Criminality is low in Fensalir, but it exists. Fenmoor is Fensalir’s small den of crime and sin, located outside the nice crescent shape, south of Springwater. It is a small, shabby and sparsely populated settlement in the shadows of dense and dark old forest. Fenmoor is often not recognized as a real part of Fensalir.
It would be a lie to say that the lawful people in Fensalir find Fenmoor important. The impact on Fensalir consists of crime.
Some are born and raised there and members of families who have been living outside of the law for generations. These often feel that they own Fenmoor and are entitled to rule over it with their own codex. Other inhabitants ended up there for some reason or another. The native criminals despise the newcomers for being losers and often take advantage of them. Potential honest people in the district are seen as naïve oddballs but are cherished for being useful living proof that Fenmoor people can be good guys with hearts of gold, deep down.
Goods and Services
The people in Fenmoor aren’t known to produce any goods except for the infamous low-quality liquor named “Fenmoor’s Blight” in popular speech. In Fenmoor it’s only called “The Drink”.
The drink trade is under control of a small group of outlaws who call themselves “Fenmoor Boys”. Those dominate their part of the Fenmoor and oppress their neighbours.
It’s not like the inhabitants of Fenmoor are service-minded, but they do provide certain services. These services range from storage of goods and creative writing of papers to protection of all kinds and elimination of problems. There are few a few taverns and some obscure shops with illegal wares.
Noteworthy landmarks
Nothing is noteworthy in Fenmoor. The opposite. People in Fenmoor aren’t looking to make their homes stand out, at least not on the outside. The houses look anonymous. Everything looks the same wherever you go. No signs reveal what’s going on inside any buildings, except for when its taverns.
It’s hard to find your way in the settlement. For people with an errand in Fenmoor, the best tactic is often to pay one of the locals to guide you. Strolling around without the protection of your guide is not recommended.
Credit: Ashling