Melrath Rebirth Cycle 720 Calendar

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Rebirth Cycle 720 Overview

Previous Cycle Calendar

The Rebirth Cycle often possess a biting cold that forces the Melrathi to bundle up in thick robes or knitted coats. Snow clings to the ground during this time but the land is not impassable as it can be during the Cold Cycle.

Mornings are bright and laced with frost, forcing many to wait inside or at a fireside until the sun fully rises. As Ashan nears, greenery returns to the nation throughout the forests and mountains. Rains are light and often approach from the direction of the sea in the afternoons.

When interacting with the listed events, or trying to impact the outcomes or direction of various occurrences, please post in Rebirth Cycle 720 Plot Tracker.

If it is something that requires city mod help, specific PC involvement, or modded permission post on the Plot Notes Request

Remember to post on the Rebirth Cycle Roster if your PC will be playing in Melrath this cycle.


Cylus: 30 trials

General Weather

Long cold days leave the world in a constant state of twilight. Living outdoors becomes extremely difficult due to the icy temperatures and flora and fauna suffer during this time. Grass dies making livestock, who need to eat more to survive the harsh conditions, difficult to feed, and a lot of trees fall into dormancy, slowing down their metabolism and energy consumption in order to survive the season until the sun comes up again.

While the days slowly tick on, the sun begins to sink to the horizon before finally being blocked by one of Idalos' slow orbiting moons. The stationary effect of this moon, however, is partly due to the Ellune and their dormant ruler, Treid. His influence over the moons, and his less than favorable views of Faldrun, prevent the moon from showing any light for 30 trials. A curse he enacted to punish Faldrun for his backhanded and wicked ways, Treid was incapacitated by Audrae before he could remove it.

Now the world suffers sunless for 30 trials an Arc, until the light of Ashan touches it once more.

Melrath Specific

Zi’da’s winter was long and harsh. The last few trials of Zi’da were so cold that those unprepared for the weather succumbed to frostbite and eventually, death.

The sun sets for the last time on the last trial of Zi’da. The moon hides it perpetually for all 30 trials of Cylus.

Temperatures plummet in the first 10 trials of Cylus. Blizzards cross over the land, covering the mountains and forests. Bundled up in their holds and houses, Melrathi reminisce about the warmer seasons as if they hadn’t seen them for many arcs. Many private discussions occur at this time of separation from the usual rhythm of society. It seems as if the cold will never leave the land.

Melrath is blanketed in thick layers of heavy snow. All water is frozen over except for the very murky depths where aquatic life waits for the warmer seasons. In this time, the nation of Melrath is united by the ice and snow. No city or town is warmer than the other, though the peaks of the mountains are frigid.

On the 10th of Cylus, the snows stop. Temperatures slowly start to rise despite the lack of sun.

By the 15th of Cylus, along the coastal areas of Melrath, ice starts to thin along the waters. Comparable warmth travels through Raelia. From the Ragnari Towers, the snows gradually melt inward. New streams of narrow river paths and brooks are created during this time, branched off from the Vynmur River, reshaping the land in an event that is familiar to the Melrathi people.

For those that can see the mountains through the dark of Cylus, they are able to see waterfalls that start to descend from the steep slopes and down into the lakes and rivers of Melrath.

No more snow falls after mid-late Cylus. The last half of Cylus is devoted to temperatures returning to normal levels that allow for travel between villages and towns, though precaution is still taken to avoid illness and the like.

By the last trial of Cylus, the bulk of snow had melted away from the lowlands of Melrath. There are still pockets of snow here and there, in the forests, along the riverbanks, etc. but the ground underneath is seen again, and the trees shake away the white dusting. The only exception to this is the higher altitude spots of the Melrath mountains.

Ashan: 123 Trials

General Weather

The first few weeks of Ashan are rigidly cold. Though the sun finally makes its appearance from Cylus, it takes many trials before the ice melts away into puddles, blooming flowers and grass. Ashan experiences a cold period, lasting for a quarter of the season before the temperature finally heats up enough to begin sowing crops for the Arc. Ashan is mainly known for its spring weather, gentle breezes, and the rebirth of plant life. Barren trees slowly sprout buds of leaves and flowers, releasing a green haze of pollen while green grass grows slowly from the wet soil. Dead leaves from the previous season are swallowed up during this cycle, providing nutrients for new life growing from the ground.

