Category:The Cazav



A group who worship Lisirra, this faction still functions in Desnind, albeit largely in secret.


The Cazav have been around since before the Sev'ryn were created; however, at that point they did not have a name. A select few outside of the Cazav believe that some of the Sev'ryn predecessors had managed to come into contact with Lisirra. She manipulated them into her live experiments with promises of resurrection. As long as they assisted her in the creation of her plague, they would forever be in her good graces. She promised the plague would help their people prosper. However, this was not her true intention. It just so happened that the Sev'ryn were resurrected by Moseke and when this occurred, they remembered this promise. Once reborn, these Sev'ryn believed Lisirra to be the true creator of their race. They believed she planned this all along, despite the destruction she caused when she released the plague on the forest. These Sev'ryn created the Cazav in her honor. At the time the Cazav practiced openly and without fear.

The Sev'ryn outside of the Cazav thought them to be crazy but no real hostilities were present between them for quite some time. This did not remain the case. By the 600th arc this group had grown larger than the Oludïbọ Cïkäkkẹn were comfortable with. The growing number of Cazav members lead to an eventual purge in Cylus of arc 620. The Iyäkän, or 'sentencing', is an event that is remembered by a select few and is information not shared lightly. The Iyäkän killed many of the Cazav members, with the few that survived retreating and taking refuge in the temple they made in Lisirra's honor. This purge was one of the most shameful acts that ever took place within Desnind and the Sev'ryn who know of it feel constant guilt about the act.

The Cazav remained hidden from the rest of their race. To protect themselves, they leave their sanctum rarely and initiate few. Few now know that the faction still exists within Desnind and those that do strive to keep it a secret. Occasionally people will go missing in the forest as some of these have been taken by the Cazav for their cruel experiments. The group have remained inside their underground home in the Temple of Lisirra since the Iyäkän. A select few will leave to gather food or travel to find their familiars but most will remain within the temple for the majority of their lives.

Religious affiliations:

The Cazav are closely linked to other Lisirra followers around Idalos by the Serga Mavranu, a religion which is devoted to the worship of Lisirra. The Cazav have always been some of the most extreme followers of this religion. They take the points made on ancient tablets as literal as possible and live their lives as close to what is inscribed as possible. All members of the group must worship the religion and dedicate their lives to serving the religion and Lisirra as well as the group itself. The Serga Mavranu is also the easiest way for the group to send its messages to Sev'ryn around Idalos who wish to join the Cazav. Even though the group associates with the religion and its many members, only those who are Sev'ryn have been allowed to join the Cazav so far.

All members of the group are required to attend at least one group prayer session every 5 trials. They are also expected to be present at all celebrations and festivals devoted to Lisirra.


This group works in the following branches:

  • Kausaban ~ the teachers and lorekeepers of the Cazav.
  • Alakoso ~ the main group of the Cazav,
  • Obavi - the assassins of the Cazav


The following NPCs are part of this faction:

  • Las'regor -- The Plague Master of the Cazav. Mod input required before use.
  • Adi'ti ~~ head of the Obavi branch. Mod input required before use.
  • Minida -- head of the Kausaban branch. Mod input required before use.

OOC Info

The Cazav is a faction that is based on science with a fantastical spin. Given that Idalos is considered naive when it comes to science, experimentation in this faction is not designed to be easy. Microscopic organisms that cause disease in the real world are essentially off limits due to the lack of technology in Idalos. This includes viruses, bacteria, and small parasites.

Pathology may come with time and understanding in character for a player. That is not unreasonable. Experimentation within the faction is mostly based on correlation. When something happens that is in favor of the Cazav's goals (e.g. death, disease, etc.), the experiment is repeated on other victims. If the outcome can be repeated over and over again reliably, then it can be considered functional.

Being a part of this faction comes with risks. Working with toxins and diseases that have no background to them can cause the character to suffer from the side-effects, including death if deemed appropriate. We ask that you are reasonable in your efforts as a member of this faction and play based on your skill level.


This faction was written by Ent.


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Pages in category "The Cazav"

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