Western Mounts

Below are the mounts that can be found in various cities around the Western Region. Some of these mounts may be found in other cities; however, Western native mounts may cost more in other locations as they are not as readily available.



Credit: Incubus

Found In: Ne'haer

Information: The Bruxen - often called Brux - are a race of cervidae (deer) that inhabit primarily the forestry surrounding Ne'haer and its suburban towns. Said to be a species enchanted by Qylios, who herself is known as the rider of the Alpha Brux of the Willow Woods, they are a highly intelligent species known to very frequently bond with biqaj, humans and other sapient races dwelling within Ne'haer. The Bruxen are a mount and battle companion, and they hold a special place in the hearts of those who worship and admire the Immortal who made them.

The Bruxen are a very large variant of the cervidae species, and as expected of Qylios' creations, they often exist as the leaders for communities of deer, elks and other members of their animal family. Your average adult male Bruxen is very large and muscular, standing at about one thousand and eighty pounds. The females are less sizable at eight hundred and fifty pounds on average, though respectively both male and female are significantly larger than even the most imposing elk. Males can get to a weight of over 1,700 pounds in extreme cases. Qylios is said to ride a male Brux who weighs over 2,000 pounds.

The animal's hide is known to be very sturdy, and the creatures are highly durable. It is due to their strength, discipline and durability that they are excellent mounts for wartime and travels - and they are considered to be apex predators in the wild if threatened by a carnivore or a human of destructive nature.

Price: If purchasing a domestic Bruxen in Ne'haer, their price is about 750 gn. There are some found for around this price in Argos and Uthaldria, though very uncommonly. Elsewhere, they are usually around 1250 gn, although you'd struggle to find a single one outside of Western Idalos.

Habitat: The Bruxen mostly dwell in the forests and valleys near to Ne'haer. A decent number live in Falcon Haven Forest, The Bend, and the grassy plains surrounding these areas, with some of the population living in the Willow Woods. There are estimated to be about twelve thousand total Bruxen in the wild, with about eight thousand in domestic households or as members of the military of Ne'haer.

As a result of the expansion of Ne'haer and its surrounding territories over time, the Bruxen's historic range of dwelling has been depleted by about fifty percent, and many worry that the creatures will fall to endangerment or even extinction in the wild with Ne'haer's continued growth. Furthermore, due to the megalomania and violence of the Cliffwalkers that dwell in the Willow Woods, the Brux have begun to become endangered in their original home and have depleted significantly in the wild. No matter how many Brux come to aid another in the felling of a Cliffwalker, they tend to be nearly unable to defeat them. Additionally they are slower than these beasts, and so their only option is usually to create a flash of light and attempt to hide.

Lifespan and Development: The Bruxen live to about thirty five years old, reaching full maturity at the age of three. They become self-sufficient at around a year and a half, on average, though many of them form bonds with deer and elk for their mutual survival even as early as eight months old.

The animals become venerable at the age of thirty, unable to properly function. Nearly all of these creatures face extreme hardship later in life, as their body begins to weaken and often becomes incapable of maintaining their weight. Bruxen are prone to illnesses such as eye cataracts, bowel issues and even forms of cancer, though it is said that if one is bonded to an individual close to Qylios that they tend to be significantly healthier and even stronger as a result.

Diet: Like elk, these creatures have four chambered stomachs. The Bruxen survive mostly on fruits and vegetation. They generally survive off of grass year-round, and in the colder seasons consume tree bark and roots. Their diet is very similar to elks as well as their anatomy. The Bruxen consume about 25% more food on a daily basis than an elk does, consuming about 25 lbs (12~ kg) of vegetation daily.

The favorite food of the Bruxen is - as popularly known in Ne'haer - blueberries. The creatures absolutely adore blueberries, with many of them capable of consuming over thirty pounds of it if given the option. They gain a great deal of protein and other nutrients from the food, and are said to be significantly healthier if they maintain a majority blueberry diet. There are many blueberry fields in Treth during particular cycles, and so the Bruxen are known to casually stroll into the town at night and pluck the fields dry. Originally this caused exceptional tension between the farmers of Treth and Ne'haer and the Bruxen, but government subsidies have been given to farms to support the health and development of the species.

