without hindrance, in the absence of any additional maintenance, as if they were growing in their natural habitat. They can do this once a season, and the effect lasts the rest of the cycle. It doesn't mean the plant life that grows will necessarily be of better quality than the original gardener brought to the table, but it does mean they won't have to spend nearly as much time caring for the plants, feeding them, or protecting them from pests. The Daianya must spend the better part of the Trial, during the daylight hours, dancing for the plants, in their presence. Mechanically, this must be the focus of a thread in order for the intended effect to take place.
The Heart of Prosperity -
Success and good fortune are the hallmarks of prosperity. The Adored of Daia will find with the revelation of this ability, that they can extend Daia's good fortune on their companions. Once a cycle, so long as the adored is accompanied by friends and companions, their friends will enjoy good fortune and success.
The Daianya may identify a stated goal once per cycle - which must be identified in the thread review request - dedicating it to Daia, which must involve one or more companions. The task itself may need to be agreed to by the city mod. This means that their efforts when directed toward the accomplishment of this goal (which cannot be aggressive or harmful to the prosperity of a community or region) will produce effects that are a full skill level in excess of what they'd otherwise be capable of. This doesn't increase the effective skill levels of those involved, but merely produces an effect consistent with greater ability/skill.
Vivid Step -
The Daianya is able to produce a general healing effect that takes hold for every bit they dance. Every bit they spend dancing, they can produce a healing effect that heals one minor wound per bit for a group of companions who witnesses the dance in close proximity. At Exalted, this dance heals moderate wounds, and at Champion it heals Major wounds.
Halcyon Days -
While some may rely on wealth or material success in order to mitigate life's misfortunes and sustain their livelihoods, the Daianya brims with optimism that effuses and spreads to their companions, uplifting them even in the midst of one would consider abject poverty. The world regularly seems to drop good fortune and success into their lap. Not only will they enjoy better fortune in their general endeavors, but they will also spread prosperity to all of their neighbors as well. Neighborhoods, where the Daianya resides for more than a season will begin to enjoy a general upgrade in the standards of living, so long as those neighbors have lived there for at least a season as well. Drifters and visitors are not so affected.
They will not need to work as hard or as long in order to achieve a successful result. They will find things are easier in general, lowering the difficulty of tasks by a full skill level. In order to benefit from this effect, one must own residence within the neighborhood and reside there for a full season before the Halcyon Days take effect, or else contribute positively to society in some way.
Criminals and those detracting from the prosperity of a neighborhood are not affected by this skill. At adored this ability affects those who contribute positively toward a society in the neighborhood or town where the Daianya generally resides. At Exalted, it extends to an entire city. At Champion, it extends to an entire region.
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Daianya Skills III The character is granted an extra nine skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Dancing, Needlecraft, Leadership, Caregiving, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if Fast Track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses. here
Dancer’s Form The Daianya no doubt has engaged in their share of the most favored activity of their Immortal, which is that of dance. As such, while this power does not render the Dancer impervious to harm or death, they cannot be crippled or broken by any form of binding or injury. The injury will eventually heal, but never will their freedom of movement when it comes to dance be impaired. Even if confined in a tiny space, they will find their ability to dance shall not be impeded, through any means short of breaking out of the confines. here
Golden Companion The Lion that has become the Daianya’s companion has grown to full-on adult lion size. It is capable of not only fighting and hunting with the Daianya, but it also has a nose for prosperity, having a good sense of whether someone is well-off or a person of great means. In addition should the Daianaya offers to accompany someone of a certain wealth tier, the Daianya can enjoy their Wealth Tier availability of goods and consumables if it's higher than their own. If their wealth tier is lower, they can share their own wealth tier availability so long as they're together. This power works on passing acquaintances as well as good friends, so long as the Daianya offers to accompany the target, and the target accepts their company. here
Share the Prosperity The Daianya is a beacon of prosperity to all they share a living area with. So long as they reside within an individual population center (whether as big as a city, village, or settlement. It can extend no further than the bounds of that individual population center) all others in that population center will enjoy the same wealth tier and prosperity as the Daianaya if they are normally at a lower tier. The benefits of this ability vary as not all Daianya are wealthy, but it is certainly a comfort to those who would be considered poor under any other circumstances. In any event, even if the Daianya is at tier 1 at least the poor will not lack for good company. here
Elemental Manipulation - Lightning (Minor)
The character is able to control a small amount of lightning in relatively close proximity to themselves. Limited to a single bolt of lightning that can travel 20 feet before dissipating. Capable of throwing one lightning bolt every bit. If the bolt hits, it can cause shocking pains and numbness to any struck body part. Alcohol intoxication diminishes the power of this ability.
Sparked Interests I
The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Unarmed Combat, Brewing, Singing, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses. Singing
Life of the Party
The character is able to share their emotions with a crowd within a short range around them for a single break. Greater levels of alcoholic intoxication increases the power of this ability.
