WIP Schism
WIP Note: This is a work in progress, as such, everything here is subject to be changed and should not be considered canon at this time.
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Past Life Access Overview
- 3 Spark Entity Overview
- 4 Soul Manipulation Overview
- 5 Impurities Overview
- 6 Abilities
- 7 Initiation
- 8 Mutations
- 9 Use of Wells
- 10 Flaying Specialization
- 11 Competency Tiers
Past Life Access Overview
The Soulwalker has the ability to access their own past lives, and the past lives of others. This access is not a form of time travel, but rather is the ability enter the memories stored in one's own soul. These are always the true memories, and while a Soulwalker can manipulate and alter them while within them, they always reset upon exiting.
While within the past life, the Soulwalker has access to the entire physical world that existed during that past life. However, much of that world will be completely empty and devoid of life and detail. The areas that are populated are those that were seen and experienced through the memory. However, the Soulwalker is able to fill in those voids by learning more about the world from their unique vantage in it. They can speak with their old past life person, with other people in it, learn from books or exploration, and thus fill in the gaps. It should be noted that this doesn't necessarily make them historical fact, as the Soulwalker is filling the gaps in themselves. So if someone were to deceive them, that deception would be made real by the Soulwalker.
To unlock new past lives, the Soulwalker must venture through their known past lives. This is linear, so they work their way backwards from their most recent past life that was unlocked at Initiation. The access point to the next past life is located within the upstream past life. Often times, this appears as an object, memory, or location within the memory that doesn't appear to fit or make sense, though this can be quite subtle. A Soulwalker could spend a lifetime searching a single past life for the access point to the next one.
The past lives require a level of historical accuracy, and as such will require some approval at their creation/discovery. This approval can be done prior to, or at the time of, unlocking a new past life. This doesn't require a massive level of detail unless special permissions are asked for, such as having the past life of an extremely prominent person. Past lives cannot be approved if they take place in undeveloped areas that have no history written in lore.
Rules and Notes for Past Lives
1. Past lives need to be approved through the PSF, or by a moderator through a review of the past life's access point, before they can be accessed.
2. Because Soulwalkers can access past lives of others, anyone may apply for past lives.
3. Past lives grant full experience in all skills, magics, etc that are used by the Soulwalker that is visiting them. Additionally, skill and nonskill knowledges may be awarded as per usual.
4. The player may choose the time and place within the bounds of the past life to appear in. The Soulwalker may adjust these from within the past life as they wish.
5. The past lives' approval must be recorded on the Player's Wiki to be considered usable.
6. You have 300 Skill points that may be spread out among your 6 maximum Boons. Each skill can be a maximum of 76/100 points. These cannot ever be increased to go beyond the 300 limit or the 76 limit. However, you may ask for PSF permission to adjust the existing boons, or add to them if you have empty slots.
7. Magic cannot be available in a past life UNLESS you include one of the following things in your past life writeup. A) How the spark was removed in that past life or a subsequent past life. B) How you have that spark now, from then.
Template for Past Life
Past Life Number: (Most recent past life being 1, next being 2, and so on) Name: Race and Gender: Birth-Death Dates: Physical History: Brief description of the person of your past life. Personal History: Brief description of the personality that grew during this past life. Location History: Brief description of where the life of this person took place. Available Boons: Mental or Physical strengths from the previous life that can utilized with Boon Calling. Maximum of 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Special Permissions: Optional, include all details of who/what/why. This will often require a much more detailed version in order to receive approval.
Spark Entity Overview
The Spark Entity is born into existence when the Soulwalker becomes initiated. This creates a physical entity for all intents and purposes. It should be noted that if the Spark Entity is destroyed, it will slowly be reborn within the Soulwalker, taking a full cycle to grow back to maturity.
The Spark Entity is effectively its own soul and is bound to the soul of its Soulwalker. This grants it its own personality, emotions, memories, etc, though these are often reflections of the Soulwalker's, similar but opposite is the typical state.
Because the Spark Entity is bound to the Soulwalker, it has an effective range, not able to travel far from the Soulwalker. At Novice, it's range is roughly the size of a tavern, Competent the size of a castle, at expert the size of a village, at master the size of a city, and at revealed the size of a country or region.
