Dog’s Hair Juice
This delicious sounding potion is affectionately called “Dog’s Hair Juice” as it is made from the flowers of the cani’sliwa plant found in Desnind. This potion has the ability to make one numb to damage for a moment in time and can even stop bruises or fatigue. This is often used by explorers, mercenaries, or those with highly physically stressful jobs such as deckhands or laborers.
Easy to find but expensive in Desnind, rare elsewhere in Idalos
Wealth of the Land in Desnind, port cities elsewhere in Idalos
Available for purchase at Tier 5 and below in Desnind Available for purchase at Tier 7 and below in the rest of Idalos
The flowers of the cani’sliwa must be picked while they are young and freshly bloomed, then dried for 60 trials exactly in a warm, sunny place. Once completely dry the flowers must be crushed, usually my mortar and pestle, into a fine, pink powder. The powder is then heated slowly, for 3 breaks, in a ratio of 1:5 powder to water never reaching a boil. It must be constantly stirred the entire time as any lumps or imperfections will render it useless. If done correctly it will change from a pink liquid to a dark red liquid and smell like candy. Once the liquid’s color stops deepening you add the red liquid to a strong proof alcohol to dilute it at 1:3 red liquid to alcohol. This is the final step. The red liquid must be added to the alcohol as if taken without dilution it causes a heart attack or stoke. Each 8 oz potion has three uses.
The effects of the juice last for 45 bits up to one break. You aren’t immune to cuts, breaking of bones, gashes, or severing of limbs but will not feel any pain at all for while the potion lasts. If you incur any breaks or bleeding damage during this time you will feel it once the potion wears off of course. It’s not possible for you to bruise or tire while under the effects of this potion. This potion is easy to abuse and can become addictive if used too much. An addict will feel constant, debilitating pain everywhere that is only subsided by taking the juice. Addicts will be prone to anger and be irrational on or off of the juice.
Thank you, Dula