Rolling Thunder:
The character is better able to understand the motions of combat and the rhythm of skirmish. Seeming to roll with their enemies blows, the character is able to mitigate some of the damage and redirect the force back at their opponent. A balanced level of alcoholic intoxication is needed to use this ability. (here)
Three Sheets to the Wind:
The Favored is blessed with an increase to their physical capabilities depending on their stage of intoxication. When the Favored has had little to nothing to drink, their reaction speed is increased greatly, allowing them to react at speeds nearly impossible to keep up with, making it hard for them to be hit - though arrows and bolts still travel too quickly for them to stop. The more the Favored imbibes, the more they trade speed for strength until all reaction speed is lost and replaced with strength, allowing them to hit with greater force. Able to generate enough force to splinter wood and dent metal. (here)
Bottomless Wineskin
Any container the Favored drinks from never empties. This ability only functions if the contents of the container are alcoholic. here
Rising Lightning
The Favored is able to direct a bolt of lightning beneath their feet, giving them an added boost to a jump. The Favored is able to use this ability to increase the height of their jump equal to one half the distance of the Manipulation distance. Alcohol intoxication diminishes the power of this ability. here
Touch of the Drink
Requiring contact, this ability imparts the sensation of inebriation on the target. The longer the user holds the contact, the more exaggerated the effect. While this ability is never fatal (only simulating the sensation of drunkenness without the drink to aid it), it can certainly give a favored an edge in combat or in interrogation. Greater levels of alcoholic intoxication increases the power of this ability. here
The Favored is able to send lightning flowing through any metal object they are in direct contact with. Depending on the distance and the amount of direct contact, the charge can cause anything from discomfort to numbness in the limb that was in contact with the object. here
Cursed & Mortalborn
When Lightning Crashed The Sky here
Honeymoon Sweet here
Scent of Smoke:
After repeated harrowing encounters with fire, Vega finds that she occasionally experiences minor hallucinations nearby of fire or smoke. This can mean that she smells smoke that is not there or see’s illusionary flames that are a figment of her imagination.
While she will initially think this is a result of intense stress, what she does not realize is that Faldrun has gained an interest in her and has plagued her with this affliction to test her resolve. This condition will not abate until it is removed either by the Immortal of Fire or another Immortal with a vested interest in Vega’s sanity.
Hated Curse: Honeymoon Sweet - because she punched the loser in the gob. Totes worth it.
Mortalborn story: Approved: here
Lei'nox adored Jo'qan (Vega's father) with every ounce of her soul and there was no doubt in her mind. She knew that he was the one for her and she left with him without hesitation. For all that her temper was quick and her tongue sharp, she loved her husband with everything.
Which is why she never told him.
Lei'nox and Joq'an had been to a biqaj gathering; no one from Joq'an's former clan, of course, but still it was good for him to be among his own people, she knew. There were lots of biqaj there and Joq'an had been drawn into a game ~ some kind of card game or such. Lei'nox had gone to stand and look at the ocean, looking south to Desnind. She missed her home, her people, her family. She knew her place was here at her husband's side and she did not regret her decision, but still. She missed her home. Hearing a sound behind her, she turned to look as one of the biqaj males approached her. She'd seen him throughout the night, with his dark red hair and his eyes which seemed to almost flicker. He smiled at her ~ not a pleasant expression ~ and as his hand closed over her throat, he spoke the only two words she ever heard from him.
"Hello, pretty."
Joq'an had already lost so much and Lei'nox knew that he would end up tearing the world apart to find the man who forced himself on her that night, and so she never told him. Fear filled her when she found out she was pregnant, but she kept her secret and took it with her to her grave. She'd had no idea that the man who had raped her was Faldrun, she thought him to simply be a biqaj male. For his part, Faldrun saw, wanted, and took. Then, of course, he forgot.
Fire-forged: Approved: here
When Vega looses her temper, she becomes immune to fire. She is able to walk on hot coals, or through flames, and whilst doing the latter would burn through her clothes, she would be untouched. As her skill in meditation increases (I've chosen this one, cos she's currently rubbish at it - she has a high Discipline), she'll be able to turn this ability on and off. At Expert, she'll start to gain some control, but not until she has mastered Meditation will she have complete control over this. When she does, it will last for 1 break maximum and, after she's used it she will be shaky and emotional. Small sparks of fire - like embers flying from a fire - will spark from her now and then for the break following using this power.
Truth: Approved: here
When she sings, Vega is able to heal children. This might be from a wound, or a disease but she must be singing and it must be a child (15 or under). The more complex the illness / issue, the longer she has to do this - a child who has died in the last ten minutes can be brought back but it must be no more than 10 minutes ago. Simple things such as a single cut will take five minutes of singing - whereas more complicated issues can involve up to an hour or more. The cost of this is that Vega takes on the pain the child was in and will have the physical sensation of the symptoms (although not the disease / cuts themselves) whenever she uses this ability. It will cause the physical pain the child was in and Vega will bleed from her nose, ears and / or eyes. If the child was dead, Vega will not die, but she will experience the death itself, and all the pain it caused.
Tempo: Approved: here
Unlike her father, the Immortal of Turmoil, Vega is able to see the rhythm in a given situation. In combat, in her innate musical talent, in dancing or even in her worship, Vega is able to see the patterns and sense the rhythm in any circumstance. However, in order to do that, she needs to step back and take a clear look at the situation. With this ability, Vega is able to slow the tempo of a situation down, so long as she is playing an instrument or singing. When she is doing this, she is able to manipulate the tempo of a combat. This impacts up to three people and allows Vega to either speed up the tempo, for them (thus making them faster moving) or slowing it down (thus, slower). In practical terms, it allows her to speed up or slow down up to three individuals in a combat by a factor of 50%. This must be either speeding up, or slowing down and can not be both at once.
Mortalborn Ability: Tempo: Slows someone up or slows them down here
Mortalborn Ability: Tempo: Can not be used in
Last edited by Vega Dweeb on Fri Dec 11, 2020 8:41 pm, edited 319 times in total. word count: 8423
Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
Effigy: here
Breath Power:
The starting power of the Effigy of Vindecaldra, this power allows the Bearer to breathe out a cone of golden flames. These flames are do not burn anything they come into contact with, and anyone caught in them will instead find them pleasantly warming and rejuvinating. While someone remains in these flames, they will quickly regain stamina, energy, and even ether. In addition, their wounds, from the mild to the severe, will began to recover at a very rapid rate. The more severe the wound, the longer one must stay within the flames. However, even the most severe wounds can be recovered in hours. The Bearer can keep these flames going for up to an hour at a time, by the end of which most flesh wounds and moderately broken bones will have closed and more severe wounds will be well on their way to healing, though it will cause scarring. Even fatal injuries will have improved to critical care, provided the patient was kept alive during the process. This power cannot restore lost limbs, though it can recover lost senses. The Bearer can use this on themselves, and this power does work on the dead and their specific energies.
