Effigy of Frosvinndur

Revision as of 15:37, 20 June 2022 by Basilisk (talk | contribs) (The Ice Sub-Branch)

The Effigy of Frosvinndur

The Effigy of Frosvinndur is bestowed to those who keep a clear head and calm mind when under pressure, those who can make tough decisions without losing their grip on reason because of high emotion. The Bearers of this Effigy are those who work to de-fang a situation through less than aggressive means, but won't hesitate when firmer measures are called for. Their relationship with Frosvinndur tends to be a semi-distant one, as even if they are serving in his own territories, Frosvinndur isn't not exactly the warmest of the Dragons.

Initial Effigy Manifestation

When the Bearer is first granted Frosvinndur's Effigy, their hair turns light blue and takes on an appearance and texture akin to ice crystals, though it continues to grow and can be cut like normal. The irises of their eyes turn ice white and take on a reflective sheen, and dark blue scales appear covering their upper torso and their upper arms. Finally, the Bearer begins to emit a mist every time they talk, as if they were out in the cold. Other physical changes happen as the Bearer progresses through the Effigy, but those will be detailed with the powers that cause the changes.

Breath Power

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Breath Power 1 Breath of the Winter Wind Free The starting power of the Effigy of Frosvinndur, this ability allows the Bearer to breathe out an icy cold wind that can freeze substances like cloth, water, or metal on contact, though objects that are in motion, such a sword that is in mid-swing, won't lose their momentum due to the freezing. It also drastically reduces the body temperature of anyone caught in it, and if they can't warm themselves up within the next hour, they can find themselves starting to succumb to frostbite or hypothermia. In addition, this power also turns loose natural substances, such as loose sand or soils, into snow and coats more solid natural substances in a layer of slippery ice. While not directly strong, this power allows the Bearer to change battlefield conditions at a whim and is devastating to anything that already has trouble with the cold. This power has a range of up to 100 feet, in a cone, and can be either an instant effect breath that has to be activated each time, or a slow release form that has a constant, but more subtle effect. The latter form doesn't have the instant freeze or temperature drop, but is less obviously noticeable.

The Branches

The Effigy of Frosvinndur is divided into the following Branches: The Cold Branch, the Wind Branch, the Crystal Branch, and the Hibernation Branch. The Cold and Wind Branches are further divided into two sub-branches each.

The Cold Branch

The Cold Branch represents Frosvinndur's nature as part of the ice and snow that blankets the world every winter. As a result of the prominence of the cold in Frosvinndur's nature, the Cold Branch is split into the Ice Sub-Branch and the Snow Sub-Branch.

