Magic Mutations Fridgar Calder
Spark Theme & Persona
Fridgar's becoming spark pushes him to lead and protect his own flock as well as dominate and assert himself over others. [APPROVAL LINK NEEDED]
Colourful tattoos that branch out like branches and webbing all over his back.
The mage turns ill upon consumption of any vegetables or fruit, but can survive off meat alone. His digestive system is now strong enough to break down smaller bones. [Approval]
Physical Paradigm Shift - Ursine
The mage is 4" taller, 50lbs heavier with shaggier hair and eyes are dark brown/black with light brown irises. His skin also thickens and grows thicker body hair, providing resistance to minor cuts, punctures & bleeding as well as better insulation against the cold, but reduces his sensitivity and is more likely to catch fire. This mutation applies to all humanoid forms. [Approval]
Apex Predator
No matter the form Fridgar takes, he is a predator. His totems tend to be more bestial than when he harvested them, with a carnivorous edge. Fridgar is unable to take the form of a prey animal but in return his predators are much larger (25%) and more savage than ordinary. (sharper teeth and claws, thicker, wilder fur etc etc.) [Approval]
Alpha Male
Fridgar's spark pushes him to accept any challenges thrown his way. Be it a challenge of physical might or a challenge of academic skill, he will be heavily pressured to accept it by his own spark. Refusing the challenge can induce light overstepping penalties as punishment for denying the opportunity to assert his dominance by his own spark. This corruption also pushes the mage to see himself as more of a leader, a protector. He is more prone to taking those weaker than himself under his wing while also challenging those stronger than himself. There can be only one Alpha. [Approval]
Corruption Mutations
Eye of Challenge
Unless Fridgar knows them to be a friend (and they must be either kin or as close as kin to Fridgar) direct eye contract will always begin to infuriate the mage. He will begin to see it as a challenge. Fridgar can choose to break eye contact or force himself away when it is happening, but if he does not he will be compelled to exert his force and dominance over anyone who dares to hold eye contract. In addition, if eye contact is not broken, long enough for Fridgar to interpret it as a challenge, he will gain an innate sense of the opponent's 'danger'. Expert and master level offensive skills, while not directly known to Fridgar, will register as an opponent of some danger, allowing Fridgar to temper his approaches in combat. [Approval]
Physical Paradigm Shift: Scalv Zemia
Because of Varthakh's tampering with adapt, many of the traits of his target have stuck with him as a result of his negligence. Varthakh now has perfect night vision, but daylight (and other bright lights) will damage his eyesight and can render him blind in just a bit or so. From his mouth, in all his forms, two large saber-like fangs protrude from his upper jaw and rest on his lower jaw. These fangs are as strong as the rest of his bones and get in the way of various trial-to-trial activities. They grow an extra 10% of their size in all their forms and require a lot more food to maintain themselves, just as the Scalv do. While most can go a month without food, Varthakh will not be able to last two weeks without eating.
Varthakh's hands were massively involved in their overstepping and were the point of focus during the overstepping. Thus, the following corruptions are a lot more potent or extreme in their hands. Having adapted the creature's bones, Varthakh's skeleton grows stronger all around at about half the strength of the Scalv Ziemia's skeleton, while the bones in their hands retain the full strength of the behemoth's bones. Their blood also becomes that of the Scalv in part, mixed with whatever species they are at the time. This makes blood transfusions to or from Varthakh impossible. And finally, the trait of their scales was also drawn from the beast. All over his body, Varthakh's scales become much harder, thicker and more durable while his hands are made just as hard as the Scalv's scales.
The added thickness and strength of his bones and scales significant increase his weigh by an additional 20%, in addition to the 10% for their extra size. This addition of weight makes it quite difficult for the mage over short distances as well as movements that require a lot of fighting against gravity, like ascending in flight, walking or running uphill, climbing, and swimming. Though, this additional weight can be a boon over longer distances and downhill battles, as Varthakh can let his weight carry him through momentum. It's much harder to stop Varthakh once he's moving and he's much more capable of breaking through defenses with his extra weight. [Approval]
Spark Theme & Persona
Arachnid [Approval]
A rune that glows crimson red on his forehead and occasionally lets loose wisps of dark aura.
