Cad Revel

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  • PC full name: Cad Revel
  • CS link: here
  • Notable Events: Link will go here.
  • Race: Mortalborn
  • Date of Birth: 12th of Zi’da, Arc 685

CS Approval Rewards

CS Approved by: (Pig Boy)

  • Skill Points
    • Logistics - 5 points
    • Tactics - 5 points
  • Knowledge
    • Tactics: What is an evil scheme if not a plan. (Pig Boy)
    • Logistics: What is a plan without organization? (Pig Boy)
    • Logistics: x 4 (Pig Boy)
    • Tactics: x 4 (Pig Boy)
  • Starting Renown: 15

Starter Quest

Stealing Candy from a Baby:

All evil careers begin with a small step, a minor spark of meanness and diabolical genius. Often this involves hatching the most devious designs upon the most unsuspecting and defenseless victim.

Everyday, Cad has noticed as he goes for a walk, a well-to-do mother strolling with a baby carriage, pushing it along. This alone wouldn't seem to be of note, but inside the carriage, is the most cute and beautiful baby boy. He looks happy, licking away at a very delicious piece of candy everyday. What gall, what absolute unmitigated foolishness? Doesn't he know that life should be misery, that his fate is ashes?

Will Cad show him what it means to cross the path of the great villain Cad Revel? Or will he shrug his shoulder, and search for juicier quarry? The choice is his!

(Starter quests are entirely optional. You're not obliged to pursue it, they're merely meant as a jumping off point for new pcs, tailored to the pc.)

Magic & Mutations


Initiation: Initiated before Character Creation.


Initiation: Initiated before Character Creation.


All mutations listed at Magic Mutations Cad Revel




  1. Favored - Elemental Manipulation - Fire (Minor) granted - Basilisk
  2. Favored - Hot Blooded (Minor) - granted - Basilisk
  3. Favored - Passionate Skills I - granted - Basilisk
  4. Favored - Corona (Minor) - granted - Basilisk
  5. Favored - Fire Fight -granted - Basilisk
  6. Favored - Long Burn - granted - Basilisk
  7. Favored - Cauterize (Minor) - granted - Basilisk
  8. Favored - Sense The Troubled - granted - Basilisk
  9. Favored - Inner Turmoil - granted - Basilisk

Son of Aeva

Cad Revel is Aeva's Mortalborn.

PSF Approval here

Mortalborn Parent Story

Cad is a son of Aeva. His original human body was severely weakened and sickly from birth due to the crippling effect of his domain of weakness, so he was confined to his house for most of his life as a child for his own safety. He loved fairy tales and longed to be free to roam the world and go on adventures like the heroes in stories could, and grew to resent his divine heritage for making this impossible for him.

As a teenager he started to rebel. He began sneaking out to try and go on adventures, but was stopped by his father, who worried that he would get hurt. After one incident when he almost died his father screamed at him that he could never become a hero because he would never be strong enough for others to rely on, so he should just give up. Cad stopped trying after that. However without hope for a better future to cling to Cad lost the will to fight back against his weakened body, fell sick, and began to die.

At first his father tried to solve the problem with magic, and hired a witch who marketed herself as having the power to alter life and death. In truth she was a necromancer ans grafter, and though she was unable to find a solution for Cad's affliction it interested her greatly to study the effects of his usual biology. She even agreed to initiate him into her two main branches of magic; more for the rare opportunity to see how they reacted with his soul than because she saw any special worth in him as an apprentice.

Next his father prayed to Aeva for aid. Aeva told him that no doctor would ever be able to cure the weaknesses of Cad’s body, and so saving his human body was impossible. However due to his other domain over golems she believed that his soul might be able to inhabit a golem body that would be free from sickness. Aeva built a beautiful golem body of wood, metal and leather for him that looked almost indistinguishable from his human form, and when Cad succumbed to his sickness Aeva transferred his soul into the golem, allowing him to live on.

