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Cikakken Chozacu.jpg

Name: Ki'reyi

Title: Chozacu
Birthday: Ymiden 650
Race: Sev'ryn
Familiar: Nightingale (Category I)
Marks: Zuuda (Exalted)
Medicine: 78
Surgery: 80
Dreamwalking: 49
Cosmetology: 31
Sewing: 23
Singing: 9
Dancing: 12


Ki'reyi was not always a man of service and the dead; in fact, as a child he had been quite the adventuring type. He would often sneak out of his house and go exploring in the forest alone or with his friends. He spent much of his early life focusing on the line of hunter. At age 15, his carefree life ended when he was captured by slavers. The young hunter had gone out into the forest alone and was drawn by the screams and shouts of children and Tunawa alike. This had been a great surprise to him as he, like most in Desnind, was sheltered from the evil of the outside world. Unsure what was happening and fearing that the children may be finding themselves coming to a not so pleasant end at the hands of a beast, he ran to the sound. Expecting to find a wolf or some kind of bear was the reason he was so easily caught. Next thing he knew he was on a boat to be sold into slavery. He found himself in Athart where he was schooled in the art of slavery. During this time, he was exposed to Famula and her domains. His original worshipping of her was purely based in the views of service, the aspect of her domain of death was forgotten as he used her as his way of getting through the slave training. It was not until he was bought by a surgeon that he discovered her other domains and how he could devote even more of his life to her.

The surgeon who had bought him was manic. He was a cruel and sadistic psychopath who used his job as his opportunity to inflict pain and suffering upon others. Sadly he had a tendency to get carried away. This was where Ki'reyi came in. When his crazed master went too far and ended up killing his subjects the young Sev'ryn man would be left to clean up the mess. The Eternal Empire was his home, the man kept killing, and Ki'reyi kept cleaning and burying the bodies. While he was disposing of one of the poor souls killed by his master, he saw a bird. Its strong and powerful song calling to him. After experiencing this bird he became subject to dreams of the bird, calling him back to the forest. After around 50 trials of dreams and random sightings when burying bodies, he finally found her. The bird landed upon the body of the victim and upon his touch became one with him, their minds melding. Eventually his master sold him. It had been this or his death as he knew too much about the mans murderous personality. To the slave pens he went, on to his next master.

Now Ki'reyi found himself on a ship to Augiery. As it so happened, that day luck was on his side. The boat never made it to Augiery and instead was destroyed in a wild storm where it washed up on the Southern coast. It took him nearly 30 trials to get home, confused and lost in the thick Makbuwa Lori. During his expedition, his exhausted and weary body had collapsed more than once. He had long forgotten how to hunt and fend for himself. Only the occasional edible plant he remember provided him sustenance. It was in this time that she came to him. Famula, the woman he had worshipped since he was taken captive and trained in Athart, had great plans for him. She told him that his next great service would not be to a slave master but to Desnind and the old Sev'ryn that lived there. With those words of wisdom and her order of sorts she marked him. This would be his ticket into the Oludïbọ Cïkäkkẹn. And so 20 years after his capture he arrived back where it had all started.

He was quickly taken under the wing of the former Chozacu. He was trained and taught the ways of the faction and the Mulki. He was a quick learner and luckily so. Ten arcs after his arrival, the former Chozacu grew very ill. She refused to take treatment for the sickness and passed shortly after. Her death and escape from rebirth was his first responsibility as the new Chozacu. Since then he has been head of the branch and is currently in search of his own apprentice to tutor in order to take over when his time comes to leave Idalos.