Runic paradigm shift - Arachnid
Fridgar's skin, scales, fur, feathers all grow paler no matter the form he takes, his hair loses some of its colors as though it has been partially bleached in all his forms. The runes he draws take on a woven web-like appearance. Because of how intricate his runes are drawn, they're more ether efficient and lose less power while chaining. While chaining two runes, each rune loses only a third of its power instead of half and while chaining three runes, each rune only loses a half of its power instead of two thirds. As a consequence, they also take longer to draw, even as standalone runes. The spider is a careful predator that builds its web in advance, and Fridgar's runes reflect that. [Approval]
As Fridgar grows in hone, his skin, scales, fur, feathers, and hair grow paler yet. His self totem's skin has turned from an olive, tan complexion to a fair, pale one. His hair has turned from dark brown to sandy/ash blonde and similar transitions of pigment happen across all his currently collected forms and all forms he might acquire. His web like runes have begun to crawl all along his limbs, starting at his extremities and ending halfway along his shins/forearms. His spark drives him toward others that he can inflict his umbral runes on like most umbral hone users, but the spider waits for its prey to wander unknowingly into its trap. As such, Fridgar's runic traps, as long as he is within a hundred yards of the trap, will alert him to the presence of anyone that his becoming spark doesn't recognize as kin. Just like how prey will alert the spider of their presence by sending vibrations along the silk of the web, Fridgar's runic traps express their disturbance to him mentally. This sense goes both ways, however. The unfortunate person to have wandered into Fridgar's trap will become immediately aware that they are in danger, whether they have seen the trap or not. [Approval]
Nearing the pinnacle of his union with the hone spark, Fridgar's skin, scales, fur, feathers, and hair have changed pigment beyond recognition or what is natural. His skin and scales are all white as snow and eerily undead-like in appearance while his fur, feathers, and hair are all silver/platinum in appearance. The whites of his sclera have darkened to black and his irises have shifted to a deep red pigment from their light brown. The mural of web-like etchings that paint his skin have grown to envelop all of his arms and legs in the glowing crimson of his umbral runes and even run along his spine.
What is more, whenever Fridgar activates a runic trap, the arachnid in his spark reveals its presence to Fridgar's prey and unleashes another four etheric arms from his back, which take on the same chaotic appearance as his runes. These arms are made entirely of the mage's ether and can grow in length at the cost of more of his ether or shrink and replenish it. These arms function the same as his two biological arms, save for the presence of a joint or any bones at all, and can grasp various objects and lift them with his own strength. If one of the limbs is severed or damaged, then Fridgar is unable to reclaim the ether that has been lost and he cannot regrow the limb until his ether reserves have restored. The arms last until Fridgar draws them back into his body and restores his ether reserves. A fighter with high-expert strength will be able to cut through the arms with ease, while high-competent and low-expert will have some difficulty.
The arms burn ether for kinetic energy instead of calories as a regular part of the body would. The reclamation of ether from the arms utilizes a more fluid application of dismissal, meaning that the amount of ether expended to create and make them move can never be fully reclaimed. [Approval]
Blind Tremors
The arachnid in his spark deems Fridgar's vision to be an unnecessary sense, as most spiders make do without their eyes. As such, Fridgar's perception of anything more than five feet ahead of him is extremely blurry and only appears as edgeless colors and shapes. This severely inhibits his rupturing abilities as opening any long distance portals is incredibly difficult. In return for his eyes, the arachnid in his spark has made the web-like runes along his arms and legs a lot more perceptive to the vibrations of motion and sound in the air around him. [Approval]
Corruption Mutations
Rune of the Sky
Upon Varthakh's collarbone now rests a coin sized Rune that glows a faint turquoise hue. It looks like a tiny pair of wings. His Totem Aeon also bears the same mark, it appears in his Totem Guardian form as well as on the totem itself. Varthakh now finds that he possess a subtle but notable sixth sense. He can physically feel the changes in the atmosphere in the sky around him. He can feel things like the winds shifting just a split trill before they do, and he can feel when there is a storm brewing on the horizon. (This sixth sense is less reliable when dealing with any kind of Air Defiance, however it may still give him a very slight edge in knowing when the air around him is changing) His skill with flying is subtly increased, as he now has a natural affinity for being in the air. His movements in the air are more graceful and agile (This does not negate the need for developing the flying skill, however he is much more of a "natural" at flying now), additionally his Hone and Becoming Sparks seem to revel in the experience of flying. It's a palatable feeling that he can sense whenever he is in the air.
Also, his relationship with the affected Totem Guardian has grown far closer. He will find that Aeon expects more time to freely explore the sky with him. [Approval]
Spark Theme & Persona
Blurb + Approval
Left eye is pitch black and filled with white dots that look like stars.
Corruption Mutations
The Mind's Eyes
Upon Fridgar's palms, etheric eyes appear that remain constantly open. They appear as etchings of ether, not too dissimilar from the runes of Hone. While open, these eyes consume ether at a slow rate, but the drain is still there.
While his etheric eyes aren't covered, they allow Fridgar to cast portals with his view of the world from his mind's eye, so as he envisions it. Fridgar's perception of the world is quite narrow, however, and he cannot perceive long distances so all his portals will be relatively close range.
The drawback to this method of casting is that Fridgar cannot be holding anything in his hands while casting portals, as this will obstruct his etheric eye's vision. He cannot wear gauntlets or gloves of any kind around his etheric eyes, as this will also obstruct them.