Quacia Rebirth Cycle 720 Calendar

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Rebirth Cycle 720 Overview

The Rebirth Cycle

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Cylus: 30 trials

Quacia Specific

Long cold days leave the world in a constant state of twilight. The world suffers sunless for 30 trials an Arc, until the light of Ashan touches it once more, but Quacia finds this time to be a respite from the constant attacks of the Creep who finally fall dormant in the icy sunless weathers.

Some Quacians go so far as to hold parties in celebration of the dark season, and of the moon, in bold curses toward the sun itself.

While Darkness takes hold of the sky, Quacia is left in blood-red glow from the bloodlights through the entire season of Cylus. This causes an increase in Quacians who attend blood prayer at the Theocratum churches through the city. Faith and devotion to the Wounded God is fashionable and considered assumed for any good Quacian citizen.

Snow falls periodically at random times. In the middle of the season, there is a heavy blizzard that creates a thick layer of snow across the city.

Quacians refuse to stop their livelihoods due to the weather, and often make their way out despite the cold, dark, and snow to continue as normal with their work and social obligations.

Ashan: 123 Trials

Quacia Specific

As soon as the sun rises on the first of Ashan, the snows begin to melt. Ice remains in the mornings, often due to a cold mist and fog that lasts until midday.

The first 40 trials of Ashan are rigidly cold during the nights and mornings, which keeps some of the ice around. Ashan is mainly known for its spring weather, gentle breezes, and the rebirth of plant life... but for Quacia, with this means the return of the threat of the sentient plant life (The Creep) as well so it is treated with wariness.

Many Quacians take it upon themselves to search for any budding plants in the city that have managed to take root in the stones. These hard-working citizens rip, stamp, or burn the plants out so they cannot grow. In some parts of Shanty, little effigies of Moseke, Ashan, and Ymiden are made to be burned as some conspiracy believers swear that these Immortals are the cause of the Creep.

In the surrounding areas, beyond the scorched soils, plant life blooms anew like anywhere else.

There is little other precipitation with only a few rain showers for the entire season, but otherwise it is dry. Two thunderstorms occur; the first on Ashan 42 and the second on Ashan 78.

Morning fog is common and often cold. Evening fog is also common, but often warm by comparison. Day skies tend to be overcast and gray, not often blue. Night skies tend to be clear and a vivid display of stars and the moons.

As Ashan progresses, the days length with sunlight and the temperatures warm to comfortable levels. It isn’t too hot, nor too cold, and people are able to wear an assortment of different attire – often opting for layers due to the colder mornings compared to the warmer evenings.

Ashan lasts a total of 123 trials (days) while experiencing pretty moderate weather. As the season closes, the temperature rises, ushering in stronger storms and much hotter weather.



Wedding of King and Queen Arkenstone (1)

1st of Cylus: “Wedding of King and Queen Arkenstone” Hosted on the first of Cylus, and performed in the Citadel of Truth, the marriage of King Estavao and Queen Elvira Arkenstone is an immense ceremony. The entire city comes to a halt in business and trade to attend, witness, or celebrate the grand moment in history.

Only the elite Quacian nobles can attend the actual ceremony in seated form, with the wealthy Quacians kept in sequestered balconies. All others must wait outside the Citadel of Truth until afterward when the Royal Couple show themselves on a public balcony. The couple waves and then kisses, to much cheering and celebration from the citizens and foreigners in the courtyard around the Citadel.

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Masquerade Ball (2)

2nd of Cylus: “Masquerade Ball” The day following the wedding, there is a gigantic masquerade ball held in Fortress. For the first time in a long time, Fortress is opened to those who wish to visit and attend. There are still areas that bar those of non-nobility. Non-citizens cannot enter Fortress still, but it is difficult to monitor the large event and a few undesirables slip past anyway. Everyone is in such a good mood though, that it is considered not too terrible of a crime.

Among the party-goers is every single noble from the Outlying and Surrounding baronies and settlements. In fact, every noble is in attendance to this party. When King and Queen Arkenstone make a visit for about a break, they are greeted by each of the nobles and for each one, a gift is offered to the couple. By the end of the ball, there is an entire room filled with expensive gifts for the royal couple. It is left open, on display, for people to admire the generosity and fealty of the nobility to their monarchs.

Dragoon Draft (12 & on)

12th of Cylus: “Dragoon Draft” A draft is enacted by King Estavao. All male citizens between the ages of 16 and 24 are required to join the Dragoon and serve in the ranks for a minimum of three arcs. This draft is heavily supported by the Theocratum. Most recruits come from Shanty, and it is considered a grace of the new king for along with recruitment comes free room and board, as well as a steady source of good food.

Many young men in these ages who are in the wealthier tiers attempt to find ways around the recruitment through injury, sickness, and similar… but the Dragoons simply set them into support positions instead. It seems that there will be no exceptions found for the wealthy or elite in this matter. A common attitude among parents is to be proud of their child’s necessary contribution to Quacia’s survival and find support for this attitude among congregations in the Theocratum.

Those who attempt to circumvent the draft, either by lying or fleeing, are considered deserters and undergo a special imprisonment intended to re-educate them. The only way to leave this imprisonment is to join the Dragoons, of which many choose to with a surprising vigor that hadn’t existed before. For those who successfully flee, but family remains… the family is fined and in some extreme cases, imprisoned as substitute of the fled individual. These deserters are scorned by almost the entire populace as cowards.

Heretic Executions (21-24)

21st to 24th of Cylus: “Heretic Executions in the Public Square”

For the past four seasons, the Theocratum has been collecting Immortal branded individuals. Now, it is time to clear the dungeon cells.

On a public square in Gleam, The Tribunal brings out the heretics in sets of ten, proclaims their crimes (usually an extensive list, but the most severe being Immortal worship) and then the sentencing of the Church, of which is Anathema for each one. Fire lights Quacia through these trials. Screams and cries of proclaimed innocence, as well as the thick scent of burnt flesh, fill the air.

Many beggars and impoverished people come to keep close to the warmth of the fires and are subsequently converted by Tribunals who offer them food and clean water to join the ranks of the church.

Tax Collection (25-30)

25th-30th of Cylus: “Tax Collection”

King Estavao makes a ruling that additional taxes must be collected in order to preserve and bolster Plenty. Tax Collectors are sent out through the city, to the guilds, businesses, and individual households to claim coin. No one is exempt from this, and the wealthiest are taxed the most while the poorest are expected to give what they can. Some foreigners refuse to pay and are promptly thrown into the dungeons and stripped of all their possessions and wealth. These commandeered possessions are then used toward the royal funds.