Nyvahi, the Mark of Unity / The One


The Blessing of Nyvahi

After Unity's creation, on 30th Ymiden 719, any and all previous marks of Jesine or Kielik faded away - although the next time the Blessed of either of the Mortalborn twins slept, they were offered the new mark. However, from that date onward, only this mark is available.

The One gives their blessing quite easily - as the Immortal is driven to grow and expand this mark, and also because the driving belief of Unity is that all mortals should be devoted and lucid in their dreams. The mark itself is not initially evident in the waking world but as soon as the Nyvahi is dreaming, the mark is clearly seen as a glowing tattoo stylised around their eye. At favoured, it is one eye, at Adored, there will be a tattoo around both. Exalted Nyvahi have a third mark, identical to the first two in the center of their forehead. While the mark is only visible when Dreaming to this point, Unity’s Champion takes on a “twin” appearance - in the dreamscape they are literally glowing, and has the first two tattoos visible in the waking world.

Note on Nyvahi Progression

Having been recently created, Unity is not at what is considered full strength for an Immortal. They currently can only give out the Favored mark and the 9 abilities associated with it, as well as the first tier of curse. PCs may not gain more marks or abilities beyond what The One / Unity has unlocked. They cannot create new Mortalborn. The growth of Unity will be handled through player driven efforts and plots, more information of which can be found here. Unity's Advancement Tracker

Favored Abilities

Ability Name Ability Description
Sanctuary Gives the Favored the ability to protect their own dreams and anyone involved in them from outside influence, and most native predators of Emea. The protection extends to all other individuals that should chance upon the dream, though the marked is at liberty to shut out or expel unwanted visitors at their discretion. Only those possessing a higher mark (Favored vs Adored vs Exalted vs Champion, not difference in ability count), as well as potent entities in Emea (be that Dreamwalkers or Emean creatures) can override this protection. If a Dream or Dreamscape is protected by Sanctuary, it must be clearly stated within the appropriate thread, at the onset, so others who may try to invade the dream or dreamscape will know.
Sleep Dust The Favored is able to influence the waking world by rubbing their fingers together to produce a dust empowered by divine ether. This dust is unique in coloring and appearance to individual marked. When applied to the eyes, nose or mouth of an awake individual, often through the act of sprinkling or blowing, it will begin putting them to sleep. While Resistance will help, it should be noted that should the dust be applied to all three points of contact, it is effectively guaranteed to activate, unless Divine or Magical protections are in place. This sleep lasts for 8 hours, reduced by one hour for Competent Resistance, two for Expert, three for Master, and four for Grandmaster. Whether the dust is effective or not, it immediately dissipates and may not be stored or re-used. Additionally, for targets already asleep, or otherwise unconscious, regardless how they were put to sleep, the Favored may consume the crusty bits that form in the corner of their eyes. After doing this, they may apply the Sleep Dust to an already sleeping target in order to extend their sleep. It should be noted that sleep may be extended far beyond what is natural and the body’s natural mechanisms for waking up are overridden. However, if a person has been asleep for so long that their body begins to die, most commonly from dehydration, the soul will lash out and wake them. This does not protect from external harm, just the natural process of death by dehydration or starvation.
Dream Invasion A Favored dreamwalker that has gained access to another person’s dreamscape may use all of their own dreamwalking abilities within that dreamscape without the owner’s consent. It should be noted that this does not mean the Favored’s dreamwalking abilities automatically override the owner’s own, if they have any. This simply allows the Favored to contest other Dreamwalkers in their own territory. The level of Dreamwalking and how the Dreamwalkers that use it is what will ultimately decide what happens within the dreamscape. Those without Dreamwalking though are typically at the mercy of the whims of the invading Dreamwalker.
Dream Familiar A Favored has an Emean Being as their faithful companion. This being is forever present with the Favored, while they are in any part of Emea or within a Fracture. This being can be summoned with a thought into Idalos, however, this exposes the being to corruption and limits their time to a single hour per day. Only those marked have a Dream Familiar, without exception. The Dream Familiar is a being with two distinct forms, which are often the opposite of one another, thematically. The first form is the Dream form, and is shaped around what the Favored has dreamt about and found pleasing. The second form is the Nightmare form, and is shaped around what the Favored has experienced nightmares about and finds terrifying. The Dream Familiar must be designed and submitted to the PSF upon having been approved for acquiring this ability. The physical appearance of both forms is up to the discretion of the player. Abilities may be selected from the list for Emeans, with each form having different abilities, if that is the player’s choice.
Crack in the Wall While within a dreamscape, a Favored can imagine any person or sentient being to the best of their ability. This allows their dreamscape to reach out into the waking world and find someone that best suits this imagined description. It is not a foolproof process, as many people are quite similar to one another. Once a person is found, a copy image of them is created within the dreamscape, performing the exact same actions as that person. The surroundings of the person copied cannot be seen through this. The Favored can communicate with this image to establish a two-way telepathy with this person. This can be ignored but cannot be shut off except by going to sleep, becoming unconscious, entering one’s own dreamscape, or when the Favored deactivates the ability. Additionally, the awake person can choose to be summoned to the dreamscape they were contacted from by saying the name of the Favored as their last spoken words before falling asleep/losing consciousness. Once they fall asleep, they will find themselves in that dreamscape instead of their own.
Sleepwalking The Favored has the ability to hijack a sleeping or unconscious, person’s body through a touch. This is done by crossing the connections that the sleeping person and the Favored have and so the person this is used on must be accessible to the Favored in some manner, either through relationship or via Dreamwalking, etc. This effectively ties the sleeping person’s consciousness to the Favored’s own body, causing it to enter the stage of the sleep cycle their body was in prior to the activation of this ability. The Favored’s own consciousness becomes tied to the sleeping body, bringing it to a state of Sleepwalking. The Favored can control the body, can partially open the eyes, can move about etc. However, due to the sleeping nature, this control is clumsy and awkward, and if the Favored does anything that might wake the body fully, it will swap the consciousnesses back automatically. This control over the Sleepwalking body improves as the marked becomes Adored, Exalted, and a Champion, although control is never sufficient to make someone simply kill themselves (either directly by their own hand or indirectly by walking off a cliff, for example) and is, always, sleepwalking. Should the sleeping individual wake up by naturally completing their normal sleep cycle, the consciousnesses will instantly switch back.
Aphrodreamsiac The Favored can use this ability within the waking world, as well as any part of Emea. By taking in a deep breath and holding it within their chest, they can infuse that air with the essence of the Favored’s intent. They can then exhale that air out onto whatever they wish, effectively marking the person, object, or place with it. Depending on the intent of the Favored, this will cause one of two things to happen.