Ashan lasts a total of 123 trials (days) while experiencing pretty moderate weather. Later in the season, rain clouds become a common thing, depending on the environment. The temperature begins to heat up while the green haze of pollen dies away and the budding plant life fully sprouts into bushy trees, thick grass, and lively, colorful flowers. As the season closes, the temperature rises, ushering in stronger storms and much hotter weather.

Melrath Specific

The sun returns on the 1st of Ashan. Through-out Melrath, the Hunter’s holiday of Ullried is celebrated from sunrise to sundown. Many rituals are performed by the Aesir in all cities and towns, in conjunction with the Ydalir, to thank the spirits for the cleansing thaw of Cylus and the rebirth that comes with Ashan.

The first forty trials of Ashan, the temperature slowly rises with each trial. The sun lengthens to 10 breaks of day, and it is a warm sun that grants comfort.

Between 40th of Ashan and 50th of Ashan, a rainstorm sweeps through Melrath. It clears away much of the left-over snow and revitalizes the nature. All ice is melted away and spring is obvious.

Grass returns in lush quantities, seemingly overnight, and trees bud with new life. Wildlife is active, and energetic. The birthing season begins around this time, and it can be seen in the baby animals that start to be seen everywhere.

Rains become common, though they tend to be brief and rather warm. Mist is common in the mornings and precedes the rainstorms. It looks as if it is going to be a plentiful harvest season to come and the farmers of Melrath are especially overjoyed by this favorable gift from the spirits.

Through the remainder of Ashan, temperatures continue to stay at warm with chillier mornings and evenings, but comfortable middays. Spring breezes, necessary rains, and an abundance of flourishing nature (including wildlife) reveals that this arc will be one of the best for Melrath in decades.

Anak are frequently witnessed during this time as well, in rather pleasant encounters to do with toiling gardens or farms and other livelihood activities to do with outside. They don’t seem to discriminate between native Melrathi and Outlanders in sharing their joy of Springtime.



Ritual Sacrifices (1 - 14)

1st to 14th of Cylus: “Aesir Ritual Sacrifices”

For the first half of trials in Cylus, the Aesir gather to ritually sacrifice animals – and in some extreme cases, volunteer humanoids – to appease the spirits for a bountiful arc to come. The stories of these rituals are spread by traveling Aesir who visit the towns, settlements, and cities of Melrath to inform the people of how they went. On this arc, the Aesir specifically seek to sacrifice Stormtouched and certain Immortal-Marked individuals in addition to the usual animals and volunteers. While smaller animal sacrifices occur through-out Melrath, there are four major locations where humanoid sacrifices occur to offer the Induks:

Ymir's Mountain (4)

4th of Cylus: Ymir’s Mountain At the foot of the mountain where the Aesir Prophet Espen Kjarr’s pyre-funeral took place, the Aesir sacrifice three individuals by pyre: A Stormtouched crone who had been found wandering the foothills; a young maiden who the Aesir claimed to be Elindria (Edasha Blessed) but proclaimed her innocence to the very end; and a mother who volunteered to be offered to Ymir. In addition to the three women, they blood sacrifice two goats, one lamb, and a healthy male horse.

Vynmur's River (7)

7th of Cylus: Vynmur’s River On the banks of Vynmur River, near Raelia, the Aesir perform a ritual drowning sacrifice of two individuals: One is a Naerikk who volunteered, and the other is a young man who was found to be a necromancer who’d escaped capture in late Vhalar. In addition, they sacrifice a basket of serpents by fire, then blood sacrifice one crow and one dove. Both birds had been raised specifically for this ritual.