The Ice Sub-Branch

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 1 2 Ice Wall 25 On the key elements of Frosvinndur's fighting style is controlling area around him. This plays an important part in many of his Effigy's powers. Ice Wall allows the Blessed to create a thick wall of light blue ice by focusing on a stretch of ground around them. The ice wall is never more than 8 feet long and 10 feet tall, but clever use of this power allows the Bearer to stop an incoming attack at a moments notice. It takes 1 minute of concentration for the wall to form, but once that is done, it does so instantly.
Tier 2 12 Ice Breath 50 An upgrade to the Breath of the Winter Wind, Ice Breath allows the Bearer to fire a concentrated beam which creates solid ice wherever it contacts, up to a diameter of 10 feet. This allows the Bearer to, for example, freeze parts of their opponent. With continued use, the Bearer may create or add to ice-structures. If the Bearer uses this ability on an already existing ice structure, the new ice will add onto the existing ice. Anything that enters the beam while this power is in use becomes the new impact point for the beam.
Tier 2 13 Ice Conversion 50 This power works as an upgrade for the Bearer's Kaldvind, allowing the lesser dragon to sink their tail blade into the ground or into water, causing the ground or water to freeze solid for up to a 10 foot diameter around the Kaldvind. Kaldvind can use this at will or be ordered to by their rider, and they are very good at making clever use of this power if left to their own devices. Kaldvind who have this power have their tail blades start to have a light blue glow from within their tails.
Tier 3 20 Winter Blade 75 A power that adds onto the physical look of Effigy, this power permanently gives the Bearer the same tail blade as the Kaldvind. In addition to giving the bearer a permanent prehensile weapon of masterwork quality, the tail blade will also have any powers that have been added to the Kaldvind's tail blade. The tail is attached to the base of the Bearer's spine and the Bearer instinctively knows how to move the tail so that it isn't in their way for sitting or movement, and they can use it as a rudder when flying. Fighting with the tail blade falls under the Combat: Unarmed skill and will need to be trained unless the Bearer already has points in this skill.
Tier 4 29 Hail Storm 100 Regardless of the weather, this power lets the Bearer summon a storm of falling hail which range from the size of pebbles to the size a small throwing ball, with the size being up to the Bearer. The bigger the hail, the more damage it causes to people and place alike. This hail fall covers a 50 yard circumference around the Bearer. The hail will not naturally fall on the Bearer, but they can still injure themselves if they recklessly run under the falling hail.
Tier 4 30 Wing Blade 100 An upgrade to the Bearer's Kaldvind, this power gives the Kaldvind a pair of blades similar to their tail blades, but at the joint of the Kaldvinds wing. This wing blade will have all the same powers as the Kaldvinds tail blade, allowing them new ways to use their powers.
Tier 5 37 Ice Armor 125 A power that both the bearer and their Kaldvind can use, which lets either of them coat themselves in a layer of protective ice that can shrug off most attacks that aren't heat based and will freeze any non-organic material that comes into contact with the outer face of the armor, such as cloth or steel.

The Snow Sub-Branch

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 1 3 Snowshoes 25 The powers of the Bearer of Frosvinndur's Effigy often make the area around them more hazardous to traverse than they might otherwise be. This power gives the Bearer the same amount of traction on snow and ice as they do on solid soil or stone, preventing them from suffering the negative mobility of their own powers.
Tier 2 14 Snowclone 50 A defensive power, Snowclone allows the Blessed to create a clone of either themselves or their Kaldvind out of snow. This clone will then become mobile and will mirror the movements of the original, and will last until either the Bearer dissipates the clone or it gets attacked. If it gets attacked, the weapon or person that attacked it will be frozen for a short time.
Tier 2 15 Snow Blade 50 An upgrade for the Kaldvind, this power causes the blade of the Kaldvind to create a snowdrift akin to the ones created from the Kaldvinds breath whenever it swings the blade, but doesn't strike anything. The snowdrift will follow the arc of the swing, and the tail blade has to be intentionally swung as an attack in order to create the snow drift. The outer shell of the Kaldvind's tail blade will turn white when this power is attained.
Tier 3 21 Snowstorm 75 A power that lets the Bearer create a blinding snowstorm at will that drops both the temperature and visibility of the area around them. This snowstorm covers a 50 yard circumference around the Bearer, and the Bearer is immune to the cold and blinding snow of their own power.
Tier 4 31 Cold Storage 100 Food and injuries both keep better if kept cold, as it keeps meat from spoiling and helps to keep injuries from worsening. This power allows the Bearer to create a coating of snow around any substance that will keep it cool, even in the hottest temperatures. Using this power on an already existing coating of snow will remove that coating without needing to melt it.
Tier 4 32 Winter Mantle 100 A power that changes the physical appearance of the Effigy, this power manifests as a light dusting of snow on the shoulders of the Bearer and allows the Bearer to shroud themselves in a cloak that looks to be made of snow at will. This cloak allows the Blessed to seamlessly blend into the snow at any given moment and, at the cost of losing the use of the cloak for 24 hours, allows the Blessed to switch places with any snowclone they currently have active.
Tier 5 38 Avalanche 125 This power allows the Bearer to create huge, sliding rush of snow that can bowl over anyone caught in it and will continue to travel for up to 500 yards when going uphill or downhill. However, if this rush of snow is travelling downhill, then once past that 500 yard range, the avalanches momentum will continue to carry the rush until it runs out of hill to travel down. In addition, the Bearer and the Kaldvind can use any of their powers that generate snow to increase the size of the avalanche.

