Magic Mutations Kasoria


Spark Theme & Persona

Theme: Isolation

Persona: Jealous Guardian

Kasoria's Spark is very protective of him. Not only because it is primarily formed from Abrogation, but because it feeds off his paranoid and defensive nature. It's always anticipating and outright expecting aggression from others. Initially, this manifests as a wariness of those who get physically close to him; as his ability has progressed, this has evolved into outright paranoia and a desire to isolate its host-master from others as the ultimate means of protecting him.


Kasoria has a star-shaped scar on each of his palms, appearing in the aftermath of his Initiation. When he begins to summon his ether, the stars begin to glow.



Warning Waves

The air around Kasoria seems to thicken and become more turbulent the closer a person gets to him. Within three feet, and it can feel like wind picking up; closer than a foot, and it feels like there's churning water trying to separate the outsider from Kasoria. This is due to waves of faint Abrogation ether rippling off him, as his Spark senses a possible threat to its host.

Note: this applies to those who are actively trying to approach him; those in a crowd or busy street passing by without noticing him are unaffected.

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Black Stones

Kasoria eyes.jpg

Kasoria's eyes are now jet black, from tear ducts to the pupils. Not a hint of white or color remains in them, though his vision hasn't changed at all. They look like polished obsidian balls and those meeting his gaze can see nothing but themselves, though the reflection is formed of shadow and shades of darkness. At some point, Kasoria's Spark decided that it was safer for the two of them to be feared and thus avoided; this mutation is but the first evidence of that.

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Kasoria's bare arms from shoulder to palms appear as if heavy chains are wrapped around them. Somewhere between bruising and brands, the thick, winding marks started appearing after he began to use the Shackle ability in mage-combat. His affinity for this and his Spark's recognition of that means that his arms now permanently bear evidence of their use, and when his magic is activated, they turn black and pulsate.

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Cloak'd Eternal

More extreme is the constant layer of shadow that lays upon Kasoria, most obviously around his head. What looks like black smoke - replicative layers of Abrogation ether - constantly shifts and drifts around his body, forming the rough outline of the ragged cloak that he wore for so many arcs. His Spark has embraced the persona of the Raggedy Man even after Kasoria laid it to rest. Now it always appears like he's hooded and cloaked, until one draws closer and sees the mutation for what it is. The more agitated Kasoria becomes, the thicker the layers get, his Spark's way of readying itself for combat.

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Spark Theme & Persona


Kasoria has a roughly circular pattern across his breastbone, that is constantly changing, transforming, and resettling for a handful of trills. The pattern - which looks more like a tattoo than a brand - dis multicolored yet does not give off any light. Like his Abrogation Witchmarks, the perpetually-transmuting pattern glows when he uses Transmutation.



Eye Spies

Always questing for new materials and substances, Kasoria's Spark has manifested as a pair of eyes on the back of his hands. They are usually closed, almost resembling ugly scars. Until they are directly and deliberately stared at: then they snap open, and follow one's gaze around the room.

Kasoria has found that he has some vague sense of sight emanating from them when he is robbed of his natural vision, such as being blindfolded or stuck in a place with no natural light. Once his natural vision is useless, the mutation will unconsciously activate. Although his Spark sees more in terms of qualities and objects than dimensions and distance. This effect extends for around ten feet out from him, and vanishes once his natural vision is restored. While Kasoria is aware of what his surroundings are composed of, the lack of dimensional context somewhat inhibits his ability to fight, since the mutation interferes with his ability to detect threats and opponents through his remaining senses.

When the mutation itself is covered up (by gloves, for example), it won't work at all. Once the covering is removed, the eyes will open instantly and Kasoria will have to compel his Spark/mutation to close them, rather like how he'd have to shush an excitable animal after a period in isolation.

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Transmuto Ergo Sum

Unlike his reserved, paranoid Abrogation Spark, the etheric spirt of Transmutation within Kasoria is unafraid to let new sensations permeate it. That has come with a cost, for the magical process is now two-way. Whenever Kasoria uses his Trasmutation with a specific material in mind - whether it be wood and stone or steel and diamond - his skin will take on the appearance and general quality of that transmuted substance. This effect will last for a break, then slowly fade away to nothing within another break. With Meditation and additional coaxing of his Spark, Kasoria can consciously remove the effect within around fifteen bits (if uninterrupted and magically capable without Overstepping).