Svariella's Stone (9)

9th of Cylus: Svariella’s Stone While normally the ritual takes place on the iced-over lake itself, this arc, the Aesir decide to sacrifice immediately next to the stone that appeared in Vhalar 719. For Svariella, they sacrifice three volunteered Mers, two volunteered Stormtouched, and one Rusalkis Blessed Mer. A storm comes to the lake, during the sacrifice of the Rusalkis Blessed, and violent hail slays a flock of sheep nearby in Alivilda.

The stone grows in size. Svariella makes a fleeting but vivid appearance as a woman made out of rainbows from the stone. Her appearance is considered why the storm vanished. The Aesir consider this a good omen.

Myrkvior's Forest (14)

14th of Cylus: Myrkvior’s Forest The last ritual, and a great number of Myrkvior’s Kin join the Aesir. Over a dozen of Myrkvior’s Kin offer themselves in sacrifice to Myrkvior. The leading Aesir are wary of this… but upon communing with the spirits of the forest, they agree. It marks one of the bloodiest sacrifices in the past century of Melrath as nineteen Myrkvior's Kin give their lives to the rite.

(Players: If you participate in, or witness, any of these rituals, please post in the Plot Tracker)

Yulevri (15)

15th of Cylus: “Yulevri”

The holiday of Yulevri is a time honored tradition that has helped many people survive the dark and cold of Cylus without losing hope. Yulevri is a celebration that is dedicated to reminding people that the long winter is nearly over.

It is expected for loved ones to exchange gifts and typically there will be feasting outdoors. Most villages and cities will host at least one public feast. Most food at public Yulevri celebrations comes in the form of a hearty stew along with a thick slice of fresh bread. Even the poor are invited to partake in these public feasts because all Melrathi believe that no one should be hungry on the night of Yulevri.

The Noble Houses and other wealthy families tend to enjoy finer fare such as delicate seafood bisques along with honeyed and roasted winter vegetables.

Melrathi also take this chance to decorate their homes and towns with garlands made from evergreen branches. It is custom to also make candied pears to gift to your dearest friends and spouses.

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Traveler Tales (18)

18th of Cylus: “Traveler Tales: Storytelling Contests”

In the major cities and holds across Melrath, contests are held for people to tell stories of the past arc and what they witnessed, experienced, etc.

This is a contest with many varied prizes to it (most adventurous, most mysterious, most scary, etc.) that many Outlanders participate in, as most are travelers, and there is an unusual easiness that come from those who gather. Children are especially excited to listen, though eventually, they are sent away so that the adults can share more risqué stories with one another.

On this trial in Fensalir, among the crowd there is sighted a tall, lean man laden in traveling gear and covered in dust despite the snow. He is accompanied by a plain-looking Melrathi woman, who shares many exciting stories about her travels to Ne’haer, Rharne, and Scalvoris. Many are enamored with her stories and the presiding Aesir Loremaster proclaims her the Most Adventurous of Fensalir’s storytelling event.

In the next trial, the couple leaves through the forest and aren’t seen again.

Players: If you plan to directly interact with this couple, please alert a Melrath mod.

Sweet Dreams (20)

20th of Cylus: “Sweet Dreams”

Many people through-out Melrath experience incredibly pleasant dreams. Some are about the Svariella Stone, others are about Vynmur’s River filled with plentiful rainbow trout fish, or Myrkvior’s Forest filled with frolicking wildlife and maidens, or of an ancestral forge in the mountains where a group of blacksmiths labor over what appears to be an extremely important set of armor. No matter what the dreams are about, though, all who have them wake up with unusual but pleasant warmth in their body that remains for a few trials.

Celebrations of Light (20-30)

21st - 30th of Cylus: “Celebrations of Light”

Following the shared experience of the pleasant dreams, Melrathi decide to celebrate the last trials of Cylus. Bonfires are put together, the spirits are worshipped, and there is a ton of drinking. While most Melrath events involve drinking… these trials especially are filled with extreme hedonism that isn’t usually considered acceptable. Stir-crazy due to the cold and dark, many Melrathi walk around the interior of the holds while near-naked (when not bundled under furs together). Extremely loud dancing, drumming, and chanting/singing is common.