Cold Branch Mastery Power

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 6 46 Blizzard 150 The final power in the Cold Branch, this power allows the Bearer to spontaneously create a blizzard of flying ice and snow that freezes the area around them and provides a deadly threat to anyone who can't fight against the cold. This cold can lead to rapid onset hypothermia, potentially killing anyone caught unprotected in the blizzard in only a few minutes, and even those that can keep themselves from freezing are going to in danger due to the effect this level of cold has on the environment. This blizzard covers a 1 mile diameter around the Bearer and lasts for an hour. This power can only be used once a day.

The Wind Branch

The Wind branch represents Frosvinndur's part in the winds that sweep the world of Idalos every day. While normally associated with the biting winds of winter, Frosvinndur is, in truth, part of every wind, whether that wind be cold or warm. However, as the two winds are very different, this Branch is split between Warm Winds and Cold Winds.

The Warm Winds Sub-Branch

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 1 4 Thermal Vent 25 This power allows the Bearer to create a thermal vent, a single shaft of warm air 20 feet in diameter that rises a good two hundred feet. Anything with wings, including the Kadlvind, can use this thermal to get additional lift under their wings without having to search for a thermal, and an unwinged bearer can use this to get up to 200 feet of additional height for a jump, so long as they stay in the thermal.
Tier 1 5 Wind Burst 25 An alternate mode to the Bearer's breath power, Wind Burst allows the Bearer to fire off a sphere of scalding wind that can melt snow and ice and cause severe wind burns to any who are directly hit by the sphere. Those not hit directly by the sphere will find that the air around them becomes noticeably warmer, and in already warm temperatures, that can be quite dangerous. In colder climates, however, the heated air may be quite pleasant.
Tier 2 16 Thawing Wind 50 Every so often, the Bearer may feel the need to thaw out the snow and ice of the world, whether it be born from natural effects for from the Bearers own power. This power thaws all ice and snow in a fifty foot radius around the Bearer in a single burst of warm wind. However, it should be noted that this snow and ice thaws normally, turning to hot water. If used carelessly, this power could be quite hazardous to the Bearer.
Tier 3 22 Wind Rider 75 A power that has a small, but noticeable affect on the Bearers appearance. Wind Rider allows the Bearer to travel along any wind, riding it as though they were a leaf caught up in its flow. They cannot be harmed by effects of this wind, and can travel along it for as long as that wind is blowing. However, they can only go in the direction the wind is blowing, and cannot control the wind itself. Once this power is unlocked, the Bearers hair and clothes are constantly moving is caught in a light breeze.
Tier 3 23 Tail Wind 75 An upgrade for the Kaldvind's tail, Tail Wind gives the Kaldvinds tail blade a light whistling sound when the Kaldvind intentionally uses the tail blade to either use a power or attack. Tail Wind itself lets the Kaldvind surround its tail with a scalding wind, letting it cause wind burns with the tail or melt snow or ice with the tail blade. In addition, the Kaldvind can launch the wind off its tail as a sort of ranged slash, giving them more range with tail based attacks. They can also apply this effect to their wing blades if they have them.
Tier 4 33 Thermal Generation 100 A power that enhances the wings of the Kaldvind, giving the main part of their wings a warm glow. This power allows the Kaldvind to create a small thermal under their wings that gives them a quick boost to their altitude when in flight, or allows them to get a quick boost to a jump. This thermal disappears after only a second and can't be used by anyone other than the Kaldvind who made it.
Tier 5 39 Summer Wind Storm 125 An ability that allows the bearer to generate up to three swirling storms of hot air in the area around them. These wind storms can deflect arrows, knock flying creatures off course, and are of such intensity that it is difficult for most people to keep their feet should they be caught in one. In addition, the heat of these storms are of such intensity as to burn those caught in them. Finally, if intense cold winds get caught up in these storms, they can become significantly more dangerous, becoming akin to a small, stationary tornado.
Tier 5 40 Healing Wind 125 Warm winds are often associated with healing, rejuvination, and even new life. A gentler wind than many of the others, this power lets the Bearer create a warm wind that can heal the wounds and restore the stamina of those caught in its gentle breeze. However, this wind is indiscriminate, and can heal friend as well as foe.