Fire: Internal
2 -All those who bear Vindecaldra's Effigy are naturally warm to the touch, but this power allows the Bearer to increase that internal heat exponentially, allowing them to melt mundane metals with their touch alone. Supernaturally empowered metals may be more resistant to this touch, depending on the qualities of the metal. In addition, the sheer heat of the Bearer can also ignite wood or cloth, cause severe damage to living creatures, and if left active for long enough can scorch and distort stone. The Bearer can activate or de-activate this power at will. Substances that can melt will take their usual amount of time to melt, and the Bearer can cause first degree burns with a touch, though causing third degree burns takes a few minutes. The Bearer can kill with this power, though it's not a particularly efficient way to do so. here
Fire: External
Metal: Solid
5 - This power allows the Bearer to make instant use of any liquid metal they come across. With nothing more than a touch, the Bearer can instantly turn any liquid metal to a solid state, as if it had just been forged by a skilled smith, though only terms of metal quality. The Bearer will have to do any shaping themselves. here
Metal: Liquid
6 - This power allows the Bearer to generate up their current body mass in liquid metal at a time. The Bearer can only use this power once per hour, and the metal they generate pools around their body at their feet. here
7 - Liquid metal isn't, by itself, very much use. This power allows the Bearer to form it into a more practical shape. By touching any liquid metal, they may form it any shape they are familiar with. The liquid metal will hold that shape as long as they are touching it, but will otherwise retain all the properties of a liquid metal. The Bearer needs enough metal to make the shape they want too, and any excess metal will not be affected by this power, remaining in its natural state. here
17 - When using this power, the Bearer surrounds their hands in a liquid metal replica of their Scaripteil's claws. Despite being liquid, these claws are as sharp as their Scaripteil's and have all the abilities of their Scaripteil's claws. These claws cannot be solidified, and disappear when not in use. here
24 - An alteration to the basic breath power, this power allows the Bearer to breathe out a cone of liquid metal, coating anything it touches in heavy, liquid metal which will be as hot or cool as the liquid form of the metal the Bearer chooses to breath. This liquid metal remains afterward and can be used however the Bearer desires. here
25 -
8 - Restorative Aura
With this power, either the Bearer or their Scaripteil can emit a restorative aura that allows anyone within five feet to recover their stamina and heal their wounds. This aura works slowly, but it helps to take the edge off exhaustion and injury, allowing both to be more easily and properly treated later. This power recovers stamina as though the people in the aura's range had stopped to catch their breath for a moment, and as if they had applied a poultice to an injury. here
9 - Sense Injury
All the healing power in the world can't do anything if you don't know someone's injured. This power allows the Bearer to tell when someone around them has been injured, whether it be an internal or external injury. This acts as a sixth sense and doesn't give much detail, only informing the Bearer that someone is injured. here
18 Repairing Breath
Healing living beings isn't all that Vindecaldra's restoration can be used for. This alteration to the basic breath power allows the Bearer to breath out a cone of grey fire that repairs damage to inorganic matter, such as brickwork, metal, or even woodwork, though it doesn't affect living plants. This power repairs damaged material, but does not create new material. So it can repair single bricks, but can't replace entire missing bricks. here
Last edited by Vega Dweeb on Mon Mar 14, 2022 2:44 pm, edited 392 times in total. word count: 951
Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
Longsword Enchantment Permanent Enchantment Vega's intricate rose scar has transferred to the hilt of her longsword. As such, she can activate the Molten enchantment within her sword by mentally focusing on it. This Enchantment allows her to burn through anything that would normally be burned by magma/lava, while maintaining the strength, edge, and edge of her blade. In addition to this, Vega's use of this ability has burned away impurities in Vega's blade, so that it is sharper and stronger while in either form. All previous abilities of the Death Forged Rose are lost and replaced by this. here
A masterwork sea blue crystal sword forged from the body of Perfection. This sword is nearly as hard as Adamantite and slices just as cleanly. On the flat of the sword several words will appear when the blade is held in the right light that only Vega can see. The words are: "May You Never Break".
Melodic Ballad:Melody is unique as it 'sings' when the blade in swung creating a bright resonate tone that sounds similar to the sharp peal of an echoing bell. The sound is not loud enough to startle anyone but it can be heard even amid the din of an ongoing battle. The Melodic Ballad creates an aura around the wielder roughly twenty feet in diameter that will cause enemies to be put on edge and be innately intimidated by the wielder. Enemies will be more likely to flee, especially if they do not possess at least Competency in Discipline. Something about Melody's sharp piercing voice; although beautiful seems to unnerve opponents, while leaving allies completely alone. This effect is dependent on Vega's opinions of the people around her. [NOTE: This effect is strengthened slightly and it's radius of effect increased by ten feet when in use alongside the sword Harmony
March to Arms: Vega will find over time that, after using the sword for several trials [20 trials] that Melody will return to her hand if she focuses enough on the sword, the blade with resonate with it's telltale song before flying into her grasp, as if borne on an invisible wind. This effect can only be achieved if the sword is within her line of sight. This ability cannot be used to harm others as Melody will always move around obstacles before returning to it's master's hand.