If the Spark Entity is left to its own devices, it will be its own person, acting on its own as would suit its own interests. It maintains the same mundane skills as the Soulwalker, however, these skills are capped to the Schism level of the Soulwalker. So if the Soulwalker is Novice, the Spark Entity will only have Novice skills, at maximum. At Competent, any skills the Soulwalker has at competent or higher will also be competent for the Spark Entity.
The Soulwalker will always inherently know where their Spark Entity is located, will always know the state of its mind, emotions, and body, and is able to maintain a telepathic and sympathetic means of communication with it. If the Soulwalker and Spark Entity are at the limit of the connection, they will find that neither of them are physically able to move further away.
Finally, the Spark Entity has access to multiple Facets. These are forms that are effectively different representations of the Soulwalker themselves. Each facet comes with its own strengths and abilities, and the Facets are unlocked as the Soulwalker increases in competency. These Facets are effectively the replacements for the Awakenings, though they do not replace Corruptions.
Mod Note: Each Facet should be applied for in the PSF in the same manner as Awakenings. You can build the Facets as you wish (so long as they match the appropriate theme listed in each Facet) and they can function much in the same way as Awakening Mutations do. While you can create all the Facets before them, I (Aegis), recommend doing them shortly before/around the point of leveling up, so as to better reflect the state of the plot your PC is in.
Soul Manipulation Overview
Soulwalkers are masters of their own soul and have the ability to affect others. With this power comes a couple inherent passive effects in addition to the Soul Manipulation abilities. The first is that Soulwalkers can never have any impurities (Sparks, Blessings/Curses, Mutations, etc) applied to their soul without consent. They are masters of their own soul. The second is that their soul can extend beyond normal limits of souls, allowing them to more easily house more Sparks, Blessings, and other impurities than what is considered the normal limit.
Impurities Overview
Because Soulwalkers have the ability to manipulate souls, they also have the ability to manipulate the Impurities upon the souls. Impurities are defined as anything that is unnatural to a mortal soul, whether it is something applied to the soul or combined with the soul.
Impurities include:
- Sparks
- Witchmarks, Awakenings, and Mutations
- Revelations
- Immortal Blessings (Favored, Adored, Exalted, Champion Marks)
- Immortal Curses (Hated, Despised, Condemned Marks)
- Mortalborn status
- Tunawa's spirit/soul combination
This is not an exhaustive list and may be updated as needed.
A Soulwalker may transfer these Impurities from one soul to another, including their own soul or that of their Spark Entity. These Impurities cannot be destroyed or lost. However, because of the intimate nature of these Impurities on a soul, this requires consent, or a state of unconsciousness / state of unawareness, because if the soul/individual fights back even the slightest bit, it will backlash heavily onto the Soulwalker, almost instantly draining them off all their ether and rending their soul, similar to having been flayed.
The act of transferring this requires a physical connection between the Soulwalker and the target, and is removed in an act similar to flaying, where ether is pulled from the target's soul, and with it, the desired impurities are removed as well. If the Soulwalker doesn't have another soul immediately on hand to receive this new impurity, it will latch onto their own. Only a single impurity can be removed at a time, for this is a draining process that can take several breaks to accomplish.
It should be noted that the location of a removed Impurity will always be known to the original owner of it. They will always be able to find it if they so desire. Additionally, if the soul that is holding a removed Impurity is destroyed or passes on to the Beyond, the Impurity returns automatically to the original owner. Finally, Immortals will know if/when one of their Blessed/Cursed have had a mark/ability/curse removed, and where it has gone.
Mod Note: A Soulwalker must keep an accurate, up to date ledger of all Impurities in their CS.
Impurity: (Spark, Mark Ability, Blessing, etc) Original Owner: (Name and link to PC) Current Owner: (Name and link to PC)
Magical Impurities
A Soulwalker can only remove Impurities of equal or lesser tier than their Schism level. This means an Expert level Soulwalker can remove the spark of an Expert level Hone mage, but not remove the spark of a Master level Hone mage. Additionally, the Soulwalker must remove the highest tiered Impurities first. Corruptions are not tiered, so may be removed at any point.
The removal of Witchmarks, Awakenings, Corruptions, does not remove the abilities of the magic, though it does remove all affects of those mutations. The order would go, from highest priority to lowest, Revealed Form > Master Awakening 1 & 2 > Expert Awakening > Competent Awakening > Witchmark > Spark
The removal of a Spark or of a Revealed form does remove the entirety of the magic from the target. The target keeps their skill level and skill knowledges in this magic, and should they recover their own spark, can return to use. However, they are not able to be initiated into the same magic as was removed.
