Rocks, wood, sand, fabric, gems, crystals and all sorts!
Herein is kept all the repositories of information for players. Repositories include: flora, fauna, NPCs and materials, for example, along with Scalvoris' Lore Thread and all the information you need on what makes Scalvoris Unique!
Below are materials which are unique to Scalvoris. For ease, I've split them into type (wood, rock, sand etc). Please feel free to add your own creations to our Development Thread!
Harvested from the Whistling Woods tree, this wood is rare and very difficult to work with. It can, however, create musical instruments which touch the very soul
A pebble-like naturally occurring multi-coloured stone, commonly found around Scalvoris. Pretty, and really, who doesn't feel good when they've got a pretty stone!?
This sand, found on some eastern beaches, makes sounds resonate better and sound more appealing. Egilrun glass made from this is used to make beautiful instruments
The most difficult of the Sands of Scalvoris to find, this unusual and beautiful sand constantly shifts and changes, swirling through the spectrum of colours
Beautiful ivory which is sought after for making musical instruments!
Message from: Peg
Some of our resources will have notes on the write up, looking like this one, and they'll say "There are secrets to discover about this!". There are two ways to find out those secrets:
1. Either PM me before you use / discover the resource - let me know what you're doing. I'm always open to you telling me what you'd like the secret to be - or I'll tell you what I had in mind.
2. PM me / post in the Scalv OOC after you've used / discovered the resource - and I'll drop you a modnote in there!
Acquired By: Axes & Bludgeons: Axe ~ Expert or higher
Crafting: Carpentry: Master or higher
Rarity: Uncommon/Rare in Scalvoris - Legendary in the rest of the world.
Details: Harvested from the Whistling Woods body, the wood is quite brittle and delicate - requiring a lot of skill to cut even a small chunk of the wood. To work the wood takes an even more delicate hand - only a master carpenter can work this wood of magical properties.
Price: 53 Gn / 1 lbs
Other Information: Whistle wood is a very unique, purple-hued wood that's mostly used in pipe instruments such as flutes and panpipes. If worked by a master carpenter into a pipe instrument, the wood can develop magical properties. The magical properties seem to correlate with the musician’s intent, should the musician want to entertain or cheer a crowd, then the wood will resonate with their will and influence the emotions of everyone that hears the musician’s song to that of joy or entertainment, as intended. But, just as there are kind musicians, there are those that would seek to obtain these instruments for evil, spreading terror, hate and despair with their ungodly, influential songs.
Message from: Pegasus
Requires mod input ~ PM a Scalvoris mod before attempting to craft anything with this
Details: Found very rarely in scalding hot-springs of Faldrass, Scalvoris.
Price: 5 ON / Cubic 2cm
Other Information: Hot Stones are very rare to find and very difficult to mine, it is recommended that you take a dry stone with you when searching for the stones. They glow a warm orange beneath the surface of the scalding sulphuric waters nearer to the volcano than other hot springs.
Properties: Hot stones will act as normal diamonds in the open air, hard and beautiful. When completely submerged in water, Hot Stones radiate with intense heat, burning at roughly 100 Degrees Celsius, much like the sulphuric waters they are harvested from, making them far from ideal for jewellery. Hot stones are often used in high end restaurants for boiling water and in spas for saunas. Should a skilled alchemist get their hands on some of this material - who knows what sort of luxuries or weapons they will be able to create?
Skills Needed to Obtain / Work: None to obtain. Jewelcrafting: Expert to work effectively. Others: TBD
Details: Found in Ishalltr Ice Caves, around Treids Mouth and other icy areas of Scalvoris.
Price: 30 GN / Cubic 2cm
Other Information: Fernstones are usually small, rarely being more than 4cm cubed in size. They consist of a clear, often flawless stone with what appear to be tiny ferns running through it.
Properties: The only unusual property of Fernstones is that they always feel cold. Not freezing and nowhere near useful for anything, but even in the heat of Saun, a Fernstone is cool. Other than that, they are pretty yet unremarkable. It is believed that the fern-like fronds are what gives them this cool to the touch sensation, although no one has yet discovered that for sure.
Message from: Pegasus
There are secrets to be discovered about this material!
Skills Needed to Obtain / Work: None to obtain. Jewelcrafting: Competent to work effectively. Others: TBD
Details: Found throughout Scalvoris, these stones are only to be discovered in bodies of running water such as rivers or streams. Their colours are said to come from rich minerals deposits left by the volcano throughout the arcs, but scientists have long since scoffed at such an idea.
Price: 2cn x stone
Other Information: Commonly seen on river beds, these are often collected by children and used in specific children's games. There are a number of superstitions about these, each one specific to the area of Scalvoris it is in. Throughout the island though, it is agreed that these cheerful and brightly coloured stones are a nice reminder of how sometimes, stuff is just pretty.
Properties: Riverstones don't have any properties, per se. Yet, almost every household in Scalv has one. If they happen to be inhabited by a weird intelligence which is bent on taking over the world one trial, it's starting well in Scalv. Equally, though? Most people agree that just having one of these little stones in your pocket allows you to take it out and look at it and that just brightens your trial. Nope. No unusual properties at all.
Message from: Pegasus
There are secrets to be discovered about this material!
Skills Needed to Obtain / Work: Must thread to obtain (can not be easily bought in their unworked form). Expert jewelcraft to use at all, master or above for full use.
Details: Found in the Scalvoris Mountains, a dangerous location, these stones are truly beautiful. They glitter with an iridescent glow and shimmer in a variety of colours.
Price: A piece of jewellery with a small rainbow stone in it will have 500gn as the base price for the stone, if it has been worked by a master jewel crafter, because of the unique attributes it has.
Other Information: If worked by an expert jewel crafter, this will just be a very pretty stone. Mastery is required to fully capture the properties of this rare stone.
Properties: When properly worked, a Rainbow Stone seems to give out a small "inner light" and for a few inches around the stone there is, for want of a better word, a projection of a moving rainbow of colours. Obviously, in jewellery this is a very sought after effect and hence, the very high price.
Message from: Pegasus
There are secrets to be discovered about this material!
Message from: Secret 1
Yeva discovered that glass can be made from these in this thread. There are more secrets to discover.....
Acquired By: Exploration ~ dangerous exploration usually
Rarity: Legendary
Skills Needed to Obtain / Work: Must thread to obtain (with mod input).
Details: Found only in one of the following places: Faldrass, Immortals' Tongue, Scaltoth Jungle or Ishalltr
Price: It is not usually possible to buy these stones, they are considered pretty much legendary and also are so useful that no one would sell them. Should one ever come to be sold, its price would be immense.
Other Information: A number of people have attempted to explore and find the elusive Phoenix Stone, but thus far no one knows of anyone who has. Many believe they are no more than a legend but a number of "enterprising young folks" have tried to sell Rainbow Stones to unsuspecting tourists under the guise of them being Phoenix Stones. However, true Phoenix Stones can be determined as they flicker with an inner fire, the colours always swirling and changing.
Properties: It is believed that the Phoenix Stone grants the holder of it the chance to rise, once, from the dead. So the legend goes, should you have one of these on your person, or have one placed upon you within minutes of your death then you will be brought back. Furthermore, so the bards say, this stone will bring you back not at the age you died, but at your height of physical fitness and maximum life as an adult. Once they have discharged this awesome power, although they keep their very beautiful appearance, they stop flickering and swirling.
Message from: Pegasus
There are secrets to be discovered about this material! (is that really what they do?!)
Details: Found deep in the frozen glaciers of Ishallr, Scalvoris.
Price: 5 ON
Other Information: Cold stones are not only exceedingly rare, but difficult to find. From a distance, one would assume that a cold stone was just another piece of ice in the glacier and mine past it, unaware of the fortune that they'd obliviously passed. Unlike the Heated Scalvstone, the Frigid Scalvstone stays dark in all lighting.
Properties: Frigid Scalvstones leave the air and surrounding objects freezing cold by absorbing any heat above -20 degrees Celsius. The process of heat drain is roughly 40 degrees Celcius per break, meaning that a very hot mug of coffee at 120 degrees would take three breaks to freeze over and vice versa. Frigid Scalvstones are often used for keeping perishable foods fresh in ice boxes, making ice from the comfort of high end restaurant kitchens and perhaps even making new types of food in the form of frozen treats?
Details: Found only beneath the floors of Treid's Mouth.
Price: 5 ON
Other Information: Sodden Scalvstones are ridiculously difficult to come by. And, unless you have gills, are nearly impossible to mine. They are found several feet below the floors of Treid's Mouth, buried into the bedrock beneath 5-7 feet of the ocean floor. One would need a considerably long time to find one of these diamonds, even more so to break the stone they're encased in. They radiate with a light blue glow when exposed to sunlight.
Properties: When Sodden Scalvstones are out of water, they dampen the surrounding air/objects by emitting humidity. This has many uses in spa treatments and gardening for examples, such as plants and flower beds, they stay watered to a healthy amount without any outside aid or saunas when mixed with other Scalvstones for a steamy effect.
When Sodden Scalvstones are submerged in water, however, they begin to produce their own water at a rate of 250ml/break. This is merely a side effect of its humidifying properties, as the moistness that would have been cast to the air is instead collected among the waters. This can be exploited by travellers in their water skins, as long as they're careful not to drink more than 250ml of water every break, self-filling water skins are popular during Saun.
Details: Found near the summits of the three peaks of Scalvoris, exclusively.
Price: 5 ON
Other Information: Parched Scalvstones can be found only above 6000m altitude in the Scalvoris Mountains. They're easy enough to find, especially after rains soak the stone of the mountains. The air will be notably thin and a circular patch of dryness will be visible on the surface beyond the areas they're buried. Miners should be well-trained to be both durable and good at their trade before setting off to mine these diamonds, as anything less can leave them lethally dehydrated before they can break through the stone casing of the Parched Scalvstones. Bringing a full water skin is recommended, though that too will slowly drain.
Properties: Parched Scalvstones will dehumidify the surrounding air and dry objects when out of water. This has many uses in Idalos, such as drying clothes quickly in the colder seasons, fixing damp problems in homes and packing earth. Parched Scalvstones weigh a lot more the other Scalvstones, around double the weight of the other stones in its entirety.
When Submerged, Parched Scalvstones will drain water at 250ml/break instead of the air's humidity. Making them ideal to drain bodies of water, given time, and aid in the repair of minor damages to ships when stray Ganditlips poke holes in the undersides of ships. Though they would need a considerable amount more Parched Scalvstones to hold up to a sinking ship, it's still viable for on-the-go repairs.