Magic Mutations Sintih Rathaan


Spark Theme & Persona

Theme: Non-physical movement/traveling, Validation/Attention seeking

Spark Persona: Perspicacious Royalty


Sintih's Rupturing Spark considers itself to be of royal blood and an all-knowing presence. As such, it should be well and high above any other potential Sparks. It quantifies its Kingdom mostly as the knowledge gained by its vassal and thus pushes them to expand their knowledge, ever on the lookout for more, ever greedy. While part of its Kingdom is also the space it has traversed, like a proper King, the spark is more content to remain in a single place for longer, accepting mental traveling as a substitute for physical traveling. Being the Perspicacious Spark that it is, it finds that finishing a good book, learning new things, remembering the past in detail or improving skills are as satisfying as an overland journey to another city or a long distance rupture are for other, plebeian Rupturing Sparks. But when it feels neglected or no longer considers itself to be at the top, the Spark will order, direct or even force its vassal to focus on it, often rupturing the vassal away from things or rupturing things away from the vassal that aren't improving the Royal Spark.



It is important that everyone knows when the king is arriving so that they can prepare to prostrate themselves before him. Aware of the fact that it is more difficult to react properly to the sudden appearance of royalty through a ruptured portal, the Magnanimous Spark has decided to help out its retainers. Instead of producing a sharp tearing noise, which frightens future subjects and makes them forget to prostrate, The king's ruptures resound with a majestic fanfare of trumpets, bells, flutes, harps, violins, drums and angelic voices. Depending on the intention of the rupturer, the fanfare varies. Small, short range and/or temporary ruptures like Portholes and Blinking would create little more than a soft chime or hum while larger, long range and/or longer lasting ruptures like Gateways and Rends can produce an entire fanfare as long as they remain open. Because it is important that future subjects have time to prepare, these fanfares precede the opening of a rupture by several moments, depending on the intention of the rupture. Beacons, being a more unique type of rupture, produce no sound when being anchored but produce a fanfare akin to that of a Gateway, often lasting long after the Beacon portal has closed down.

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An Exalted Empire: Every ruler wants their legacy to be the one to last through the ages and to be gazed upon in awe by others for as long as possible. When a king directs creation it should be done to last, for permanence, not to rise and fall in the blink of an eye. Ruptures large enough to fit a full sized person through it or ruptures intended to last more than a few trills become anchored in reality by the Royal Spark's desire for a lasting legacy. These exalted portals remain in place once the Spark's vassal stops concentrating on them, doubling their intended duration and their intended ether use. While building a kingdom might seem an expensive task and a drain on resources, it is also something that will be observed and admired by many, reinforcing their loyalty to the Exalted Empire, thus making it an investment, rather than an expense. The more subjects are around to observe this majestic display of the Spark's legacy, the more streamlined and easier it becomes to expend resources on it, lowering the amount of ether needed to maintain the Exalted Empire. Having looked for inspiration in its own kingdom, the Spark has found it in the memories of its first vassal. Ruptures will have their edges hardened and decorated in full with an awe-inspiring wild growth of light-purple crystals. These crystal edges are strong enough to hold against accidental brushes through them, preventing an accidental collapse, but anyone intending to breach the edge and collapse the rupture on purpose won't find any difference between the Royal Spark's ruptures and that of Plebeian Sparks.

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