For Outlanders new to Melrath though, this is likely startling. Only the adventurous and open-minded find themselves able to make sense of it. Some Outlanders mutter about leaving the nation as soon as the docks reopen to the public and the coastal waters are cleared for safe travel. Others proclaim that they might never leave this wonderful place!

Food and alcohol stores from the cold season are at a bare minimum, if not cleared out during these trials.


Ullried (1)

1st of Ashan: “Ullried: The Hunter’s Holiday” The first trial of spring is especially sacred to the people who live in the Wilds of Melrath, as well as the citizens of Vorkund. On this trial people celebrate the return of warmth and life by hosting a hunt with fellow family members and loved ones.

The Hunter's Holiday as it is sometimes called is when the hunters of Melarth go out into the wilderness to bring home the first kills of spring. Hunters will wake before sunrise in order to get an early start in order to have the best chance at finding game in the wilds. It is high discouraged on this trial for hunters to kill pregnant female animals, and are instead directed only to hunt the males of whatever quarry they are seeking. This is to ensure that the animal population is still able to successfully reproduce. It also works to cull male populations so to keep large herd animals from becoming overpopulated.

Hunters are allowed to make three kills each of whatever animal they wish, as to ensure that the culling is not too extreme. Hunters often prefer to carefully choose their three targets so they will be as impressive as possible. This tends to result in larger and older male quarry being chosen.

The Ullried hunt concludes at sundown when the spoils of the hunt are brought home to be cleaned and prepared for a feast the following trial. It is during this time that kills are compared and the hunters sit around fires telling stories and enjoying themselves. Hunters who bring home the most impressive kills in a family are always rewarded with the best cuts of meat the following trial along with copious amounts of their favorite beer, or wine during the feasts.

Svariella’s Chosen (2 & On)

2nd of Ashan: “Svariella’s Chosen” A settlement is built to the northwest of Lake Svariella, across from Alvilda. This is the start of what will be home to a group that calls themselves Svariella’s Chosen. Many of this group were Stormtouched, and were around for the Battle of Svariella’s Stone against Myrkvior’s Kin in Vhalar. Families of Stormtouched also gather, and soon, other outsiders start to come to help build the commune. They swear by the healing properties of the Svariella’s Stone.

Svariella’s Chosen adorn themselves in humanely plucked colorful feathers and scales. They dye cottons and furs into brilliant colors that mimic rainbows. They are always looking to purchase resources of powders, dyes, and the like so that they can make their clothing and their settlement as vibrantly colorful as possible. They dye their hair to bright and unnatural colors.

Within the settlement, there can be witnessed singing, dancing, along with the daily labors to prepare for the next cold season already. Many of Svariella’s Chosen garden or fish. Bells are strung up along the perimeter of Svariella’s Chosen’s settlement, that ring whenever a wind comes through. Salt is also very common, packets and pouches placed at the entrance thresholds of their temporary fences.

Svariella’s Chosen are incredibly friendly if approached. They are jovial people despite the hardships they have endured, and they will eagerly invite any PCs to join them in their settlement, to live among them, and contribute to what they say will become a new city in Melrath. Many of the Chosen visit Alvilda to try and convince the town to trade with them or to merge with them to grow their population numbers.

The only thing about Svariella’s Chosen that seems antagonistic, is that they do not allow the Ragnari into their settlement and will stand their ground to ward away any attempts of the Ragnari to enter. They allow the Aesir and Ydalir entrance though. It is very common for groups of 3-4 Svariella’s Chosen to wander along Lake Svariella and try to convince travelers to join the settlement. There is no obvious leader to this settlement either, no Jarl or anything resembling the sort. Decisions in the settlement are made by Svariella’s Chosen sitting in circles around the Svariella Stone and communing until a course of action or answer is agreed upon.

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Spring Fever (20-120)

20th – 120th of Ashan: “Spring Fever” During these hundred trials, the spring season is heralded by the arrival of newborns. The wildlife and people of Melrath alike experience a boon of new life and the next generations. Most births of the arc will occur during these trials.

