Tales of Memoria

A Psychology Capstone of Woe this capstone does the following:

Using his mortal-born ability of ignorance to make people forget specific memories has given him great insight into how such things are forgotten, or remembered. With this capstone, Woe is able to help amnesiacs and similarly afflicted individuals recover memories. Sometimes this involves planting a memory that Woe knows to be true of that person, and can allow that memory to return to the individual in question, but only if the memory was mostly accurate. He cannot place false memories in this way. Should he, as part of this capstone, attempt to plant mostly false or inaccurate memories, only the parts of it that are true will maintain prominence. The parts that are false or inaccurate will eventually cause the entire 'memory' to slip the mind of the subject, but not before Woe is able to identify which parts may be true. Conversely, in the case of mostly true memories, only the parts that are false or inaccurate will fade, while the truth of the memory remains mostly intact. At that point, the rest of the gaps in their memory may be corrected until it is complete.

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