Wald Lowca



  • PC full name: Wald Lowca
  • CS link: here
  • Notable Events: here
  • Race: Human
  • Date of Birth: 4th Ashan 694

CS Approval Rewards

CS Approved by: Prongs

  • Skill Points
    • Hunting + 5
    • Negotiation +3
    • Skill 3 (MN)
  • Knowledge
    • Hunting: Tracking Northern Animals
    • Hunting: Skinning a Pelt
    • Butchery: Processing a Deer
    • Negotiating: Getting the Best Pelt Prices

  • Starting Renown: 10 (Prongs)
  • Other: Thing (MN)

Starter Quest

If you would like a Starter Quest to be designed for you, feel free to respond to this PM or to send me a message via Discord. I will need some more information on the direction you wish to take your character to better create a quest.



50 Renown reward 1 wp donation here Octopie

100 Renown reward +3 Hunting here Pig Boy

150 Renown Reward +50 Point Bank here Strange

200 Renown Reward +3 Hunting here Pig Boy

250 Renown Reward Signature Item: here Pig Boy:

Name: Armor of Beasts Item: Mount armor Good Material: Blood Metal

Physical Description: The Armor seems to change depending on the shape of the mount, though it always covers fully. When not on an animal the plates seem to not align in any way that is seen. The smooth metal just piles up into itself neatly.

Enchantment: The armor is able to be placed on any Beast that can be mounted, though the larger the animal the less it covers the body. Horses are used as a base line for size.


Wald is marked by Karen


Wald is a Favored of Karem.


  1. Favored - Pack Bond - Awarded on gaining mark - Approving Mod: Basilisk
  2. Favored - Sense of Prey - Awarded on gaining mark - Approving Mod: Basilisk
  3. Favored - Velduris Skills - Awarded on gaining mark - Approving Mod: Basilisk
  4. Favored - Predatorial Instincts - Link - Pegasus
  5. Favored - Taste of Prey - Link - Pegasus
  6. Favored - Sense of Survival - here - Pig Boy
  7. Favored - Regulate Temperature - here - Pig Boy

Skill Related


Wald is Grandmaster in 3 Skills; Hunting, Detection and Combat: Ranged


Wald has 4 Hunting Capstones.

  1. Apex Predator
  2. Man-Hunter
  3. Immortuos Venandi
  4. Treasure Hunter

Combat: Ranged

Wald has 1 Combat: Ranged Capstones.

  1. Blind Shot


Wald has 1 Detection Capstones.

  1. Olfactorylocation


This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.