Magic Mutations Mel'drin


Spark Theme & Persona

Theme: Virtue

Persona: The Knight Mel'drins Attunement spark eyes The Dragon, the spark of Transmutation, with suspicion. The Knight is a more gentle spark, interested in exploring humans and understanding them. It's brings some needed balance to Mel'drins soul. It's nature is to empathize and protect, to uplift the joyous Notes that thrive in peace and harmony. It permits violence, sometimes necessitates it, in order to ease the discordant Notes found in the world and in the minds of humans, but never in excess.


Puzzle Eyes (Taken From Wiki) If one looks closely, they will find that Mel'drins pupils and sclera are divided by a myriad of proportionate lines, almost as though the eyes were deconstructed and placed back together. These ‘Puzzle Eyes’ are the only way to identify an Attuner without magic or their own admission.






Spark Theme & Persona

Theme: Ambition Mel'drins Transmutation spark is all too happy to find itself attached to someone willing to push themselves to extremes over a fear of weakness. It will guide this inclination in Mel'drin, and tempt him with the power of Transmutation.

Persona: The Dragon The Dragon is a symbol of power and prestige. It laughs at The Knight and its subtle attempts to guide their host. This spark knows its destined for greatness. The world will know of it, either through fear or awe. With Mel'drin as its vessel, the Dragon will reach the pinnacle of Transmutation. Qualities will be its hoard, Ether its fiery weapon, and Idalos its domain to change as it sees fit.

Cosmetically, Mel'drins ether takes on the form and movement of an ephemeral white flame. This is most evident to those who can see or sense ether directly, but also becomes apparent with techniques just as Brilliance and Ether Missile where his ether becomes visible to the naked eye.


A Fire Lighted

Though too dim to be seen in the light, the scars across Mel'drins body glow and flicker as if a white flame burns within him.



Dragons Breath The Dragon has a penchant for the destructive aspects of transmutation, particularly Corrosion. The Dragon urges Mel'drin to unleash this technique. If he fails to resist and uses Corrosion, he is met with euphoria and a rush of focus that allows him to concentrate on casting for a short time. If the mage is not careful, this could easily lead to an overuse of the technique, addiction, and overstepping. If he wants to have a chance to resist The Dragons influence, the mage will need to increase his Meditation or Discipline. Using Corrosion will let the urge abate for a time as well, but The Dragon will eventually hunger for more.

