



Very rare in Desnind, almost unknown throughout the rest of the world.


Only found in Desnind and the immediate surrounds - basically anywhere that the Nafinju is found.


Due to the rare and sought after nature of Naf-Rush, moderator input is required before purchasing this - and players should be aware that it was always be outside of usual Wealth Tiers, therefore is likely to need to be bartered for or will cost Wealth Points


The spinal fluid of the Nafinju, the odd, "bird-fawn" creature of Southern Idalos, when allowed to dry in an air-tight chamber, becomes a potent, powdered reagent accelerator; speeding the completion of many kinds of chemical processes. Slow-acting poisons or medicines can be greatly expedited, as can many chemical stages of processing in a laboratory setting. This is a very highly sought element, and the nature of the sev'ryn to frown upon the harvesting of parts of living creatures make this a pricey item, rarely sold.


Developed by Nymph