


Fecrier aka "Rash Cups". Though it looks beautiful the flower hides a very mischievous secret. It has gained the name Rash Cups. One day a group of children were playing at the edge of the swamp and brushed against the flowers getting the pollen all over themselves. Thinking nothing of it they returned home, several hours later the little ones were covered in a blistering red rash that seemed to come out of nowhere. It took nearly a day for the doctors to get the children to tell them where they had been that day. Once they found out about the strange plant, several blooms were collected and a healing salve was made from the cups of the leaves.


Fecriers are found on the outside of the city limits growing at the very beginning of the swamps


Beautiful white petals with a purple center is the first thing a person sees within the center is bright yellow stamens. The petals form the shape of a crystal before looping around themselves and forming into cups on the end of each petal. These cups are big enough for small insects to land on and feed from. The stem is a beautiful dark green color that helps bring out the white of the petals.


The flower's pollen can be used to create a rash causing gel. While just the cups of the flowers makes a soothing salve.


You can assume access to this at Poor Tier, whereas outside of Desnind it requires Struggling (in the Southern Region) or Average (elsewhere). See The Wealth Guide for information on Wealth.


Easily available.

Credit: Cail Qy'Jihai