Desnind Schooling


Formal education does not exist in Desnind. Although children start learning language at a young age, it is taught to them through use by all their elders. The only other aspect that is taught universally to all Sev'ryn children is the history of Moseke. Their spiritual relationship beyond the basic history of their people and Moseke sprouts from their own story and calling. Aside from these two basic aspects, no two Sev'ryn have the same 'education'. Once a child reaches an age that is acceptable for them to follow their path of choice, they will branch out to find an elder willing to teach them in that trade.

Sev'ryn generally have one or two skills that they are extremely good at that are aligned with their chosen path. Additional skills are basic at best if associated with another trade, although it is rare to find a Sev'ryn that is talented at a few trades. Sev'ryn that are educated in the same trade will often group together to provide for all of Desnind. The hunting group will go into the Makubwa Lori and bring back animals to the city. At this point, they will trade and/or sell the hides and bones to other tradesmen to use as they are not trained to craft with them. The people thrive off one another, and that is how their society has survived for arcs.


Originally written by Nymph