The Cold Winds Sub-Branch

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 1 6 Downdraft 25 Cold winds are heavy, sinking to the earth and weighing down those that try to fly in them. This power allows the Bearer to create a pillar of cold wind that makes it harder for those in it to fly or even jump. This pillar is twenty feet in diameter and two hundred feet tall.
Tier 1 7 Solid Wind 25 The weight of cold wind comes from it being a denser form of wind than warm wind. This power allows the bearer to increase that density to create a solid platform of wind. The bearer may create this platform anywhere around them, but due to the increased density of these platforms, they can only stay in place for a few seconds if they are created in midair.
Tier 2 17 Wind Claw 50 An upgrade for the Kaldvinds claws, this power lets the Kaldvind send off shockwaves of sharp, freezing wind from their claws to attack their prey or enemies. This ability gives the Kaldvind's claws a sleeker, almost windswept sheen, as if they had been polished by the wind itself.
Tier 3 24 Frozen Wingbeat 75 A power that upgrades the Kaldvinds wings, this power allows the Kaldvind emit a gust of frozen wind from the beat of their wings, freezing anything non-organic and dropping the temperature of living things immensely. In colder climes this can cause hypothermia in living things. The Kaldvinds wings gain a coat of ice when this power is gained.
Tier 3 25 Crosswind 75 One of the more overtly dangerous powers available to the Bearer, especially against anything that flies. This power allows the Bearer to generate two powerful, intersecting gusts of wind that come from different directions. This power can disorient ground based targets, making it hard for them to see due to the conflicting winds and even interfering with their weapons, especially ranged weapons. Flying targets, however, tend to be knocked out of the air when caught in this power, due to the opposing winds, though particularly large flying creatures may be able to resist, while more nimble targets may be able to recover before hitting the ground. If a target cannot resist or recover, however, their landings can be quite hazardous, as they are essentially beaten out of the air. It is not uncommon for flying creatures to break bones, including snapping their necks, upon collision with the ground.
Tier 4 33 Winter Wings 100 A power that drastically alters the appearance of the Bearer, this power gives the Bearer the same wings as a Kaldvind, with all the powers a Kaldvinds wings have, whether natural or those gained from Effigy. These wings also give the Bearer the ability to fly and sprout from the Bearer's back, even if they already have wings from another source. If the Bearer already has wings from another source on their back, the Winter Wings will merge with these already existing wings. The wings can fold in at the Bearer's will.
Tier 5 41 Winter Wind Storm 125 An ability that allows the bearer to generate up to three swirling storms of freezing air in the area around them. These wind storms can ground flying creatures and arrows, turn water to ice, and are of such intensity that it is difficult for most people to keep their feet should they be caught in one. In addition, the cold of these storms are of such intensity as to cause most living things to go into hypothermia on the spot if they are not prepared for the cold. Finally, if intense hot winds get caught up in these storms, they can become significantly more dangerous, becoming akin to a small, stationary tornado.
Tier 5 42 Wind Barrier 125 A purely defensive power, this power allows the Bearer to surround themselves or others with a barrier of pure wind that prevents any thrown or ranged weapon from reaching and makes it significantly more difficult for melee attacks to reach them, as well as being outright damaging to any flying creature that attempts to penetrate these barriers. By using this power again while a barrier is already active, the Bearer will cause the barrier to essentially explode outwards, creating a massive surge of gale force winds that knock back anyone or anything around the barrier and can even damage buildings.

Wind Branch Mastery Power

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 6 47 Tornado 150 A power with an immense capability for destruction, this power allows the Bearer to create a tornado no less than one mile in diameter and three hundred feet tall. By its nature, a tornado is indiscriminate in its destruction, and while the Bearer is immune to the winds by their very nature as bearers of Frosvinndurs Effigy, they are not immune to whatever debris it may pick, and their allies may not be immune, so the Bearer must be cautious when using this power.

