Magic Mutations Croc
Spark Theme & Persona
Spark Personality: Apex Collector
There is always something out there that is harder, better, faster or stronger than what you currently are. The apex of any aspect rules over that aspect unchallenged. If something is stronger, you run or hide. If something is harder, you are better and look for a weak point. If something is faster, you make sure you’re harder. If something is better, you make sure you’re hard enough to take it. Not for this Spark.
If something is stronger, understand where the strength comes from, kill it and take it for yourself. If it is faster, kill it, get rid of what makes you slower and replace it with their faster aspects. If it is harder, kill it and adhere its hardness to yourself and get used to it. It drives it’s host to always be on the lookout for better aspects to ensure and improve upon its survival. The Spark won’t manifest strong changes in its host on day to day affairs but when it spots something it thinks might be of use, it will do anything it can to get its hands on it and will alter its host’s behaviour overtly to get what it wants. The Spark seeks to collect the best of the best, the apex of every aspect of a biological life form and combine them into a single vessel. That vessel just so happens to be its host.
Mutation Theme: One above all
The Spark has a vision of what should be called the Apex, the absolute top of the food chain. And it is a food chain, even if it doesn’t involve eating each other. That vision has to be reached for it is a goal worth striving for. The Apex will survive, no matter what others might try, and with its survival so will the Spark survive.
Fitted Fangs
During the process of his initiation, Croc’s witchmark manifested in the form of teeth growing out all along his spine. From the base of his skull to the tip of his tail, neatly down the middle, evenly spaced out, Croc has grown a line of sharp fangs that stick out from the scales on his back. They are sharp but ultimately useless except for tearing up shirts and to get cloaks caught up on them.