Camp/ Cabin
[*]Woodworkers Kit X
[*] Bert the bear
[*] Artists kit X
[*] Fiddle X
[*] Instruction Books for above X[/list]
The following skill kits were gained throughout her travels. They were last up-dated here when she sent her cousins shopping. At that time, she was Tier 7.
The Tier Level of the kits varies as per the shoppe rules where her skill level impacts the Tier she can purchase.
Chuckles' Core Fire Entity Core
If the Core of Chuckles is placed in a source of fire or heat for a full season, Chuckles will become Vega's companion. He has a desire to travel, to see the "fires of the world" which he will bring up constantly. He dislikes water and cold. He is also especially sarcastic toward anyone that isn't Vega or a Fire Defier. He is only kind to others if they are actively working with fire in a kind way. If his elemental body is damaged, he will revert to his core. If his core is damaged, it will explode and he is dead. here
Hopes Fiddle: Approved here
The fiddle itself is, as it seems to be, an antique and beautifully crafted instrument with a lot of history. When played by one of Xiur's blessed, however, it provokes one of three emotional responses in all those who hear it. The response is directly linked to the kind of music Vega is playing and the emotion will be the one she is trying to instil. For all three, this imparts a feeling, does not determine anyone's actions but provides a "nudge", nothing more. The responses Vega is able to provoke when she plays this fiddle are:
a) Hopefulness: with upbeat and cheery music, those who hear the fiddle being played will have a boost to their resolve and feeling of optimism - Vega can not make them feel optimistic that X or Y will happen but can instill a general feeling of being more up beat.
b) Peace and calm: with gentle and slow music, those who hear the fiddle being played will feel calmer, less inclined to violence or anger. Again, a general feeling, not one that she can target as feeling peaceful towards X.
c) Entranced: with a haunting melody, those who hear the fiddle will be focused on the music, pulled in to the emotion of it and will feel the urge to focus on that.
Vega can use this ability once a trial and so long as she keeps playing, the ability will work for up to an hour. However, she has to be playing, it has to be heard etc.
Mirror of Perfections: On their way out of the cavern Vega found one of the mirrors at the bottom of the lake. It is a golden hand-mirror that seems to constantly show the onlooker the best possible version of themselves. Some would consider this an artist's tool as it will always show a perfected version of the world reflected in it. Those that look into the mirror always report feeling a swell in self confidence. Found here
Mistral Reward:You have been given 200gn for returning the children to Mistral Village from the grateful parents. (in ledger)
Crystal Pendant: Within the dusty remains of Perfection's crystal you find a beautiful crystal necklace on a golden chain. There is a perfectly faceted diamond shaped crystal as the pendant.The crystal constantly shifts between hues of gold, crimson and orange while occasionally becoming colorless. The colors seems to have something to do with your current emotional state, similar to how Biqaj eyes work. Though the pendant glows especially bright when Vega is angry, as if feeding off the fire within her. Found here
A very old coin. Proof that it was a treasure map, no matter what Arlo says! here
Lights on the Water. Heartmourn
Stardust Pendant: After leaving the Isle Vega found this lovely silvery pendant necklace hidden in her pocket. The pendant itself is shaped like a silver star that glows softly with a misty light at night. The pendant twinkles brightly in the presence of laughter and merriment.
Peacesong Cloak: When Vega returns to the Wanderlust she finds a lovely silk cloak neatly folded on her bed. It is a dark emerald hue and bears delicate embroidery of seagulls and ocean waves along the trim. When she wears the cloak, it seems to produce a gentle calming effect on those around her, especially whenever she is playing music. This effect can quiet crying children and cause rowdy patrons to be inclined to return to their seats in order to listen to the performance. This effect can be easily resisted.
Silver of the Heart: Esher, previously known as the Heartmourn gifts you with a small piece of his old amber heart. This sliver of fossilized sap glows a faint green hue and seems to pulsate softly when held in your hand. It brings you comfort and reminds you of that man that you helped save. here
Lightning Cracked The Sky
Knightly Thanks: For your efforts you have been given a golden ring bearing emblem of Rharne. (A fist clutching lightning bolts). This ring can be used three times a Cycle to gain favors from the Lightning Knights or the Thunder Priestesses. This can mean having them do something such as forgive a crime or investigate an issue of importance to you. You now have some sway with the government of Rharne. You must only show this ring to an official of either faction and they will know what it means. These request or favors must be reasonable, so use common sense. Repeated over-use of this reward will merit consequences. here
The Lion's Locket
A small locket, depicting the Immortal Daia and with a lion engraved on the outside. Any who wear the Lion's locket are able to communicate with each other - no matter the distance. Once a cycle you may teleport yourself (only) to one of the others who wears this. For Vega - and Vega only - this locket also gives you the ability to roar and terrify, like a lion - when you activate this, Vega's voice increases fivefold in volume and gains a deep, husky tone, however the words she speaks remain crystal clear. This increases your Singing or Storytelling by 2 levels (eg: Novice -> Master)
Mirror of Reflection.
A tiny mirror pendent in the shape of a cage, perhaps made from the mirror in the trial itself, this trinket allows the owner to reflect back the language someone is speaking to them in. It does not impart the ability to "know" the language, but it means that a) you can hear a language you don't know and although you hear that, you understand what they are saying and b) when you speak back in your native tongue, the person who hears you will understand it as the language they spoke to you in.