Temperament: The Brux are highly docile in the far majority of situations. They are very trusting and tend to allow humans and other races to get near them, even to pet them. Many theorize that this is due to their connection to Qylios, while more scientific minds claim it is due to their durability and strength that they do not fear the sapient races of Idalos. Nevertheless, the creatures are very passive and as a result have been domesticated over the past few centuries.

While quick to trust individuals not to hurt them, the Bruxen are not quick to bond with others. They are often called the 'posh elks', as they tend to believe themselves to be highly worthy animals with an inherent superiority to that of their kin. In the mind of a Brux, no man or woman can tame them, but rather prove to them that they are a worthy comrade. Of course, inevitably, they are weak to blueberries and one who gifts them these fruits can gain immediate favor. However it is by valor and commitment that one truly gains a Bruxen as an ally, and many have imprinted on humans shortly after great feats such as the slaying of a Sylvithia or Lysorian Skinbane, a natural enemy to the survival of the Brux and other animals native to the region.

If engaged upon with intended hostilities, the Bruxen are aggressive but very patient. If they feel threatened they are much more likely to eye you down and slowly poise their battle stance than merely leap out and attack you. One of the issues of the Bruxen is indeed their patience - sometimes they wait too much and react to passively and can be slaughtered before being able to react. Currently they are embroiled in a war of prey vs. predator with the Sylvithia and Skinbanes, and tend to gain immediately hostility upon witnessing one of these monsters.

Abilities: The Brux are known for two abilities: firstly, the ability to manipulate light to their advantage. Secondly, the ability to forge a spiritual bond to an individual, one that portrays danger and threats between they and their companion.

The primary ability of the Bruxen is certainly their light manipulation. While highly limited, they as a species are said to be enchanted by the Immortal of Light and can - quite simply - glow dramatically in the night. When seen in the dark by others, they are at their most beautiful, absolutely lit by a brilliant white-gold aura that dispels darkness for tens of meters around them. They are never disadvantaged by darkness, and this light can - under the right circumstances - shine brightly enough to damage the perception and focus of predators attempting to hunt them. This ability can be shut on and off, allowing them relative camouflage if they wish to sleep enshrouded by darkness.

The second ability of the Brux is the link they may form with their primary companion, whether it be man or animal. This link warns an ally of impending danger faced by the other, and can be used to gauge the peril the Brux or their comrade is facing. Groups of Brux will often assemble if one is attacked by a more powerful predator, and it has recently been discovered to be due to this ability. Often in the wild they will form chain links to more and more Brux, revealing danger faced by one of their own. In some absurd cases, there have been young Bruxen in danger only to have literal dozens of adults rush to their defense, all of them forming these links with one another.

In terms of physical capability, they are known to be quite dominant apex predators if the need arises and are as fast as horses.



Credit: Alistair

Found In: Ne'haer

Information: The Kejradin, pronounced Kaer-ah-deen, is an apex predator and domesticated mount found within the unmarked lands west of Lysoria. Kaernhad represents the only place in the world to carry a significant population of Kejradin, known as the Kaern Wyvern to those far from the region.

The Kejradin is a domesticated beast known for its incredible sense of smell, mobility, and a unique biological trait that allows them to grow horns, splinters and spikes across its body, flinging these at foes with deadly precision. The creature can indeed fly, and is the chosen mount of the Aelothari Horde due to its general excellence and flexibility in combat. Physically, the Kejradin is considered an exceptionally powerful companion, with thick muscles, high agility and fair strength. Notably, the Kejradin are very familial, and tend to form incredibly large families, often treating their human companions and masters as members of their flock.