Healers who specialize in midwifery, and animal husbandry handlers who specialize in livestock, will find themselves extraordinarily busy. It seems every trial there is a new birth to be celebrated among families. For those social sorts, they will find this a good reason to visit with friends or family.

Grant Hearings (21 - 30)

21st - 30th of Ashan: “The Circle holds Grant Hearings” In Raelia, the Circle allows for nine trials of public hearings in which anyone can come before the Circle without appointment or notification, to speak their mind for a set five bits. Most Melrathi use this time to request funds for their projects or homes. All towns tend to send a handful of representatives to present the current state of their town and what they need to grow in the coming arc.

Along with the Circle, all the noble Jarls, attend these hearings. Sometimes if a Jarl hears a request that the Circle denies, they will contact the individual later to offer assistance.

On this arc, there are a couple notable differences that are soon gossiped about among the Melrathi people:

The Aesir Representative on the Circle used to be Espen Kjarr. With his death, he has been succeeded by a woman known as Prophet Qiana Lani. She is known to be a fair-minded Traditionalist, rather than a Modernist like Kjarr was. Little else is known about her, other than she was born in the village of Noatun.

Jarl Serena Crovan is seen with a prominent baby bump, though she acts as tough as she often does. She is witnessed trading scathing words with Jarl Amelie Veldaris on the last night of the hearings, only to be interrupted by Jarl Jerith Gofrith.

In a shocking display of brusqueness, Jerith publicly tells Amelie that her mind games won’t work anymore and to not upset his wife. Amelie doesn’t seem affected by the stern warning but leaves soon after and isn’t seen again until many trials after.

The Bloom (45)

45th of Ashan: “The Bloom” The last of the snow has finally melted during rainstorms that cross over Melrath from the sea. Seemingly overnight, through the fields and foothills and meadows throughout Melrath, grass turns green and wildflowers appear fully grown and already in bloom. Pollen fills the air, and insects start to return. It is a magical and unexpected event, but the Melrathi consider this a sign that the spirits are happy.

The Return of Mages (50)

50th of Ashan: “The Return of Mages” The Circle makes a ruling on the nation’s decision regarding the mage population of Melrath.

Mages are still to be marked, though the testing will be done in a conjunction of three phases between the Aesir and the Syns rather than solely one or the other. In addition to marks and paperwork, there will also be a registry of mages and in addition to declaring their domains, their living quarters must be known by the Melrath government.

Unregistered mages are considered criminals, but there will be only monetary and similar punishments if they come forth to register. Executions of mages, based solely on their magic status, are outlawed. For those registered mages, they are considered protected as any other citizen would be.

Many mages who disappeared on 112th of Vhalar return to society. They don’t speak about what happened though, and many don’t ask. There are a lot of heart-warming reunions between families, as well as some tragedy for those who don’t seem to be returning.

The Immortal Issue (51 - 71)

51st to 71st of Ashan: “The Immortal Issue” In Raelia, the Circle opens to the public once again. Almost all the Jarls are in attendance for a good portion of the trials, though they also come and go. Jarl Crovan is noticeably missing.

This time, the open floor is specifically to hear testimonies about issues of Immortal Worship, Blessings, Curses, and the like. Melrathi and Outlanders are encouraged to come forth and share their beliefs, opinions, and experiences in relation to Immortals.

Any testimonies shared during this time, in Raelia before the Circle, will impact the direction of Melrath’s government.

(Players: If you participate in this, especially if your PC gives testimony, please post in the Plot Tracker)

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Tournament of Plants and Potions (75)

75th of Ashan: “Tournament of Plants and Potions” In Fensalir, House Namdalen and House Magnus decide to host a tournament.

It is meant to serve as a recruitment drive for Ydalir rangers and herbalists, as well as alchemists for House Magnus.

Jarl Sebastian Magnus, and the recovered Jarl Samuel Namdalen (who’d spent Cylus poisoned from the assassination attempt in late Zi’da), are both in attendance along with other prominent members of their noble houses.

The tournament structure is simple. This can be Self-modded, just follow the structure below. There are two groups: one for Herbs and the other for Alchemy.

