

The Näfäkä:

Of all the branches, the Näfäkä is the oldest. The Original Five had all served as a Cuzraj at one point before following their individual motivations to create the other four branches. Gilo'rogar was the only one that remained to lead the Cuzraj in maintaining and building the city after its initial creation. He was the mind behind the great tree wall (dariya snäytx in Xanthean) and the Itọju. Once the city was secure, he and Moseke gave leave for the other four to create their branches.

The Näfäkä is the defensive and offensive group of the Cïkäkkẹn. Although they maintain the wall and develop buildings within the city, the Näfäkä are the first ones that act when evil threatens their borders. If they become overwhelmed or require help, the other branches will aid them in defending Desnind.

When not actively defending their city through force, the Cuzraj will spend their time repairing buildings, planting/growing trees through the use of Sevrath, enchanting the wall with magic, and presiding over minor disputes in the city. A small group of Cuzraj have been trained in the Domain of Attunement. These mages are vigilant in monitoring the mage population within the city. They are not given their own name as it is an unspoken, underhanded job that the Cïkäkkẹn prefers to keep secret.

Rank Requirements:


This position requires moderator approval to join the Näfäkä branch. Once accepted, this becomes the PC's job and requires minimal moderation. Although a second job can still be attained, it is recommended that a PC focus solely on their Cïkäkkẹn position. There are no specific requirements to elevate themselves. Skills that are recommended when becoming an Cuzraj include construction, carpentry, climbing, politics, dancing, singing, musical instrument, unarmed combat and/or weapon of choice, meditation, shield combat, and mount. Defiance and Attunement are pursuable Domain Magics. Sevrath is a required blessing but may be acquired after joining the branch.


This position requires moderator approval and several moderated threads. High levels in the following skills are expected of the Sbälyän:

  • Construction
  • Leadership
  • Meditation
  • Carpentry
  • Three of the following: Unarmed Combat and/or Weapon of Choice, Singing, Dancing, Musical Instrument, Mount, Shield Combat, Politics
  • Optional: Defiance, Attunement

The Sbälyän should be well on their way to becoming an Exalted Sevrath. The intent is for the PC to become one of Moseke's champions and lead Desnind as one of The Five.