The Spines
Along the entirety of the northern border of Yaralon, stands one of the oldest mountain chains on Idalos. It serves as a natural barrier between the nations of Yaralon and the Eternal Empire, and an imposing one at that. The mountain chain is so tall that save for a couple of small passes, flying over them is impossible for most flighted beings. There's three known passes large enough, and "safe" enough, for those who aren't mountaineers to pass through. One is right along the eastern edge of Yaralon, spilling directly into the Hot lands. This pass, known as Suns'rise Pass, is controlled by the Eternal Empire, and serves as a more direct route to the south. Another pass sits due north of Yaralon, and is simply known as The Cut, and is heavily controlled and guarded by Yari forces, through the stronghold there known as Heaven Fall. The final pass is far west, Empress' Fall on the other side of Bastards' Grove in Volantan controlled territory.
The Spines got their name for a few different reasons, which is often a point of contention and debate among the Yari people, for all reasons are set into folklore that all children grew up with. The first is the most obvious. At the peaks of the mountains are strange outcroppings that are paired and curved. These curved 'spikes' gave way to the name Spines. However, others believe that these are actually the rib bones of a massive dragon of old, from a battle long before humans walked Idalos. The final reason is due to the rather high amount of bones, both fresh and fossilized that are found within these mountains, many in the shape of great beasts that no longer seem to exist. Unknown to any living person, the Spines was one of the sites of a major battle of Dragons versus Originals and Immortals, and many dragons fell here.
The Spines are the only place in the Yaralon region where one can find themselves to be cold. The passes are all chilly to the natives, and the peaks that extend far above them even more so. Snow is terribly common during the Dry Season and nonexistent during the Wet Season. The Spines are a valuable point for resources, for while it isn't rich in metals, it is full of high quality stone of varying types. The majority of the stone quarried here is put into the walls that surround Yaralon, or into Heaven Fall as needed, for both are in a constant state of repair and upgrading. The stone found here is far too useful, too difficult to acquire in large abundance to be used for much else. Anyone purchasing stone acquired from here for another person truly has extra coin to spend.
Coming soon (tm)
Link Map & Travel Times
1. Evonshire - A village just due south of The Cut, specializes in mounts.
2. The Cut - A pass through the Spines, due North of Yaralon city, connecting the Yaralon region and the Eternal Empire
2a. Heaven Fall - A massive, well guarded fortress that protects the Cut and the Yaralon region, as the first line of defense against the Eternal Empire.