Rose Greenwood

Rose Greenwood.jpg


  • PC full name: Rose Greenwood
  • CS link: here
  • Notable Events: here
  • Race: Mortalborn (Daughter of Moseke)
  • Date of Birth: 12th of Vhalar, Arc 695

CS Approval Rewards

CS Approved by: Nymph

  • Skill Points
    • Gardening: +5
    • Medicine: +5
    • Ranged Combat (Shortbow): +2
  • Knowledge
    • Investigation: The Desire to Learn
    • Medicine: Instigating a Quarantine
    • Medicine: Use of a Mask
    • Medicine: The Strossi Plague of Scarlet Lung
    • Medicine: Natural Medicine of the South versus North Medicine
    • William Greenwood: Father, Doctor, and Thief
    • Sia'fel: Unknown Mother

  • Starting Renown: 30

Starter Quest

Starting Quest Story You remember a great deal about your father: the way that he worked with his hands, crying children finding soothing sleep with his tonics, and his skill with a thin knife to remove growth from his patients. For most of your life, you thought the world of him. You had known nothing of you mother. Then the bloody cough swept through Strosdyn. In his dying moments, he told you of your mother. Sia'fel. An untamed beauty that had captured his heart but resisted taming. After selling the place of secrets you were raised in, you found yourself walking up the docks towards the sloping entrance of the tree city. Desnind stretches before you in their very carefree, naturalistic way. Men and women alike greeted you as you passed, but also watched you with a wary eye. Only your tattoo gives you as much freedom as they have. Earning their trust will be a feat, but finding your mother will be a lot harder. Speak with the natives, and see if anyone knows of her.


Rose is marked by Ralaith


Rose is Favored of Ralaith.


  1. Favored - Compendium of Immortal Wisdom - Gained with Mark Approval - Pegasus
  2. Favored - The Bear of Ralaith - Gained with Mark Approval - Pegasus
  3. Favored - Scholarly Minds I - Gained with Mark Approval - Pegasus

Daughter of Moseke

Rose is Moseke's Mortalborn daughter.

PSF Approval here

Mortalborn Parent Story

Mortalborn story: William was unique among the Strossi medical community as he took the time to study medicine among the southern population of Sev’ryn in Strosdyn. Although he often failed to understand their ways, he did see the value in learning about their natural remedies and curatives. When he was in his twenties, William spent many arcs in the south, working with the natives, learning their remedies while also treating their own ailments with his own skills. It was here that he met a Sev’ryn huntress who called herself Sia’fel.

She arrived in his makeshift clinic after a hunting accident and he helped her recover. Whether or not William suspected it, Sia’fel was Moseke in disguise. She had been observing his work with her people and was intrigued by this man of science and his interest in the natural world.

The Immortal continued to spend time with the man before William fell in love with her, and for a time she accompanied him to the north of Strosdyn where his home was. Moseke saw potential in William but also saw that he was blinded by his ignorance. He was too proud, and even though he respected the Sev’ryn people, he would never see them or the natural world as anything more than a tool. Moseke wanted something more....someone more who could stand between their two worlds and protect the sanctity of life.

In time she fell pregnant and vanished from William’s home in the night. It would be seasons later before William would learn that his daughter had been born. He was invited by the southern Sev’ryn tribe to visit with “Sia’fel” and his daughter.

William journeyed to meet his child who had been named Rys’sia by her mother. When he arrived he was horrified to see his daughter swaddled in animal skins and her skin marked with a tattoo that all Sev’ryn children received. Whether or not he ever knew, Moseke realized that William would try to take his daughter away from her and she allowed it to happen. She wanted Rys’sia to be raised by William, and left unaware of who and what she was for now.

William soon returned home with his daughter and renamed her Rose. It would only be right before his untimely death that Rose would learn that she had been born among the Sev’ryn, leading her to believe that she shared their blood at least in part. After William’s death, Rose left Strosdyn and journeyed to Desnind when she could not locate her mother. Here she has remained, learning medicine, working in the Medicine House while trying to locate her long lost parent.

Domain 1: Plants

Ability Grace of the Forest

Grace of the Forest: Depending on her mood, the majority of plant life within roughly a fifty foot radius of the healer will be affected.

