Magic Mutations Carver


Spark Theme & Persona

The Ritualist

The Ritualist Spark fixates on perceptions built around the processes in which the body, mind, and soul coalesce to create existence and the energies that separate life from death. To understand beyond logical frameworks, but through profound comprehension of mystical perspectives born from hedonistic sensations built out of artistic designs, patterned behaviors, and aesthetic experiences. [Approval]


A twisted band of raised excess flesh, on the left ring finger, in a decorative ring shape of two entwined snakes. The heads of the snakes have tiny blood red eyes that blink from time to time.

Graft Witchmark.jpg



Mystic Mydriasis

Mystic Mydriasis causes perpetually dilated pupils in the mage. This results in extra sensitivity to bright light, which can cause temporary blurry vision and stinging pain. In low light, however, the mage is able to see slightly better for the same physiological reasons. When he is in the midst of channeling ether, symbolic-driven behaviors, altered states of consciousness, or occult rituals, Carver can temporarily see Enervations. The sight of enervations extends no farther than the current range of his graft manipulations, and the sharpest clarity is seen when he touches the object-in-question and otherwise takes on phantasmal impressions when not in direct contact.

While the pupils can still differentiate light, they don't return to normal-size in any observation. As if perpetually under the influence of pupil dilation causes, it is impossible to hide without covering the eyes from view. [Approval]


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