While vexing and inconvenient, there are some benefits to this. For example, transmuting stone will result in Kasoria's skin being tougher than mere organic material (although something like wood makes him, of course, more susceptible to fire). Such a willingness for his Spark to take on the properties of that which is transmutes, also means that he can use his magic much faster than normal.

This physical change extends only to his skin, however. Below that thin layer of flesh, Kasoria is unchanged by this mutation. It also only activates when he is using a Transmutation ability that utilizes a substance or material. Spells such as Ether Missile, Absorption, or Brilliance, for example, are unaffected by it, since they are purely etheric constructs.

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To Seek, To Strive: Kasoria's burgeoning, curious Transmutation Spark has become strong enough that it essentially ignores his demands to retreat into dormancy. This has manifested into quite a notable mutation: a constantly moving, fist-sized mass of ether and wanderlust. Much like the strange, glowing algae on distant seas, this Mutation pulses and shines wherever it goes. Veins appear swollen with blue-white light, flesh appears like paper with a colored flame behind it. The effect causes him no discomfort, but it can be distracting, and Kasoria has no control over where it roams while he is not actively using Transmutation. That can mean the strange effect wanders over the soles of his feet, his hands, his back, or even across his face!

Fortunately, when he directly commands the Spark to be cast, this mutation subsides, as the Spark suddenly has direction again. Much like "Transmuto Ergo Sum", it has the benefit of speeding his casting, since the Spark is now always a fleeting thought away from use, and requires little to no time to be "summoned" (although he still needs to decide HOW to use it).

The effect also "sleeps" when he does, since even a mindless extension of his ether knows Kasoria is unlikely to use it when he's unconscious. During these times, it manifests as a still, barely-lit tinge around his hands, since that is the part of Kasoria his Spark is most familiar with. On the downside, it also takes as long to be summoned as Kasoria does to wake up. Only a few moments longer than normal, perhaps, but that can make a lot of difference.

Wrap The World Around You: Much of Kasoria's use of Transmutation has been to alter his environment as suits his needs. Whether it be spikes from the ground, turning it to quicksand, corroding walls or locked doors, or strengthening weapons and barriers he utilizes, Kasoria shapes the world around him with his magic. Seeking perhaps to preempt its host, or just acting off its own hungry initiative, Kasoria's Spark unconsciously connects whatever is around him, for a rough five-foot radius. Exactly like he would if he were to cast Identify, his Spark whispers to him what it finds, its flaws and qualities, nature and history.

When he has direct contact with an object, though, the true nature of this mutation becomes much clearer. Touching or holding onto something for more than ten bits will result in his Spark start to begin Basing the substance, immersing it in ether and breaking it down at a fundamental level. Again, Kasoria can command the mutation to cease and "leave it alone", but it won't be long before it starts the process again. What he cannot stop, however, if the constant use of Identify, where his Spark relays all qualities and flaws of the materials around him. Much like "To Seek, To Strive", however, this mutation vanishes she he sleeps or is unconscious, and for the same reason. The mutations also slumbers while Kasoria is suffering from Overstepping of any kind, since it does not "want" to further compound damage it him and therefore itself by constantly using ether to Identify everything around it. The moment his inner well is restored, though, it awakens again.

When he uses his Transmutation abilities at a level more than Expert, this mutation manifests further in a swirling cyclone of crackling, flaring ether around Kasoria, as if the radius of effect has been ignited. Anything that comes within it that is capable of being Transmuted somehow, becomes immediately infused with his ether. Unlike the Revealed Ether Cyclone, however, this effect is not fatal to the ether of other mages caught by its winds, although it massively disrupts magic cast within it (apart from Kasoria's own, of course).

