Magic Mutations Kaelrik


Spark Theme & Persona


This kinship with the Element of Fire manifests as a glowing in the veins of Kaelrik’s dominant hand and arm (right). This makes concealment without somehow covering the extremity, impossible.



Embrace the Flame

Having formed the Kinship with the Element of Fire, Kaelrik is now blessed and burdened by its warmth and heat. His natural body heat is higher than that of the average person. He can comfortably stand in cold environments without issue for longer periods of time than is normal for most people. Additionally, as he has become favored by the Element of Fire, he is not as affected by hot environments as the average person and can persist in such environments longer before suffering heat exhaustion.

This kinship with the Element of Fire manifests as a glowing in the veins of Kaelrik’s dominant hand and arm (right). This makes concealment without somehow covering the extremity, impossible. The glow intensifies whenever he utilizes his Defiance, more so when he is using it to commune with or conjure Fire. During this time, his arm will ignite any and all flammable material it is presently in contact with. Kaelrik cannot control or subdue this effect as it is born of his Kinship with Fire. The Element that has threaded itself into his Spark will not be ignored and will remain free to express itself in this manner. Kaelrik must be careful when physically touching people while using his dominant arm as the heat can be uncomfortable after a period of time and outright scalding whenever he uses his Defiance. Furthermore, the glow and its intensity is tied to his emotional state. When he is feeling particularly strong emotions such as rage or anger, the intensity will flare and risk igniting material he is in contact with. As such, Kaelrik must always be mindful of his emotional state or risk causing grievous injury to others and damage to his environment.

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Mandate of the Archon

Kaelrik has sworn an oath to be a protector. In him has always fostered the spirit of a defender and that of someone who seeks justice and retribution for perceived wrongs. His Spark of Defiance has taken that aspect of Kaelrik’s personality and turned it into a defining trait of his being. It manifests as an entity whose sole desire is to unleash the wrath of the very primal forces of nature itself upon any who stand in opposition to Kaelrik’s beliefs on justice and what is right, however flawed those beliefs might be. But just as it encourages Kaelrik to destroy, it demands that he rebuild. Nature abhors a vacuum and prizes balance above all things.

Kaelrik will find that unless he has more pressing matters weighing on his mind, he will be most comfortable when nurturing the environment around him. Whether that takes the form of helping redirect the flow of a blocked stream, studying and communing with patches of earth that have become, to him, temperamental, he is moved to soothe the elements around him so that a harmony can exist between the natural world and the sentient races who inhabit it. Thus, his compulsion to unleash wrath and destruction against those he believes unjust and unworthy is balanced by an inherently nurturing presence and spirit to those he believes he protects.

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Spark Theme & Persona


“Rupture Gleam” The Rupture Gleam afflicts all Rupturers. When a Rupturer attempts to perceive any distance over 200 feet from away from them, their eyes spark with motes of light reminiscent of their Rupture portals. It is as though the Spark prepares to leap within them. This brand will not trigger casually. The Rupturer must actively focus on something outside a safe 200 foot range in order to active this brand. However, any focus at all will do so. Many rupturers who try to blend in often seem to look at their feet or are cautious when looking up and across a city. In some tragic cases, mage hunters have accidentally merely accosted a deeply insecure person rather than a Rupturer in hiding.

The Rupturing Spark is referred to as the most “social” Spark of the Domains. Easily mixing and encouraging the blending of its nature with that of others. The below is inspired from this concept. Additionally, Kaelrik has become something of a Guardian and Emissary for those close to him. His inherent nature is that of a protector and one who seeks to warn or dissuade others from destructive ends. When that warning is ignored however, he unleashes terrible fire and fury upon those who stand in his way.

The Harbinger Spark instills upon Kaelrik that sense of foreboding or destiny. Wherever he goes, he feels as though he is to carry with him an Omen of Intent be it benevolent or malignant. It influences Kaelrik to believe that wherever he travels, for whatever reason, he travels being burdened with glorious purpose no matter how untrue that might be. As a result of this, Kaelrik’s portals have the appearance of yawning doorways with otherworldly tendrils extending outward as though to usher others inside…or to mark the arrival of something from within the depths of the Void. Because of the more aggressive and dominant Spark of Defiance that he carries, these portals also bear a dark elemental theme to them as well.



Eye of the Harbinger

Having been initiated into the Domain of Rupturing while being more advanced in the path of Defiance, Kaelrik’s Rupturing spark has adopted some attributes of his more aggressive and possessive elemental magic. This quality is born of what might conceivably be an attempt to make Kaelrik more “hospitable” to both Sparks. The irises of Kaelrik’s eyes have taken on an elemental quality to them.

Born from mixing with his kinship with Fire, Kaelrik’s eyes now have a nearly infernal quality to them. In the dark, his pupils dance with the nightshine of a predator while the irises blaze with dark fires. When he is using his magic, that quality intensifies and becomes an aura that radiates from his eyes for as long as he uses the magic. While both of these are purely cosmetic effects, there are some benefits associated with them. As a result of this, he has gained the ability to see perfectly in dimly lit places as though sunlight were streaming all around him. He can see in pitch darkness as though it were lit with dim candlelight. This dark vision is in greyscale and only extends 30 ft.

Kaelrik cannot conceal his inhuman nature. Period. The glow of his eyes will persist through blindfolds. While he cannot see through such cloth, the mark of his otherworldly nature remains. Furthermore, because of the glow in his eyes, combined with the glowing of the veins in his right arm whenever he uses magic, he is not at all suited for concealment. His mutations shine brightly, proclaiming to the world his presence as the Harbinger Spark decrees he must. Even if it would be to his detriment.

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