Sense Focusing
A Detection Capstone of Maxine this capstone does the following:
Sense Focusing
Between the chaotic surface world and a long stay in the abysmally dark Level Seven of Slags Deep Prison, Maxine's senses have been honed beyond that of most people. She notices more detail, remains sensitive to sound, picks up more scents, and etc. as a product of her advancement. While better sense awareness has upped her detection game, it's Sense Focusing that separates her from the rest. The skill is best described as a toggle between her enhanced senses. If she finds herself surrounded by darkness, for example, Maxine may choose to focus her sense of hearing above all others. As a result, her mind and body become far more aware of auditory stimuli. She can hear things like the exhale of an enemy as they begin to execute their attack, or the sound of a large sword cutting through the air toward her. A toggle shifting to focus her sense of touch might allow her to pick up changes in the air that suggest an incoming storm on the horizon. While Sense Focusing is an extraordinary detection perk, the ability itself is limited. Under no circumstances can more than one sense be toggled into focus. The more Maxine toggles between senses within a given trial, the less potent the sense enhancement.
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