Magic Mutations Mathias Blackwood


Spark Theme & Persona

The Renovator

His Transmutation spark is one that carries a deep desire to improve the things around it rather than Mathias himself. It doesn't feel like it is at home inside Mathias's body as a result of his Umbral Hone spark and as a result it's mutations are generally outwards reaching. His spark believes it is improving things, but how is a spark to know that a steel ball was not meant to bounce like a rubber one? It has to learn... and Mathias has to teach it. [Approval]


A Crack In The Brand

Mathias's witchmark for Transmutation is a jagged silver scar stretching diagonally across his rune of naming. This mark formed when Sylvia's ether missile hit Mathias's rune of naming during his initiation into Transmutation. When Mathias casts transmutation magic his silver scar glows slightly but it does not when he uses Hone. [Approval]



The Ether-Man

As Mathias grew to competency with his transmutation magic his spark imparted a physical change with the intention that it would help motivate Mathias to continue practicing and improving the things around him. All of the veins in Mathias's hands began to glow a bright silver color. The glow is so intense that the veins in his hands can be clearly seen glowing beneath the skin and emit a small light passively. Mathias has found that he can channel ether into his hands to increase the glow relative to how much ether he pours into it (which is truly just an extension of the magic's brilliance ability). Additionally when Mathias is utilizing identity and transmuting materials the glow increases (once again relative to the ether he is expending). [Approval]


A Carpenter At Heart

Before he was initiated Mathias spent much of his free time carving wood into useless trinkets to keep himself occupied or entertained. After he became a transmutation mage Mathias's spark noted how frequently Mathias came into contact with wood and adapted accordingly so that when he reached competency in the magic, it would become easier to utilize the magic on wood. This mutation allows Mathias to learn qualities from wood much more easily than other materials and even makes it a little more difficult for Mathias to learn qualities of metals due to his sparks growing preference to the softer and more easily changed wood. It also allows Mathias to transmute and sculpt wood with a much lower risk of flaws forming but it also increased the risk of flaws forming when he attempt to transmute materials other than wood. He often finds that the flaws which form are in some way related to wood. A metal sword may take on the appearance of a wooden one or learn to break like a stick should Mathias know the appropriate qualities of wood. Lastly, Mathias finds that wooden objects which he transmutes tend to last about twice as long before succumbing to the natural decay. [Approval]


The Midas Curse

Mathias's spark has misunderstood what makes gold valuable. When Mathias collected the qualities of gold, he thought too much about his own personal desire to gather piles and piles of it. His spark interpreted this to mean that gold, while being a softer metal, must have had some unseen value. Consequently when Mathias became and expert in Transmutation and his spark mutated beyond his control again, it chose to alter Mathias's touch so that whatever he touched with his hand would be transmuted to the color of gold. This is an almost entirely negative mutation if one does not consider a bunch of glittery objects a worthy trade off for the random ether drainage. Items transmuted this way are prone to the same decay as intentional transmutations. [Approval]

The Dominant Spark

When Mathias reaches mastery in transmutation, his transmutation spark begins to exert it's will over his Hone spark. As a result whenever Mathias pours his ether into a rune on a non-organic substance, the ether transmutes the rune into a different material rather than causing it to glow. The catch is that Mathias has to inscribe the rune in a material that is stronger than the one he is writing on. For example if Mathias were to inscribe a rune on an iron wall his spark would automatically sift through it's knowledge and inscribe the rune using a stronger metal like steel, but it would not replace it with a softer metal like gold. When the runes are applied to organic substances they now take on a silver glow identical to the witchmark across Mathias's rune of naming rather than the blue glow that they had been prior. In the case that Mathias's spark does not know a stronger material, he will find himself unable to place a rune on the surface. [Approval]