Social Zealotry

A Socialization Capstone of Woe this capstone does the following:

Social Zealotry

Woe has much experience insinuating himself into all manner of occult and obscure religious sects. Ranging from his earlier life as part of the Webspinners, to his flirtations with the Theocratum of Quacia. Woe finds it simple to fit in with such obscure religious sects, to the point where they are willing to open up about their beliefs and operational principles with him. As long as it's not clear that he's diametrically opposed to them, and maintains a neutral stance toward them, he can get them to divulge quite a lot of information about their religious activities. However, it will take a little extra effort in order to get them to divulge personally damaging information, such as things that compromise their security or instances where they have broken local laws.

This is mostly geared toward NPCs, although I would hope PCs take it into account, it's not coercive in nature.

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