[Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

Here you will find old calendars etc, things which are out of date, but which players may want for info.

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Re: [Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

Character Name: Gennadiya Lyosha
Their reason for joining the Wardens: Genna believes strong is protecting and helping people and has made Rharne her new home and wants
Initiation Method: Vivian at Storm's Edge during the seige.
word count: 37
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Re: [Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

I Scary Dragon Rawr!!!

Diri Name: Snuffle
Appearance: Snuffle is roughly two inches in length, from head to the tip of her tail. She is an electric blue and purple dragon, with wings and a long forked tail - she can, with a lot of effort, breathe bubbles out of her mouth like dragons are supposed to be able to breathe fire. Her eyes are disproportionately large and she appears - fundamentally - cute.

Personality: Snuffle is a fierce fighter of injustice. "I am dragon rawr!" is something she'll often say. Unfortunately, she's tiny, cute, and has a high squeaky voice so very few people take her seriously. She's protective of Vega, loyal and determined. So long as she feels she's being useful she's happy. She's always visible to others, as she wants them to know that she's there. Her self-image is robust - in her own eyes she's a scary fierce dragon who protects her Warden.
word count: 162

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

All three approved. =]
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Re: [Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

okie dokie, smokey!

Here we go with Vega's Storm's Edge Warden-y stuff.

Vega gets made a Warden: here on the 5th Cylus. These threads are the ones after that IC date.

Thread: Rummaging Around, Down Below
Participants: ~ collaborative thread with Vega, Vivian, Varlum and Gennadiya
Brief description of thread: Explore underground - fighting Beastmothers (medium/high danger according to the plot tracker).
 ! Message from: Squirrel
2 Points for completion + 2 Points for collaborating with Vivian, Varlum and Gennadiya each. 8 Points total.
Thread: Does anyone want anything from Rharne?
Participants: ~ Vega and Mathias
Brief description of thread: They're going to get supplies to help Storms Edge. No danger.
 ! Message from: Squirrel
2 Points for completion + 2 Points for collaboration.
Thread: Call for reinforcements #2
Participants: Vega, Yrmellyn, Mathias
Brief description of thread: They're trying to gather supplies and help for Storm's Edge. No danger.
 ! Message from: Squirrel
2 Points for completion + 2 Points for collaboration with Yrmellyn and Mathias each. 6 total.
Thread: On the way back ~ Vega gets attacked.
Participants: Just Vega
Brief description of thread: Having managed to get a load of supplies, Vega is attacked and has to protect the supplies. Medium danger.
 ! Message from: Squirrel
2 Points for completion.
Thread: Remember Sunshine and Happiness
Participants: ~ Vega and Gennadiya
Brief description of thread: In order to protect Storm's Edge, Vega and Gennadiya start attempting to get the leadership up off their butts and boosting morale.
 ! Message from: Squirrel
2 Points for completion + 2 Points for collaboration with Gennadiya.
Thread: Roaring Flames, Smoking Steel -
Participants: Vega and Kasoria
Brief description of thread: Fighting a Breacher Beast and a whole host of other things. High danger
 ! Message from: Squirrel
2 Points for completion + 2 Points for collaboration with Kasoria.
Thread: Scouting
Participants: Solo
Brief description of thread: Vega and group get attacked while scouting the Stormlands. High danger.
 ! Message from: Squirrel
2 Points for completion.
Thread: The Stormwastes Massacre i: Embarking
Participants: Vega
Brief description of thread: A group of LK, TP, Wardens and Volunteers in order to Scout the Stormwastes. No danger
 ! Message from: Squirrel
2 Points for completion.
Thread: The Stormwastes Massacre II: Wolfernickels in hiding -
Participants: Vega
Brief description of thread: An early ambush provides some clues. (Firespitters and Heathounds). Medium danger
 ! Message from: Squirrel
2 Points for completion.
Thread: The Storm Wastes Massacre III: Ambush of the Ramernickels
Participants: Vega
Brief description of thread: Vega splits from the group to find the source of the issue. (Flame Rams and Inferno Worms). High danger
 ! Message from: Squirrel
2 Points for completion.
Thread: The Storm Wastes Massacre IV: Finding Bob
Participants: Vega
Brief description of thread: Vega finds and fights a Magnim, she gets injured and the rest of her group die. Extreme danger.
 ! Message from: Squirrel
2 Points for completion.
Thread: Supply Lines II
Participants: Vega
Brief description of thread: Vega goes to Mistral Village to drum up recruits and supplies for Storm's Edge
 ! Message from: Squirrel
2 Points for completion.
Thread: Before and After
Participants: Vega
Brief description of thread: Vega helps when a wall collapses at Storm's Edge and she reinvigorates the troops in the aftermath.
 ! Message from: Squirrel
2 Points for completion.
Thread: Fixing A Hole II
Participants: Vega
Brief description of thread: Vega fixes holes in areas of wall around Storm's Edge.
 ! Message from: Squirrel
2 Points for completion.
 ! Message from: Squirrel
Total points = 44 Points. Congratulations! Vega is now a Sage; she now has access to Fireborn's Bane, Brightgleam Oasis and the Font of Life abilities!
word count: 580