The first is that it causes the target to give off an aura that only Emean Beings can detect. This aura makes them insatiable, drawing all forms of Emean Beings to the target. Should this be a person, it will most often cause their dreams to be invaded by Nightmare Beasts and other Emean Beings. For objects and locations, anyone that sleeps near them will find themselves targets of this attraction as well.

The second possible effect is the exact opposite of the first. The aura created around the person does not make the person invisible to Emean Beings, but rather is often received as repulsive and disgusting and drives them away from the target.

Regardless of which effect is active, this only lasts for a Cycle before it must be renewed. A target may not have both of these activated simultaneously, so if attempted by multiple Favoreds, the higher ranking one will take precedence. If they are equal, then the first one applied takes precedence.

Hole of Oblivion The Favored is able to use their tears, particularly those from yawning or being tired, to turn any object or location into a Hole of Oblivion. They do not need to produce enough tears to cover the entire object, but rather simply collect the tears in their hands. From that point, they can place their hands upon the desired object or location, and rub it down, working their essence into it. This can be applied to living creatures, but not beings with souls. Once their hands are removed from the object, the effect is completed, whether or not they considered themselves done.

This Hole of Oblivion shows no obvious signs that it is anything different unless someone has a Magical or Divine means of detecting this. However, should it be touched by a being with a soul, it will automatically transport that individual into the Untold, completely. Once this happens, the Hole of Oblivion fades away. This can be applied in the waking world or in dreamscapes. If it is applied in the Untold, it will deposit the being into Idalos instead. Unless they have a means of escaping, the trapped individual will remain in the Untold for one break at Favored, three breaks at Adored, five at Exalted and Unity’s Champion will trap an individual for a full trial.

Stellar Those marked with Nyvahi are stronger in the realm of dreams, and one of their more potent abilities is to move the battlefield to the realm in which they have greater influence by forcing a state of sleep upon select targets or those around them. The ability is more potent under the night sky, but has a more limited application during the day where the marked can approach and lay hands upon their intended target, palms against their temples. The ability is effortless when used on a willing target, where an unaware and/or unwilling target is able to resist either physically by breaking physical contact or possessing high levels of Resistance, Discipline, or Endurance (50+). If successful, the ability renders both the target and the Marked asleep in Idalos, minds forced into the Marked's dreamscape in Emea, bodies left behind and unprotected. Activation of the ability will cause the Marked to emit pale light, akin to moonlight reflected in a mirror. Any who lay eyes upon the Marked in this moment are subject to the ability's effect and called into Emea, bodies asleep in Idalos, the Marked following right behind them. Creatures normally unable to enter Emea are not exempt. Anyone who has been forced into sleep this way is still able to awaken normally by being disturbed in Idalos, thus being called back to their bodies.

Adored Abilities

Locked. Not available to players.

Exalted Abilities

Locked. Not available to players.

The Curse of Unity


Unity's curse manifests in both the Dreaming and Waking world and turns the Cursed individuals eyes bloodshot. This is not something which can be passed off as a "normal" thing, as it is very obviously a glowing red.


Narcolepsy: The first level of the curse is the infliction of narcolepsy on the pc. This means that they will fall asleep, suddenly, without any notice or even feeling tired. This could happen at any time, literally whilst driving a carriage, in the middle of a fight or at any point. It is obviously both very inconvenient and highly dangerous


Locked. Not available to players.


Locked. Not available to players.

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