Herbs and Medicines

Challenge One: Identify different unique plants set before the participants. These plants are Melrathi in origin, though a few Outlander plants are also included to create challenge. Those who identify most of the plants continue to the next challenge.

Challenge Two: The participants are sent to the surrounding wilderness for two trials. They are meant to come back and put together a salve. The salve can be for anything, but the more beneficial or wide-ranged in use it is, the better. Those who fail at putting together a salve, or create something that is harmful, are dropped from the tournament.

One haughty woman is found cheating by having purchased a salve instead of harvesting the ingredients for herself. She is sternly chided by Jarl Magnus in front of everyone, much to the obvious amusement of Jarl Namdalen.

Challenge Three The remaining participants have three trials to create anything at all… but Jarl Namdalen requests that it might be something to help the lingering effects that the poison left in him after surviving the assassination attempt.

For those who think to inquire, he shares his symptoms in private and they are as follows: insomnia and nightmares for when he does sleep, a dry and itchy rash on his backside, occasional fevers in the evenings, brittle nails that break easily, an intolerance for pig and cow meats, food tasting similarly bland, and sometimes he loses his sight for five to ten bits at a time.

If your PC reaches this level and creates something to help Jarl Namdalen, please post in the Plot Tracker

Alchemy and Potions

Challenge One: Identify different unique alchemical ingredients set before the participants. These range from all over as to where they originate and mostly include powders and reagants. Those who identify most of the items continue to the next challenge.

Challenge Two: The participants are given two trials to create a potion with ingredients they have to acquire themselves. The potion can be for anything, but the more beneficial or wide-ranged in use it is, the better. Those who fail at putting together a potion, or create something that is harmful, are dropped from the tournament.

An elderly man accidentally causes an explosion, burning down the house he was conducting his work in. He is badly burned but survives. Jarl Magnus and Jarl Namdalen visit him and offer their respective houses to aid in his recovery.

Challenge Three: The remaining participants have three trials to create anything at all… but Jarl Namdalen requests that it might be something to help the lingering effects that the poison left in him after surviving the assassination attempt.

For those who think to inquire, he shares his symptoms in private and they are as follows: insomnia and nightmares for when he does sleep, a dry and itchy rash on his backside, occasional fevers in the evenings, brittle nails that break easily, an intolerance for pig and cow meats, food tasting similarly bland, and sometimes he loses his sight for five to ten bits at a time.

If your PC reaches this level and creates something to help Jarl Namdalen, please post in the Plot Tracker

Birth of Svaria and Myrvia (76-80)

76th of Ashan: “The First Offspring of Jarl Crovan and Jarl Gofrith is born”

It’s twins! On the morning of the 76th, in Raelia, two girls who are born to Jarl Serena Crovan and Jarl Jerith Gofrith. The father promptly names them Svaria and Myrvia, after the Induks Svariella and Myrkvior.

This is an extremely major event for Melrath nobility, and the Houses go into a great deal of gift-giving and visits to House Gofrith and House Crovan respectively. As such, celebrations occur through-out Melrath as the news quickly spreads.

Fool’s Trial (80)

80th of Ashan: “Fool’s Trial” Vynmur dances in the dreams of those prone to mischievous or artistic natures in the trials leading up to what becomes known as Fool’s Trial.

Those who follow Vynmur travel about and perform practical jokes and tricks on any they come across.

For every joke, trick, or creative act successfully performed during the trial of the 80th, on the morning of the 81st, they find a silver nel inside their left shoe. (3 tricks = 3 silver nels, etc.)

Spring Fair: Fensalir (85)

85th of Ashan: “Spring Fair: Fensalir” A traveling fair begins in Fensalir, created by many different people – Melrathi and Outlanders alike – with tents and caravans. There is an assortment of offerings among the fair, from food to performances to trade goods. There are goat races and sheep shearing contests, drum circles and dance lessons, selections of fashionable garb and gathered plants. There are cooking, baking, sculpting, gardening, and similar contests.