Price: 1,500 GN, 2,500 Trained

Lifespan and Development: The Kejradin wyvern are born via egg and kept high in the alpine mountains. After hatching, they require two to three years of life before reaching their maturing years and learning how to fly. After about four to five years of age, they are considered adults in their prime, and remain as such until their twenty fifth year. Remaining venerable from this point on, most Kejradin pass away at the age of thirty to thirty five.

Weight: They weigh, on average, about 1,800 lbs (or 816 kg). Male Kejradin tend to weigh about 10-20% more than female Kejradin, and usually sit at about 2,000 lbs (or 907 kg).

Diet: They are omnivores, though they prefer venison and lamb and are often domesticated by feeding them meats and proteins as developing pups.

Temperament: The Kejradin Wyvern are very protective of their family, and can be incredibly territorial. Unfortunately, most are domesticated by slaughtering their parents before them and their fellow pups (the term for their young) are taken in. Most Kejradin are mounts to the Aelothari Horde, a remaining Clan of Lotharro between Gauthrel and Lysoria.

Abilities: The Kejradin can grow spiked bones rapidly from many parts of their body, similar to the Albion of Gauthrel. They can launch these spikes at incredible precision, known to be capable of ripping through armor and puncturing flesh due to the high velocity and force of the flung shards. Additionally, the Kejradin can unfold (or rather expand) a set of wings from its arms at any time and take flight, making it an amiable mount for land and air. The Kejradin is a muscular, agile and durable creature, an incredible warmount far superior to both the Bruxen and Sohr Khal.



Created By: Incubus

Location: Scalvoris and Ne'haer
Native to: Ne'haer
Price: 300 gn in Ne'haer, 400 gn in Scalvoris, 500 gn outside these location is available

Habitat: The Merquestrians can live on both land and beneath the sea, and tend to prefer coastal areas, tropics, grasslands or underwater areas. They are known to get along well with Mer and Biqaj, and so can be found living among large groups of the underwater peoples, or accompanying the human-like navigators on both land and out in the ocean. Generally however they prefer to live above ground as their physiology makes it different for them to fend off large predators such as sharks.

There are an estimated 6,000 wild Equestors living in the grassy plains and coastline surrounding Ne'haer, with several thousand domesticated by breeding farms and explorers. They are a popular mount for pirates, sailors and even the military, as they can get you from a ship to land in a very short period of time. As a result, there is a large following of them growing outside of Ne'haer and so their habitat is expanding consistently.

Diet: As a strange hybrid of seahorse, actual horse, and lionfish, the Merquestrians have a very diverse diet that can consist of seaweed, grass, general vegetation, plankton and other things that underwater and land-walking herbivores live off of.

Lifespan and Development: The Merquestrians live to about 35 years old, slightly longer than regular horses. They reach full maturity at the age of three and remain at nearly peak condition until death.

Similarly to seahorses, the Merquestrians have their babies carried by the males of the species, eggs laying dormant in a pouch kept in the tail evident on the Merquestrian's backside. During this period they tend to be very passive and evasive of heavy duty or riding. This period is significantly shorter than the horse pregnancy duration of eleven months, generally lasting about four and a half months.

Temperament: Like horses in general, the Merquestrians are docile and tend to avoid conflict. When in the wild, they act much as any wild horses and can be broken in similarly, as well as trained similarly. They are very sensitive and fearful of predators, and will often bolt if they feel their life is in danger. The Equestors are also often known to grow very angry and frustrated at things being shoved forcefully into their cylindrical snout, and are no strangers to kicking veterinarians during procedures.

Abilities: The Merquestrians are about as fast on land as other horses, and can swim exceptionally quickly. Their speed underwater rivals that of dolphins, giving them vast commercial usage as ferries and companions in water sports. They are slightly more durable than other horses, and slightly larger than your average horse as well. They possess no unique ability other than their biological dualism.

Note: The Merquestrians are very fast water mounts. Travel times on water with them are half that of a boat, though they must stop and rest and will likely do so on the coast. As such, their nautical travel MUST be alongside a coast, and so they cannot do travel between large bodies of water without consistent land stops in-between. This means they are essentially completely unable to travel between oceans.