Gained; here
Necklace of the Funklewort Stars -
This necklace only activates anytime that Vega is wearing it and the stars are in the night time sky. While activated, Vega is transformed into Lord Vega from Nadika's story. This transformation is true and complete, a full physical transformation, as well as the transformation of her clothes to the Starlight Attire worn in the story. This form maintains injuries and age separate from Vega's true body. Removing the necklace, or when the sun rises, returns Vega and her belongings to the state she was in when the necklace was activated. Gained: here
Saoire's Kiss
A small snow-globe that, when shattered, will instantly summon snow clouds and transform the surrounding area into a winter wonderland for the next trial. During this time the player will always find food, the cold will not find them, they will leave no tracks in the snow or scent to follow, and ice will never shatter beneath their feet. It is as if they are temporarily exempt from the dangers of winter. They can only use this item once, but the effect will last for an entire trial and cover the entire city they are in. here
1 Masterwork Outfit as you've described.
1 Crystal Sculpture from your little boxes. While not magical, there is something very lovely about these and they just have a bit of a 'feel good' about them.
Group 'Joy' Scroll - Vega and Arlo are gifted with an echo scroll that is connected to the following Forged: Elisabeth, Darius, Zoro, Bao, Woe, Oram, Xander, Hart and Doran
This scroll can be used for them to send a message to one or all of that specific group, and can be used by those people to communicate with Vega/Arlo.
NPC Joy aka "The Girl" - A four arc old girl. Congratulations on your new daughter! (100xp personal npc - please either Vega/Arolo, psf for final approval)
Culinary Master! – For describing two or more courses of dinner! – Health Pack! Two times a season, this small box will produce enough emergency rations for up to four people for one trial. This will appear in the form of nutrition bars and clean water. The rations can be split further but this will lower the effectiveness of the rations.
Group Synergy! – For asking two or more group questions! – Saoire’s Sweets - A small box of your favorite chocolates / candies (10 total). You find yourself unable to eat more than 1 on any trial. But each one provides the following to whoever eats it for the next 6 hours: "Saoire's domain of Gifts is not merely one of physical goods, but of the happiness and joy that comes with both giving and receiving a well-meant gift. This ability allows the Blessed to give both themselves and anyone they're with a feeling of joy and good cheer, banishing negative feelings like sorrow, anger, and fear."
Dancing Shoes
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Red leather ankle boots made from soft, supple leather of Good + Quality.
When she wears them, they appear to be normal shoes - however - whenever she dances, the music that she is hearing in her head / imagining is heard, playing for all. This can be very quiet or up to the volume of a full orchestra - depending on what Vega is imagining in her mind.
Upon hearing the music play - which continues as long as Vega is dancing - those who are allied to her are afforded a boost. In order to be affected by this they must be allied with her, AND be working towards a common goal. If that is the case, then she and her allies will find themselves surrounded by an individual armour which functions as full plate, but is weighless, totally flexible and invisible to the naked eye other than a ripple of air waves which it is, in fact, made up from.
Safesong Sails
A small stone horse made from glittering crystals, rather like the Stone Horse in the Point Bank. When Vega activates this, which she can do once a day, two things happen.
1. Up to five children within Vega's line of sight / rought area has a spirit-horse appear literally underneath them. (this would be the mount - which will be something Vega actually can't ride)
2. The spirit-horse takes the children to a closed area of Emea, named "Safesong Sails", a sort of "Basecamp"-like place (as per Cassion's favoured mark) but the children will be in a bright and cheerful tent where their physical needs are met (food, beds, etc), there are learning and playing equipment, and, most importantly, they are safe. Safesong Sails is run by a Mrs Doubtfire-esque "Matron" who is comforting and soothing to frightened children, stern with sassy teens and so on. Only Vega and one other person of her choosing may enter Safesong Sails - once she has chosen that person, it can not be changed. Matron is as much part of the place as the tent itself
Black Gem of the Doomernickel. Vega managed to pluck the gem powering the Doomernickel from its body before it could complete its self-destruction. The gem is constantly hot to the touch, completely black and opaque in appearance - however it appears as though the gem is filled with something black, instead of being black itself, upon closer inspection (155/250 Detection). I|laren's Coin: As thanks for hearing the call and answering it, upon return to Rharne, Vega is handed an item passed down from the Lightning Cathedral as thanks for her valour - a seemingly normal coin, but with the insignia of Ilaren, three lightning bolts clutched in a fist, printed upon one side. At her time of greatest need, clutching the coin in her fist and offering a prayer to Ilaren has a chance to draw her to answer her call, and perform an act to rescue her from danger. This will only work if Ilaren is not otherwise indisposed at that moment - and Ilaren will only answer this call once, upon which time it becomes an ordinary, if pretty, coin. Gate Ring
These Gate-rings also work similar to Rupturing, allowing any individual holding them to 'blink' to a destination within 5m that they can see in exchange for one charge of the ring. The ring holds three charges, replenishing one charge every minute. The ring can also blinks all inorganic material that the individual is holding (allowing the person to blink carrying items only as large and as heavy as they can carry). It is hoped that these items will be of further help to them in the coming battles, no matter whether or not they participate in the final fight. Charges Used: None
F'lag of F'libberty
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F'lag of F'liberty
Flag of F'Liberty: A silk flag made with Weaver Silk which has exquisite embroidery crafted with lunar silk which means that the embroidery glows like metal. The background of the flag is a deep navy blue, like the sky at dusk and the embroidery is a constellation of stars which form a dragon. The colours on the embroidery seem to constantly shift and change.
In order for this item to be activated, two criteria need to be met. Firstly, the flag must be flying and secondly, Vega must be currently residing in the location. It will work on a boat or a camp or even (should she ever reside in one) in a house. The ability is able to affect an area roughly a mile from the flag itself. It creates a sense of community cohesion and a feeling of determination and hopefulness. It does more than negate fear, it promotes positivity and gives people a deepened sense of "clan" identity.
