Magic Mutations Ezram


Spark Theme & Persona

Theme: Bioengineering

The Prototype

Ezram’s spark looks out into the world and sees weakness, but it also sees potential. So many bodies have been made frail by the inexperienced Immortal hands that shaped them. Been made faulty like its host. The Prototype believes it can do better. It is relentlessly self-improving, taking the existing life-forms in Idalos into itself in order to create the perfect organism. As a result, the spark is constantly pushing the ellune to do whatever it takes to improve his station in life, knowing that his success is paramount to the accomplishment of it goals. This drive to perfection manifests as selfishness and dissatisfaction in Ezram. The Prototype encourages the ellune to capitalize on the weaknesses of others, improves those few he holds dear, and never accept the easy answer as the correct one. Bearing a practical ruthlessness, the spark will not rest until its host has been made strong as he should have been; damn the rest of the world if it gets in his way.


Ezram’s witchmark is a subtle one while his magic lays dormant, but becomes obvious as the Grafter works. A new layer of black skin has developed over the top of the Ellune’s veins, starting from the heart and working its way to his extremities. Whenever Ezram casts, his spark will pump ether from his soul outwards; darkening the veins as they pulsate with the power of Emea. This witchmark persists across any transformations the ellune might experience. [Approval]




The Prototype believes that contentment is the death of innovation, and such takes extreme measures to ensure that Ezram is constantly improving his form. From the moment this awakening occurs, both of the Ellune’s arms will begin to atrophy and decay. Within two cycles, they will have fallen off of his body and leave the man absent a pair of limbs. However, this extreme cost is not without its hidden benefits. Should Ezram adhere new limbs to replace those that threaten to deteriorate, he will find that any replacement arms resize themselves to fit the stature of those lost. Not only that, but, if he so wishes, these adhered limbs do not need to remain permanent. By spending an equal amount of ether as it takes to adhere, Ezram can now remove any non-native limb attached to his body and by spending further ether he may attach a new arm in its place. He can only do this if he believes that a replacement limb might be superior to the one he possesses, and, due to the Prototype’s selfish nature, this benefit cannot be extended to anyone but Ezram. [Approval]



With access to Corrupting, the Prototype can truly began to experiment with the host it has attached itself to. As result Ezram’s skin begins to shift and change depending on his mood. Should he be excited, his skin will seem to ripple in response. If he’s angry, surface-level crags and cracks will form to emphasize his rage. Beyond this, Ezram’s arms take on a certain level of malleability to them. By spending ether, the Ellune can force his existing skin and bone to take on new shapes by ‘glitching’ in order to help the Prototype achieve its goals. This could be as small as sharpening the bones in his fingers to make a scalpel or as massive as hardening his hands into the shape of hammers. These forms are always temporary, can only be used on his adhered arms, only use the biological materials in his body, and cost greater ether the longer Ezram holds onto the form or the more drastic the change is. Using this ability for anything more than a minor change almost always invites overstepping and leaves Ezram incredibly hungry. [Approval]



The Prototype has struggled endlessly against Ezram’s ellunian physiology. After all, how can the spark claim superiority when its host body cannot even stand the heat of Saun? Finally, it has awakened in a way to address the fragility of its mortal form. A series of vents, seemingly made of bone and ice, have sprouted out of the skin along Ezram’s forearms, calves, and spine. These new organs now serve to expel excess heat from the his body whenever he enters hotter temperatures: allowing Ezram to travel to climates that none of his kind have even stepped foot on before. Should Ezram replace a body part that has these heatsinks on them, it takes roughly three trials for his body to grow new ones. This effectively limits him to colder temperatures while his body adjusts. However, this development is not without its cost. Ether is passively used to allow his body compensate for the heat, and now when Ezram oversteps he also risks overheating. Additionally, it is now easier to overstep when Ezram finds himself in hotter climates. Nilas, the internal magic that all of his kind share, has been altered by the spark’s modifications to his soul. Once able to create complex structures of ice, frozen weapons, and beams of cryogenic energy, Ezram’s ability to influence temperature is now solely restricted to touch. While he is still able to freeze items in his grasp, now for much longer stretches of time due to the venting system, he can no longer shape ice into the weapons, objects, or beams that his race are known for. It is now plainly evident that the Prototype is shaping Ezram into something drastically different than an ellune. [Approval]


His spark and his soul becoming one, Ezram and The Prototype have discovered how to push past the limits of their form and reach perfection. The secret lay not solely in improving the ellune’s form, but also in taking from the world around him. With a touch, Ezram can extend the veins of his witchmark into the body of the recently deceased and by doing so take in their biomass. The corpse must have had a human-like sentience in its life, and cannot have been dead for more than a break. In a process that takes roughly a bit to complete and which effects’ lasts ten bits, Ezram can absorb the flesh from the corpse in order to perfect a the ‘glitch’ awakening. By using the freshly cannibalized flesh as fuel for this ability, he can Corrupt his arms into even more drastic shapes and purposes at a reduced ether cost. His whole body becomes stronger, faster, and fiercer than before. However, utilizing graft in such a perversion of its intent does not come without its cost. When Ezram cannibalizes a corpse, he enters a bloodlust. The Prototype’s selfish nature does not allow the ellune to determine friend from foe and every living soul in the area becomes just another slab of meat for it to consume. This also prevents Ezram from utilizing any of his spark’s healing abilities and as such any damage he takes will persist until his body has adapted to the foreign biomass; which, depending on the size and the species consumed, can take up to a trial. [Approval]