Immortal Mark Impurities
A Soul Walker may remove the abilities and marks of those touched by Immortals. They can only remove those that are of equal or lesser tier than their own, as depicted in the chart below. These must be removed from the highest tiered abilities and marks first in the following priority. Custom Champion Abilities, Champion Ability 2 through 1, Champion Mark/Condemned Mark, Exalted Abilities 9 through 1, Exalted Mark, Adored Abilities 9 through 1, Adored Mark/Despised Mark, Favored Abilities 9 through 1, Favored Mark/Hated Mark
Soulwalker Competency - Divine Tier Novice - Can remove nothing Competent - Can remove Favored Abilities, Favored Mark, and Hated Mark Expert - Can remove Adored Abilities, Adored Mark, and Despised Mark Master - Can remove Exalted Abilities and Exalted Mark Revealed - Can removed Champion Abilities, Champion Mark, and Condemned Mark
It should be noted that many Immortals will not be approving of the removal of these, and this could result in fairly severe consequences.
Mortalborn Impurities
A Soulwalker may remove the abilities and domains and the mortalborn status of a mortalborn. This can only be done by a Revealed Soulwalker, as Mortalborn souls are much more complicated than most others. The order of removal priority is that all the abilities within a domain must first be removed before that domain may be removed. All abilities and domains must be removed before the mortalborn status can be removed, turning the mortalborn into a standard mortal.
It should be noted that many Immortals will not be approving of the removal of these, and this could result in fairly severe consequences.
Tunawa Impurity
A Revealed Soulwalker is able to purify a Tunawa, as they are a hybrid soul and spirit. In doing this, they effectively create a mortal soul and spirit separate from one another and made whole. This mortal soul will require a body/vessel or it will become a Ghost, and the spirit does not require anything more. The spirit that is made will only be Anak and will likely have a concept that encapsulates a significant representation of the Tunawa's life.
The Soulwalking ability gained at novice allows the Soulwalker to access their own past lives, and the past lives of others. Because of the inherently protected nature of the soul, and the intimacy of such intrusion, any person that is not a Soulwalker must give consent to let one in. However, Soulwalkers have no such protection from one another.
To access a past life, one pulls their ether through their soul, or the soul of a target, floods their body with the ether, then returns it to the soul, a process which can take a break or longer to complete, though this can be shortened through Meditation. This allows them to access their most recent past life. As they unlock more past lives, they will be able to access those directly through their Schism witchmark.
Once this is done, the Soulwalker's soul leaves their mortal body and disappears within itself, or that of the target. During this time, the body (or bodies) runs on its own, and is devoid of memory, emotion, and creativity. It merely exists for the sake of survival and reproduction, effectively making them an animal. In terms of player use, the player still maintains control of this body, as well as controlling their character within the past life. Once the soul returns to the body, all emotion and such returns with it, however, they will have no memory of what the body did while they were gone.
Attempting to access a person's soul without consent results in Backflow, which causes the two souls to temporarily bond. The targets's soul begins to suck ether from the Soulwalker's, depositing it back into Emea if it cannot be utilized first. This effectively flays both the Soulwalker and the target, and gives the effects of such to both. This bond requires a lasting physical touch, so separation will break it.
Soulwalkers do not require consent to have their souls invaded by other Soulwalkers, though they may give it freely. When a Soulwalker attempts to access another's soul, it puts both of them into a combined world of both Soulwalkers' most recent past lives. Within this combined past life, there are two access points, which leads to either Soulwalker's true past life. Once one of these access points are located and used, the other one disappears, and the victorious Soulwalker is transported into the losing Soulwalker's past life, with the loser being stuck in the combined world. Once the winning Soulwalker leaves the loser's soul, the loser is set free as well.
