Name: Volareon
Fauna Type: Flying Beast
Mod Status: Self
Height: 5 - 6 Feet
Wingspan: 20 Feet Across
Length: 7 - 8 Feet
Weight: 600 - 750 lbs
Native to: Rynmere
Locations: Rynmere, though they may be found in any mountainous, heavily forested areas.
Created By: Ash & Kingdom
Volareon appear to be a type of gryphon, half flying fox and half jaguar. Their bat half forms their front from their head to just behind their wings and shoulders, also stretching along the stomach to end near the hips. Their jaguar half includes the front legs and the back half, complete with tail.
Volareon come in two known color types, the spotted pattern (a grey head, reddish chest, and dark spotted, countershaded jaguar half) and the dusk pattern (marked by a darker head and chest coloration, and a full-black jaguar half with barely-distinguished spots). All the males are black and the females are gold.
The wings of a Volareon are membranous, leathery, and tough, connecting from the shoulder down the side, all the way to the knee of the back leg with enough extra skin not to restrict movement. A typical wingspan stretches 20 feet across (each wing being about 10 feet long). Size-wise, a Volareon usually grows about as big as a horse, though their crouching, cat-like stride carries them lower to the ground. A Volareon’s shoulder should usually come up to an average human’s chest when standing, and though they are large they tend to look stocky and low-built. When on land, a Volareon’s wings rest against its body tightly like a cloak. They weigh usually around 600 to 750 pounds with not a lot of size variance between the sexes.
Volareon are indigenous to Rynmere, though they may be found in any mountainous, heavily forested areas. They prefer woodlands with widespread trees, allowing them to climb and gracefully maneuver not only on the ground but also in the air. In open spaces, they are prone to bursts of sprinting and soaring. In closer quarters, they combine climbing and tight flying in a form of motion thus far unique to them. With incredible vision in both day and night and an unusually focused perception of their surroundings, they commonly use their environment to aid in their motion, springing from rocks and quickly scaling trees to get more altitude. Most Volareon are found in Warrick, Burhan, and the Burning Mountains.
Volareon have wide-ranging territories and they will often be seen stalking silently along the ground or overhead in branches in pursuit of food. They tend to stick to heights, and will never be found sleeping on exposed ground, preferring to lounge in trees. Though they are winged, they prefer traveling long distances on foot, as their wings are suited to short flights with lots of alternated flapping and gliding; as such, Volareon quickly tire of prolonged flying. On the ground, they have medium endurance and prefer launching into sprints to close on prey, rather than long periods of chasing. A Volareon and stay airborne with a rider for no more than an hour without needing rest.
Lifespan and Development
Volareon mate all year round, though prefer to produce young in times when nourishment is plentiful. They form no true relationship with their mate and after mating quickly part ways, though mates may happen to linger within or near the same territories for years. These creatures have a strange and often misunderstood social structure, most believing them to be solitary animals. However, Volareon are known to periodically gather in groups called camps, usually coming together within the last few weeks leading up to the harshest seasons of Saun and Cylus. During these times, they rely on a delicate social system; oftentimes the older members of the camp will become temporary camp leaders, directing group hunts and leading the camps to optimal hunting territories. Camps are usually unisex, though rarely the opposite sexes might join efforts.
After mating, a Volareon will remain pregnant for around 100 days before giving birth to a small litter of one to four kits, with an average litter size being two kits. Kits will remain close to the mother, oftentimes clinging to her back with their claws and wing-hooks, for two weeks, until they gain sight and some strength. From then on, kits will remain in a temporary roost high up in the trees while their mother goes off to scavenge.
After two years of age the kits are considered fully grown and sexually mature, though oftentimes they will only remain with their mother and siblings for about a year, having started learning to hunt at around 6 months of age (by 6 months they will also have learned to fly). Sometimes siblings stick together in the wild for another year or two, though eventually they always go their separate ways, searching for mates and territory. Camps formed during Saun and Cylus may or may not contain members of the same family; however, if they do, related members will recognize each other and show affection, grooming each other and hunting together before parting again at the end of the season.
Volareon tend to have overlapping territories, though may fight or avoid one another if they come into contact when not mating or forming camps. They tend to mark their territory with urine and scratchings, though an individual’s space may shift from year to year as their resources change. Most Volareon live for 15 years, though a particularly successful (or well-cared for) Volareon may live more than 20, females reproducing every few years until late in life.
Volareon both forage and hunt, eating a variety of foods. Though they prefer small prey like frogs, mice, rabbits, and snakes, their large, sharp claws are perfectly able to deal with larger takedowns like deer, livestock, and even competing predators. In times of need, a Volareon may supplement its carnivorous diet with carrion, and throughout the year Volareon love indulging their sweet tooth with fruit and even certain types of plants, especially when those plants are flowering.
Volareon tend to be stalk-and-ambush hunters, preferring to jump open prey and tear them to bits with their claws than to engage in a long and arduous chase. If a Volareon’s prey is startled away from it, it will usually give up on that animal, preferring to locate and stalk a new target. Rarely will a Volareon attack a person, though when threatened they will defend themselves and their young.
Volareon are typically mild-tempered, not being very expressive socially. Towards one another, depending on the time of year and relationship, they may act vaguely affectionate, uninterested, or even territorial. Towards other animals, they are tolerant, though it doesn’t take much hostility to provoke one to attack, and prey creatures should always be wary. Typically when threatened a Volareon will show signs of flight, removing themselves from the confrontation. If followed, however, they will quickly change tactics, often turning to pounce when their pursuer is least prepared.
Volareon have no known special abilities save for their natural ability of flight. When wing-torn, however, their wings seem to heal without scarring, though a Volareon whose wings are clipped or removed will never fully grow them back. It is illegal to clip, remove, or tan Volareon wings in Rynmere as they are a protected species.
Skyriders and Other
Domesticated Volareon are somewhat different than their wild relatives, having become accustomed over generations to tolerate and even love their riders. These gryphons can be taught to attack and perform many other tricks, being anywhere from average to high in intelligence. Though it may take a while to learn the intricacies of a Volareon’s personality, once learned a rider will find their mount to be easily manageable. Riders typically choose their mounts from birth and bond with them over time, raising them by hand to form strong familial-like bonds not typically seen in their wild counterparts. Kits are usually kept in a communal nursery that is open to the public, hoping to encourage interaction between them and as many other Volareon and people as possible.
Combat training often takes years, as a Volareon’s first instinct is to run, not to fight. However, through vigorous training this instinct can be overwritten, much like a horse can be trained to charge into battle. Volareon, while they do not typically improvise well in groups, can be taught to fly, swoop, and do pretty much any advance or attack in synchronization. Their fighting style varies depending on the terrain, though as always they are prone to short bursts of energy, veering out of battle after flurries of fighting to rest and recover before plunging back in. Because of their on-and-off attack style, waves of Volareon cavalry will often be staggered in pairs, one group fighting while the other rests. Volareon can be trained to fight with armor, and unlike Jacadon their armor is not so expensive as to be prohibitory! usually made out of dyed leathers.
There is an unfortunate subset of the population that believes that Volareon should be distributed as exotic pets. Oftentimes citizens low in animal husbandry will not know how to properly train a Volareon, and will resort to using harsh measures in an attempt to control them and make them safe for the home environment. These abused beasts, unfortunately, will not be able to be released into the wild or used by the military, and thus when taken from their owners will often be euthanized unless a skilled animal handler offers to adopt them. Rehabilitation of an abused Volareon may last an animal’s entire lifetime.
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