A character could buy or sell anything during this fair. There is almost no limit to what can be found here, and even an underworld element seems to be part of it in trade of more illicit goods. The city guard looks the other way for the trial though, keener to enjoy the festivities of spring.

The Great Journey (96)

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96th of Ashan: “The Great Journey” The Ydalir are seeking hunters and rangers willing to scout and travel through the wilderness. They send out a notice through Melrath that a long-distance race will be had, to help find anything lost over the cold season, any changes to the land, and to map untracked areas.

There are prizes for this race; and participants are set in groups of five.

Groups are split with:

  • Two Hunters
  • One Cartographer
  • Two Scouts.

They are given three ribbons of different colors, braided together, then they must seek out ribbons of that tri-color combination in the wilderness to find their specific route through Melrath.

Everyone will start in Fensalir, and then travel out from there. No matter the unique paths, each group will travel a complete loop around the entire nation. In cities and towns, they can recover and regather supplies but otherwise are on their own. Mounts are acceptable to be used.

Prizes are awarded upon having returned to Fensalir with the following:

  • a completed detail map of the path set for them by the ribbons.
  • a scouts’ account on what they discovered along the way.
  • the wildlife game that the hunters saw, and one trophy kill.

If all three of these items are presented, the entire group will be offered to join the Ydalir at the rank of Scout (20 points).

If only two of the items are presented, the group will be given a one-time reward of a tier-appropriate weapon or armor set.

If only one of the items is present, the group will be given a free hot meal and treated with pity.

(Players: If you participate in this event, please post in the Faction Claim Thread)

Demonstrations in Raelia (102-105)

102nd of Ashan: “Demonstrations in Raelia” In Raelia, a demonstration takes place of people who lost family or loved ones during the mobs of Vhalar, to Myrkvior’s Kin, or in the sweep of 112th Vhalar known as The Cure. Some proclaim that there are still people missing, that they aren’t dead, that they are being imprisoned and that the Circle knows about it. They demand to find out.

Unlike the mobs of last cycle however, these demonstrations are purposefully peaceful. They are obstructionist, in that they block up the streets and force some businesses to shut down in the meanwhile. The demonstrators march through Raelia for three trials, chanting and proclaiming that Melrath needs to be more open-minded and compassionate in regard to people who are different from the ordinary Melrathi person.

Svariella’s Chosen are seen among the demonstrators, willingly talking with anyone who wishes to speak with them and inviting people to leave Raelia and come to the settlement. When they leave on the 106th of Ashan, there are about a hundred-and-fifty people who depart with them – many who were too poor to persist living within Raelia.

Spring Fair: Raelia (105)

105th of Ashan: “Spring Fair: Raelia” A traveling fair visits Raelia, after going through the smaller settlements and towns on the way, created by many different people – Melrathi and Outlanders alike – with tents and caravans. There is an assortment of offerings among the fair, from food to performances to trade goods. There are goat races and sheep shearing contests, drum circles and dance lessons, selections of fashionable garb and gathered plants. There are cooking, baking, sculpting, gardening, and similar contests.

A character could buy or sell anything during this fair. There is almost no limit to what can be found here, and even an underworld element seems to be part of it in trade of more illicit goods. The city guard looks the other way for the trial though, keener to enjoy the festivities of spring.

Yggdrasil (120)

120th of Ashan: “Yggdrasil” In the depths of Myrkvior’s Forest, a tree can be seen from all places in Melrath.

This tree surpassed the forest canopy in early Ashan and hasn’t stopped growing since. By 120 Ashan, it towers over Melrath, almost as large as Ymir’s Mountain, casting shadows over the forest. Clouds gather around its lush branches. Only wildlife seems able to get near it, for any who fly near or travel toward it vanish and are not seen again.

The Ragnari, Ydalir, and Aesir have put together an expedition team to explore the area around this tree and try to figure out why it is growing at such an accelerated rate.

They will take any volunteers to aid in this exploration, but warn that there are dangers involved - the most immediate of which is that those who go to explore may never return...

Players can join this plot by signing up for the "Yggdrasil" event by February 15: here.