Facet of Reflection
At Novice, the Spark Entity only has access to one Facet, and that is the Facet of Reflection. The Spark Entity will maintain an exact physical replica of the Soulwalker at all times. If the Soulwalker has the ability to change forms by another means, the Spark Entity will change automatically as well. With this Facet comes the ability for the Soulwalker and the Spark Entity to swap their locations with one another. This is done by the Soulwalker flooding their Witchmark with their ether to establish the connection with the Spark Entity. Once the connection is established, the ether must be flooded into the Spark Entity. After becoming 'full', the swap will happen instantaneously, and will happen in such a way that there is no visible trace that either the Soulwalker or Spark Entity changed.
At novice, this location swapping process takes roughly 1 break, competent 30 bits, expert 10 bits, master 1 bit, and revealed mere moments.
Mod Note: The Facet of Reflection is the only Facet that does not need to be approved by the PSF, as it is a direct reflection of the Soulwalker at all times.
The Soulspotting ability gained at Novice allows the Soulwalker to always detect a soul by feeding their ether into their sensory ability they wish to use. This ether fed sense can then be used to detect and locate souls. Ether is drained during the entire use of this ability, and while not expensive outright, can become expensive over long periods of time. At novice, one of these can be used at a time, two at competent, three at expert, four at master, and all five at revealed. Using multiple senses also multiplies the ether use.
With sight, the Soulwalker can see the soul in any vessel or form it is in. The soul often encompasses the entirety of the shape of the vessel it is in, and often glows bright. The range of this is the standard sight range of the Soulwalker. This cannot show a soul through things such as walls. The Soulwalker can see any impurities on the soul. However, if the Soulwalker has not figured out what various types of impurities look like, these may be unrecognizable.
With hearing, the Soulwalker can hear the song of a nearby soul and follow it to find the soul's location. The range of this is the standard hearing range of the Soulwalker. Additionally, the Soulwalker can lock in on one of these soulsongs, and establish a telepathic link with the soul.
With taste, the Soulwalker can discern and identify the powers given by various soul impurities. This could be the taste of necromancy, the taste of the Aldeurn blessing, the taste of a Mortalborn's influence, etc. This does require them to lick or physically eat things/objects/areas where these powers are present. However this is not inherent knowledge to the Soulwalker. They must investigate these tastes to be able to identify them accurately later.
With smell, the Soulwalker can detect the use of a soul's impurities in the world and track them back to the soul that created it. The range on this is the Soulwalker's normal range of smell. This can be slow, especially if the connection with the soul they are tracking is weakened due to a long period of time passing. It will not lead directly to them, but rather to every place they've been since the trail began to where they are now.
With touch, the Soulwalker can touch a soul, lightly, within a vessel. For most, this is extreme uncomfortable and disturbing, but is not damaging. However, it does allow the Soulwalker to interact with souls that are not within vessels, directly, such as ghosts.
Boon Calling
The Soulwalker is able to access the knowledge and abilities of their past lives. This is done through Boon Calling, a competent ability. Once a past life has been discovered, a Soulwalker can simply feed ether into that part of their Witchmark and summon up a Boon of their choice from that life. These boons are temporary bonuses of knowledge or physical ability. The amount of Boons available, as well as their duration depends upon the competency tier of the Soulwalker.
Once a Boon has been called, and has either been dismissed or worn off, it goes on cool-down. The cool-down is the same amount of time that it was activated, and cannot be reduced.
Rules on Boons
1. Skill Boons must be predetermined with your Past Life's approval.
2. Magic cannot be Boon Called, but Knowledges about it can.
3. Blessings cannot be Boon Called, but Knowledges about it can.
4. Knowledge Boons are up to player discretion, however, it should make sense for the past life write up and such. This can be skill or Non-skill knowledges
Facet of Ferality
At competent, the Spark Entity acquires the Facet of Ferality. With this new facet, the Spark Entity grows physically stronger and more animalistic than the Soulwalker. The Spark Entity may grow claws, horns, larger and sharper teeth, fur, may change size. It will still be somewhat recognizable as the image of the Soulwalker. This is a singular form acquired at achieving competent and cannot change without significant IC cause.
But with these increases to strength, speed, and ability to cause physical harm comes the fact that while in this Facet, the Spark Entity is incredibly difficult to control for the Soulwalker. While other Facets tend to be more complacent, if the Soulwalker wishes for the Spark Entity to be obedient, then they must have equal or higher in at least two of the following skills in comparison to their Schism level; Animal Training, Discipline, Leadership, Meditation, Negotiation, Persuasion.