The Crystal Branch

The Crystal Branch represents Frosvinndur's part in the precious gems and stones that form in the caverns of the world and even cover parts of the Dragon himself, as well his Kaldvinds and even his Bearers.

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 1 8 Crystal Bite 25 An upgrade for the Kaldvinds fangs, this power massively increases the bite strength of the Kaldvind, allowing them to chew through even steel with relative ease. On harder substances, the Kaldvind can still do damage with their bite, but they may not be able to get completely through the substance. Once this power is acquired, the Kaldvinds fangs take on a fractal, crystaline appearance.
Tier 1 9 Crystal Consumption 25 A power that upgrades both the Kaldvind and the Bearer, this power allows them to draw sustenance from crystals, letting them use such things as an alternative food source in the absence of more standard food sources. The crystals will have all the vitamins and minerals that the body needs, but are flavorless and can't be seasoned or cooked.
Tier 2 18 Crystal Prison 50 A power designed to immobilize a foe without harming them, this power allows the Bearer to encase a single target in a large crystal. The crystal will keep the target alive while they are contained, but they can't move or be moved in this state. Only one such prison can be made at a time, and if the crystal is destroyed, it will free whoever is imprisoned in the crystal. Consuming the crystal counts as breaking it.
Tier 3 26 Crystal Claws 75 A power that changes the appearance of the Bearer when it is in use, this power allows the Bearer to cover their hands in crystaline claws that resemble those of a Kaldvind. These claws possess all the powers of a Kaldvinds claws and can be dismissed or summoned at will.
Tier 4 35 Crystal Shield 100 Even the most skilled Bearers may find themselves in need of a quick, sturdy defense, and this power grants them that. This power allows the Bearer to surround themselves in a brittle crystal that will completely absorb a single attack before shattering, keeping the Bearer from taking any damage.
Tier 5 43 Crystal Breath 125 The Bearer may breathe out a stream of dust that, when it impacts the ground, will cause clusters of crystals to start to grow. These crystals can be fed on by the Bearer or their Kaldvind if they have the appropriate power, but anyone else who touches them will be drawn into the crystal and imprisoned there. These crystals are a weaker prison than the crystal from the Crystal Prison power, and they take about a minute to draw in anyone who touches them. If the person being drawn in can grab hold of something or someone in that time, they can pull themselves out of the crystal. Consuming the crystal counts as breaking it.
Tier 5 44 Crystal Refraction 125 A power that requires the Bearer to have made at least one crystal, Crystal Refraction allows the Bearer to instantly travel to any of their Crystals that they can see, essentially giving them a short range teleport. However, the Bearer can only travel to a crystal of their own making, not any of the smaller, more naturally occuring crystals.

Crystal Branch Mastery Power

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 6 48 Geode 150 The strongest Crystal power in the Effigy, Geode allows the Bearer to summon a horde of large crystals from every surface in a one hundred foot radius around them. These crystals can be consumed by the Bearer and their Kaldvind and will act as prisons for any other who touch them. These crystals are a weaker prison than the crystal from the Crystal Prison power, and they take about a minute to draw in anyone who touches them. If the person being drawn in can grab hold of something or someone in that time, they can pull themselves out of the crystal. Consuming the crystal counts as breaking it.

The Hibernation Branch

As the Lord of Winter, Frosvinndur plays a part in all aspects of that cold season, and the hibernation of beings throughout winter is no exception. Though Frosvinndur himself does not fully hibernate, nor does he require his Bearers to fully hibernate, his Effigy does allow the Bearer to make use of this part of nature.

