Category:The Nonwantad Raiders

Company Name: The Nonwantad Raiders

Company Size: Medium

Leader: Sli'ietluk-lef't

Contract Specialization: Protection, Naval Envoy, Piracy

Current Defensive or Resource Gathering Duty: Protection of the Yaralon Harbor

Outlying Village: Nonwantad Village

Requirements for Joining: Must be Category 4 Mer

History of the Company: The Nonwantad, outcasts and scoundrels in the eyes of the Meerabelard tribe, had little options in method of survival. Soon after the town of Nonwantad was founded, the tribesman found themselves facing almost constant dangers and attacks, only able to defend themselves by utilizing guerrilla warfare and self-sacrificial battle tactics.

Soon after establishing a method of protection and self-preservation was established, the citizens of Nonwantad realized that self-sufficiency could not be totally relied upon in this environment. They could hunt, and they could hunt well, but commerce had to be utilized in order to survive reliably. Lucky for them, three miles away was Yaralon Harbor.

The Nonwantad Mer, however, hold land dwelling creatures with contempt, not being able to fully break apart from Mer societal norms. So, as an ideological compromise between survival and distaste for Terran creatures, the Nonwantad turned to piracy, utilizing those same guerrilla style tactics to raid trading vessels approaching and leaving Yaralon Harbor.

The Nonwantad Raiders, as they soon came to be known, were ruthless and nearly completely successful in their endeavors, raising fear among the Yari wealthy. Soon after, their trade of stolen goods on the Yaralon Harbor was shunned by nearly all industries in an attempt to dissuade them from further attacks. However, the Nonwantad Raiders recognized this, and retaliated, hitting more ships faster, until many of the emperors and empresses of Yaralon agreed to strike a deal with the Nonwantad.

They approached Sli'ietluk-lef't, and offered a contract to his tribe. If the Nonwantad Raiders cease all attacks on Yari trade vessels, they will be allowed the position of protectors of Yaralon Harbor. Sli'ietluk-lef't, recognizing the potential value of this deal, accepted, officially converting the Nonwantad Raiders from a band of pirates into a company of mercenaries.

Since then, their numbers exploded, allowing them enough manpower to not only protect the Yaralon Harbor from above and below the surface, but accept contracts from other bodies. The Nonwantad Raiders are not a trusted company, however, and their contracts are struck out of fear and necessity rather than out of trust, and this has given way to a massive overhaul of success for the Nonwantad. Officials from nearly every city have approached the Nonwantad Raiders at some point or another for protection entering and leaving the Yaralon Harbor. Cities as far as Desnind to as close as Andaris have bartered with the Raiders, offering them food or economic staples in return for protection, rather than nels.

The Nonwantad Raiders, as they stand in 718, are still a relatively moderately sized company, but as their notoriety and numbers keep growing, there's no way to predict what Sli'ietluk-lef't and the Nonwantad Raiders may become.

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