Without two of these skills to help control the Spark Entity, the Soulwalker will find the Spark Entity often ignoring their desires, acting out, becoming violent against them or those around them, etc.
Mod Note: The Facet of Ferality must be submitted to the PSF for approval and be updated in the Player's Wiki.
Soulswapping, a competent ability, allows a Soulwalker to feed their ether into two targets that have souls within them. This can be a living person, a ghost, a well with a soul trapped inside, etc. This ability requires both souls to either consent to this, as a soul can shuck this ability off with a moderate amount of effort. Once the ether has soaked into both targets, the Soulwalker can absorb both souls into their self, and then put them back into the opposite target. At this point, it is an almost magnetic attraction, as the souls yearn to be back in proper vessels. Once the souls have swapped, the vessels return to normal function, but simply with the new soul in charge of them.
Soul Crossing
Soul Crossing, an expert ability, allows the Soulwalker to bring lesser Soulwalkers, or those without Schism, into their own soul, or the souls of others. This functions similarly to Soulwalking, except the Soulwalker must chain the ether they flow into all those they wish to Cross with before they enter a past life. All involved must consent to this, unless they are Soulwalkers, or it risks Backflow.
Once inside the past life, everyone may explore just as the Soulwalker does, though only the Soulwalker may change the time during the past life they are within. The Soulwalker must leave with all other souls they brought in or no one can leave. The amount of people that a Soulwalker may help Cross increases with competency tier.
Facet of Purity
At expert, the Spark Entity acquires the Facet of Purity. In terms of appearance, the Spark Entity becomes what it believes to be an absolutely pure representation of what the Soulwalker should be/could be. This does not have to be truly accurate, as it is simply the opinion of the Spark Entity.
While within this Facet, the Spark Entity is able to purify the Soulwalker of physical injuries and purify their body of any physical effects that are not part of the Soulwalker's natural state. This does not include physical representations of Impurities on the Soulwalker.
The purification of the Soulwalker's body is a slower process, and it is achieved by flooding the desired areas with ether to attract the Spark Entity's attention. The more extensive the damage or purification needed, the more time and ether it will cost. The healing of a shallow cut may achieved cheaply in a few bits, but the regrowth of a missing limb can take up to a full season of focus and ether drain to achieve.
Mod Note: The Facet of Purity must be submitted to the PSF for approval and be updated in the Player's Wiki.
Soul Binding
Soul Binding, an expert ability, allows the Soulwalker to attach a soul to an object, being, or place, regardless of that vessel's normal ability to house a soul. This process begins with the Soulwalker housing the soul within themselves, be it a new soul or one they've transferred out via Soulswapping. They then imbue that soul with a heavy amount of their ether and then touch the desired target vessel for the soul to be placed within. The soulwalker must then flood ether into this target vessel to create a channel for the soul to follow into the target.
Objects or Locations that are bound to a soul grant the soul awareness of them equivalent to the awareness they would have in a normal mortal body. It should be noted that simply putting a soul into something does NOT grant it the ability to move if it cannot already normally move. But it is granted the sensory perception as though it were alive. Additionally, the soul is able to communicate with any person that interacts with their vessel or comes within a nearby range through a means of a disembodied voice. This is a permanent move for the soul and they must be purposefully removed by various abilities to no longer be bound, be it by a Soulwalker, Zuuda, ghost, or others capable of working with souls in such a manner. Destruction of the vessel will be akin to death, and thus trigger Judgement for the soul.
Living beings without souls normally can also have souls bound to them. This is typically found in the form of plants and animals. These beings have no inherent resistance to the binding of the soul, beyond simply moving out of touching range of the Soulwalker. Once the soul is within a living vessel like this, they have full, normal control of the vessel as is normal for them, as well as the sentience of a mortal soul. They are also granted the disembodied voice means of communication.
Finally, vessels that already have souls within them, such as people, can have additional souls bound to them. However, this requires consent on the part of the first soul, as it is a fairly easy process to refuse entry. Attempting to force this process, and being rebuked, will often cause a massive backlash onto the Soulwalker that is akin to the Soulwalker being flayed and becoming heavily depleted of ether. However, if the soul is accepted, then it is essentially the presence of minds within one vessel. This can be symbiotic or it can be a battle of wills between the two souls for various control, quite similar to a Ghost's possession.
