Family Wealth

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Your family wealth is just that - the Wealth Tier your family is at. Please note that, for some Starter Packages your Family Wealth is set (eg: slaves have none, nobility have a set minimum and maximum Tier). For all PCs, your Family Wealth Tier is potentially important.

Options, Rules & Restrictions

  • You must clearly identify on your CS what your family Wealth Tier is. If the PC has no family, please put "Not Applicable"

  • Your family Wealth Tier can be higher (or lower) than your own. If you plan on having family of Wealth Tier 8 or over, you must get permission from your City Mod(s).

  • In any season you live with your family for part, or all of the season, you must adhere to the "Living with your Family" rules, outlined below.

  • Your Family Wealth Tier is always separate from your own. Any benefits you gain from living with your family are lost the moment you don't.

  • If you are going to benefit from a higher Wealth Tier family, you must write them up and submit them as City NPCs

Living With Your Family

There are two options here:

  • If you are living with or any way benefiting from their family wealth (which is higher than your own) you must undertake one thread per season where you in some way work for, or with, your PC family. This is to "pay back" the benefits you are getting of having access to their resources. Please note, however. Your personal Wealth Tier is your own, and you may not use this "Family Wealth" thread to gain any Wealth Points of your own.

  • If you are living with a family who have a lower Wealth Tier than you, then you live at their Tier while you live with them. If you wish to change that Tier, you have two options:
    • You can speak to your City Mod and find out how many Wealth Points it would take for you to simply "hand over your money" and make things better for them.

    • You can undertake a "Family Wealth Thread" where your PC works with their family to get them into a higher Wealth Tier. The timeframe for that and what is required should be planned with your city mod.