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=What Are Wealth Points?=
=What Are Wealth Points?=

Revision as of 00:11, 23 May 2022

Wealth Points.jpg

What Are Wealth Points?

Each Wealth Tier has a number of Wealth Points associated with it. These are indicative of how firmly in that Tier you are, and how close you are to the next Tier.

How Can I Use Them?

There are, fundamentally, two things that you can do with Wealth Points. Either spend them on items / goods above your current Wealth Tier as listed in the Shoppe or, you can save them and work towards the next Wealth Tier.

It is important to note that someone having more Wealth Points or less in a particular Wealth Tier has no impact on their lifestyle within that Tier - it is disposable income which might allow for more one off purchases, or it's an indication of working towards a better lifestyle. That's up to you, the player.

How Do I Gain Wealth Points?

You gain Wealth Points in a number of ways:

  • Wealth Thread Each season you can undertake a "Wealth Thread" - this is a thread where you use your identified Wealth Skill for the season.
  • Wealth Points The number of points you have determines your Tier and your disposable income. As a starting PC, your initial Wealth Points are identified below. For existing or returning PCs, please see Grandfathered Wealth
    PCs Starting Wealth Tier Starting Wealth Points
    Tier 1 0 Wealth Points
    Tier 2 6 Wealth Points
    Tier 3 26 Wealth Points
    Tier 4 46 Wealth Points
    Tier 5 66 Wealth Points
    Tier 6 91 Wealth Points
    Tier 7 116 Wealth Points
    Tier 8 141 Wealth Points
    Tier 9 196 Wealth Points
    Tier 10 251+ Wealth Points

  • Other Threads Here on Standing Trials we have many Types of Thread. If, in your thread you have a situation where you might earn one or more Wealth Points, you request that in your Review Request. Please note, however, that you can only do this after you have completed your Wealth Thread for the season and submitted it for review.
  • Moderated Threads if you take part in a moderated thread, be that an event or a one to one moderated thread, the mod in question might choose to give you Wealth Point rewards. That is entirely at Mod discretion, though.
  • Annual Bonus If you complete Wealth Threads using the same Wealth Skill for a full year, you get an "Annual Bonus" - this is 5 Wealth Points the first year, 15 on your second year and 25 Wealth Points on the third year and each year thereafter

How Do I Lose Wealth Points?

There are two ways to lose wealth points. First - spend them! That has already been covered above. The other way to lose Wealth Points is by moderator intervention, perhaps due to the consequences of a modded thread or some other such. Of course - the other thing you can do is give them away!


  • You have one thread a season identified as your Wealth Thread.
  • This thread is associated with your identified Wealth Skill.
  • Your first Wealth Thread earns you 1 Wealth Point. The following season Wealth Thread earns 2, then 3 etc.
  • You can also earn Wealth Points via your usual threads. These can be claimed as Thread Rewards in your Review Request and are threads which earn you wealth. These might be from a second job, an adventure, a gift etc. These are awarded at reviewer's discretion.
  • You can spend or save Wealth Points. They can be spent on items above your Tier in the Price List or saved to indicate you working towards your next Wealth Tier.
  • You must have completed and put for review a Wealth Thread before you get any bonus Wealth Points from other threads.
  • You get an annual bonus if your Wealth Thread is using the same Wealth Skill for a full year.