Retired Mutations
Magic Mutations Retired Mutations
An archive of all mutations that have been removed from their mage, or were approved but never used.
Wings Above Everything Else
The Avian spark values birds above all other animals. It has little interest in animals that live on the ground. As a result, Devin will find it impossible to transform into an animal that doesn’t have wings from now on as the spark takes an even firmer hold of his body and soul. If he transforms into a bird, he will find that it takes him half as long as it normally would. The amount of time that it takes for him to transform into any other kind of winged animal is not affected by this mutation at all. Furthermore, Devin can of course still transform into different kinds of humanoids. [Approval]
Sky Above Me
There is a cold, violent rage deep inside Tio that very few get to see, but when unleashed rages like a storm. This mutation expressed that rage into the physical world. When Tio starts to get angry dark storms clouds begin to form out of nowhere in the sky above him, strong winds start to blow, and the smell of rain starts to hang in the air. The second Tio's rage snaps the storm is unleashed; lightning smashes down, accompanied by a deluge of rain and spiraling winds. Approval
Earth Below Me
Veins of precious metals are found within the ground, and this mutation forces the same fate upon Tio. His teeth and digestive system become capable of chewing and devouring unrefined metal ores, and he develops a craving to each such ores on a regular basis (despite them tasting like ash and having no nutritional effect due to Delroth's curse: Gold Eater.) These ores become broken down and refined in his digestive system, then spreads out across his skin in a thin spiderweb-like pattern. Approval
Water Around Me
The presence of large bodies of water is comforting to Tio; so comforting in fact that no bed can compare to it. Unless he is exhausted to the point of falling unconscious, Tio will become too restless to sleep on anything solid. He can only become comfortable enough to sleep when submerged almost completely head-to-toe in water. While asleep the water will bring oxygen to him and stop him from drowning. Approval
Fire Inside Me
Fire runs through Tio's blood. Literally! Ever vein inside of Tio glows like a candle, making his whole body glow a light reddish colour. This is especially noticeable in areas where veins are visible on the outside of the body, such as the wrists, as they glow even brighter and seem to flicker slightly. Not only that, but flames gently pour out from Tio's eyes and the horns on his mask. Approval
A Heart Full of Woe
Woe finds himself inappropriately crying, when using his Empathy magic. His tears will take on the color associated with whatever emotion he is evoking or manipulating. He is only able to suppress an overwhelming sense of grief and remorse with greater levels of discipline and meditation. With greater levels fo meditation and discipline, he can even reduce or lessen the appearance of tears. There's very little that can make him happy anymore. Occasionally a light will shine through, but more often than not a deeper drag into gloom will follow any ray of sunshine.
Approved: hereBadge of Anguish
Woe thrives on threads of pathos, and his spark will often prompt him to interact with subjects in whom he can detect feelings within the range of such hues. Each person whose strands he strums, who are experiencing grief, despair, or even calm or any of the emotions on the blue sector of the tangle will add another knot to his own strands, forming a sort of psychic badge that compounds his sense of these emotions. He will be far more susceptible to this spectrum of emotions than he was before. Yet he will also be able to impart strands of the same feelings much easier. And while he has difficulty in imparting feelings that stray from those that weave into Badge of Anguish, such as anger, happiness, etc, they are somewhat easier to detect. In fact, Woe may find some emotional relief from the constant state of flux into sadness and despair, by weaving strands of happiness or anger before they twist into sadness.
Approved: hereGraft
Changeling's Touch
Tio's Graft spark is an experimenter; it longs to create unique and wonderful things, and abhors the idea of remaking something in the same boring way it used to be. When Tio uses Graft magic to heal another person, his spark changes something about that healed body part so that it is different from the way it used to be before. A regenerated hand might find that two fingers have swiched places; a repaired eye might have a new and unusually coloured iris; or a burnt patch of skin might be made from scales. These changes are almost purely cosmetic in effect and rarely grant any new abilities or disadvantages, but depending on circumstances can be either positive or negative for the person who has them: for example a bright pink streak of hair might seem fashionable in one city, but be regarded as an omen of ill fortune in another. Tio's graft spark stubbornly refuses to undo such changes even if Tio should will it, and should its aid be sought in healing something already touched by this effect it will make it even more pronounced upon healing it. Approval
Kracken's Back
Tio grows four black tentacle appendages made from muscle beneath his shoulder blades, each one around ten foot in length and five centimeters in diameter. He can move these tentacles as if they were a natural part of his own body, and are about as strong, fast and precise as his regular arms. Approval
Satyr's Legs
Tio's legs transform into a shape similar to those of a goats. They are still the same length as his original legs and allow his to stand upright, but are covered in thick hair and have hooves instead of feet. They do not grant his any increases of decreases in physical ability. Approval
Daemon's Brain
A surprisingly subtle, yet horribly effective, mutation. The balance of chemicals and neurons in Tio's brain has been ever so slightly altered, giving Tio a euphoric sensation whenever he causes pain to another creature, receives it himself or heals painful wounds. Essentially he becomes both masochistic and sadistic. Approval
Heir and the Spare
Rakvald's organs have replicated copies of themselves into the adjoining tissues of his body. As such, wounds/diseases/poisons that would destroy one or several primary organs or systems will not permanently incapacitate Rakvald. Instead, depending on the severity of the wound, he will enter a state of torpor. While in this healing sleep, his secondary organs will begin to grow into primary organs to replace those that were damaged.