There is no limit to how many souls can be stored within any single vessel, though any existing soul within the vessel can refuse entry for new ones.
Soul Veil
The Soul Veil is an illusionary overlay called forth from a past life and placed upon the real world or another past life. This overlay will be just as real as it was in the past life, but it is temporary and will disappear once it has expired, with no harm or change done to anything in the real world.
The Soul Veil requires the Soulwalker to access their past life through their witchmark, and pull out a specific memory. They bind that with their ether, within themselves, and then expel that ether out of their body, applying it to the objects and space they wish to Veil. This cannot be applied to objects with souls. This is an ether expensive ability, but the cost is upfront. Once created, the Veil does not cost any ether to maintain, nor can it receive ether to be expanded or have its duration extended.
As the Veil has a defined location, if a living object such as animal is within it, they will be Veiled just as anything else, but are able to move out of it of their own volition.
The Soulwalker is not able to adjust or alter this Veil, it is an exact replica from their past life memory. They can merely place it and control just how much or how little of that specific memory they include. This could range from creating a wall where there was none, to creating a full ballroom castle, complete with armaments and food.
However, while all things created by the Veil will look, sound, smell, taste, and feel real, they are not. They cannot directly damage anything in the real world. Touching a conjured sword's blade will tell the mind that it is sharp, but will not cause the skin to break.
It can be used, however, to hide objects as well, dangerous or otherwise. Without additional means of discovery, such as blessings or other magic, an object hidden by this Veil cannot be discovered through clever means of detection or deduction. It cannot be seen, it cannot be felt, and cannot do damage while it is Veiled.
Once the Veil expires, it expires completely and instantly. The size of a veil, the duration of it, and the number of Veils that can be made before overstepping scale with competency.
Facet of Corruption
At master, the Spark Entity acquires the Facet of Corruption. In this state, the Spark Entity becomes the personification of all existing Impurities within the Soulwalker. This isn't merely a copy of the Soulwalker who also has these impurities, but is rather an exaggerated version of such. Witchmarks will grow, mutations will grow more intense in appearance, blessings and curses will be much more obvious, etc.
With this facet, the Spark Entity is able to access all the abilities that come with these impurities. They are able to use these blessings, these magics, in addition to the Soulwalker. Additionally, as the Spark Entity is effectively its own soul, it has its own ether reserves, so it does not drain the Soulwalker's while using its powers in this facet.
Mod Note: The Facet of Corruption must be submitted to the PSF for approval and be updated in the Player's Wiki.
Soul Breaking
Soul Breaking is a master level ability for a Soulwalker. It allows the Soulwalker to imbue a soul, be it their own or another soul (with that soul's consent) with their ether. Once imbued, the soulwalker must then consciously create a divide through the soul, be it through the mental action of severing it with an incredibly potent and concentrated attack of ether to break the soul. A soul may be broken into as many pieces as the Soulwalker wishes, but that comes with many more complications. These pieces can then be bound to new vessels to grant benefits for the soul as well.
When a soul is broken into multiple pieces, it breaks apart the memories, emotions, personality, and past lives of the soul. These will all still be present within the entire collective of the soul, but not necessarily all in the same place. The more a soul is divided, the more a soul becomes confused, lost in their own lack of memories, their own ability to feel emotions they used to feel, etc.
However, the Soulwalker can bind these pieces of a soul into other vessels for a few purposes. The first is that it all vessels bound by the same soul share the physical awareness of every vessel. So while memories, emotions, and the like are bound to specific pieces, control of vessels is not. The second is that this protects the soul from judgement or destruction if a vessel or piece is attacked. If one vessel is destroyed, that soul fragment will instantly return to the nearest vessel that has a connecting piece of the soul within it, merging back together with it. If a piece of a soul is destroyed, the rest will remain intact, however, the memories, emotions, and past lives in the destroyed fragment will be lost permanently.
Persistence is a Revealed ability. It is the ability to replace a person's current life, meaning their memories, emotions, beliefs, with one of their own past lives. They effectively become a new person.
The process of this requires consent if the target is not a Schism mage. However, Schism Mages have no such protection from one another and consent is not necessary. The Revealed must first venture into the past life, via soulwalking, they wish to bring forward to the present life.