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

Wardens of the Lake Application

Character Name: Yeva of Rharne
Their reason for joining the Wardens: Yeva was born in Rharne, it is where her identity is. It was where she raised, where she learned who she was and got the courage to journey the world. The city will always have a special place in her heart. She has learned a great deal about spirits, and now a member of Fire-Forged, would proudly dedicate herself to protecting both regions.
Initiation Method: Faith has offered to initiate Yeva OOC.
 ! Message from: Squirrel
I think Yeva will make a fantastic addition to the Wardens of Lovalus. Approved!
word count: 105
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Re: [Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

Diri Name: Nayeli
Appearance: Nayeli Appears like a long arm starfish. Four of the five arms are long and by themselves would almost resemble ribbons. The fifth is much shorter then than the other and when raised could be mistake for a tiara. Most of the body is transparent but through our the body are thin strands seemed to form a pattern and that seems shift colors with a shimmer. There are eyes on the underside of the short arms but unless you look closely you might just think them part of the pattern.
Personality:Nayeli is a friendly diri. She doesn’t really laugh but instead her arms will hum, but each makes its own sound so it can produce a soft music. Nayeli is much like Genna and a welcome company as they both like to act but not before the stop and review the situation. Though while Genna doesn’t pay much attention to other fashion if Nayeli could get her way she would do a makeover for everyone who she likes, not because she doesn’t like how they look, but so they can feel happy looking their best.
 ! Message from: Squirrel
Adorable and creative stuff. Approved~
word count: 200
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Re: [Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

Claiming four threads for potential points.

Breacher Beast
Collab with Kasoria and sorta Vega.
Kasoria and Vivian fight off a Ramernickel, most likely medium to high danger.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
12 points.
Healing Waters
Vivian helps with some healing. Not sure this one counts, so I figured I should add it in just in case.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
2 points
Poor Kitty
Vivian goes scouting and finds an officer's injured Zephyrus. None to low danger. There are threats, but she deliberately avoids them. Not sure if it actually counts as a Warden thread.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
2 points
Rummaging Around, Down Below
Collab with Vega, Varlum, and Gennadiya
Vivian helps the others clear out some Pumpernickels. Medium to high danger.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
12 points
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Vivian gains 28 points in total for these entries.
word count: 145
Please send all PM's to Basilisk.
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Re: [Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

Horse Sense
Vega & Arlo - rescuing horses to take back to Storm's Edge
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
4 points
The Hey-nonny-nonny within
Solo where Vega helps people who are diseased.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
2 points
Defining Stupid
Solo - she puts together a group to go and find out what's happening.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
4 points
A Special Kind of Stupid
Solo where Vega tries to get the wardens, TP, LK to bond.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
4 points
Stupid is as Stupid Does
Solo where Vega fights a big monster. This marks her Tier 2 fiddle and she saves a bunch of idiots from the monster that attacked them from the fire they set.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
8 points
An Unwanted Man -
Vega is given responsibility for Patrick by Ilaren.
Participants: Vega, Patrick, Ilaren
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
8 points
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
30 points for the wardens for Vega in total.
word count: 159

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

Point claim, for both Vivian and Vega if I may, since they're both in each of these threads.

Forethought is the Mother of Strange Inventions...
Vivian, Vega, and Mathias fight off some Blobernickels.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
6 warden points
Well, that's a conundrum...
Vivian and Vega keep some Spitternickels from fouling the drinking supply.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
4 warden points
Nickels and Rhymes...
Vega and Elisabeth discuss the language of the Nickels, and Vivian gives them some new marching orders.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
6 warden points

 ! Message from: Pig Boy
102 total warden points. Congratulations, you're now a Grand Warden!!!
word count: 106
Please send all PM's to Basilisk.
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Re: [Rharne Faction] Wardens of the Lake

Star Light, Star Bright
Solo- Vega and her diri start exploring the Towers.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
2 warden points
There Must Be Some Way Out of Here
Watchtowers Thread 2. Solo
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
2 warden points
There's Too Much Confusion Here
Watchtowers Thread 3. Solo.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
2 warden points
A Train Led By Joy
Solo where Vega protects some "entertainers" on the way to Storm's Edge.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
4 warden points (because I'm a flake and Hinata blew off.)
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Giving you a new total of 84 warden points, for a new Rank of Keeper! Congrats!
word count: 106

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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