It takes about a trial for this transition to occur, and by the turn of the season, the spare organs will have been replicated.
The downside to this mutation, is that it makes his body less efficient when it comes to managing his energy. He becomes a much heavier sleeper. He will also require much more nutrition than usual. This means he will effectively have to pay WP for food every day of the season, just to make up the nourishment. The food required will be one Tier above whatever tier he finds himself at. This expenditure should be recorded in his ledger for as long as he's got this mutation. Approval
Vestigial Reset
Rakvald can reverse the effects of graft upon any one being. With half a trial of concentration and ritualistic preparations, he can reverse the effects of grafting upon a subject, bringing it back to its basic form, free of injury or disease. Theoretically, with enough power he could reverse even the aging process. But that would require the use of a well of great power. Approval
Heart of Nebiros
Tio's heart exists outside of his body. Although his blood still flows like it normally should, there is nothing but an empty space inside his chest where it should be. Tio must keep his still-beating heart safe and hidden like a lich would for their phylactory, for if it is found and destroyed Tio will die. Approval
Will of Nebiros
Tio has always been a naturally lively person; it's a trait inscribed into his very soul. The Will of Nebiros mutation allows the echoes of that liveliness to travel across the bonds his spark creates and enter his thralls, which over time causes them to develop a shadow of a personality similar to his own and become capable of a small level of independent thought.
This mutation only takes effect with thralls that are imbued with wells or often animated, and only those that are not imbued with a soul of their own (so no Revenants or Stonehearts).
- During the first cycle of animation the thrall slowly starts to move in a way that resembles Tio: they may walk like them, begin to prefer using their right hand, and make the same unconscious gestures that their master does.
- During the second cycle the thralls become able to convey simple emotions via sound or even basic words, following the speech pattern as Tio.
- During the third and final cycle the thrall becomes competent at speaking and starts to fully act like Tio; becoming able to have opinions, hold proper conversations, and even make small independent actions (such as investigating a noise or fetching a nearby item, but not so far as to take it upon themselves to complete a complex task or leave their assigned location to do something) so long as they do not directly conflict with their instructions. Despite their unusual actions these thralls still don't actually feel anything besides their hunger for life, they are merely going through the motions imprinted into them.
This mutation has the benefit of granting Tio's thralls the ability to act with a small level of autonomy and making them more interesting company, but has a number of drawbacks.
- The first is that any thrall that undergoes this process has a higher chance of rebelling, particularly if Tio orders them to do something or interact with them in a way that he would have disagreed with before becoming a necromancer. They also don't appreciate being reminded that they are dead, almost as if they're trying to forget what they are...
- The second is that these fleeting shadows of humanity make them capable of committing human errors. Social skills such as persuasion, intimidation and seduction can influence and distract them; they might instinctively step back when an opponent scares them, forget to keep a lookout when approached by a pretty lady, or be persuaded that their instructions should be interpreted a different way. If it would work on Tio, it will work on them too.
- The third is that the thrall does not have Tio's memories, nor do they possess any of his skills of the ability to learn new ones. They are still no more capable as servants as they would be normally.
- Additionally, for every thrall that reaches its final cycle, an eery black runic mark similar to his Eye of Nebiros appears somewhere upon Tio's body that leeks a thin current of necrotic miasma, and the patches of skin around these marks turn grey and corpse-like. These marks are caused by a dense undercurrent of miasma forming into a pattern beneath his skin which interferes with his body's natural illusion. Unlike the Eye of Nebiros these marks can be hidden by clothing, but will not fade for as long as the thrall it represents remains animated, even if it is no longer under Tio's control.
Servants of Nebiros
When Tio uses his necromancy spark to raise a thrall of any kind, his spark marks the thrall as its servant forevermore. Upon being animated all thralls with faces grow a smooth, blank mask similar to Tio's, except that it only covers half of their faces (which half varies from thrall to thrall) and that the horns protruding from the top of the head vary individually. The sizes of the horns correlate to the strength of the thrall: regular husks and marrows have small stumps, whereas revenants imbued with high levels wells have horns as big as Tio's. This mutation means that anyone who has met Tio will be able to recognize a thrall as being his on sight, and with experience will be able to estimate exactly how strong they are just by looking.
ApprovalBody of Nebiros
Tio's entire body becomes withered and dry like a mummified corpse. His skin becomes an ashen grey and clings tightly to his skin, his body looses all excess fat, and his eyes become sunken and dark. It does not diminish his physical abilities (besides making him lighter), but does make him look like a literal walking corpse. However since his deathly body requires less sustenance Tio is capable of surviving without food, drink or sleep for three times as long as an average human.
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