Cad lived, but he was still tired of being weak. A fierce desire to prove to everyone that he too could be strong began to grow in him, and at that time he realised that since he was no longer hindered by sickness there was nothing stopping him from leaving anymore. Cad resolved that if he could never be a great hero, then he’d just have to be the greatest villain the world has ever seen instead. If he conquered the world he’d be free to do whatever he wanted unchallenged for the rest of his life, and nobody would be able to deny that despite what fate had decided he was stronger than everyone. He modified his golem body to take on a visage he liked better, fled his homeland and went to travel the world, developing his natural talent at various forms of crafting and and acquiring magic sparks. Now he has arrived at Scalvoris, and plans to conquer the island first before using it as a staging point in his quest to conquer the rest of the world.



Everything has a weakness. It could be a physical one, like an old injury or a crack in a wall. It could be an psychological one, like a fear or a nasty secret. It could even be a supernatural one, like a mutation or a curse. As long as Cad can see his target and consciously wishes to activate this power, a disembodied voice will whisper in his ear telling him what the target's current greatest weakness is. It does not come with the knowledge of how to use this information to his advantage; he must figure this out himself. However the downside is that Cad's domain permanently prevents him from ever gaining physical strength. He is absurdly weak and lacking in endurance for an adult man, even despite possessing a body made of materials that should be pretty storng, and is unable to gain any points in purely physical skills such as strength, running or endurance. He is also completely immune to any form of magical ability designed to enhance his physical strength, such as hone runes or the mark of Zanik.


The Wooden Boy

Cad's soul inhabits a golem body created by Aeva out of wood, metal and leather. As a result of Aeva's skilled craftsmanship this body looks and moves almost indistinguishably from a human body, but has a number of both positive and negative changes.

    • Cad is not affected by age, nor does he need to eat, drink, breathe or sleep. However he does require daily manual maintenance in order to function properly.
    • Cad cannot bleed out or die from injuries as he has no blood, but possesses no natural regenerative abilities and must manually repair or replace part sof his body if they are damaged.
    • Cad's soul resides in the golem body's head. As long as this part is not destroyed, the rest of it can be removed, damaged or replaced without issue. Any roughly humanoid sized and shaped parts attached to the head will move completely under his control. However if the head is destroyed Cad will instantly die.
    • Cad is unaffected by poisons, diseases, drugs, potions or other substances that were meant to afflict flesh. However he can be affected by rust, termites, and other afflictions that affect material objects.
    • Cad has no sense of smell or taste. He does have a sense of touch, but it is muted.
    • Because of his weakness domain this body is unusually fragile considering the materials it is made from, and can be easily bent or broken just by being punched by an average person. It can however be upgraded with mechanical equipment that Cad can manipulate as it they are a part of his own body.
    • His domain of golems allows Cad's golem body to make small, instinctive movements that should technically be impossible for an artificial body to replicate, such as show subtle facial expressions, blush, twitch, replicate breathing, or even make his hairs stand on end, which altogether make it very difficult to tell that his body is artificial unless one already knows to look for it. However as his body is cold and unusual to the touch physical contact is usually enough to reveal what he is.
    • It is possible to a necromancer to attempt to seize control of his body, however their skill would need to exceed Cad's own necromancy and discipline skills in order to do this.
    • As Cad's body is not made of living flesh Becoming and Graft spells will not directly work on him. While runes can be applied to his body his proximity will not activate them, and so are only worth using as traps. Magic that affects the mind and soul, like Empathy still works as normal. Some immortal marks may manifest differently on his body, and certain powers that require body parts Cad does not have a substitute for may be unavailable.


Friend of Fiends

The distinction between animal and monster is not always clear. For the purposes of this ability, a monster is described as some form of living creature that is undomesticated, a danger to humans, possesses some kind of unusual natural or magical ability and does not possess a soul (however exceptions can be made depending on circumstances.) Because of this ability monsters act unusually friendly towards Cad, even encouraging him to pet or play games with them, and defend or help him where possible. They feel an instinctive fondness and trust in him that is usually enough to overpower their other hostile instincts except in extreme curcumstances. This ability is not perfect mind control however; if Cad mistreats them or prevents them for achieving a goal they are absolutely set on achieving they can still turn against him, but it is a great foundation to build up a trusting relationship on. However the side effects of this power is that domestic animals, such as cats, dogs, horses and pigeons, instictively feel that cad is a monster and do not like him at all. They will often go out of their way to flee from or make life difficult for him.

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