The impact on those in the area is that they have a shared sense of identity, of community, and they work together better. There is less conflict, more co-operation and people are, basically, happier, more hopeful and getting on better. This translates to a drive to get on and work and impacts PCs and NPCs thus:
NPCs: Learn and develop skills more quickly. In the case of personal NPCs, once they have met the criteria for skill improvement, rather than 10 points per season, they gain 15. City NPCs who are used in the same way (2 x threads per season) may also be improved in this way, with moderator approval.
PCs: PCs who are working towards the goal of the clan are given more support, more help. Things happen quicker and more efficiently for that reason. PCs who are actively using skills which benefit the "clan" and are doing so with NPCs / PCs of the "clan" - may assume that the task is less difficult and by everything going smoothly and people helping, everything falls together more easily. This allows the task to be easier / a stroke of luck /teamwork to mean that the task is completed in 50% of the time OR to 2 levels higher a standard than they could otherwise achieve.
A malorite ring which, twice a season (four times a cycle) Vega can activate and it will create a circular barrier - at Vega's chest height - of what seems to be malorite, but is in fact some kind of energy. This shield is impenetrable to all but the most powerful attacks and is the equivalent of being a two-foot thick wall of metal in terms of physical defence. Magic and marks below Champion or Revealed do not work against it. and will last as long as Vega stands. No magic or attacks can be cast out of it and Vega (or whoever is wearing / activating the ring) has to keep the ring perfectly still or cracks in the defence will appear. It can be as close as 2 ft away from her, or as far as 150 foot away.
Vega's father has literally just died. When going through his things, Vega will find a small wooden box, inside which is a beautiful onyx gem on a platinum necklace. There'll be a note from her father, it'll be totes emosh, etc etc. This is something that her father has kept and used to belong to her mother.
The necklace has the ability on it from Cassion's Champion mark.
This beautiful gem grants the wearer the ability to weave a tale so powerful that it becomes reality. In order to activate this ability, the person doing so must have a real hunger to do so - they must need it at the core of their being. If they have that hunger, then they may step forward in any situation and tell the tale of what they have seen. Using story elements they have personally already experienced in their current event or thread, they are able to change the tapestry of the story in front of them. The weaver of this tale is not making up new parts of the story, but rather utilizing what already happened in a new way. This ability is potentially world-changing and could overthrow governments or end - or begin - civilisations and, as such, requires Prophet overview."
As per the mark ability, I won't use this without prior prophet or PSF approval -or in a modded thread (where I will leave the result up to the mod).
Approved here
Last edited by Vega Dweeb on Mon Mar 14, 2022 2:19 pm, edited 191 times in total. word count: 3973
Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
Noodle is a snake-shaped Diri of Utility. As described hereHelping Hands (A mini-diri of utility) A small spirit with the ability to help you handle tools with as much skill as you have. An extra set of hands, basically, that can take many forms.
Vega gained Noodle here and he is described thus in the thread: Teq said, looking at a serpentine form that was coiling around in the air, like a snake-dragon, "It looks like one of our helpers has taken a shine to you."
The dragonlike serpent was small, but appeared to have prehensile coils that could be used to manipulate objects. It floated on the air as if it could fly, but only had small, colorful fins on its body, giving it the appearance of swimming through the air rather than flying. It grinned at Vega as it stuck out its tongue, as if to get her scent.
For reasons that she doesn't know - and most certainly isn't asking - Noodle appears each time with a different hat / scarf / accessory combo.
He is a very clever snake and he and Vega often find themselves talking about all sorts of strange things. It's one of the things she likes most about him.
Conlan & Akor
As per this thread Name: Conlan Lei'nox-Creede. (Vega calls him "Qaunobo" or "small cute person I love") DoB 25th Vhalar, 721 Race Mixed! Biqaj / Human / Sev'ryn, etc. Sex Male Skills None, he's a babeh. Physical Appearance A mop of unruly brown curls frame his pale face and make his brown eyes stand out even more. Personality Whoever he's following, it's not his Mama. He's a chilled out, relaxed baby who just enjoys life. He giggles a lot, laughs, is engaged with people.
Name Akor Lei'nox-Creede (Vega calls her "Lemmy" or "something really good") DoB1st Cylus 722 Race Aukari Sex Female Skill None, she's a babeh! Physical Appearance Bright red hair, lots of freckles, she looks like Vega! Personality She's a placid, calm child but she has a screening cry that could scare goats.
Wren and Ru
As per this ticket Vega has guardianship of Wren and Ru while Hart is retired.
father Hart relationship to Hart daughter relationship with Hart tbd dob 26th Ashan, 719.
Vega calls her "Rajo" meaning "Beautiful"
Though Ruari is Hart's daughter, Hart was not there for the first two years of her life.
When Ruari was kidnapped in Ashan, 721, the kidnappers contacted Hart and demanded he be her ransom. Hart gave into the kidnappers' demands, but despite this the kidnappers didn't let Ruari go. Both Hart and Ruari were locked in the Vault, and it was in the Vault that Hart met his daughter for the first time.
relationship to Hart complicated relationship with Hart complicated
Vega calls him "Little Bird" or "Toraqat" (Good man)
Though Hart loves Wren, his relationship with the boy is complicated. When Hart Wished for Wren to live in the Maze, on 1st Vhalar, 718, he made a promise to the boy and to the man Wren had been before his death, to be there for him. But during CITW and the Fall of Emea, Hart betrayed that promise.
Wren loves Hart. But because of Hart's betrayal, he doesn't want to admit it; not to Hart, and not to himself.
► Show Spoiler
Joy Creede (Vega also calls her "Ipi" meaning small in Rakahi).
MB daughter of Audrae and the Warden of Slags Deep.
Powers are unmanifested and won't manifest until she is at least 21.
