Magic Mutations Llyr Llywelyn
Spark Theme & Persona
Ether Acrobat
From the darkness of ignorance, raised up through the illumination of a greater world provided to him by his mentor, Llyr has spiritually extended himself to become flexible in body, heart, mind, and soul. He has witnessed the dreamscape of Emea, he has spoken idealistic visions of the future, and he has challenged his body past its limits to bend further and further, yet never break.
Elegance defines the Ether Acrobat spark, an expression of grandiose beauty through swift adaptation. Defined by an unquenchable desire to reach lofty heights and contort in all ways unimaginable, limitations and obstacles merely represent stimulating challenges to surpass and overcome for the Ether Acrobat. [Approval]
Based on suggested Transmutation brands/witchmarks and his pure Biqaj blood, when Llyr undergoes intensely dominant emotions (such as heightened rage, sorrow, fear, lust, etc.), the varying pigmented colors of the irises of his eyes become so saturated that they softly glow in the same hue. The white of his orbs shimmer and glitter while the glow is active. If the emotion becomes strong enough, the hue has the potential of breaking past the barrier of the iris and subsuming the entire shape of the eye until the emotion lessens. [Approval]
Crystalline Legs
The Shape of Things
Gossamer Wings
Sense of Wealth
Rorschach Limbs
Dance of Ether
Iridescent Aura
Spark Theme & Persona
Mistress Magpie
Aware of the greater worlds, Llyr - also known as Mister Magpie - has encountered acts of primitive conflict, territorial possession, and experienced the instincts of savage men. By trying to blend his body to act as a vessel for legacy, the spark has defined its purpose around creating indelible material change within Idalos. Mistress Magpie seeks to originate, transform, propagate, and subsequently evolve the design of her creations. [Approval]
Gossamer Tattoo
A Becomer's witchmark on both sides of his torso along his waist and ribcage, translucent and iridescent in color, they shimmer in branching spirals of morphic design that resemble the venation of his gossamer wings. [Approval]
False Eyes
The Magpie's Collection
The Magpie's Nest
Multifold Identity
Spark Theme & Persona
Orbit spark seeks to balance the other two sparks in a harmonious orbit gravitated around Llyr’s soul. It keeps the sparks from conflict/collisions and getting spun out while immersed in desire for power. Through Orbit's influence, his soul remains the central force and Llyr is able to feel centered. Cyclical in nature, Orbit is always in motion within his soul.
Puzzle Eyes
The first mutation of Attunement, the Witchmark is seen in the eyes and only if one looks closely. They will find that the pupil and sclera are divided by a myriad of proportionate lines, almost as though the eyes were deconstructed and places back together. These ‘Puzzle Eyes’ are the only way to identify an Attuner without magic or their own admission.
Spark Theme & Persona
Sublime Love
Spark Persona: Tiferet
Due to the unique nature of how Llyr received this spark, his witchmark blended with Mortalborn fracturing on each of his fingertips (including thumbs). This resulted instead of an emotional color, iridescent ether fissures occurred along the skin between his fingerprints to the nearest knuckle. He still has fingernails. The fissures glow, have traces of both domain and divine ether, and are highly noticeable. They can effectively be covered with opaque gloves.
The Look of Love
Tears of Sympathy
Angelic Grace
Overstepping Corruptions
Windowpane Eyes