Once in there, the Revealed must bind themselves to that past life. This is done by playing an extremely active role in the history of this past life, while exuding large amounts of ether into the environment. This is incredibly invasive,as it fundamentally alters the past life, permanently. Typically the revealed will start early on in the life of the person's history, and integrate themselves coming forward. This can be a long, arduous process, taking many trips within the soul to complete. Once it is done, that past life will be bound to the Schism mage, becoming an additional past life of their own.
Once that has occurred, they simply need to return to the present life, make physical contact with the person, or themselves, to apply the past life to override the present life. The present life exchanges places with the past life that was brought forward. This is an immediate change in race, gender, memories, and personality. This is permanent unless this ability is used again to change that person.
In terms of player use, this changes everything EXCEPT skills, magic, blessings, knowledges, and belongings. However, for such things, one will still keep their master level skills, but might sorta find that they are good at it, without knowing why.
Facet of Truth
At Revealed, the Spark Entity combines all of their facets into a singular Facet of Truth. The Facet of Truth has access to all of the other facets and their abilities, all at once. It is able to access any of the facets individually if so desired as well.
Additionally, the Soulwalker and the Spark Entity can merge together through a massive baptism of ether, becoming a single entity known as the Adjuvant. This doubles the effectiveness of their abilities and impurities, doubles their ether access, etc. They may separate again later, but it requires the massive baptism of ether once more. This baptism is incredibly ether intensive and takes a full trial to achieve it in either direction.
Mod Note: The Facet of Truth must be submitted to the PSF for approval and be updated in the Player's Wiki.
Soul Creation
Soul Creation, a revealed ability, is one of the most ether expensive abilities of all magics. The Soulwalker must flood themselves with ether for many, long periods of time. This ether gets consumed by the spark directly and will eventually result in the growth of a small soul attached to the Soulwalker's own soul.
Once this young soul is formed, ether can be pumped into it to make it grow. The emotional state of the soulwalker during this feeding of the new soul will help to form and guide the personality of the new soul. The Soulwalker may also directly transfer memories and past lives of their own into this new soul to help further form it.
All of this is a very extensive process that takes roughly 30 trials total to complete in most instances, though it varies based on how much time is truly dedicated. Once the soul is fully formed, it will detach from the Soulwalker's soul and reside within the body as a second soul until the Soulwalker transfers it to a new vessel.
These souls are identical to existing souls, except for the fact that they have no inherent past lives.
Mod Note: These created souls should be submitted to the PSF in the same fashion as NPCs, however, they start with 0 Skill Points.
The initiating mage and the potential initiate must venture into the initiate's soul, together. This is done by the expert via Soul Crossing with the initiate. The pair will venture, together, into the most recent of the initiate's past lives.
While in the the past life, the initiating mage begins pouring their ether, from every part of their body, heavily into the entirety of the past life, to the point of depleting nearly all of their ether. This is a long, slow process. This is ether intensive, and almost always invites overstepping when performing this initiation. Once the ether is depleted, or when the initiator severs it, the initiation attempt ends.
This alters the past life as the new spark begins to grow within it. This past life becomes heavily steeped with the experiences of the initiating mage's past lives. This combination of the past lives forms an infantile Spark Entity that is hidden somewhere in the past life. The person being initiated must search through the altered past life to find their new Spark Entity, before the initiating mage ends the initiation attempt.
Once the Spark Entity is located, the inductee must accept and embrace it. This process is unique to each person, but if successful, always ends with the two becoming one. At this point, the newly initiated can either begin pouring their own ether in to maintain this altered past life, or choose to sever it, returning them, and their initiator, back to reality proper.
If the initiation fails, the inductee will find that their soul is trapped in this altered past life, completely and permanently. This results in their body going through life as an empty shell, completely devoid of memory, emotion, creativity. The soul is completely detached from the body, and it is not known where it has gone. However, the initiator can always feel where the lost soul is, and can locate them, in an attempt to either pull them out, or complete the initiation process.
Initiation Notes
Schism is a limited availability magic due to having been discovered IC. It can only be learned from the PCs that acquired it in the event (or from those they've initiated) or from Mage Mentors that acquired it during that event. There are no other Schism mages in existence prior to that. Initiation into Schism for most is a fairly standard process.