She appears to be entirely human.
Appears to be 6 or 7 arcs old.
Her birthtrial will be celebrated on the 30th Ashan
(as that's the date of the Forging. )
They'll assume she's turning 7 in Ashan 723.
+60 XP
+10 to each of Art, Cooking, Fieldcraft, Hunting, Dancing and Mount (Land)
Pale skin, a mass of bright red hair and freckles all combine to make Joy look like she could be Vega's biological daughter. Add in to that the brown eyes which mirror Arlo's, and it's not likely that many people will wonder if she's biologically theirs. She loves red clothes, flowers and to always look pretty.
Joy is a shy and serious child at the moment who is settling down in her new family. She is quietly curious and wide eyed about most things. Once she gets to know and trust someone, she shows her sense of humour and fun. However, at the moment, she's rather clingy to Vega and Arlo and doesn't like to be away from them. When she speaks, she's full of quick-minded and curious questions.
Personality: Leona is a caring and nurturing soul, who nevertheless loves to perform and dance and does so with a fierceness that belies her gentleness. She is great with kids, and has many stories to tell of her experiences, travelling Idalos. She will not engage in combat, and tends to shy away from danger unless there are vulnerable people about. Then she will use herself as a shield against whatever threatens them.
Special ability:
Fire-Dancing: Madame Leona has an innate ability to dance over fluid surfaces and over hazardous terrain.
Esher is a reasonably well built man of Rharnian decent who possesses somewhat scraggly brown hair and tan skin. His eyes are the most interesting feature of his face as they are a bright almost unnatural green and his pupils are slightly slitted and vertical like that of a feline, due to his past as the Heartmourn of Isle Vyrelle. Esher has an attractive angular face along with a scar beneath his left eye from some childhood accident.
Personality: Esher can’t remember all that much about his past life. He remembers Vyrelle and his part in her fate along with the fact that he was once the son of a well to do huntsman of Rharne centuries ago. The man can’t recall his parents’ faces or names and becomes uncomfortable any time he is questioned about his past. Socializing does not come easily to Esher and he seems to feel as though he does not fit in within this fresh new world. The only place the man seems to be comfortable is the wilderness as it has remained mostly unchanged even with the passage of time.
The only time Esher brightens up is when music is being played, especially when Vega is the one doing the playing. When he was the Heartmourn of Isle Vyrelle he bonded with Vega as she was the first person he trusted from the outside world. Esher can seem cold toward Arlo but also appears to have an appreciation for the man and sometimes treats him much like a younger brother to Arlo’s likely chagrin.
Relationship to PC: Vega rescued Esher during the Rharne Ashan 718 Event. here
Name:Joq'an Lei'nox
Race: Biqaj
Date of Birth: 1st Ymiden 667 (49)
Skills: Seafaring (60), Woodworking (60) Hunting(45), Caregiving (30), Bow (20)
Appearance: 6ft 2inches, tanned skin and long hair. Joq'an has a very weathered look and is often quite severe-seeming. He is usually serious and quiet.
Personality: A dour and taciturn man who is quick to temper and prone to some moodiness, Joq'an generally prefers solitude to company and would rather be out on the ocean rather than on land. He has never really recovered from the death of his wife and he is very prone to be melancholic. All of that disappears around his daughter, though, she is the reason he keeps going. In Vega (Eve, as he knows her), he sees her mother in her and he is very protective of her.
Relationship to PC: Father
Anything: else you would like us to know: He lives on the Wanderlust with Vega and Arlo Approved with cousins: here
Seeking her familiar, making their way to where the bees are (as Iris told her), Vega and Arlo come across some very strange men which ends up in a fight.
With Arlo's help, Vega hears Iris' voice and discovers that some of the voices from the death-forged rose are on her size. Iris disappeared. Iris is completely disabled from use until Ashan 48th. No communication, no appearance, no use whatsoever. Vega can feel that Iris is still alive, but nothing more. When Iris recovers at that date, she will have no memory of that time, no memory except for darkness. A coma that she could remember the darkness and emptiness from. As such, when Vega enters particularly dark places (caves, basements, etc), Iris will likely disappear, so as to not feel as if in a coma again.
Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
Diri Name: Jeff Appearance:
Jeff is a strange and alien-looking creature who is some kind of weird mix between a biqaj, a snake and a giraffe. Long green hair falls in much the same level of chaotic as Vega's own and the giraffe marking add to the feeling of otherworldly from this bizarre little fella. Jeff's neck (which is also his body) is a few inches long, and his head is a small little blob on top of that. With eyes of black and biqaj ears, he's a very strange looking diri indeed.
Personality: Jeff is a deeply emotional diri who will cry at the drop of a hat. He is caring and wishes to look after everyone, but he's also rather shy and awkward. He never speaks, but he always sings and his voice is beautiful. He loves telling stories and tales and would like nothing more than to feel useful. He sings to accompany Vega in her playing and he is very pleased to be the friend of someone so very musical. He is overly emotional and not only does he cry a lot, but he's prone to dramatic gasps and high-pitched screams of terror, especially when he sees a spider. Jeff hates spiders.
Forged Abilities
Forged are not named as they are for no reason. By accepting an Induk's deal their body is filled with their power and tempered by it, making it tougher than it was before. A Forged will find that their skin is like a leather armour and their bones like iron rods, making them more resistant to blunt physical damage.
Light Hearted
Light Hearted: Music is special to the Songforged. It is an expression not just of the wonders of the air, but also of the inner thoughts and feeling of the one who plays it. With this ability the Songforged is able to replicate the sounds of any instument without needing the instument itself. They still require skill in the insturment in order to make this sound effective, but simply by moving their fingers through the air in the right way they can replicate the sounds of a flute, harp, drum, or any other instrument they have heard before.
Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
Diri Name: Snuffle Appearance:
Snuffle is roughly two inches in length, from head to the tip of her tail. She is an electric blue and purple dragon, with wings and a long forked tail - she can, with a lot of effort, breathe bubbles out of her mouth like dragons are supposed to be able to breathe fire. Her eyes are disproportionately large and she appears - fundamentally - cute.
Snuffle is a fierce fighter of injustice. "I am dragon rawr!" is something she'll often say. Unfortunately, she's tiny, cute, and has a high squeaky voice so very few people take her seriously. She's protective of Vega, loyal and determined. So long as she feels she's being useful she's happy. She's always visible to others, as she wants them to know that she's there. Her self-image is robust - in her own eyes she's a scary fierce dragon who protects her Warden.
Warden Abilities
Flameborn’s Bane
You are all now fairly resistant to the fire of a Flameborn and you are capable of injuring them with your weapons. The power within you will grant you a burst of endurance and strength when in the presence of one of these creatures. This ability will also apply somewhat to any servant of Faldrun, you will be some more resistant to their flames and will be given a cool burst of endurance when combating them.
Brightgleam Oasis
It is in the purview of the Induk of Lake Lovalus to call water and life into existence anywhere. Once per trial a Warden may summon forth a magically infused spring that will eventually form a small pool over the next five bits. The water that is summoned has healing abilities and will slowly heal anyone touched with it’s water while in a fifty foot proximity to the spring. The water will have a faint turquoise glow and will rapidly heal flesh wounds that are soaked or doused in the water within five bits. This water can also be weaponized as weapons dipped in it will be highly effective against Flameborn and any other servants of Faldrun. Arrows will sink deeper, and blades or bludgeons touched by the Brightgleam waters will burn and scald opponents that are cut or hammered by them. The Oasis can also be planted and used like a trap to lure enemies of Faldrun into, this will cause intense scalding pain and will weaken them.
Font of Life
Brightgleam Oasis may now be enhanced by the Warden by placing a drop of their own blood within it. When this is done the Oasis will expand over the next trial into a pool that is a couple feet deep and that will begin growing plants and trees around it. The healing effect of the waters will vanish once the blood is added and instead will cause the growth of plant-life nearby allowing a Warden to slowly transform a dry and lifeless area into a beautiful oasis over the course of the next thirty trials. This ability is used to restore land that has been harmed by the forces of destruction. Font of Life may be used once a trial.
Spiritborn Armor
Due to the bonding between the Warden and their Diri via the Heart of Lovalus, the Diri now gains useful ability of growing and shape-shifting into a suit of armor for their bonded. The Warden can still hear and speak with their Diri but they will become a suit of armor that is almost a second skin across the Warden’s entire body. The Armor will appear like plate mail that is crafted from raw spiritual ephemera often possessing icy embellishes around the helm and shoulders depending on the tastes of the Warden. It will possess the strength to dull physical strikes and reduce the effect of magical attacks by half, making the Warden far more resilient in combat. After five bits the Spiritborn Armor will begin to crack if continually attacked. The Warden may take cover for another five bits in order to give the Diri time to regenerate its strength. This will allow the armor to continue functioning for another five bits before requiring time to recharge. If continually attacked for over five bits the armor will begin to fracture before shattering. If this happens the Diri will go silent, unable to be contacted for at least three trials. During this time the Warden will have a great deal of difficulty using their abilities, some may even be impossible to use. During these three trials the Diri is healing and recouping its strength. The Spiritborn Armor may be dismissed at any time prior to it breaking and the Diri will take their original form. It takes one bit for the Diri to transform into the Armor.
Spiritborn Weapon
The bond with between the Warden and the Diri have now become seamless. The Diri can now physically shift into any weapon that the Warden needs or desires. This weapon will behave as if it is made of masterwork material, blades will seem as if made of adamantite as they will cut cleaner and sharper than steel. Bows, arrows, and the like will be equipped with an endless supply of equally sharp arrows that appear out of thin air. These projectiles seem to be made of spiritual energy. Bludgeoning weapons will also feel light as feathers but hit opponents like they are made of solid metal. One weapon may be summoned at any given time and any of these weapons will seem to cause an additional searing pain to those struck by them that are enemies of the Warden. If dropped the weapon will vanish into thin air and the Diri will reappear in their normal form. They can transform into a new weapon once ten trills have passed. The Warden must hold out their open hand in order to summon the weapon. You may use Spiritborn Armor and Spiritborn Weapon at the same time as the Diri is still connected to the body of the Warden the entire time.
Boon of Lovalus: Another Day, A New Dweeb
Twice a season, Vega can stop someone from being a Dweeb. Sadly, they have to agree to this, which means they have to be more self-aware than your average dweeb. In order to do this, she has to douse the Dweeb in water (this can be throwing a cup of water over them, pushing them into a lake, whatever - as long as water touches them). This water washes away their identity and starts them anew. It physically changes them, reverting them to an 18 arc old (same sex and race as they were), with a new face - it resets them. They will remember their past life over the course of the next 2 seasons, but in a fuzzy sort of way - like they're seeing someone else's memories. This does not mean that those memories cannot one day be recovered. This ability can only be used once on any pc. They retain non-magic skills but lose any and all marks and magic.
Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
Wayfarer reward12 points: “Silverwind”: A “Good” quality sharp edged weapon made from Cobalt ingots (This can include but is not limited to swords, polearms, daggers, axes, and the like. Let the Prophet know what you prefer.) The hilt or grip is wrapped in fine gray leather and there is a round piece of Lapis Lazuli set in the pommel.
Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch