Nobility Pack



Please note that the Nobility Pack for character creation is intended to be used in currently active and open cities. Such as the ones listed here

Not all cities in Idalos have nobility in the shape of ladies and lords who inherits their titles based on being members of a noble family, but all cities have some kind of leaders with power positions. This social class can be very different in different city cultures and it can go by different names, but there’s often such a class in a city.

Being noble is flavor, power can only be earned in roleplay. All PCs in a city are important regardless of their social tier. Making a noble PC means the player has an option to make an IC powerful citizen of them, but they don’t have a monopoly on rising to power. IC power must come as the consequence of the roleplay and character development, just like it is for all other PCs.

Wealth Tier

A noble PC starts at the personal wealth tier 5 (or lower) but their family can be way wealthier than themselves.

With a wealthy and influential family comes access to living standard higher than the PCs own wealth tier allows for. The rules for the benefits of being born to social privileges are described in the options, rules and restrictions for Family Wealth

Being noble comes not only with privileges but also with restrictions and duties. The general restrictions are set by the family wealth rules. The city specific restrictions are local and defined by the city storytellers.

Noble’s Package Options

There are four general nobility packs with a few profiles each. The different types of nobles has been placed in four categories based on their primary focus. The PC can get the general starting packs and profiles for nobles which is in effect in your chosen city at the time the PC starts there. Please be aware that there can be cities where there’s no nobles. It's also probable that not all noble packs may be available in every city. Ask the city storyteller!

Pick one of the packages A, B, C or D, depending on the main focus of the nobility in the PC’s city, with a profile that applies to your PC.

A: Noble's Package of Land Governance

Profile Government Nobility Titles Powerbase
Grand Noble Monarchy Aristocrats Inherited Family
Fief Noble Principality Vassals Commissioned Service
Landed Gentry Proletarocracy Pillars of Society Folksy Renown
  • A Grand Noble are the typical lord/lady aristocrat you see in Rynmere. They inherit titles, own their land and base their power on family
  • A Fief Noble is less autonomous than a grand noble. They rule over land, but they don't own it and their children doesn't automatically inherit titles. They base their power on serving the king/similar central ruler.
  • Landed Gentry are for example respected wealthy farmers who own land and base their power on the support from the community they belong to.

B: Noble's Package of Warfare and Crime

Profile Government Nobility Titles Powerbase
Military Noble Stratocracy War Leader Earned Military Merits
Robber Noble Crimeocracy Crime Chiefs Earned Violence
  • A military noble is a military leader who earns their title and bases their power on military merits. Could for example be found in a city which is ruled by military principles and laws.
  • A robber noble could be for example a pirate lord or other criminal boss, in a criminal city. They earn the title and they base the power on violence.

C: Noble's Package of Mindpower

Profile Government Nobility Titles Powerbase
Priest Noble Theocracy Priesthood Ordained Religion
Wizard Noble Mageocracy Wizards Self-Professed Magic
Scholar Noble Scholarocracy Scientists Earned Academic Merits
  • Priest noble, Wizard noble and Scholar noble - they base their power on religion, magic or academic merits.

D: Noble's Package of Influencing and Business

Profile Government Nobility Titles Powerbase
Politician Noble Bureaucracy Administrators Elected Voters
Business Noble Plutocracy Tycoons Bought Money
  • Politician nobles base their power on convincing voters/supporters to give them power. They earn their titles.
  • Business Nobles are rich people who buy their noble titles and base their power on money.


Pick one of the following two options.

  • Option - 1: Live in your own home (cottage or apartment) with a City Dweller’s Pack or other non-nobility pack.
  • Option - 2: Live in your family location
    • A set of clothing and toiletry items, same as for City Dwellers Pack
    • One average-sized (or equivalent) room on the family floors
    • Furniture on par with the rest of the family home
    • One tiled stove or fireplace
    • Access to mounts kept in the family stables and a family carriage
    • One set of elegant riding attire above your wealth tier OR one set of functional body gear and armor above your wealth tier
    • One set of ballroom attire OR Other elegant formal attire above your tier
    • Access to family jewelry you can borrow OR Family weaponry to borrow
    • Access to local gardens, pastures, nature, farmlands owned by the family
    • Access to family owned locations (dining room, ball room, library, office, training grounds, barracks, ship, graveyard, catacombs, dungeon cells, kitchen area, crafting workshops)

City Specific Starter Items for Nobles

You may have ONE city specific item related the PCs nobility role from one level above your own wealth tier (or below) upon startup. Check the city rules and ask the city staff!

A Note On NPCs

If you want to use general family employee NPCs working in family locations in a big household those must be written up fully as city NPCs (examples are chef and kitchen staff, stable-master, general maids, gardeners). That enables other family member PCs to use the same NPCs.

Personal servants working only for your PC are probably personal NPCs. In a minor nobility household it’s optional to make them be a city NPC or a personal NPC.

Heirloom Item

You may have ONE item at up to TWO Wealth Tiers above your own as part of this Pack. However, this cannot be sold or given away and must be of emotional or practical significance to your PC.


With thanks to Yrmellyn Cole for this package.