Initiation Monster
The Initiation Monster of Schism is, in fact, the Spark Entity, run rampant. This Spark Entity is still forever tied to the initiate's soul, with access to the Facet of Reflection, meaning that both of them may always find one another in life or in death. However, the Spark Entity will maintain nearly all aspects of the shared soul of itself and the soulwalker. This means that while they are apart, the Soulwalker cannot use any magic they have, cannot be initiated into new magic, cannot use any mortalborn or blessing abilities, nor gain new ones. Additionally, many of their memories and emotions will have been taken as well, leaving the failed initiate in a state of apathy, depression, and amnesia, of varying degrees.
The Schism Witchmark is etched both onto the body and soul of the Soulwalker, as well as upon the body and soul of the Spark Entity they have. These are identical. Upon the body, it appears as magically applied tattoos that are thematically reminiscent of the Soulwalker's initiated past life. This witchmark cannot be covered by divine or magical means, but it does not glow, so things such as a paint, clothing, fur will cover it as expected. However, those with the ability to see souls, such as other Soulwalkers or Zuuda, will find these witchmarks to glow bright and obvious at all times.
As the Soulwalker unlocks more of their past lives, the witchmark will grow and become more elaborate in order to reflect this.
Schism has no built in Awakenings, physical, mental, or otherwise. The Facets of the Spark Entity effectively count as the Awakenings of the Soulwalker. No Awakenings should be applied for in the PSF, instead, the Soulwalker will apply for their new Facet Form.
There is very little limitation to what can be affected by the Corruptions of Schism, due to the extreme, inherent connection of the body and soul through Schism. However, there is one fairly constant feature, and that is that Corruptions tend to come in opposite, balancing pairs for the Soulwalker and their Spark Entity. If the Soulwalker acquires a physical corruption upon their body that strengthens them, the Spark Entity will acquire one that weakens it, and vice versa.
Revealed Form
See Facet of Truth
Released Form
The Released Form of the Soulwalker is unique in that the Soulwalker and the Spark Entity are permanently in the Adjuvant form. This released form is the Adjuvore, and in addition to having access to the Soulwalker's Facets, it gains a new Facet that represents each individual past life they've unlocked. These new Facets are not direct copies of the mortal forms of these past lives, but rather are interpretations of the strengths and dominating themes within those past lives. It is how the Soulwalker views themselves in those past lives.
Mod Note: Each of these new Facets must be approved in the PSF and updated into the player's wiki.
Use of Wells
The only inherent well specialization that Soulwalkers have is the ability to store memories into a well. In terms of numbers, all memories count as a Novice Aspect. When storing a memory, be it from their current life or a past life, the Soulwalker must be focusing heavily on that memory while flowing ether into the well. This memory is removed from the Soulwalker entirely when it is stored in the well, this is not a copy.
When this well is touched by an individual, the well will pull them into the memory through the same fashion as the Soul Crossing ability, letting them experience the memory as it truly was. The well will always leave a physical representation of itself within the memory, and if the individual touches that, they will exit it. For wells with multiple memories, only Soulwalkers can choose which memory to enter, for their touch triggers a vague browsing effect. For everyone else, it is fairly random.
Flaying Specialization
Because of the Soulwalker's ability to manipulate and handle souls more easily than others, they are able to access two additional features of flaying. The first feature is that they can flay any individual without a soul, without that individual having to be close to death/exhaustion. Additionally, the Soulwalker's flaying while cause fatigue and exhaustion in the individual, but there will be no other additional side effects as would be expected in standard flaying.
Competency Tiers
- Past Lives accessible via Soulwalking - 1
- Past Lives accessible via Soulwalking - 3
- Boons Called, Maximum - 2
- Boon Duration, Maximum - 1 Break
- Past Lives accessible via Soulwalking - 5
- Boons Called, Maximum - 3
- Boon Duration, Maximum - 12 Breaks
- People who can be Soul Crossed - 3
- Past Lives accessible via Soulwalking - 7
- Boons Called, Maximum - 4
- Boon Duration, Maximum - 1 Trial
- People who can be Soul Crossed - 5
- Veil Size, Duration, Amount before Overstepping - Small House, 10 Trials, 2
- Past Lives accessible via Soulwalking - All
- Boons Called, Maximum - 6
- Boon Duration, Maximum - 10 Trials
- People who can be Soul Crossed - 10
- Veil Size, Duration, Amount before Overstepping - Large Castle, 50 Trials, 5
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