Transmutation Corruptions

Patch Job: Lasting scars that Kasoria gains will now not be constituted of tissue and flesh, but a hard, grey substance that resembles dead wood (although it is not literally wood, only possessing some qualities of such). After a near-disastrous Transmutation cast that saved his life and ended two more, Kasoria's Spark has seeped into some of the healing properties of his body. Specifically, healing of wounds. Now, instead of red or black biological matter, there is a "plug" or thin line of stiff, unyielding wood-like substance instead. The growths (for that is technically what they are), do not pain him at all, nor are they inefficient when it comes to serving as healed matter. But flesh and blood, they are not. Depending on the size of the healed wound, they can present some hindrance to flexibility. The very first such wound, for example - a thumbnail-sized wound on his bicep - does not inconvenience him. But a larger, wider, thicker scar at, say, a joint or tendon, while only superficial as a scar usually is, would inconvenience him far more. Approved: here


Spark Theme & Persona

Speed and Flight - the Spark revels in being in the air, no matter how it is used, and is happiest when expressing itself in the atmosphere, preferably as fast as Kasoria can manage


Faint emerald aura about him. Barely visible in low light, it's practically invisible in direct sunlight. When he uses Sovereign, however, it flares into life almost like pulsing flame, flecked with gold.



Electricity sparks from Kasoria's fingers when he is awake, sometimes visibly traveling down his arm before arcing between his fingertips or sparking onto whatever is close, especially metal. There's a fifty-fifty chance of Kasoria actively electrocuting someone when he shakes their hand, though the shock is more annoying than painful. If he wears gloves, the effect is negated.


Like Lightning Runnin' Through My Veins - As Kasoria's Sovereign Spark is growing in power, it has melded quite unusually with another one of his mutations. Perhaps if it were alone hat would not be the case, but between it, Transmutation, and Abrogation, it's getting a little crowded inside the Raggedy Man. Kasoria noticed quite swiftly that one of his most prevalent Transmutation mutations has changed since he attained expertise in Sovereign. Beforehand, it was best described as this:

  • Master Mutation - To Seek, To Strive: Kasoria's burgeoning, curious Transmutation Spark has become strong enough that it essentially ignores his demands to retreat into dormancy. This has manifested into quite a notable mutation: a constantly moving, fist-sized mass of ether and wanderlust. Much like the strange, glowing algae on distant seas, this Mutation pulses and shines wherever it goes. Veins appear swollen with blue-white light, flesh appears like paper with a colored flame behind it. The effect causes him no discomfort, but it can be distracting, and Kasoria has no control over where it roams while he is not actively using Transmutation. That can mean the strange effect can wander over the soles of his feet, his hands, his back, or even across his face!
  • Fortunately, when he directly commands the Spark to be cast, this mutation subsides, as the Spark suddenly has direction again. Much like "Transmuto Ergo Sum", it has the benefit of speeding his casting, since the Spark is now always a fleeting thought away from use, and requires little to no time to be "summoned" (although he still needs to decide HOW to use it).
  • The effect also "sleeps" when he does, since even a mindless extension of his ether knows Kasoria is unlikely to use it when he's unconscious. During these times, it manifests as a still, barely-lit tinge around his hands, since that is the part of Kasoria his Spark is most familiar with. On the downside, it also takes as long to be summoned as Kasoria does to wake up. Only a few moments longer than normal, perhaps, but that can make a lot of difference.

However, as of Ashan 723, the nature of the mutation has changed, and he suspected it was been corrupted (or, more benignly, attained a sort of mindless friendship) with his burgeoning Sovereign. Unlike Abrogation, which has ever been sullen and paranoid towards his other magical abilities, Transmutation has no such inhibitions. Driven ever to learn and change, it has embraced the flighty, wander-lusting Sovereign and a new shared mutation has been formed.

Rather than a wandering patch of ether, energy now visibly pulses down Kasoria's veins in time to the beating of his heart. Any veins visible to the naked eye are effected by this mutation. The effect starts (naturally) from the center of his chest, rippling out across his entire body. The color has also changed, from the blue-white of his Transmutation to the pale green of his Sovereign. While not as bright and glaring as before, the mutation is if anything more obvious: all it takes is a few trills of observation to see the energy pulsing and flowing through Kasoria, waiting to be unleashed. Not even sleep quiets the mutation, for it is now as much a part of him as his own heartbeat. When he actively uses either of his melded Sparks, his veins light up like lightning under his skin, and do not go back to their usual pulsing for a break after he's finished using them.
