Magic Mutations Sephira Blackwood
Spark Theme & Persona
Sephira's eyes gleam with motes of crimson light any time she looks at a distance more than 200 or so feet. It's as if her Spark is reaching out and preparing to portal her to her destination, as a result her eyes glow with flecks of light, as if from miniature portals.
Emotional Mirror
Sephira's Spark has grown entangled in her own emotions, both to benefit and disadvantage. When frightened, her spark is jumpy and has a tendency to open up blinking portals suddenly with any slight movement of her hand to respond to any danger. When angry, her portals will be louder and more aggressive, when sorrowful they tend to jump shorter distances and last even less time than ordinary, and while joyous her blinking portals take her farther, as if the Spark wants to show off for her. Through discipline and keeping her emotions under control, Sephira can mitigate the worst of these Spark mood swings, but the Spark is beginning to respond with her, feeling what she feels, and flares in kind.
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Due to her use of Skystepping, Sephira's Rupturing Spark has developed a mutation along the length of her feet that has melded them permanently with a pair of sky steps. They appear as very obvious but faintly glowing crimson red markings along her arch, heel and ball of her foot. These Skysoles are essentially very small portals that are also strangely always enacting a weak Pull upon themselves. This allows Sephira to basically be lightly "glued" to the ground by the effect of the Skysoles. She is harder to knock off her feet and capable of even briefly running on walls. It allows her a freedom of movement that she has never experienced before due to the magic gravitational effect of the mutation. (This works off her Spark's theme of Freedom)
However there is a drawback, the strength of the Pull can often fade in and out , meaning that sometimes she is unable to execute such feats of acrobatics. The strength of the Pull effect can also increase to the point that she is fully glued to her spot from a few trills to a few bits before being released. Further, Sephira can sometimes find leaves, dirt and other bits of refuse in excess, clinging desperately to her boots or to her feet because of the effect.
Because her emotions are closely tied to her Spark, the fluctuations of the Skysoles strength are highly dependent on them. Anxiety and fear can leave the power of the Skysoles drained and incapable of functioning. Extreme fear can cause them to become completely erratic, going from moments of having no effect to having far too strong of an effect and rooting her where she stands. More aggressive emotions such as anger will cause them to increase in strength so she can cling to walls for longer, but this will obviously expend more ether to maintain the Pull effect. Less tumultuous emotions such as calm or happiness will cause the Skysoles to behave with the typical moderate level of effect.
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The Spark desires freedom. In its time within Sephira it has noted and learned that those she cares for and has duty towards will keep her rooted in one place. The spark, conversly, abhors the idea of being in one place for any given length of time and has evolved a response to keep its host on their toes. This mutation takes effect in three ways, three defense mechanisms the Spark has evolved. First, when Sephira has remained in one place or with one person for too long, the Spark will awaken in her a strong wanderlust. She will feel drawn to travel in order to satisfy the Spark. This is the first methodology of defense. Should she continue to have interaction and deepen her relationship, then the spark will utilize its secondary defense. This secondary defense involves a 'relocating' of her emotions. While some would suggest this as an Empathy drawback, the nature is still the transport of one thing to another place. The Spark will sometimes 'teleport' her attachment or emotions to another nearby person. Often this involves transferring strong emotions to a relative stranger in the hopes it will draw her away from her actual object of affection. These effects are temporary, but usually trigger whenever Sephira has a truly intimate moment with another and only powerful discipline or meditation can keep her from running away with her emotions. The final defense of the Spark is more physical whereas it will randomly create pull portals to draw in and teleport one who Sephira feels strongly about as far away as possible.
While seemingly only a drawback, this defense also allows the Spark to guard against mental effects from marks and Empathy magic, 'teleporting' emotional concern to other targets to keep Sephira from staying rooted in one place.
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Rupturer's Body
Rupturing is a magic of thinning. It separates the barriers of distance. A Rupturer can often embody their art, appearing to grow thinner, lithe, almost otherworldly in appearance. As the Spark takes more and more of Sephira, it changes her to suit its needs. Sephira grows almost half a foot taller, her arms and legs stretching out delicate and nimble. Although she appears almost dangerously thin, she is healthy but does not seem able to put on any weight. This is a fairly drastic change as it will be clear to those around her that she is no longer precisely human.
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