Grace of the Forest is a passive ability that is always active. Plants near to her will readily respond to her emotions and react in kind. Rose will find that once she begins to realize she has this ability that she can gain more and more control over manipulating plants without relying upon changes in her mood. This will later allow her to eventually control the growth, death, and movements of plants within her area of effect. When Rose is actively and willfully controlling plants, her eyes will shift from an amber hue to a deep emerald green. Additionally the mortalborn can “feel” plantlife around her and manipulate it to her needs.

  • Emotional Responses
    • Joy

When experiencing joy or happiness Rose finds that flowers will gently bloom in her presence, trees will shift and rustle as if there is a wind blowing through them and dried patches of grass will spring back to life. Plant-life is granted almost a magical dose of vigor in her presence when she is happy, or delighted.

    • Sadness

When sorrowful this ability will have the opposite effect and actually harm the nearby plant-life located within Rose’s area of effect. Flowers will wither and die and grasses will blacken beneath her feet. Trees will slowly start to become twisted and their leaves will begin to turn red and orange before falling to the ground as if it is late in Vhalar. This effect can last longer due to the corrosive nature of sadness. It can take time for plants to recover from this effect if they do not die outright.

    • Fear/Anger

When Rose is afraid or furious, the plants around her will try and defend her. Tall grasses may try and entangle with an attackers legs, trees might dislodge themselves to fall on enemies, and vines might lash out like whips to protect her.

Let it be noted that unless Rose is focused enough and willfully controlling the plants, they will attack anything that she perceives as a threat. This can mean that a simple misunderstanding between friends or verbal argument can end in violence. This will lead to many people actually beginning to fear her because of this power.

While initially completely dependent on her emotions this ability will eventually become something that Rose can willfully control. This does not mean that the emotional effects will stop when she gains expertise, only that she can call upon their effects by choice, or try and control their effects once they are active.

A Note on Seasons: These abilities are impacted by the passing of the seasons. In colder seasons encouraging plants to grow will be more difficult for Rose, where as in warmer seasons it will be much easier.

Domain 2: Medicine

Ability Panacea Bloom

Rose’s Medicine domain is heavily impacted by her Plant domain. After spending a few bits with an ill or wounded patient she is capable of focusing on a patch of earth and growing a special flower known as the Panacea Bloom. This act takes a few bits, and will cause a wave of exhaustion to wash over her. The flower that she grows will appear differently depending on the ailment of her patient but the bloom itself will contain within it every element and chemical required to help aid the patient in recovering at an accelerated rate. The flower must then be imbibed by the patient, Rose may choose to have them simply eat it or she may choose to powder it or grind it into a potion that can be easily sipped. The Panacea Bloom is not always a full curative as very powerful, magical, or divine illnesses cannot be fully cured by it. However in most cases the flower will give the patient what they need in order to recover on their own.

This ability is normally geared toward curing illnesses however it can be used in a pinch to help with flesh-wounds. The Panacea Bloom will help slow or staunch bleeding and will halve healing time for those injured.

This ability may be used once a trial.

Domain 3: Logic

Ability Elemental Components

Elemental Components: As part of her Logic domain, Rose is able to choose a substance, or object and deduce its core components and their approximate amounts. This is done by focusing on the target and enacting Elemental Components. This ability will manifest as a soft green glow that surrounds the target of her attention as she deduces the individual elements and substances that make it up. This ability can last anywhere from two bits for very simple substances to over several breaks if she is trying to deduce what is contained within a very complex target. (ie: If Rose is trying to learn the ingredients in a simple dish it will only take minutes, if she is trying to learn the elements and ingredients in a complex potion it will take over an hour.) Rose cannot be interrupted during this process or she will learn nothing.

Rose must have experience identifying the core components of the target if she is to correctly identify them. When identifying the elemental components of a target Rose will intuitively know the name of the the individual ingredient but will have no idea what they mean if she has never encountered them before. (ie: if she encounters a poison mixed in a drink she would not know that it is a poison unless she has experience recognizing the name of said poison.)

This ability can be used in conjunction with Panacea Bloom, allowing Rose to learn the different elements and compounds held within the curative bloom. After investing great deal of time and study she would potentially be able to replicate the cure created by the Panacea Bloom on her own using her skills in medicine.

This ability can be used once a trial.


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