Desnind Opinions on Magic


Desninders are cautious when it comes to magic unless it harms Desnind, the Makubwa Lori, or interferes with their values as followers of Moseke. The citizens believe that Idalos and her people are gifts, despite the flaws that each component may have. Domain magic is only frowned upon when it seeks to damage a person, place, or thing in the living walls of Desnind. Inconveniently, this has implications on most domains and makes most Desninders fearful of mages and what power they may hold.


As with the general viewpoint of those that live within Desnind, Alchemy has a purpose. As long as a crafter instills items with abilities designed for good, they welcome the craft. They may not understand it, but have found application in it. Those that instill properties for evil are frowned upon and the item is often destroyed.


Becoming is one of the few Domain magics that are highly revered within the city. Sev'ryn citizens feel that Becomers have attained a new way of fusing themselves with the other half of their spirit. By becoming the animal that they have bonded themselves to, Sev'ryn Becomers feel that they have attained a completion to themselves they did not have. Becomers are welcome within the city of Desnind and will often have a following of citizens that desire their knowledge.


Defiance magic is welcome only if the Defier practices in the elements of earth, water, or wind. Defiers that practice with the element of fire are believed to intend harm for Desnind and the Makubwa Lori. They are exiled upon being found and may be escorted onto the nearest ship leaving Desnind. Defiers that practice with earth, water, and/or wind elements may be welcomed into the Cikkaken as some say Defiance is similar to Sevrath, Moseke's Blessing.


Empaths are not welcome within the city given the complicated threads of the Sev'ryn. They believe that Empaths will take advantage of weak-minded Sev'ryn to dissect out the familiar bond. What a mage cannot understand is the complexity of a Sev'ryn and the bond they share with their invisible half.


Life has a time limit. When a Sev'ryn passes and returns to the cycle to be reborn, that life is over. Although other races do not have the luxury of rebirth in their opinion, Sev'ryn still find Necromancers to be enemies to Moseke. Bringing back the dead prevents them from entering the next life or moving on to the afterlife. Necromancers are persecuted harshly. If there was a definitive way to ensure they were not reborn, this would be their punishment.


Rupturing has implications that could be beneficial to the city. Being located on the Southern Region, Desninders are often cut off from the outside world. Although they cannot wrap their mind around how a Rupturer opens portals or bends time and space, they are amazed by the idea that they can step out of the forest and directly into the city.


Originally written by Nymph