Woe's Attunment Mutations
All Attunement Mutations
Woe has Attunement Witchmarks and Awakenings. Click the Heading above to see the rest of the Mutations information.
Woe has an Attunement theme. Click the Heading above to see the rest of the Theme information.
Spider's Web: Web Strummer
Woe's Attunement spark, similar to his Empathy spark, tries to insinuate itself into his divine heritage as Sintra's son. As such, he will tend to hear the frequencies as more vibrations or desperate whispers of prey caught on his web. The Attunement spark seeks to broaden the scope of his web of influence.
Woe has an Attunement Witchmark. Click the Heading above to see the rest of the Witchmark information.
The first mutation of Attunement, the Witchmark is seen in the eyes and only if one looks closely. They will find that the pupil and sclera are divided by a myriad of proportionate lines, almost as though the eyes were deconstructed and places back together. Woe's puzzle pattern takes on that of a typical spider's web, with four-sided compartmentalization. They're barely discernable unless one is right near him.
Woe has 0 total Attunement Awakenings. 0 of these have been approved through the PSF. 0 Have not been submitted. Click the Heading above to see the rest of the Awakenings information.
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