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 1 10 Healing Sleep 25 While most creatures who hibernate do so merely to survive, this power lets the Bearer gain far more from the act of hibernation than most creatures. Using this power, the Bearer or their Kaldvind may go into a deep, undreaming sleep that lasts for between 12 hours and seven days that cannot be interrupted save by danger to the Bearer. The longer the Bearer hibernates, the more they will heal. This hibernation can heal anything from minor cuts and scratches to broken bones and torn muscles, though more severe wounds require a longer hibernation.
Tier 1 11 Hibernating Claws 25 A power that upgrades the Bearer's Kaldvind, this power allows the Kaldvind to induce a hibernative state with its claws. The Kaldvind has to be trying to use this power, and this hibernative state only lasts for an hour, but any person afflicted by this power can only be awoken early if they are injured.
Tier 2 19 Hibernating Camouflage 50 It is imperative that one is safely hidden when hibernating, and this power makes it easier for the Bearer to accomplish that. This power makes the Bearer in with their surroundings when they are using their hibernation powers, making it extremely difficult for all but the most observant of hunters and trackers to be able to find them.
Tier 3 27 Hibernations Breath 75 A power allows the Bearer to alter the properties of their Breath power. While this power is active, the Bearer can breath out hibernation inducing stream of cold air. Anyone caught in this stream for more than a minute will fall into a hibernative state that can last for up to six hours. As usual with hibernation powers, those in this state can be awoken if they are injured.
Tier 3 28 Group Hibernation 75 Bearers do not tend to travel alone and sometimes they may need to have their companions enter a hibernative state with them. Using this power, the Bearer can pull those who are nearby and willing into a hibernative sleep with them, lasting as long as the hibernation that the Bearer entered and giving them all the same benefits of the long sleep.
Tier 4 36 Hibernation Awareness 100 Most creatures that go into hibernation are not aware of their surroundings at all. The world could burn down around them and many hibernating creatures would not notice until they awoke among the ashes. This power allows the Bearer to still be able to sense the world around them while they are hibernating, even heightening their senses of smell and hearing in order to help them keep a better grasp on the world while in hibernation.
Tier 5 45 Full Hibernation 125 A last resort of Frosvinndur's Bearers, this power allows the Bearer to go into a full state of hibernation, lasting for at least a season and possibly several years. However, in this state, the Bearer and any they pull into hibernation with them will not be susceptible to cold, hunger, thirst, or even illness, allowing them to outlast things that might otherwise kill them. Once a season has passed, the Bearer can choose to leave this state of their own volition.

Hibernation Branch Mastery Power

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Tier 6 49 Hibernation Blanket 150 The strongest of the Hibernation powers, this power allows the Bearer to induce a hibernation state in every living creature within a 300 foot radius of them. This state lasts up to a day and will be broken if those put into a hibernation state are injured in any way. If this power is used more than once a season, it will also put the Bearer into a hibernation state.

The Transformation Power

The apex of all the powers in Frosvinndur's Effigy, this power shows the Bearers mastery over all that Frosvinndur has given them.

Power Tier Power Number Power Name Power Cost Power Description
Transformation Power 50 Form of Frosvinndur 250 The apex of all the powers at the Bearers disposal, this power allows the Bearer to take on the form of Lord of Winter Winds himself. When this power is used, the Bearer becomes a dragon that is identical to Frosvinndur in appearance, including his massive size. In addition, the Bearer also gets the massive strength and endurance that Frosvinndur commands, making them a very powerful physical opponent. Finally, 4 powers are also unique to this form and can be activated at will while the Bearer is transformed.

-Every non-living surface within 500 feet of the Bearer is instantly coated in a slick layer of ice, making it far more difficult for those not accustomed to such surfaces to move. While the Bearer is still in this form, this ice may not be melted by any natural means.

-Three storms of combined summer and winter winds appear around the Bearer, acting as small, localized tornadoes, with all the destructive power that implies.

-Every crystal on the Bearers body becomes a crystal prison. While these prisons can only hold one person at a time, anyone besides those who bear a Dragons Effigy that touch these crystals will immediately be imprisoned within. Unless the crystals are destroyed or the Bearer wills their release, they will remained so imprisoned until the Bearer returns to their normal state.

-A hibernation inducing aura surrounds the Bearer while in this form. While the effect his mild, any who stay in this aura for more than a minute will find themselves falling into a hibernation state that can last up to an hour.

PCs with Effigy of Frosvinndur


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