Magic Mutations Netzach Embersoul
Spark Theme & Persona
Theme: 'Grandeur'. The Spark enjoys displays of its power. It enjoys doing things mere mortals cannot. And it severely enjoys expressing its power in a manner that others are helpless to oppose it.
Persona: The spark likes to be center stage, finding great pleasure in bringing Netzach's fantasies of grandeur to life. Every step of the way it wishes to make its presence known, to mark its Dominion over life, over all[/] life.
"Cold blooded", Netzach is always cold to touch, a few degrees colder than normal, like a corpse slowly losing its warming life force. Netzach never catches a cold or a fever, his body accustomed to being a bit colder than normal. However on the other hand, he cannot stand the heat of Saun or general hot and humid places. Paradoxically he feels more comfortable being wrapped up in the heat, to protect him from direct contact with the rays of the sun.
Ravenous Soul: Netzach's spark desires to rule over all. So much so that sometimes it forgets its domain is over the dead. Whenever Netzach has extreme anger, hate, desire to kill or any negative emotion pointed towards someone, they will begin to feel a pricking against their soul, as the spark of Necromancy pokes and prods in, trying to take control of the body but finding the soul within it still operant. The individual feels this as a sensation similar to the feeling of being stared, or watched, and instantaneously feels their attention drawn towards Netzach, who would be staring at them.
In addition, as the vehicle of this mutation is the eyes, Netzach's irises are tinted red when this mutation is activated, as well as during the use of Necromancy. The redness grows to the point glowing slightly, being visible in pitch black, when he uses his power to the fullest (Whatever level he is at currently). The mutation requires Netzach to stare at someone. The target must be within the field of vision. Edit: The mutation can be resisted and controlled with discipline (Expert)
"Follow the leader": Netzach's thralls react and respond to heightened states of emotions. When Netzach feels anger, they may growl and gnash their teeth, flexing or balling their clawed hands. When ecstatic, they will mirror it by growling to the skies. Even with his fear, they may act more pensive and fearful, on edge as though ready to act as meatshields for their liege.
Netzach's own shadow is not exempt from this either, often betraying his true feelings, an extension of being used as a Haunt. At usual levels of emotions, these signs may be small, like his shadow shaking its head dismissively while Netzach himself pretends to agree to some farce, growing large and menacing as he intimidates some hapless innocent, or tensing up as though ready to fight when confronted by a hated foe. At higher levels it becomes much more noticeable. His shadow flailing or lashing about in anger, or whatever other gesture symbolizes his feelings best in that moment.
All these expressions of this mutation can be kept under control by his necromantic link, with a meditation or discipline of Expert or more. This would however require attentiveness, and a conscious effort to restrain them beforehand. If this slips his mind even for a moment, the thralls and his shadow will express themselves according to his true feelings.
Spark Theme & Persona
Theme: 'Introspection', fairly self explanatory, the Spark wishes to know as much as it can, especially about itself and the nature of magic. Netzach mirror's this with his fascination with the new magics he holds.
Persona: The spark is amicable with its neighbours, other Sparks, and is willing to play second fiddle if it means gaining more knowledge about magic as a whole. It desires to learn more about everything, and first and foremost, about itself and the nature of magic.
Puzzle eyes, a set of striations in the eyes
Attunement has no awakenings built into the magic advancement.